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Amy Rose's Neo Spam Hammer...
This new spam hammer is awesome! 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Spam hammer needs rules and mods to enforce them 67%  67%  [ 4 ]
The spam hammer is stupid. We where better off without it. 33%  33%  [ 2 ]
Total votes : 6
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PostPosted: November 26th, 2007, 1:52 pm 
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I can take it or leave it.. Either way I will enjoy everything on the mag. :)

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PostPosted: November 26th, 2007, 1:55 pm 
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I kind of don't understand the point of it, but I find it to be very annoying both because it is a whole bunch of topics that I have to sift thrugh to see if anyone posted any interesting topics and also because it is preventing anyone from posting any interesting topics.

Modal Realms
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PostPosted: November 26th, 2007, 2:32 pm 
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Ok.. I moved everything here. Because people want to spam. :)

Lets talk about this...

PostPosted: Today, at 12:07 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Mark this post and the followings unread
I know. Duelpro should be counted too as a mod. Smile

Lantis wrote:
There is no way in hell he should ever become mod... ever. He is someone who needs to BE moderated. It wouldn't be funny... it would piss people off. He wouldn't even use his power to deleted bad posts or whatever... and if he ever did, it would probably be for the wrong reasons.

I do think, however, that there should actually be a SH mod though. Someone who would inforce simple rules like keeping double posting to a minimum, don't post the same thing over and over again even if it's in another thread, and generally behave yourself... use your better judgement. Think to yourself, when your posting... ask yourself if ANYONE in the SH would even find what you are posting even remotely funny. If not, it may be better not to post.

But even that's a bit too lax. I mean, I'm pretty sure what Duelpro would think everyone would find funny to, I dunno... completely fail?

Further more, I think we should be able to vote people out of the SH. If anything, that would make people at least somewhat think before they post. And if not, they will get weeded out eventually.

Anyway, those are my thoughts.

Though I would be for Lone taking some form of reign on this madhouse.

PostPosted: Today, at 12:40 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Mark this post and the followings unread
Well, the forum is unmoderated. So whats wrong with having "hell"- AKA spam hammer, Be ruled by the devil him self?

There are no rules.. NO RULES. Well no porn sits as the golden rule.

But, Lantis is explaining a Spam hammer that is indeed moderated. And that is not the case for this "new and improved spam hammer"


PostPosted: Today, at 12:42 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Mark this post and the followings unread
It's not improved... it's worse than the last one because it's getting taken out of hand. Mark my words... this spam hammer will die quicker than the last one if it keeps going the way it is now...

and you have no one to thank but the people who take a mile whenever they are given an inch.

PostPosted: Today, at 12:46 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Mark this post and the followings unread
Lantis wrote:
It's not improved... it's worse than the last one because it's getting taken out of hand. Mark my words... this spam hammer will die quicker than the last one if it keeps going the way it is now...

and you have no one to thank but the people who take a mile whenever they are given an inch.

Ah, I'm not saying it wont die. I honestly think that this was a stupid idea. But why can't we enjoy the craziness while it lasts? Smile

PostPosted: Today, at 12:53 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Mark this post and the followings unread
It doesn't have to die.

You know, back in the day... the spam forums stayed around. You know why? Because people could use them without going overboard. You could have casual fun. But then, people like duelpro come in and post stupid shiz and ruin it for the rest of us. He's not the only one... But the thing is, the only reason is was a "stupid idea" was because of the members here who don't know how to act in the forums... and try to justify their bad actions by saying bullspit like "but it's a spam forum"... which is bad logic.

Or am I mistaken?

PostPosted: Today, at 12:55 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Mark this post and the followings unread
Unfortunately, the human being need some rules, or limits or else they will just take their freedom for granted.

PostPosted: Today, at 12:57 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Mark this post and the followings unread
@Lantis Ok, it seems like you have a lot of anger for Duelpro. Duelpro is not the only person who was / is spammy. Hellhunter , Sumi and a few others where known to spam up a storm. From the news I heard. I see no reason why theres a personal issue with Duelpro.

2nd, Do we really need a spam hammer? I'm sure we can find the right places to put almost "any topic" with out needing a bunch of mix match threads. IMO

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PostPosted: Today, at 1:02 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Mark this post and the followings unread
Lantis wrote:
But then, people like duelpro come in and post stupid shiz and ruin it for the rest of us. He's not the only one...

I'm using him for an example because he's the worst at it ATM.

And I dare say that Taz and Goth aren't the problem here. And no... we don't NEED a spam forum. But it's nice to have for whatever reason. There are just some people in the forums that can't handle theirselves around one.

Which is why I think we need to be able to vote people out... eventually we'll get things the way they were.

PostPosted: Today, at 1:07 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Mark this post and the followings unread
Yeah, your right.. Hellhunter and Sumi have been long done being crazy on here.

Voting people out of a spam form? Sounds kinda silly to me.

-"So 'n so" has been voted out for spamming in the spam forum. -

Sounds kinda stupid..

PostPosted: Today, at 1:16 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Mark this post and the followings unread ... owforum=33

look through that fourm and find spam anywhere close to as bad as ours and I will admit that voting out is stupid. If you can't though... it may be a bit more nesseccary than you think.

PostPosted: Today, at 1:21 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Mark this post and the followings unread
@lantis Ok forgive my noobish question here...

Those threads look like they can be put into normal chat forums...

Whats the difference?

Honestly.. I think we should have brought back the
"off topic thread" before bringing back this whole hammer and not really thinking things threw. But I know how OW gets overly excited about things. I think he may have jumped the gun. Hmm

PostPosted: Today, at 1:22 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Mark this post and the followings unread
Oh wow..a serious conversation going on in the spam hammer....well..guess what....hell no!

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PostPosted: November 26th, 2007, 3:36 pm 
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I loved when you said, "so n so has been voted out for spamming in the spam forum" :lol

I really must not understand.

There is so much talk about spam, off-topic, moderation, that everyone here seems to be either very power hungry or have a nazi level of organization.

Why is everone so controlling here at the MAG?

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PostPosted: November 26th, 2007, 4:04 pm 
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Anonymous Bo wrote:
I kind of don't understand the point of it, but I find it to be very annoying both because it is a whole bunch of topics that I have to sift thrugh to see if anyone posted any interesting topics and also because it is preventing anyone from posting any interesting topics.

That's what I'm talking about. It's the idiots who post the usless crap that ruin it. And they do it because... it's fun? I'm sorry, but I don't see what so fun about spaming usless crap. It's fun to carry on a conversation that may be silly. But flooding pictures, emotes, and sentances isn't worth posting... period... even in a spam thread.

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PostPosted: November 26th, 2007, 4:17 pm 
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Lantis wrote:
Anonymous Bo wrote:
I kind of don't understand the point of it, but I find it to be very annoying both because it is a whole bunch of topics that I have to sift thrugh to see if anyone posted any interesting topics and also because it is preventing anyone from posting any interesting topics.

That's what I'm talking about. It's the idiots who post the usless crap that ruin it. And they do it because... it's fun? I'm sorry, but I don't see what so fun about spaming usless crap. It's fun to carry on a conversation that may be silly. But flooding pictures, emotes, and sentances isn't worth posting... period... even in a spam thread.

Lantis, you and I seem to agree for the most part, but the one place I disagree is that I cannot say what is fun or worth posting for others, I can just say that even if they enjoy it I find it completley annoying and uninteresting for myself, and myself alone. That having been said, hopefully others will agree and start to respect that by treating the Spam Hammer differently than they have been.

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PostPosted: November 26th, 2007, 4:21 pm 
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Well, look at all the welcoming threads. Those are all what I would consider spam. It's not bad... it's casual and funny... If we could do that here (just not about someone joining the forums) then everything would be fine.

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PostPosted: November 26th, 2007, 4:26 pm 
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Lantis wrote:

Well, look at all the welcoming threads. Those are all what I would consider spam. It's not bad... it's casual and funny... If we could do that here (just not about someone joining the forums) then everything would be fine.

Well I don't understand why some regular posts aren't already geared that way? Why do we need a Spam Hammer section to have that kind of casual fun posting that you are talking about? It seems as though the Spam Hammer encourages Spam whereas a regular spammy typed post would get the job done. I still don't understand why something has been considered wrong with that type of communication (the way casual spammyness is frowned down upon) to the point that a separate section is required for it UNLESS the whole point of that section (i.e. the SPAM Hammer) is inteneded to have all the things that you and I find so annoying and uninteresting.

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PostPosted: November 26th, 2007, 4:29 pm 
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If it's annoying and uninteresting, I don't think it should be in a forum at all... in any thread... period.

But I see where you are coming from.

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PostPosted: November 26th, 2007, 4:38 pm 
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seems that what I said in the chat about the hammer is winning...

I like the spam forum, but when there are multiple people spamming so bad that there are over 50 posts in only and 8 hour period, it's get annoying. There needs to be a point where it's done, and you have to stop spamming.

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PostPosted: November 26th, 2007, 5:01 pm 
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I'm starting to think the Mag is better off with the spam forum gone.

PostPosted: November 26th, 2007, 5:18 pm 
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Funny you should say that, of all people.

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PostPosted: November 26th, 2007, 6:07 pm 
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DuelExpert wrote:
I'm starting to think the Mag is better off with the spam forum gone.


In all honesty.. OW thought bringing this back would be a good idea.

I thought he was joking. :/

Being now there is no rules on top of everything..

I thought it would be fun to see how bad it can get.

Make OW eat his words. :evil

Not like I have anything better to do with my boring life. :rolleyes

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PostPosted: November 26th, 2007, 6:36 pm 
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Lantis wrote:
Funny you should say that, of all people.

I'm a little surprised myself, hehe :)

PostPosted: November 29th, 2007, 9:37 pm 
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DuelExpert wrote:
I'm starting to think the Mag is better off with the spam forum gone.

Ditto. Just because it's out "heritage" doesn't mean it needs to stay. It's fun for awhile I guess, but ultimately it just makes people who post in it look stupid, I know this from experience.

Spam is notorious for a reason, because it's bad. Yet we have a forum for it... Hmmm.


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PostPosted: November 29th, 2007, 9:52 pm 
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well, we had a spam forum before, and it was around for a long time, until things got out of hand. (Back then, we had some rules.)

But, now that we don't have rules, things got out of hand really fast.

look at my post count, 500 of those probably came from the old spam hammer.

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