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Main » Magazine » RPG Maker » Review: Ice Scream: Cherry-Dipped Doom
Review: Ice Scream: Cherry-Dipped Doom
By: Ixzion | Published: September 6, 2007 22:00 pm | RPG Maker


Ice Scream is one of the various games submitted by developers in the RPG Maker community for RPG Maker Magazine's "Make the Craziest RPG" Contest. As the theme states, this is one pretty abnormal game.

You play as Alex, a man who must uncover the mystery of why his hometown, Lillian, was destroyed when molten cherry-dip (that goes on ice cream) burst forth from the earth! From there, the story gets even crazier, from an Ice Cream scientist to fast food barons to an entire economy collapsing because of $4 hot dogs...enduring all in a bid to save the world from a "tasty end!"

Will Alex find a way to save the world? And will you want to? Find out with our breakdown below.

Graphically beautiful, the creator took a good length of time diversifying the playing field. There's an abundunce of nicities which never leave your eyes bored. Battle scenes have varied graphical effects that keep the fighting fresh and does a good job of keeping the players moving through the game.The insides of houses lack a bit of the polish of the outside, but even insides are embellished with an assortment of decorations. Only one part seems to be off, where later in the game, the screen stays dark even after you leave a certain area. That said, the problems aren't especially big.

Ice Scream features a couple of side-quests you can take on, if you like.There's not much more than to take on the main quest.

Almost everything is taken care of, from battle balance to spelling to town setup. No getting stuck due to faulty programming here!Just that small "nighttime" glitch that knocks off a point here.

Nice time waster! The humorous plot, along with the (yes, I know) crazy plot twists make this a solid and enjoyable title.Nothing especially new, but everything presented was executed ably.

Solid, humorous romp through a pre-apocalyptic time period. That will be caused by cherry sauce. You have nothing to lose by playing this game!

Craziness Factor

Insane Ice Cream Scientists, deadly Cherry Dip explosions, corrupt hot dog kingpins, and more add to the craziness factor in this game. I'm awarding it 70 out of 100 Craziness Points.

Total Contest Score: 153

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