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Getting to know RPGMM - Part 1 - Magazine
By: Ixzion | Published: October 25, 2013 08:37 am | Site News


Hey guys. This is the first in a series designed to help ease people into the new RPGM Magazine. There are a load of new features in each section and it could be a bit daunting. So this is a eye-in-the-sky view of the overall concepts underlying the Magazine section of the site.

If you need a step-by-step breakdown of how to use the tools, please see the Site FAQ.


Editors are the lifeblood of RPGM Magazine. Whether or not this site has fresh content is all dependent on them.

"Okay, but who's an Editor?"

Every member of the site is an Editor! As an Editor, you are allowed to freely create magazine content under any of the sections available to you in the Article panel as long as it relates to the section you are putting it in. When you publish your articles, they will appear in the section you selected for them. However, they will not show up on the Front Page Feed (FPF), which is the best way to get your article views.

How do I get my article to the Front Page Feed? or "Why Voting on Articles is Important"

There are two ways to go about this. We will look at the most common method first.

Article Voting
Once your article is created and published, other members of the site can vote for it. If enough people like your article and it gets to 75% positive within a week of posting, it will get automatically added to the FPF! If you are creating quality articles, this shouldn't be an issue. Once on the FPF, your article is there for good.

If you aren't the writer of the article, help support good content getting to the FPF by voting it up and bad content stay off the FPF by voting it down.

Trusted Editor
The other way to get your articles to the FPF is through becoming a Trusted Editor.

Trusted Editors are people who have earned the right to have all of their article content sent to the FPF without having to go through the Article Voting system at all. Trusted Editors also have the privilege of writing Official RPGM Magazine Reviews of RPG Maker content.

This status is completely at Site Administrator discretion and is generally reserved for members who have had multiple articles reach the FPF. So, the more we see you on the front page, the more likely that you'll become a Trusted Editor. But no guarantees. ;)

Well, that wraps this section up. Next part will be up in a few days.

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Comments (1)
October 25, 2013 02:56 pm


Good idea to help get people used to the new site. I approve.
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