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PostPosted: August 15th, 2007, 3:08 pm 
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What are the things in a game that completely irk you, the things that got old fast, that make you want to punch the developer, especially when you don’t deserve the abuse, like a cheap kill after a bunch of hard valiant work, etc.

I’d prefer you say the name of the game and then cover the discussion with a spoiler.

Here are three to start:

Medal of Honor Frontline
[spoiler]I traverse an entire level (with no save points within levels) only to realize that I have to jump down to my escape at the end. It was unlike anything previous in the game. It seemed high, but I thought here goes. Turns out that I had to jump on a cart that was noticeable only if you were looking for it. I guess I deserved to have to replay the whole level as punishment for not figuring out where to jump, even though I otherwise was good enough to beat the level.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]You get a camera at some point which requires some of you memory card to save a limited number of photos. I’m still not completely clear what happened, but every time I deleted photos, I would get the slots back (within the game) to save a photo in, but not the memory back from the memory card. So I could delete photos and still save the maximum amount the game allows but only by making more room on my memory card.[/spoiler]

Halo 2
[spoiler]‘Trippin on daisies’ is what I always call it. In multiplayer especially, the Master Chief is a super Spartan, but he can’t manage to side step a slightly protruding corner or a slightly uneven floor level, so he is constantly stuck on the terrain. Also if he gets shot at a certain angle (and the level design is biased toward this) he ends up getting stuck facing a wall without enough time to turn around.

I think the thought that this is justified is that everyone has to deal with it equally and that it separates better players from worse players. I counter that with, my not have the weapon malfunction from time to time, make it so that your shield becomes half as powerful from time to time without you knowing it, or have you get stuck in mid air when you jump without being completely reloaded. This would also be justified in that everyone has to deal with it equally and that it separates better players from worse players, but is this FUN? Not for me. It even has me to the point of considering not buying Halo 3. I still will if the game isn’t so cheap though.[/spoiler]

Modal Realms
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PostPosted: August 15th, 2007, 3:51 pm 
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Dragon Quest 8

I can't stand the pointless errunds you have do to continue the storyline. I mean, if it had something to do with the story, that's one thing... but all the pointless crap just drives me crazy. To prove my point, here's what you must do to just follow Dhoulmagus after a fight ends and he flees West. And just to get the storyline to pick back up PERIOD you must do this:

After a little bit of groveling Red eventually agrees to return your horse
and cart to you. All Yangus can think to do is to head back to Pickham a
second time and see if maybe Brains is around. Use a Chimaera Wing to warp
to Pickham. Take the stairs on the east side up and locate that hidden path
down to Brains' place once again. Indeed you will find the man himself
sitting here at the desk. Brains' sources report that Dhoulmagus was seen
wandering over to the western continent. He has also heard that to the west
of Port Prospect there is a large wasteland where the party might be able to
find an abandoned ship they could use to cross the ocean. Get out of Pickham
and use yet another Chimaera Wing, this time to get to Port Prospect.

There is a path leading almost directly west of Port Prospect from where you
appear if you use the Chimaera Wing. Follow it for a little ways and then
keep going as it curves northeast. Soon enough you'll be back on the path
once again and before long come to what is known as the Hilltop Hut. The
thing you will want to do is jump down the well out front. Examine the crown
at your feet for a quick scene, be sure to choose "yes" when the option
presents itself. For helping out the enormous slime you will get the SLIME
CROWN as your reward. Before going back up make sure you talk to all of the
slimes, one of them will teach you a new recipe: "Meteorite Bracer = Agility
Ring + Agility Ring + A Valuable Item." Climb the rope to get out of here.
The Hilltop Hut serves as both a place you can rest as well as a church.
First of all break the pot in the corner to get a MINI-MEDAL and then speak
to the guy sitting happily in the chair to stay the night for a great price.
Your religious obligations can be handled by the woman in front of the holy
statue. To reach the wastelands you'll have to backtrack just a little bit.
Go down the hill you came up to reach this hut and then head northwest.

The path takes you down into an unmistakable wasteland. At the bottom of the
path when the area opens up we'll head west (don't worry you can just drop
right off the edge, it's only a few feet down.) Continue west down here but
stay on the south side, the path kind of forks in this area. When it opens up
again you should notice a sloping hill on your right (north). Ascend this
hill and take a look on your right at the top, hidden behind this rock is a
locked chest containing a SLEDGEHAMMER. From here what you want to do is go
west and then north to find the ship you were looking for. The ship is
perfect for what you need to do, but how you plan to get it into the water
is anyone's guess. Trode's best solution is to head north to Trodain Castle
(where's he's from) and check out the library to see if you can find any
information. Forget the ship for now and continue on your journey.

The best way to get to Trodain's Castle from here is to go up the sloping path
just south of the abandoned ship and then head northwest from there. Take a
look at your map and notice the nearby cave just northwest of where you are.
That will be your eventual destination, but if you're looking to collect all
the chests then first you're going to be heading all the way to the end of the
western peninsula. Open up the treasure chest and you will acquire a SEED OF
MAGIC. Now you have to get back to that cave northeast of here. Proceed
through this tunnel and then when you come out the other side, turn and face
to the west. You should be able to see a church in the distance. Make your
way down to that church and save your game inside. Not only is there also an
inn inside this church, if you speak to the man at the table he will run a
little shop for you. Leave the church and head off to the northeast.

Just on the lower side of a tall cliff on the western side as you're heading
northeast (about half way between the church and the castle) you will find a
locked treasure chest. Open it up to get the 630 GOLD COINS from inside of
it. Directly east of this chest is yet another chest, not locked this time.
Unfortunately this chest is trapped and it's actually a Cannibox! Open it at
your own risk. In order to reach the castle from here you have to go back
south a little, then northeast up the path. It's pretty obvious if you just
have a look at your map. Approach the door and examine it for a scene.

Back in a time when King Trode actually ruled the castle and wasn't trapped in
the body of a mutant, he had a daughter (the princess) named Medea. They were
outside on the balcony one night when King Trode noticed a fallen soldier on
the ground. The injured soldier told him of someone breaking into the Sealed
Chamber. It was of course, Dhoulmagus himself who then turned his evil magic
on the king and princess, transforming them into what you see now. He also
used the sceptre's power to cover the entire castle with the thorns and vines.
Even the inhabitants themselves become victims of the curse, their limbs
transforming into viny appendages and no longer being able to move. Hero was
a soldier at the castle at the time, and along with the King and Princess he
was the only one to survive the attack. Hero however was not inside the magic
circle the King and Princess were, how he survived is indeed a mystery.

The library door is actually barricaded by vines so King Trode tells you that
you're going to have to find another way into it. There is a door into the
library from inside the castle but to reach it you'll have to go around the
long way. Go north of the fountain and up the stairs on the left side to find
a MAP OF CASTLE TRODAIN at the top. Once you have picked it up then head
through the door. When you get inside make a right turn and head through the
door on this side of the front hall. This castle can get kind of confusing
so make sure you follow the instructions very closely to get everything.

Here on the east side of the castle first floor go north a little bit then
turn right down the east hall and ascend up the stairs. Turn around at the
top of the stairs and go north, west, and north through the large doors.
Examine the cabinets in this room to get a MINI-MEDAL. You'll also want to be
sure to examine the bookshelf in this room. Doing so will teach you a new
alchemy recipe: "??? = Moonwort Bulb + Moonwort Bulb + Moonwort Bulb." Leave
the room and head west again. Go through the door at the end of the hall.
Break the three barrels in this room to get 29 GOLD COINS. Take a look at
your map now, you should be standing exactly where you found the gold coins in
the barrel. Your destination is the room directly beside you to the east, but
you'll see on your map that you actually have to go all the way around the
west side in order to reach it. Do that now and then examine the cabinets in
this room to find a GARTER. Turn around and return to the previous floor.

Run to the far south end of the hall and then east. Proceed through the south
door and you'll find yourself in a room with some stairs leading down. Since
you cannot get the door to the treasure chests open right now, descend down
the first two sets of stairs and break the pots at the bottom. One of them
hides 46 GOLD COINS. Continue down even further and you'll come across a
couple of barrels which can be broken to reveal a MINI-MEDAL.
Take the west door out of here now. We're now back in the courtyard once
again. Enter the castle through the main entrance and turn left this time.

Immediately on your left again is a large set of doors leading into a room
full of treasure. The first thing to do is to break all the pots and barrels
which will get you a MAGIC BEAST HIDE and MINI-MEDAL. Don't forget to reach
into the bags on the wall to find a GOLD BRACER. Finally examine the chest on
the left to receive the MAGIC KEY. You may not realize it now, but this is
the key you've been waiting for. All of the chests in the world that your
Thief's Key hasn't been able to fit into, this key will. Your first
opportunity to use it comes right now on the chest beside you which contains
a TEMPLAR'S SWORD, an extremely powerful new weapon for Angelo. Unfortunately
the key does not work on that locked treasure room you passed earlier.

Now for your final destination. Return to the castle's front hall and go
through the east door. Take a few steps north and then turn right down the
east hall and up these stairs again. Turn around and go north at the top of
the stairs then all the way to the far east side where you broke the barrels
before. This time we're going to leave this room through the southern door.
This outdoor area leads directly around to one of the castle towers with a
spiral staircase inside. Descend down not one, but two floors here. Take a
few steps east and then make a right at the first door you see. Break the
first pots to get a chunk of ROCK SALT. Since you can't reach the centre of
the room from here, turn around and continue east down the hall.

Make a right turn once again at the next chance you get. At the southwest
side of the throne room here there is a door leading west. Go through this
door and then head north to reach the middle of that room you couldn't access
from the other side. Break the barrels and pots in this room to find
WATERWEED MOULD, 150 GOLD COINS and a MINI-MEDAL. Go back out of this room
and head south to finally reach the library. There are a ton of bookshelves
here so you should try and examine all of them if you can. There are two
different types of bookshelves. The only ones which you can examine are the
ones with a slanted green book on the shelf second from the bottom. On of the
first ones teaches you a new alchemy recipe: "Elfin Elixir = Yggdrasil Dew + A
Liquid." Another one teaches you the recipe: "Healthy Cheese = Plain Cheese +
A Healing Item." Keep searching and you'll find even more. Another book
holds the recipe: "??? = Wizard's Staff + Rockbomb Shard." Further down is
one with the recipe: "White Shield = Iron Shield + Something Silver." Keep
going down and you'll automatically trigger a scene with King Trode.

You're the one who's going to be responsible for finding the correct book.
You might as well just check all the shelves since there are still more
recipes to find. One book contains the recipe: "Robe of Serenity = Cloak of
Evasion + Private Clothing." Keep looking to find "A Stylish Helm = Stone
Hardhat + Bronze Knife + Bronze Knife." Next we have the recipe: "A Blunt Axe
= Iron Axe + Gold Nugget." Finally the furthest shelf on the left side is
the one which holds the book you are searching for. The party starts to read
the book hoping to find a way to get that ship into the ocean.

The book doesn't really provide any concrete answers unfortunately. As they
are reading it the full moon shines high in the sky and extends the shadow of
the vines in a manner similar to the shadow on top of the mountain. Examine
the door on the wall like you did there to enter the other dimension.
Approach the man standing at the shining crystal ball. Perhaps Ishmahri can
help you find a way to get the ship into the ocean. He says that awaking the
memory of the ocean would be enough to return the ship to water however his
instrument is not powerful enough to do so. Somewhere back in the real world
there exists a much more powerful harp. Before anything can be done your
party must venture out to find this Moonshadow Harp. You'll soon have control
of your character again so leave this dimension and return to the library.

You can leave the library by unlocking the eastern door which provides a
shortcut for future trips back here again. Leave Trodain Castle and use
another one of your Chimaera Wings to warp back to the town of Ascantha.

The man in your debt who Ishmahri was talking about is the King of Ascantha.
Head up to the throne room of the castle and speak to him now. The king tells
you that they do have the harp but it is locked within the vault under the
castle. You'll automatically be warped there now. Upon throwing the brooch
into the fountain the path to the vault opens up. Follow the king down inside
only to learn that thieves have plundered all of Ascantha's treasures. The
king runs off but you are of course free to enter into the tunnel.

There is no treasure to be found in this tunnel, it is a relatively linear
path through the underground designed to take you to the other side. At the
first fork make a right and continue to the west. When it opens up into a
larger room just ignore all branches and keep moving forward. After that it's
pretty much impossible to go in the wrong direction. The path leads you out
of the tunnel and out into what's known as the Land of the Moles.

There is a large cliff directly in front of you when you leave the cave. Turn
left and go around it via the northwest side. If you stick close to the cliff
and keep going north you should catch a glimpse of a chest nearby. Use your
Magic Key to open this one up and inside of it you will find a SEED OF LIFE.
Keep going directly north from here without changing direction and then head
east. Take a look at your map and you'll see a cave. Go north until you're
just above the cave and head east from there to reach the only other chest in
this area containing MINI-MEDAL. Now drop down and head into the cave.

Follow the tunnel for a short distance at the start and when you come to a
fork in the path turn right and navigate to a rather large room. If you miss
the turn you'll still end up in this room it will just take longer. Locate
the treasure chest in the far western corner which has the MAP OF MOLE HOLE
inside of it. The tunnel leading out of this room is on the southwest wall.
Make a left when that path forks. Before long you'll find yourself in another
large room. Stick to the south side and but don't go down anymore tunnels.
Instead what you want to do is check out the southwestern wall, you'll find a
couple of pots hidden there. Break both of them to acquire both a MINI-MEDAL
and a SEED OF DEFENCE. Now take the nearby path leading south of here.

When you come to yet another room make a left turn and go around to the
opposite side where there is a chest containing a STONE HARDHAT. You'll need
to go back around to the other side and down the slope to reach the path in
the middle of this room. Follow it southeast down even deeper into the Mole
Hole. Make a right when it forks and then a left when you reach the large
room. Descend down the path toward that large funky looking mole near the end.

You'll appear on the correct side for this one. Immediately after you
materialize turn yourself and run as far west as you can until you reach a
lone treasure chest containing a MINI-MEDAL. That's the only one you'll find
in this area so take out another Chimaera Wing and this time use it to warp
back to the Riverside Chapel. Cross the bridge to the west and take a look at
your map. Once again if you look just northwest of your position you'll see
an area of raised land which makes the shape of an upside down "U" with a
forest in the middle. On the west side of this large "U" shape there is a
path sloping upward to the north. Ascend up this path and at the top you'll
find a locked chest which can only be opened by the Magic Key. Inside of it
is a STEEL BROADSWORD. While there are still more chests in this region I
would recommend you use another Chimaera Wing just because you're so far out
of the way. Use it to warp to the Riverside Chapel once again.

This time we're going to head directly north of the chapel in as straight a
line as you possibly can. You'll have to angle yourself east a little bit,
but still barely at all. Before long you'll catch a glimpse of a chest beside
a tree. Open it up to acquire a MINI-MEDAL. Now from this position what you
want to do is head east until you reach the forest and then go northeast from
there. As you approach the edge of the cliff you should be able to see a
treasure box in this area. You might be a little bit too high up, but once
you see it then it's a small matter to find a way around to it. This chest
contains an AGILITY RING. This is one of the better accessories you've found
in the game so far, it increases one character's agility by fifteen
effectively almost guaranteeing they get the first turn in combat. That
pretty much covers all the locked chests to be found in this region. Use
another Chimaera Wing to warp to Morrie's Place down near Pickham.

Directly behind Morrie's Place, on the south side leaning against the back
wall there is a chest containing a MINI-MEDAL. Make your way north onto the
path again and follow it north until it ends. Keep moving north but stay
close to the western wall, When the wall curves around follow it and look to
the south in the little corner here. There will be a treasure chest hiding
away, it contains a SEED OF DEFENCE. Open up the menu and use another
Chimaera Wing, this time warp yourself to the Swordsman's Labyrinth. When you
materialize go a short ways south and then start running southwest. Notice
long mountain range to the southwest which is running north and south, well
you want to get on the north side of this mountain range among those two small
forested areas. On the west side of this area near the edge you'll find
another chest, this one containing a GOLD RING. For the next one you're going
to have to go back east and then down to the south side of this mountain
range. Here you will find a chest with a SEED OF SKILL inside of it. This
interesting item acts like you got a level up for the character, allowing them
to distribute a number of new skill points. We're almost done now. Warp to
the Hilltop Hut located in the Kingdom of Trodain for the next one.

Go down the hill outside the Hilltop Hut and then down that sloping path which
leads into the wasteland. When the path opens up into the main wasteland
area, turn left and follow the upper path here to the south. At the end of
this path you'll come to a cliff. Drop over the edge and open up the treasure
chest down here to acquire a SEED OF DEFENCE. There is one final treasure
chest to be located, use a Chimaera Wing and warp to Trodain now. Leave the
castle and turn immediately southeast. Run down the slope and head north at
the bottom. There at the edge of the cliff you'll be able to locate the final
chest which will bring you up to speed on every single one you've passed so
far in your journey. This particular one contains a LESSER PANACEA.

With all of these items now in your position it's time to return to Trodain
using a Chimaera Wing if you need to. If you haven't stopped to save the game
since you started this I would highly recommend you do so. Go through the
door in the library to reach the other dimension. Ishmahri will help you to
bring the boat up out of the water. You are now able to set sail across the

Granted, SOME of that is optional... but the hours spend on doing what is required is just not justifiable. I just about snapped my own neck when that guy's harp string broke... I almost gave up on the game after all that random nothingness.

Post Script: Spoiler tags don't cover quotes.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: August 15th, 2007, 4:18 pm 
Rank 10: Cute Lil White Mage Rank 10: Cute Lil White Mage
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Dark Cloud 2:

[spoiler]Why the long dungeons? They should have changed the dungeon layouts. Sure, it has some new gimmicks but it still equals; REPETITIVE GAMEPLAY. I had to traverse through floors and floors in each dungeon. Each dungeon has more floors than the last. You basically do two things in the game. Rebuild; and traverse through a seemingly endless dungeon.[/spoiler]

PostPosted: August 15th, 2007, 4:26 pm 
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I hate how in Final Fantasy XII, when you encounter a rare monster (of the type that you're sure you'll never find again) , you are never actually looking for it. Most of the times, you encounter them by accident as you're breezing through a dungeon for the first time. Which means that the rare monster will be much likely a lot more powerful than yourself. Which results in something like this:
"Hey! A rare monster! Wait... I'm dead?"

Also, I hate, more than anything in any videogame, how FFX forces you to go through thousands of uber-hard minigames to get the ultimate weapons. Come on, winning a race in less than 0 seconds?

PostPosted: August 15th, 2007, 4:47 pm 
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Earthbound, the difficulty of the Fourside department store. Before it, you go through a bunch of pretty easy dungeons. But when I get to the department store, I almost always want to rip my hair out... especially if I save inside of it, because you can't leave once you go in.

And in response to Gnasher: Every game is like that, you are just wandering around and come across something weird, then later in the game, you go looking for it and you never find it. Reminds me of my first playthrough of Earthbound where I got this item that has a 1/128 chance of dropping, and I got it on my first try without even knowing that the enemies dropped it.

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PostPosted: August 15th, 2007, 4:51 pm 
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myoky wrote:
I got this item that has a 1/128 chance of dropping, and I got it on my first try without even knowing that the enemies dropped it.

You got Poo's sword the first try?!


I hate you.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: August 16th, 2007, 12:56 am 
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Donkey Kong 64

You play through the whole game, then you are forced to play the old-school Donkey Kong. You only get one life and must beat four insanely difficult levels without dying. Did I mention getting touched instantly kills you?

And then the game has the nerve to make you play it again for the real prize, and makes it harder.

That ruined the game for me. I did beat it evenually.

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


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PostPosted: August 16th, 2007, 9:59 am 
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I played and beat one of the worst RPGs ever. It's called Spiritual Warfare. It basically played just like Zelda 1. But it was rediculously stupid. Not for the fact that the game was based of the Christian Faith, but HOW the did it. The enemies were people who sin who had beer bottles and money and such in their hands. And you threw fruit at them... and yes, it was the "fruit of the Spirit"

*slaps forehead*

Each fruit had a diffrent pattern when you threw it, as each had diffrent distances they'd go and damage done. They went from palamgranteds and grapes, to apples and bananas. But the best weapon of the game was the sword of the spirit. wooo.

When you struck down your enemy, they didn't die. They dropped to their knees in prayer and blinked into non-exsistance. Oh, and there wasn't a single bit of storyline the entire time. You end up fighting satan (or I think it was Satan... nothing said for sure) and you get a very short message from angels at the end.

Oh, and here's a great feature. The soundtrack. The game plays through two songs... the entire game. It never changes. Even when you are fighting the final boss (also, both songs can be found easily in you local church hymn book).

When you beat enemy's sometimes they dropped what I came to call "faith points" You can use these poitns to get better fuits of the spirit. If you didn't have enough points then the game said your "faith isn't great, enough" or some jargan. Sometimes you'd get lucky and could take a quiz that would give you many faith points at one time. And you got to see a goofy-ass picture of yourself... red bo-tie and all.

I guess what I'm confessing is that I had the oppertunity to quit playing this game and didn't. [spoiler]But believe it or not, I'd rather play this game again instead of Granstream Saga.[/spoiler]

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: August 16th, 2007, 10:17 am 
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@Lantis - Lol, that sucks!

@Gnasher - I completely understand on 7. First time I every fought ruby was right after I got the airship my first run through (or soon after at least). I was flying around just looking at things and saw the hands sticking out. I was like "o.O What is that?" Ran into it, said oh sh*t, and died.

But I actually liked 10 way of getting the weapons..I thought they were fun...The race was just needed to get the things that decreased the time. I guess I did hate lulu's though...getting so damn high on the damn lightning dodges and then get hit....teh big suxxors.


PostPosted: August 16th, 2007, 10:40 am 
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@Lantis: You could've edited out the little sidetrips to the treasure chests and inns. Makes it sound longer than it actually is.

@Kajak: The Chocobo race, easy? Even with all those birds coming down to knock you around? I suppose next you'll tell me that you were able to get 1000 jumps in the jumprope mini-game in Alexandria in FF9.


Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Chapter 5...
Land on the island. Hey, let's go look for the missing crew members!
Found them, let's head back to camp!
Oh, wait. We forgot one of them. Let's go look for him again!
Found him! Oh, he needs a drink. Let's head to camp again and get one.
Okay, got the drink. Let's head back to the lost member and give him that drink.
He's fine, now let's head back to camp to find out what to do next.
Ah, we're supposed take this jewel back to where the lost member was.

Chapter 7...
PM Developer One: "Okay, we're doing good so far. This is turning out to be a decently long game."
PM Developer Two: "Hey, I have a great idea! Let's make it even longer by forcing the player to find this white bob-omb by VISITING EVERY FREAKING PLACE IN THE GAME ALL OVER AGAIN, ONLY TO HAVE HIM WIND UP BACK AT HOME WHERE WE STARTED!!!"

Freaking GRAH!

These are only two of the instances where this happens. Other than that, Paper Mario 2 is a pretty great game.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: August 16th, 2007, 11:34 am 
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It took me about 3 days to do it but yes... Why?

Stuff that's just constant timing is hard..I'm not very good at it...But if it's like a race or a puzzle then it's easy....The chocobo race in ff10 took me like 5 or 6 tries maybe...Alternatively I spent about 2 days trying to do the damn lightning.

Note that I did want to slit my wrists after doing the jump rope...I should have just stopped at 300....stupid pointless item...


PostPosted: August 16th, 2007, 12:03 pm 
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Well, talking about Granstream Saga again reminds me of that little rant I did in the Random Game Progress thread. I think it's worthy of a re-post because the entire game, its self is bull.

Lantis wrote:
First of all, Enix didn't even make the game. Second of all... there is no mention of Gaia at all. There is nothing that this game has in common with the other three titles. And if that isn't enough... the game blows a hot steamy load of suck.

You don't get a bit of experience from fighting... in fact, you get squat. So you spend most the game walking around enemies that are to retarded to walk into you. The way you get level is all through the story. You can not level up yoruself you can only be at a level the game allows. So if you find fights too easy or too hard, tough... You have MP but you can't re-fill it by sleeping at an inn. You can only do it by using items. SOMETIMES when you defeat an enemy, it will restore some MP... but you won't have to waste it if you don't hit the enemies... you are going to level up reguardless of how little you fight.

And here's another thing... the story is about as gay as it gets. There are some of the dumbest ideas I've seen yet. For example: You run into a "good" scientist. Eentually, you run into him again... but oh no! It's his EVIL TWIN! Actually, it's not his evil twin... it's his evil HALF. According to the game, you can have so much good and so much evil in one person that they split into too diffrent people... and if they tried to re-unite... they would explode. That's right... blow up. Like freaking C4 style. And all the NPCs and characters are like, "Oh... that makes sooo much sense". I think it would be a challenge for us here at the Mag to make plots in our games worse than this...

Battle is about as dumb as it gets. You only fight one enemy at a time... and you are targetted on them at all times. You can walk forward, back, and strafe... then you can attack. It doesn't get any more in depth than that. Well, you can block... and even use magic. But the spells are so costly and do so little, it's litterally pointless.

Also, the game has you running pointless errunds like like in Dragon Quest 8. But even worse. You are in a town with many people and you can progress in the game unless you talk to a towns person who says really nothing relivant to what you are doing at the time. It happen throught out entire game. I had to use a walkthrough for every step of the game that wasn't in a dungeon.

Speaking of dungeons.... there was nothing to them... you just walk through them... no puzzles... nothing other than enemies and treasure chests. The only thing that changed was the scenery.

I'm not sure who wrote Granstream Saga into that wiki... bu it is blasphemy and taints the other three titles. I give this game a 1/10 and suggest you stay far away from it. If you can somehow link the creators of Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, and Terranigma to Grandstream Saga, it would be only by inane points EVEN IF ENIX MADE THE GAME. The moron who put Grandstream Saga on the same page as those other wonderful titles needs to hang himself with a playstation controller... but he's probably so dumb that he'd try to do it with the PS3's WIRELESS controller!

As of now, the game lays in shards on my floor as an overly powerful enemy sent be back over an hour of gameplay of which had no save points in between. He wasn't even a boss... It is by mercy that the cd gets out with only that much. It should be taken and sent to the depest darkest corner of the earth (which is probably a Regal Hole) to rot with all the other disapointments in video game history.

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PostPosted: August 16th, 2007, 1:42 pm 
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Lollerskates..I remember how psyched up you were when you first found out about that game..and when you ordered it...and now...teehee. :D

Ok..Not sure if this counts, but when there's a uber great game that comes out with a sequel that is a good game, but not as great as the first and people hate on it. That's bull. It's like the little kid that has to live in his brothers shadow or something. It ticks me off. The game is great! It's just not as good as the first. So give it a freakin break.


PostPosted: August 16th, 2007, 2:14 pm 
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Kajakfaucon wrote:
Ok..Not sure if this counts, but when there's a uber great game that comes out with a sequel that is a good game, but not as great as the first and people hate on it. That's bull. It's like the little kid that has to live in his brothers shadow or something. It ticks me off. The game is great! It's just not as good as the first. So give it a freakin break.

That depends. The campaign of Halo 2 wasn't even remotely as good as the campaign of Halo 1 because Bungie was trying to outdo the original and ran out of time for their blockbuster release date of Nov. 9, 2004. They created the dissapointment with the hype they built so I can't always agree.

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PostPosted: August 16th, 2007, 2:39 pm 
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I think this may be my last one.... but I really have a hard time getting over this one. Though I seem the be the only one that finds it irritating.

From Resident Evil 0 to Resident Evil: Code Veronica, the whole point of the game was to survive the virus and get back at its creator, Umbrella Inc. Each game you feel like you are getting closer and closer to finally shutting down the evil coporation. And just when you think you might actually hold the title in your hand were you get to see the greatest antagonist or RE history fall.... you get shafted.

Resident Evil 4 completely and casually just blew off the entire exsistance of Umbrella right at the get-go. All that work from the other titles and it gets shot down in the opening scene of the game.

It's like watching all three Lord of the Rings movies, but in the final one "The Return of the King" Sauron is completely tossed out of the picture... and very descretely at that.

Resident Evil 4 is a great game... don't get me wrong. But I was really disapointed by this little stunt.

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PostPosted: August 16th, 2007, 2:52 pm 
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But hey, it made the title that more accessable to someone like me who never played Resident Evil before.

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PostPosted: August 16th, 2007, 2:58 pm 
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That's hardly a liable excuse. I doubt Capcom is hurting so much as to try to start from scratch to try to get a larger RE fan base. And if it wasn't for the re-worked battle system of 4, they would have lost alot of the fans.

Actually, from what I've seen of 5, it doesn't look like you even play any of the cast from any past Resident Evil. If that's suppose to be Chris Redfield, then he's changed... alot.

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PostPosted: August 16th, 2007, 3:14 pm 
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You know, I'm a big fan of RE and I love the Umbrella storyline, but when playing the RE4 I didn't really think about the umbrella storyline (in a way with those games, I like to osmotically take the story in) but now that you've pointed that out, that probably is one of the main reasons that RE4 is probably my second least favorite RE game (I still like it better than RE 3). I guess that [spoiler]I always assumed that there would be an established connection between RE4 and the work of umbrella in a later game.[/spoiler]

I think that Dinocrisis 3 reminds me of RE4 in that it broke away from much of what made the earlier games more interesting (thus disappointing), but at least in RE4, you could actually see what you were shooting at!

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PostPosted: August 16th, 2007, 3:32 pm 
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@ Bo

From what I hear Capcom is trying to go back and cover it. They are releasing a game called Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles which covers the fall of Umbrella. Too bad I don't have a Wii. Oh and I did find out that Chris Redfield IS in fact the playable character in 5. Also I read to expect one of the female characters to return. Also, Umbrella Chronicles isn't going to be a 3rd person shooter. It'll be a On-Rail Shooter... like Time Crisis. I'm not sure I'd be very comfortable with that... oh well, eh?

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Last edited by Lantis on August 17th, 2007, 9:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: August 16th, 2007, 9:46 pm 
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From what I've read, Umbrella Chronicles is supposed to be very good, even for an 'on rails shooter'.

I think it'll be good for the fact the everything in the game is destructible, and you can make the game harder by shooting out the lights and fighting zombies in the dark.

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