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PostPosted: October 24th, 2007, 11:24 am 
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I have the max drive. I also have one or two standard PS2 memory cards.

I am waiting to download any RPGM3 titles from the Mag until I upload at least my first game. The reason is that I have never done any transfer of uploading yet and I am kind of a compulsive checker about not corrupting anything. So I was hoping to finish my game, transfer it from the PS2 memory card to the Maxdrive and upload it to the Mag.

I saw something at the Pavillion about how to do this, but I haven’t tried it yet. Then, others have said that when you post a game you are supposed to indicate which slot. I’m not really sure what that means yet, but here are my questions.

1-If I susccessfully copy the game to the Maxdrive and upload it, can I then keep it in the Maxdrive and download other games, or will this lead to corruption of either my game or the games I would download?

2-Should I store a copy of my games on the computer hard drive in the form of a Maxdrive file?

3-Does this mean I could realistically download all the RPGM3 games at the Mag to my hard drive and then transfer them to memory card whenever I want?

4-How many RPGM3 games can I store in the Maxdrive at a given time?

5-Is there any use to having the Max 64 memory cards that hold 8 times the memory of a standard PS2 card? What is the chance of corrupting a file using this kind of card transferring files to or from either a standard PS2 memory card or the Maxdrive?

6-If I wanted to play most of the main core of all 26 RPGM3 games at the Mag with the occasional side quests, unlockables, etc., how long would it take in estimated game hours? 100 hours? 500 hours?

Any help is appreciated. :)

Modal Realms
"a proper designation of universal existence"

PostPosted: October 24th, 2007, 11:55 am 
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1- Keeping multiple games on the max drive won't (in and of itself) lead to corruption, but it will be confusing because when the game file shows up on your television screen, it says RPG Maker 3 Data 1, RPG Maker 3Data 2, or RPG Maker 3 Data 3. You will not see the name of the created game, unfortunately. If you have two different games on you max drive that are both in the second Data slot, there's no way to see a difference between them when the PS2 reads the data.

[the reason that people request to know the memory slot is because that way they know that they will need that slot free on their memory card. Without knowing that, you'd have to download the game first and figure it out only after the Max Drive disk is reading the file in the PS2, which can be frustrating.]

2- I think it's a good idea. I have a my demo saved and my garbage contest game saved on my computer.


4-Quite a few (as zipped files anyway), but I'm not sure how many.

5-I've heard horror stories about those kinds of memory cards. I'd stay away from them if I could.

6-That one is really hard to answer not knowing the length of each game.
Here are some approximate playtimes I've put in so far
Raiders of Lekunder - 6 hours (lots more to go)
Whispers in the Woods - 3 or 4 hours
Series 1: Destiny Beckons - 20 hours
Shadows of Torayu Demo - 1-2 hours

I'd say if you played every game to completion here, it could take anywhere between 150 and 200 hours, but who knows?

Hope someone else can give you some input too. Congrats on getting a Max Drive! WOo HOo!!

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by me."

PostPosted: October 24th, 2007, 12:11 pm 
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Anonymous Bo wrote:
I saw something at the Pavillion about how to do this, but I haven’t tried it yet. Then, others have said that when you post a game you are supposed to indicate which slot. I’m not really sure what that means yet, but here are my questions.

There are three game slots. 1, 2, 3. Each memory card can hold up to three games on it. When you go to load a game into memory, the game listed at the top is 1, the game in the middle is 2, and the game at the bottom is 3.

Max files indicate which slot the game is in ("RPG_Maker_3_Data1", for example). It's nice to know which slot a game is in, so that you can better arrange them on your memory cards. You may have just downloaded a game that you want to play, but it's in Slot 1 and you've already got something taking up space there. Helps to know ahead of time which slot we're dealing with.

Anonymous Bo wrote:
1-If I susccessfully copy the game to the Maxdrive and upload it, can I then keep it in the Maxdrive and download other games, or will this lead to corruption of either my game or the games I would download?

No corruption just for having it on the flash drive (Max Drive). You need to "crush" it to the flash drive, then "uncrush" it to the memory card. Do not "copy" it to the memory card or use the "delete" function to remove something from a card. "Uncrush" it to the card. Use your PS2's browser to remove stuff from the card.

You can keep it on the flash drive, but it'll show up as "RPG_Maker_3_Data1" or something along those lines. You'll have a lot of files labeled "RPG_Maker_3_Data#". There's no way to label them. I suggest using the flash drive to transfer files, then remove the files from the flash drive so it doesn't get confusing.

A few of the flash drive's features (such as "copy" and "delete") could corrupt a memory card. Deleting something from the flash drive does not hurt anything. For file transfer, "crush to flash drive" and "uncrush to card", and you'll be fine.

Anonymous Bo wrote:
2-Should I store a copy of my games on the computer hard drive in the form of a Maxdrive file?

Yes. You can also rename the file there for better identification.

Anonymous Bo wrote:
3-Does this mean I could realistically download all the RPGM3 games at the Mag to my hard drive and then transfer them to memory card whenever I want?


Anonymous Bo wrote:
4-How many RPGM3 games can I store in the Maxdrive at a given time?

As many as the flash drive has capacity to store, but (as seen above) you're gonna have a lot of files with similar file names.

Anonymous Bo wrote:
5-Is there any use to having the Max 64 memory cards that hold 8 times the memory of a standard PS2 card? What is the chance of corrupting a file using this kind of card transferring files to or from either a standard PS2 memory card or the Maxdrive?

No corruption risk that I know of. There's no benefit to using one of those. I have two, and I have some RM3 games stored on them. They work fine, but you can still only put three RM3 games on it at a time. Only benefit is the ability to store other PS2 data (from other PS2 games) as well with the extended memory capacity. An 8MB card with three RM3 games on it doesn't have any room left for anything else.

"Raiders Of Lekunder" is worth 15 to 20 hours of your time, as is "Series 1". "Ursus Quest: SOTT" is worth 30 to 40 hours by itself.

PostPosted: October 24th, 2007, 12:46 pm 
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Thank you Pagerron and Crythania. You have both been very helpful. I feel much less daunted now that I understand what you guys have explained.

Soon, I will be uploading my game and then playing Daniel's Quest III and The Raiders of Lekunder. :)

Modal Realms
"a proper designation of universal existence"

PostPosted: October 24th, 2007, 4:38 pm 
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Very cool, dude.

Welcome to the RPG Maker family.

Lookin' forward to seeing your first game.

PostPosted: October 25th, 2007, 3:58 am 
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While on the topic of drives, I have a Flash Drive(can't find a max drive in the darn city anywhere) and a PS3, what is the method one must use to transfer from one to the other? I looked at the guide, but it didn't really say anything about the procedure... If anyone can help with step by step instructions so n00bie mcn00b(me) doesn't kill something by accident, knowing me it'll happen with my luck. Thanks all. :XD

PostPosted: October 25th, 2007, 5:59 pm 
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Anonymous Bo wrote:
Soon, I will be uploading my game and then playing Daniel's Quest III and The Raiders of Lekunder. :)

Thanks bro. That's awesome!

Zane Deadreich wrote:
While on the topic of drives, I have a Flash Drive(can't find a max drive in the darn city anywhere) and a PS3, what is the method one must use to transfer from one to the other? I looked at the guide, but it didn't really say anything about the procedure... If anyone can help with step by step instructions so n00bie mcn00b(me) doesn't kill something by accident, knowing me it'll happen with my luck. Thanks all.

Zane, I'm pretty sure there's some information at the Pav about using the PS3, but when I searched there I wasn't able to find it. I hope someone else can help you out with this one. I just have a PS2. Sorry man.

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by me."

PostPosted: October 26th, 2007, 2:21 pm 
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I don't have a PS3. Sorry, man.

For transfering files to and from a Max Drive, here's what you gotta do:

Transfer to flash drive (Max Drive)
1. Connect flash drive to PS2's USB port (plug 'n' play).
2. Max Drive comes with a disc that you need to run. Run it in the PS2.
3. At the main menu, select "My Devices".
4. Select your memory card from the list of available devices.
5. Put a check mark next to the file you want to copy to the flash drive.
6. Select "crush to max drive".

Transfer from flash drive
Same thing, except select "Max Drive" on the list of available devices, and select "uncrush to" and select your memory card.

For a regular flash drive, I don't know how it would work. Can you access the flash drive as an available storage device from the PS3's browser? If so, then maybe the "copy" function would allow you to copy a file to it.

PostPosted: October 29th, 2007, 9:09 am 
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i was able to transfer the file onto the Flash drive, but when I try it in my computer it shows nothing... and vice versa... Very sad indeed... :cry

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