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Review: Jester's Hunt
By: Ixzion | Published: September 3, 2007 22:00 pm | RPG Maker


The game's creator, Draygone, made a pretty good introduction, which I'll follow up with notes of my own:

One day, a knight named Mr. Knight is in his castle, when he gets a letter from his next-door neighbor (who also lives in a castle), requesting some help. Mr. Knight really doesn't know who his neighbor is, but being a knight, he heads on over to help anyway. Upon entering the castle, he's greeted by Jester, a jester, who is apparently Mr. Knight's neighbor. Jester has a bunch of special doorways that lead to "worlds" that he likes to visit. The doorways are powered by Trophies that Jester won for being the best jester. But recently the Trophies were stolen, and scattered around the 6 worlds. Jester has no idea who took them. Mr. Knight decides to help, mostly because there hasn't been any real evil for a while and he needs something to do. And so the adventure begins.

This is a very comedic game through and through. Most of the humor comes from Mr. Knight, a clownophobic warrior who tries kill Jester at first sight, and his interactions with the adversaries that inhabit the worlds that he must travel to. There aren't too many "laugh out loud" (lol) moments in the game, but it will keep a smile on your face.

This game has a definite shine. It has varied landscapes, so your eyes won't get tired of seeing sights repeatedly, diverse and plentiful use of events to make the characters pop off the screen, sound effects, very nice bush cutting animation, great puzzles and execution of the CBS that works well for this game.While the landscapes are varied, it feels a bit too barren. Also, tile placement is not as strong as it could have been. For instance, there's an area filled with trees (forest), but the way they were used takes away from the immersion effect of the game. It could have been for puzzle placement, but I think it needed more work. Small gripe on an otherwise nice presentation.

This game features 6 full, different worlds plus a hub world for level access. Each world is diverse and has its own set of challenges for players, as well as having 50 tokens per world. This makes finding all of the tokens give off a sense of accomplishment. On top of that, the puzzles and the bosses are simply fantastic and different. Hats off.The features make this game. It's a great package.

Everything in the game has obviously been tested and retested. I didn't find a single error.I didn't find any errors in my playthrough. Well done.

I had a good deal of fun with this game. Yes, this is an RPG Maker 1 game. The key aspect in the fun factor is the variety of puzzles and the constant flow of subtle and high-brow humor that keeps a steady stream during the game. The boss fights were enjoyable, too.There's only two small things I have a nit with. First, the CBS gets a little tiresome on the way through. Second, it's not always apparent what to do next and you might end up wandering a bit. But it's absolutely nothing major.

Thinking back on my playtime with Jester's Hunt, I'm coming up smiles. The quirky humor, coupled with the interesting puzzles, boss fights, and abilities give me fond memories. This has probably been one of the best times I've ever had with RPG Maker. Sure, it starts out a little slow at first, but it's definitely one of the best RPG Maker games out right now. You owe it to yourself to play it.

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