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PostPosted: June 19th, 2007, 6:20 am 
Rank 3: Studying Black Mage Rank 3: Studying Black Mage

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"Dude! That's, like, a totally rad idea!" ~ Shallum the dragon

Spoileriffic Secrets Guide

This is a guide to the numerous secrets in "Raiders Of Lekunder", so you won't miss out on any "totally rad" special stuff. A quick warning: This is as spoileriffic as it gets.


There are a few secrets spread about town that can give a boost to your fledgeling party right from the get-go.

Behind the Inn is a barrel with a Diet Ale. It's at the south side of the Inn, behind the awning with the barrels and boxes.

At the south side of Rortham's House, under the awning, is a barrel with some Fluppa Juice.

Behind Daktar's House is a well. Behind the well is a jar with some gold.

At the west side of town, behind the Armory, is a large tree. Behind this tree is a barrel with a Bropha Leaf.

Nearby the wooden watch tower is a stable. It's across from the Inn. Inside the stable is a barrel with some Jagbo Berries.

Inside Krystana's House is a bag with some gold, a Cheese Pizza, and Chicken Nuggets.

The Dragon Lands

Southwest a bit from the Water Caves is a slope that leads down to a small section of beach. There are some Jagbo Berries there.

Atop the mountain behind the Wizard's Tower is a Bropha Leaf.

To the west of the Windy Cave is a large section of beach. Get on the beach, then go around and behind the Windy Cave to find some Othla Grass.

When you're approaching the mountainous ravine that leads to the Ralba Mines, keep to the left of the mountains. Follow the narrow stretch of riverbed between the river and mountains to find a well concealed Buuko Coin.

In the ravine that leads to the Ralba Mines, head right from the Mines. There's a pathway that ascends to the top of the mountain overlooking the ravine. Up here is a Lilato Flower.

You can enter the Dragon Cave to get some items and gold. There are three branches from the large cavern where the entrance is. Each has a locked door and a couple treasure chests. No battles here yet. It's free stuff.

Thieves' Hall is located to the southeast of the Ruins Of Kem Dar, nestled in a little valley that you can't see from the main road. To get a cute dialogue scene, try to get in without the password.

Forest Cave

One floor down, there's a small cave with a treasure chest, some barrels, and some boxes. In one of the boxes are some Jagbo Berries.

There's also a Bropha Leaf in a small alcove in the main tunnel that leads to Smurge's lair. You'll pass by it after the second battle.

On the way to Smurge's lair, the tunnel branches into a small cave with a staircase going down. It leads to another small cave with a locked door. Remember that this is here. We won't be getting the key that unlocks this door until late-game.

Not really a secret, but worth mentioning. After the confrontation with Smurge, everyone in Lekunder has new dialogue, including King Randolf and Thurlum. Visit Randolf's House for a new dialogue scene.

The people who live in Lekunder go to bed at night. You'll get a message that says the person is sleeping. This includes Daktar and Rortham. Talk to people during the day, sell your treasures to Rortham, and get potions from Daktar. Then do your shopping at night. Shops and the Inn are open day and night.

The Ruins Of Kem Dar

From the entrance, follow the side street to your left. Before you turn the corner to your right to go behind the General Store, look to your left. There's a barrel with some Jagbo Berries.

Barton's Livery Stables houses some useful items, including Jagbo Berries and a Bropha Leaf.

Inside the Griffon's Wing Saloon are some tables with drinks that you can grab. Before raiding the treasure chest at the back of the saloon, check out the barrels. One of them has a Bropha Leaf.

The wine cellar is a treasure trove of cool stuff. The first door leads to a room full of wine barrels and two treasure chests. Check out every barrel here. You should find a sheriff's Keyring and a Cascading Key. The Blacksmith Key can be found in a treasure chest. The second door leads to a smaller room with a treasure chest, a bag, and an Ornate Vase (first of the sixteen treasures).

The sheriff's Keyring unlocks the barred cells in the Sheriff's Office. You'll find Wefgo's lost Thief's Note and some Jagbo Berries.

Delrath is hanging out in the blacksmith den underneath Ormig's Blacksmith Shop.

Hot spots to visit after the confrontation with Delrath include the abandoned roadside Tavern (you'll find Delrath hard at work on getting the place cleaned up so he can start up his Bagel Shop), the Forest Cave (Smurge has some new friends, and he'll give out scouting info on what's coming up next), and Randolf's House (he and Thurlum are still chatting up a storm). Everyone in town has new dialogue. Each time the story is advanced, everyone in town has something new to say.

Thieves' Hall

The password is "Winnebago".

After talking to Rhycetti and Zooley, head to your right. The right hand door leads to a small room with a staircase. On the second floor, there's another room with two treasure chests and an Emerald Necklace hidden in a box in the corner. Back on the ground floor, the left hand door leads to another small room with a staircase that goes up to a different section of the second floor. There's a Sapphire Pendant hidden in a barrel here.

Back in the main hall on the ground floor, talk to Shobba. Both of the doors in this left wing of the structure lead to the same place. You'll find a treasure chest and a staircase that offers access to yet another section of the second floor. Up here are numerous treasure chests, corridors, and rooms. There's a room with two large boxes next to each other. Hidden behind the boxes in the corner is a jar with a Pearl Bracelet. In another room are a few boxes and a table. Go around behind the boxes to find a Buuko Coin.

Bendar's Puzzle

The wizard Bendar used to live in the Dragon Lands. When he and the people fled north from the invading monster horde, he left behind a good number of magical artifacts, sequestered in the elemental caves. Each cave has a magical lock (Wefgo will inform you that he tried to get into the Water Caves and was unsuccessful at picking the lock). Flaire mentions Bendar in passing. We'll meet Bendar in one of the sequels later.

To get your paws on Bendar's magical treasures, you'll need to find a key that unlocks each elemental cave. You'll also need three Buuko Coins to purchase the Tower Key from Drakkon's vending machine in the Wizard's Tower.

You should have two Buuko Coins and a Cascading Key. That's a good start. Let's continue.

Water Caves

The Cascading Key gains us access to this small network of caves. Among the numerous treasure chests with gold here is a Cascading Ring. There's also a barred door. Remember that this is here. We won't be getting the key that unlocks this door until later on.

Jadnasthe Temple

In the Chapel is a large statue of a lady. This statue bestows a blessing of 15 Mp each time you interact with it. You can use this as many times as you want.

On the ground floor at the south end of the temple is a room where some monsters are hanging out. There are some Jagbo Berries in a jar in the corner.

After you've been to the Library on the third floor, you'll need to backtrack to the ground floor. The Dining Hall lies beyond the locked doors here that you couldn't get through earlier. In the Dining Hall are numerous tables with drinks and a Silver Chalice. A corridor leads to a staircase. At the end of this corridor is a potted plant and a jar with some Jagbo Berries.

Head upward from the Dining Hall. On the third floor again (a section that's separate from the Library), there are two staircases that go further upward. The first leads to a corridor that goes up further to the fifth floor. The second staircase leads to a room on the fourth floor. In a corner of this room is a jar with a Bropha Leaf.

On the fourth floor, there's a room where you'll have to fight a tough battle with an ogre and two magic casters. A jar in a corner of this room contains a Bropha Leaf. Inside the closet is a bag with a Sanctuary Key, and a box that contains a fine Tapestry.

On the fifth floor, hang a left from the staircase. Midway down the long corridor is a door to a bedroom (and a battle with numerous fire creatures). In one of the jars here is a Bropha Leaf. The door near the entrance opens onto a second room with some jars, a treasure chest, and a Gold Candelabra on a table. Check every jar here. You should find a Misty Key.

Use the Sanctuary Key to gain access to the Sanctuary at the top of the tower, where you'll find Arilum.

Hot spots to visit after we've met Arilum: Delrath's Bagel Shop is now open. Smurge and his buddies give out more scouting info in the Forest Cave. As always, King Randolf and Thurlum are chatting away.

Windy Cave

The Misty Key gains us access to this network of tunnels and caves. You'll find numerous treasure chests with gold, a Mist Ring, and another barred door you can't get through. Remember where this is. We'll be coming back later.

The Ralba Mines

This complicated network of tunnels and caverns merits a full walkthrough, but for the time being I'm going to stick with the secrets. Hopefully I'll eventually be able to write up a complete walkthrough.

The first thing we have to do here is find a Tunnel Key that unlocks that annoying door we can't get through. So, one floor down, at the end of the main stretch, there's a tunnel that leads to a small cavern where this key is located.

Back at the door, we find a staircase going further downward. In this new area, keep right until you meet up with the vulture. He's accompanied by a colubra, an ooze, and a trogg. There are some boxes against the wall nearby. In one of the boxes is some Othla Grass. The tunnel here leads to a staircase that goes back up to a small cave with a spellbook, some treasure chests, and a Workshop Key that we'll be needing later.

Three floors down (Floor B3). This floor is like a hub area, with numerous staircases branching upward and downward in every direction. Upon arriving at this floor, follow the tunnel until you arrive at a junction with a sign. Keep right and descend a staircase into "the colubra den". A sign here warns us that we're in for a tough fight. Three healers, and they're all Earth characters to boot. Deal with these guys as best you can. In the colubra den are a couple nests with colubra eggs, a treasure chest, and a table with a Jewel-Encrusted Egg. A box in a corner of the cave contains a Jade Figurine. On your way out, check out the sign.

Back at the hub area (Floor B3), there's a save point and two statues. The statue on your right bestows 20 Hp each time you interact with it. You can use this as many times as needed.

A nearby sign points us in the direction of the Workshop, which is where we need to go next. At the end of the long tunnel is a small cave with a staircase that leads upward to the Workshop. There are tables with drinks here, a few treasure chests, and a Quarry Key.

Back at the hub level (Floor B3), the sign nearby the statues points us toward the Quarry, which is a couple floors down. You'll know you're at the quarry when you see a locked door. Nearby this door is a small cave with a table. In a barrel here is some Othla Grass. In the Quarry, we'll be facing down one of those mean trolls. This is a huge underground rock quarry that's full of treasure chests, useful items, and the hardest-to-find treasure in the game. It's a Ruby Chain, and it's hidden in a barrel nearby the place where the tables are. It's easy to pass up. In one of the treasure chests is a Lower Mine Key.

Back at the hub level (Floor B3), there's a staircase behind the save point. One floor down from here, we're in a small cave that offers access to the lower mine levels. Some Othla Grass can be found in a box here. Head down further to find that last locked door. After unlocking it, keep right. There's a staircase that leads down to a tunnel. More Othla Grass can be found in a box here. Follow the tunnel as it loops around. Among the cool stuff you'll find here is an Amber Fruit (barrel in corner nearby table), Fiery Key (barrel on other side of table), and some treasure chests with gold and useful items.

Back at the tunnel with the locked door, head down the other way. A long tunnel to your left leads to a small cave with a spellbook, a couple treasure chests, and some barrels. In one of the barrels is a Lilato Flower.

From here, Shallum should be easy to find. To get back out to the surface, make your way up to the hub level (Floor B3) and follow the signs. Getting out is actually the easiest part.

Hot spots to visit after we've met Shallum: same as always. Delrath's Bagel Shop, Smurge, and King Randolf.

Lava Cave

The Fiery Key grants us access to this small labyrinth of caves. You'll find numerous treasure chests with gold, a Fiery Ring, and another barred door that's locked.

Tytaltham Palace

Another intricate environment that merits a complete walkthrough. For now, I'll try my best to reveal the secrets.

The Main Hall has two staircases and a locked door. Don't forget about this door. We have a long way to go before we can unlock it, and it may be easy to forget about.

Both staircases lead to the same place, a lavish ballroom on the second floor. Another set of staircases leads to another ballroom on the third floor. On a pedestal here is one of Lord Duffrey's trophies that he left behind when he fled from the monsters. You'll also find a Dungeon Key, which you won't need until much later. Thorough exploration pays off. If you pass up this area, you may be left wondering how to get into the Dungeon later.

Back at the first ballroom (Floor 2), there's another set of staircases at the far end of the room. Both lead up to the fourth floor. On the fourth floor are two guest bedrooms (each has two closets) and the master bedroom, which is locked. One of the guest bedrooms has a spellbook. The other has a Diamond Ring sitting on a table.

There are two corridors that lead up to the fifth floor. A corridor at the west side of the palace, and another corridor at the east side. Get to the corridor at the west side and follow it upward to the top of the palace. There are two bedrooms here. The first has a spellbook. The second has a Lilato Flower in the closet. The battle here may seem kind of pointless, as the room doesn't offer much by way of reward for defeating the monsters. If you pass this up, you'd encounter the same battle elsewhere.

Back at the fourth floor, get to the corridor at the east side of the palace and follow it upward. This is a different section of the top floor. There are two bedrooms here. The first has a Bedroom Key in the closet. The second has a treasure chest and a couple jars. In one of the jars is a Lilato Flower. In the closet is a box that contains a valuable Painting.

The Bedroom Key unlocks the master bedroom on the fourth floor. Largest of the bedrooms, there are two closets here, a table with a drink, and a couple jars. In one of the jars is a Lilato Flower. In one of the closets is a Barracks Key.

We're finished in the upper section of the palace. Head back down to the Main Hall. The east wing of the ground floor has a dining room. There's a drink on a table here. The west wing has a corridor that leads to an underground labyrinth. There are two locked doors on this floor. One of them leads further underground to the Armory. We can't get there yet. The other door opens onto the palace guard barracks, which is a mess of rooms and corridors. There's a large dining hall here with drinks on tables. There's also a corridor that leads to a storage room. In this corridor is a barrel with a Lilato Flower. In the storage room are some boxes, barrels, treasure chests, and an Armory Key.

Back outside the barracks, the Armory Key unlocks that other door. Down a staircase, the Armory is a corridor that circles around, with numerous branching rooms along the way. Just follow the corridor, pausing to explore each room as you find it. The first room has some old rusty armor, a treasure chest, and a Gold Harp in a large box.

Follow the corridor as it circles around. Just before the staircase, there's a branching corridor that leads to a room. A sign warns us that we're in for a tough fight. Three magic casters and a healer! This is a tough fight. This room is a treasure trove of goodies. There's a spellbook (one of the most powerful spells in the game), a Bronze Helm on a table, some Othla Grass in a barrel, and a treasure chest. On your way out, check the sign.

Head further downward. There's a save point and yet another locked door. Remember that Dungeon Key we found a long time ago? This is where it's used. Upon entering the Dungeon, you'll immediately notice that the place is heavily trapped. If you've been regularly visiting Triska the fortuneteller (she gives out very useful hints and reminders about things), you may remember one piece of advice. "When you enter the Palace Dungeon, head left, then right." Do this. First intersection, hang a left. Then head right. Follow this corridor to find a spellbook (another great spell).

Now that the traps are no longer an issue, explore the rest of the Dungeon at your leisure. On the lowest floor (Floor B5), you'll find a Court Room Key in a treasure chest. You should also find a Cell Key in a bag. This key unlocks the barred dungeon cells in the cell area. In one of these cells is a Leaf Key.

But what about Elilum? We've been everywhere. Where is he? Remember that locked door in the Main Hall? That's where the Court Room is.

Hot spots to visit after we've met Elilum: Delrath, Smurge, and King Randolf (as always).

Forest Cave

The Leaf Key unlocks that door we found a long time ago. Yep, the Forest Cave is the Earth elemental cave. On the lower floors you'll find quite a bit of gold, a Leaf Ring, a Griffon Feather (barrel in corner), and a third Buuko Coin (large box). You'll also find yet another locked barred door.

The Wizard's Tower

Drakkon's vending machine only accepts Buuko Coins. A Tower Key costs three coins. We can also get a Bag Of Munchos, Mystic Gum, and a can of Dragon Repellant. For now, get the Tower Key. It unlocks the door next to the vending machine.

Drakkon's tower isn't all that complicated. The place is heavily trapped, though. You'll find numerous treasure chests with gold, two Buuko Coins, and some Griffon Feathers. You'll also meet Drakkon and Shazarr the genie (who has an odd sense of feng shui). Shazarr will give you a Gold Key. Remember all those barred doors we couldn't get through earlier? Yep! That's what we can do with the Gold Key. Each elemental cave has a barred door that the Gold Key unlocks. You'll find some cool stuff that you can use to prepare for a final assault on the Dragon Cave.

The Dragon Cave

This environment is pretty linear, in stark contrast to the nonlinear environments we went through to get this far. There are just a few offshoots here and there. One such offshoot leads to Thurlum's Cave, which is filled with treasure. Glaysa, a stalwart protector of dragon treasure throughout the story, finally gives us some comeuppance. Yep, you can raid the whole place! Use all that gold to buy that Phoenix Ring in town.

As we get lower in the cave, there's another junction. A sign points us toward Reylum's Cave. Head the other way and follow a winding staircase upward. It twists and turns its way back up to the top floor, which exits onto a secret ledge outside. Our final secret is here. A box with five Buuko Coins. Add to that the two we found in Drakkon's Tower, and we can afford everything in the vending machine.

Forest Cave

Before confronting Thurlum, pay a final visit to Delrath and one last visit to Smurge. He gives Krystana a "Magic Dragon Fighting Stick" that was enchanted by an orcish witch doctor. It works, too!

PostPosted: February 18th, 2008, 5:26 pm 
Rank 10: Cute Lil White Mage Rank 10: Cute Lil White Mage
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Stupid guests and their spamming.

PostPosted: February 18th, 2008, 5:51 pm 
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i couldnt find a report button so that post could get moderated. some kind moderate please axe that guys post and everything will be find.

as for RoL, i rather think its nifty that she included a secrets guide to go with the game. i always enjoyed walkthroughs and other helpful information that can show the player the full experience of the game.

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PostPosted: February 20th, 2008, 7:16 pm 
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I've posted on more than one occasion that Crythania is a male, Karr.

PostPosted: February 20th, 2008, 10:25 pm 
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Perversion wrote:
I've posted on more than one occasion that Crythania is a male, Karr.

my apologies to him then, ive always through he was female. his profile has no information so i wasnt able to tell for certain.

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PostPosted: February 24th, 2008, 11:16 pm 
Rank 3: Studying Black Mage Rank 3: Studying Black Mage

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What the hell is this?

What in the name of Zeus happened on my beautiful FAQ/Walkthrough thread? This thread doesn't need any replies.

See, this is part of why I left. I just happened to be passing by, checking my private messages, and I see this activity on my thread.

Can someone tell me what happened here?


I'm a dude. Sorry for the confusion. The screen name has a long history behind it. I probably should have used something else when I joined the Mag and Pavilion, but I wasn't thinking and just used the same handle I've had at GameFAQs for years.

PostPosted: February 25th, 2008, 1:04 am 
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random board spammers posted links to poker games. after a few days the post was finally removed.

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Card Three is released! Download it here!

PostPosted: February 25th, 2008, 3:37 pm 
Rank 3: Studying Black Mage Rank 3: Studying Black Mage

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Well, can we get the rest of this crap removed as well?

You guys are spamming the topic no differently than the first spammer. The only remark that's decently useful is yours, Karr, where you point out the usefulness of writing a FAQ/Walkthrough.

Also, the topic is now out of order in the list of topics. It belongs next to the "Battle Strategy FAQ" many lines down on the list.

Eh, who cares? Maybe some day I'll ask Ixzion if there's a way to post a FAQ for a game in such a way that it can't be spammed but is still readily available for players to see. What matters most is that players can find the FAQs if they need help with the game. I'd rather not have all this spam attached to it, but it's done. Nothing I can do about it now.

PostPosted: February 25th, 2008, 6:50 pm 
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post the article in your own forum and lock it, that is where people are going to go when they want a faq for your game. if you post, expect replies, thats just part of a bulletin board. the word is out about your faq and with people replying here it keeps the news upfront and fresh.

its really tiring to see every post of yours since the rant to be something that bashes us, get over it and move on, please!

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Card Three is released! Download it here!

PostPosted: February 25th, 2008, 9:36 pm 
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What Karr said is true. If you make a copy of this in your forum and lock it, no one will ever be able to post in it.

Be sure to post both this and the Battle FAQ into your forum and sticky them, to make sure they keep your special formatting.


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