I'm probably not the go-to person for Xenoblade Chronicles. Not even close. Despite being an avid supporter of seeing the game reach our shores, it still lies with many other Wii games in my backlog. Despite this, Xenoblade Chronicles X definitely rekindled the love despite not consuming the first offering yet. During Nintendo's E3 Livestream, the game received much love in terms of the time delegated to it. You will be playing as yourself- male or female- and customize an avatar to overcome a crisis that has created the need to flee Earth. During this escape, you are forced to crash land on a foreign planet. You must now continue the journey at this point. Can you rebuild? Is there a larger mystery at play?
Check out more with the trailer after the jump! Be sure to also view all of the gameplay footage from today's Livestream event captured by Operation Rainfall!


What in the world is Splatoon? That was my first impression upon hearing about the title in Nintendo's E3 Livestream lineup. It turns out the title is very indicative of its nature- it's a third person turf-war 4v4 shooter multiplayer game. AND it has online play. I'm sold. And I think most of the Mag will be, too. See it in motion in the official trailer and part of the livestream coverage below the jump!


Originally written on June 1, 2009.
It's been a while since I actually played Tales of Symphonia, but I basically have it memorized after putting in over 200 hours in at least 5 play throughs during a single semester at college. And since I wanted to take a fresh look at it before going too much further into its Wii sequel, here we go:


I've mentioned this multiple times in my let's play of this game, but Super Mario 3D World is my new favorite Mario game. Heck, the entire point of the let's play was to show why I loved the game. But in case you don't have the time to watch a 15-hour LP, here's a much shorter rundown.


Thief is a series that dates back to 1998 when Thief: The Dark Project released for PC. Thief was not your average game, and would actually be the pioneer of a genre. It is a series based on stealth, and it was the first to make sound and light important to sneaking. It also helped inspire and grow the stealth genre in games like Splinter Cell and Assassin's Creed. However, after the third title, Deadly Shadows, the series went on a long hiatus.


Haven't seen Part 9? Click here to do so.
This is the final part of the article series on my Top 100! Here's a small recap of what I'm doing:
Let's finish this!
This is the final part of the article series on my Top 100! Here's a small recap of what I'm doing:
Ixzion wrote:
I decided that each game may only have 1 song (I did this, but cut two too many and two games have 2 songs).
In ordering, I started with my top 50 and said to myself "If I wanted to make a top 10, which of these could never be out of the top 10?" and kept going down by 10s until the list was completed.
In ordering, I started with my top 50 and said to myself "If I wanted to make a top 10, which of these could never be out of the top 10?" and kept going down by 10s until the list was completed.
Let's finish this!


Haven't seen Part 8? Click here to do so.
This continues the article series on my Top 100! Here's a small recap of what I'm doing:
Let's go!
This continues the article series on my Top 100! Here's a small recap of what I'm doing:
Ixzion wrote:
I decided that each game may only have 1 song (I did this, but cut two too many and two games have 2 songs).
In ordering, I started with my top 50 and said to myself "If I wanted to make a top 10, which of these could never be out of the top 10?" and kept going down by 10s until the list was completed.
In ordering, I started with my top 50 and said to myself "If I wanted to make a top 10, which of these could never be out of the top 10?" and kept going down by 10s until the list was completed.
Let's go!