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PostPosted: February 23rd, 2007, 10:49 am 
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This is a game i am making about an overweight chicken who is the ugly duckling of his village. One day Colonel Sanders comes and chokes all the chickens in his village and takes them back to KFC to cook them and feed them to the black minorities, but he leaves the ugly ex-military hero/chicken of the game called Major Cock in his village and it is up to him to sharpen his skills and save his villagers, and take revenge on Colonel Sanders.

P.M. me and tell me what you think i should do with this game and if you think it sounds any good. I spent a lot of time working on the story.

PostPosted: February 23rd, 2007, 11:11 am 
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I think you spend a wee bit too much time trying to though in explicit material including, but not limited to things such as choking chickens and major cocks.

I think sex is already plastered all over today as it is. Seems humor RPGs take presidence over traditional now a days too.

Well, run with it... I guess. Best of luck to you.

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PostPosted: February 23rd, 2007, 11:15 am 
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I'll let you be the first person to play it. Thanks for the feedback.

PostPosted: February 23rd, 2007, 12:14 pm 
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I'll probably be the only one here who didn't think Major Cock was a sexual joke...

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PostPosted: February 23rd, 2007, 3:39 pm 
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Draygone wrote:
I'll probably be the only one here who didn't think Major Cock was a sexual joke...

Honesly... Someone like me whos always thinking about jokes.. I did not give it that much thought, either. So I 2nd you on that. :P

However I thought he was maybe making a joke about the KFC cruelty thread. Thats kinda where my mind was on that at first. :/

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PostPosted: February 23rd, 2007, 7:14 pm 
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I was just thinking of making a game like that a few weeks ago. I won't do it now 'cause I have more games on my mind. :)

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PostPosted: February 27th, 2007, 4:35 pm 
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Major Cock is a battle hardened soldier whose lived through many wars, it wasn't sexual at all! You should be ashamed for thinking that!

I need some help for the beggining. I'm trying to make a scene like in the beggining of god of war, when hes having sexual relations with those two whores.
Only in my game it will have Major Cock with them, I'd really appreciate any help with that part.

Also, the character design is coming along great, Major Cock only has one eye because he lost his other in a previeous battle with the colonel.

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