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PostPosted: April 24th, 2007, 11:44 pm 
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I'd still play Crystal if the battery weren't dead. :(

And no, the cellphone feature was taken out for the localized release, on account cellphones weren't as popular with kids in the Americas as they were in Japan or are now.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: April 25th, 2007, 12:13 am 
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You guys remember the Missingno glitch on Blue and Red? Wow...good times...


PostPosted: April 25th, 2007, 12:31 am 
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Yes. Best glitch ever.


PostPosted: April 25th, 2007, 12:16 pm 
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Jeroak Nelave wrote:
and the framerate issues are kinda annoying

Framerate issues? In a Pokemon game?

*Draygone's expecations drop a few points furthur.*

What he means is that the pace of battles has gotten slower.

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


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PostPosted: April 25th, 2007, 12:38 pm 
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Well that's a bummer. Battles were already slow to begin with. Although it can't be as slow as they were in the GS games.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: April 25th, 2007, 10:19 pm 
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For those who don't know, Missingno was a glitch in Blue/Red. It is found around Cinnabar. If you find it, it looks like a barcode. It's cry (The sound it makes) sounds like a cross between a Pidgey and a Ratata. If you catch it, you better kiss your badges goodbye cuz if you do that, your game data get's clucked up. Big time. And, if you kill it, an item in your fifth slot becomes infinite. Perfect for Master Balls and Rare Candys.

But, if you want to use it, don't use it with Rare Candys. It will make your pokemon weaker. Trust me.

And, if you DO catch Missingno, it has weird attacks.

1.) Sky Attack
2.) Water Gun
3.) Water Gun

No, it's not a typo. Missingno really has 2 water guns. I was unfortunate to catch him one time.


PostPosted: April 26th, 2007, 12:16 am 
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Yea, if you killed it or catured it, then you were in trouble of losing your game. If you ran away, you were fine, and still got the 6th item slot infinite.

I always used it to get TM's, then I sent over pokemon from the gold and silver. Too bad there was no way to send those infinite Master balls to gold and silver.

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


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PostPosted: April 26th, 2007, 12:19 am 
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No, if you killed it, it wouldn't mess up your game. Ive killed it many, many times.


PostPosted: April 26th, 2007, 8:20 am 
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I had my first battle over wifi, and the chat is pretty good for being on the DS. It can be a little static but I think if you get it at the right distance from your mouth it works better.

PostPosted: April 26th, 2007, 12:52 pm 
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Yeah, the battles are definately slower. It's not so much the animations as the pause between each animation and text.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: April 26th, 2007, 8:53 pm 
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I am currently training my evees. Then I am going to breed some. :)

PostPosted: April 27th, 2007, 1:43 am 
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I plan on getting both Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl for the DS when I get the money. I used to own Pokemon Blue, Yellow and Red but I sold them off since I no longer had a Game Boy Color handheld anymore. :lol

Fun games though. 8)

PostPosted: April 27th, 2007, 12:54 pm 
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Well unless you aren't able to get your DS online, there really isn't any reason to get both versions, since it's now easier than ever to find someone who has the Pokemon you can't find in your version.

BTW, I recommend going here:

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: April 27th, 2007, 2:56 pm 
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PostPosted: April 27th, 2007, 7:07 pm 
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And there is no reason you can't get online. Just head to McDonalds or any other wifi avaible place.

I now have Espeon, Leafeon, and Jolteon. I am getting my other evee up to 29 for bite, then turning him into Umberon. I will then breed two more evees for Graceon and Fireon.

PostPosted: April 27th, 2007, 10:21 pm 
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Some people don't really have that option, though.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: May 2nd, 2007, 1:22 pm 
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I got Diamond the day it came out, and beat the elite four a couple days later (easy when you have no life), but then my friend ws like, "but I wanted Diamond" so he bought Pearl and I traded him, so I started over.

It's pretty good. Nothing wrong with it, but spectacularly better than the others, plus the new pokemon are all lame.

So the moral is: "Don't be a bad actor, or Pyramid Head will find you and rip your skin off"
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PostPosted: May 2nd, 2007, 1:50 pm 
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How can you not like Buizel or Lucario?

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: May 2nd, 2007, 2:58 pm 
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PostPosted: May 2nd, 2007, 3:44 pm 
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Ooh, I'm at L21-23 and one at L25. Interested in a battle after you catch up a little?

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

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