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PostPosted: February 18th, 2007, 6:16 pm 
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Massively Addictive
As millions continue to spend large quantities of time in virtual worlds, what effect is this having on the real one?

By Mike Smith

15 Feb 2007

The eight million players of massively multiplayer online game World of Warcraft don't really change the game's world. Even if you spend all night slaying an epic dragon, it'll still be alive again in time for the next team of intrepid adventurers. But in some cases, the compelling, addictive gameplay characteristic of many massively multiplayer games can have devastating impacts on the real worlds of their players.

After World of Warcraft's first expansion pack The Burning Crusade released last month, adding a new continent to the world and a sizable stack of new adventures for players to tackle, we were inundated with tales of Warcraft woe -- stories of broken marriages, ignored friends, lost jobs, and wrecked lives. If you want to play the game at the top level, a serious commitment of time is required, and that's leading some players to neglect real-world responsibilities.

Clinical psychologist Dr. Orzack sees similarities between game addiction and more traditional behavior disorders

Massively multiplayer addiction is a real phenomenon, and it's one that's being taken increasingly seriously by medical professionals. Facilities are being set up to combat it all over the world: Washington, Bejing, and most famously at the Smith & Jones addiction consultancy in the Netherlands. Smith & Jones compares the symptoms of MMO withdrawal to those characteristic of chemical dependence, and offers a detox program followed up with a series of real-life activities intended to replace the excitement of playing MMOs with equally engaging experiences that don't require 60-hour-a-week commitments.

Closer to home, more traditional avenues of support are available to those who feel their MMO habits are getting the better of them. Maressa Hecht Orzack, Ph.D., clinical psychologist and Director of the Computer Addiction Study Center at McLean Hospital in Belmont, MA, hears from six or seven people a day seeking treatment for gaming addictions. "Look at the fact that World of Warcraft now has eight million people playing it. Even if there are just five or 10 percent who can't stop, that's a large percentage, and I hear from a lot of them."

Dr. Orzack sees similarities between MMO addiction and more traditional behavior disorders such as compulsive gambling. "The same reward center in the brain is tapped -- the dopamine system. Gambling has all the components that go with these games," she explains, citing Solitaire as a simpler example of a game that can also lead to compulsive behavior.

Currently there's no psychiatric diagnosis that covers addiction to World of Warcraft, Everquest, or Solitaire, but that may change as new standards are drafted. Dr. Orzack is hopeful her profession may embrace the concept in the next revision of the authoritative DSM diagnostic text, due for publication in about four years. "There's a push to include compulsive disorders in the new manual," she says, "covering addictive behaviors and compulsive things like game playing and internet usage."

What symptoms might indicate a healthy gaming hobby is turning into a problem? "There are a lot of things. People might ignore their friends, they may not get to work on time, and their family relationships are often affected." She recommends players concerned about their habits look up one of the numerous online communities set up to tackle gaming addictions, consult any employee assistance programs their job might offer, or seek advice from their primary care provider.

We spoke to one former Warcraft player who experienced MMO addiction first-hand. Splint, as he asked us to call him, is a well-spoken 20-year-old man who habitually played World of Warcraft from its release in November 2004 until he finally quit last December, just before the release of The Burning Crusade. He was the lynchpin of his guild, which numbered some 70 people, and spent much of his time organizing "raids," assembling large groups of guild members to tackle a particularly tough dungeon or enemy.

How much time is that? Splint owns up: "By the time I finally quit, I had 180 days donated to Blizzard." That playtime took him just over two years to accumulate, meaning his account was logged into the game for nearly one hour in every four. "My friends barely ever saw me. I'd turn down work if it'd run heavily into raid time, and I encouraged my guildmates to do the same."

Splint and his guild kept a heavy schedule. "When the final dungeon before the expansion first hit, [we raided] every night. Every single night, just so we could say we did it first." He'd often skip meals to avoid inconveniencing the group. "If we didn't eat in time, we'd wait until after raiding," he says -- and that could be as long as six hours.

He's keen, too, to share stories of the devastating effects Warcraft addiction had on other players. "One guy turned down a college scholarship because he wasn't ready to go yet. Another had to sell his computer to pay rent, but he continued to play from a friend's house." Another still was forced into marriage counseling (where he and his wife struck a healthy-sounding compromise: no more than 16 hours of Warcraft a week).

Splint doesn't have much trouble explaining the irresistible draw of Warcraft's fantasy world. "It's an escape from reality," he told us. "When you're a retail jockey, you're nobody. When you're Captain 'Purple Items' with the best gear around, you're looked up to. People ask you for advice, encourage you to 'keep up the good work,' or just gush at your equipment in comparison to theirs."

He also lays some portion of the blame at the feet of the game's creator, Blizzard Entertainment, for structuring the game to encourage such heavy addiction. Once your character reaches the game's maximum level -- currently level 70 -- the time commitment required to keep advancing "skyrockets," as he put it. "When you master the game, another patch is released and your work is now obsolete."

Shortly before he quit the game, Splint and some of his guildmates began to question the amount of time they were spending in the game's world. "We compared stories of missing important events to make time for the game, and we sort of sat back and realized how ridiculous it was. We called it our 'WoW Support Group.' It was sort of a joke then, but it's not too far from the truth. They were a large part of the reason I quit."

When he quit the game, he sold his account and character to another player for $1600. It was a Christmas present from a mother to her son, who already owned four accounts. "I felt almost terrible to pass that off to him," he admitted. But even after quitting the game, Splint still kept up with his guild's online forums until his access was removed in late January, observing that "in two months I went from co-guild leader to just another guy. Interesting how quickly they're capable of forgetting you when you no longer play the game." He blames his banning on his tendency to encourage others not to play so much.

What's he doing with his new-found free time? "I never pass up work opportunities anymore, and I'm off to film-school soon. I'm currently hard at work with some real-life friends on a project of our own." How did his friends react when he quit? "It's about time," they said.

Splint's story is extreme, but is unlikely to surprise any heavy Warcraft players. To keep up with the big boys, you have to be prepared to put in the hours -- but there are plenty of Warcraft players who are content with an easier pace. Warcraft players number over eight million worldwide and some of them are finding out the game, handled carefully, has genuine educational and social value.

For one thing, it's a great way to teach teenagers about teamwork, planning, and self-reliance from the comfort of your own home. The workings of the game's economy can often mirror important real-world concepts like supply and demand. More importantly, they'll learn how it feels to be relied on by a team -- as any Warcraft player knows, a group is only as strong as its most careless player, and any team member can cause calamity by slapdash play or inattentiveness.

There are also widely known anecdotes of people meeting relationship partners through the game, and while Splint was eager to share his tales of trysts made and broken in Warcraft's virtual world Azeroth, we couldn't track any of the participants down to interview. They're out there, though -- it's not a coincidence that one of the garment choices in the game is a wedding dress. And in several instances guilds have organized Warcraft funerals for players who've died in real life.

Nielsen Media Research reports the average American watches television for four and a half hours a day. That's not a world away from Splint's excesses, although in this age of Tivo and VCRs, it's rare for even the most woeful of TV addicts to cancel social engagements to catch their favorite shows.

Likewise, plenty of Warcraft's eight million players enjoy the game without it detracting from their real-world lifestyles. Like many other leisure activities that can lend themselves to compulsive behavior, it's harmless when kept in the proper perspective. Or you could take the advice Splint wishes he'd taken when he bought the game two years ago: "Stop when you hit level 60," the game's maximum at the time.

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This was beyond my expectations ...your plan really works and we are forever grateful.

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Video Game Addiction Intervention

Video Game Addiction Intervention

Video Game Addiction

Video game addiction is not just for teenagers anymore. As a whole generation who has been raised with the availability of video games takes to college, the workforce and family life, video game addiction can interfere with the natural growth of life. Video games and systems have grown in sophistication and complexity over the years and are attracting a wider adult audience. Players argue that the interaction, online playing against others and development of coordination and thinking skills are all beneficial.

Like most escape activities, taken in moderation and balance can be an effective retreat from the stress of the day. But playing for hours a day and avoiding activities with friends and family even to the point of exhaustion is typical for those suffering from video game addiction.

Video Game Abuse

Playing video games for extended periods of time develops skills and mastery of the game for the player and a sense of control. This feeling of control and superiority leads to more playing and can be a seductive reinforcing cycle. In contrast, there is little control at the workplace, family members often have minds of their own and video game addicts find this intolerable and escape to the fantasy world of the game where they are masters of their own destiny.

Reinforced by increasing challenges of new levels and new games addicts will often spend all of their leisure time playing. Addicts soon find they can avoid unpleasant activities and thoughts by playing all the time.

Video Game Addiction and Dependency

Despite the marketing and promotion of the newest, fastest, hippest game- society does not reward those who spend all their time playing video games. The consequences for the video game addict are not unlike those of substance abuse and addiction. Increased isolation from friends and family who aren’t part of the sub-culture, disinterest in work and outside activities and preoccupation with thoughts about video games when not playing are all progressive signs of video game addiction and dependency.

Video Game Addiction Intervention

As you are reading this, it is NOT too late. Calls are confidential and anonymous. You may only need information: Your loved one may need a video game intervention.

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PostPosted: February 18th, 2007, 6:28 pm 
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I'm addicted but if I wasn't addicted I would be like my friend. High everyday, chasing 13-17 year old girls and dodging the police, dropped out, and have nothing really to live for.

PostPosted: February 18th, 2007, 7:17 pm 
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I fail to see the connection between WoW addiction and living drug-free. Unless drugs were a previous problems of yours that WoW addiction "cured".

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PostPosted: February 19th, 2007, 10:52 am 
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They use addiction like it's a bad thing. And there is a point to where you could be playing too many games.... but where to you draw that line?

Parents would probably think it's somewhere around an hour a day... where as our generation would fine a few hours a day as pretty much the norm.

Personally, I think it's an addiction if you neglect your job and your social life... (I'm not sure about games BEING your social life though... which is why I try to keep out of MMOs as much as possible)

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PostPosted: February 19th, 2007, 2:03 pm 
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I can't imagine being addicted to games. IMO, it can't be good.

PostPosted: February 20th, 2007, 4:52 pm 
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....... I'm not even gone get started on this topic. Well, I am or I wouldn't have posted. But I'll keep it light.

I play wow. I raid. I have devoted a lot of time to it. I have devoted a lot of time to other games, such as DOTA. Do I consider myself addicted? To gaming? Yes. Do I consider it a bad thing? No. Do I think it's ruining my life? No. In fact as I look back upon recent events I'm begining to think it saved my ass a lot of grief *winks at Lantis*.

I've never been a fan of gambling or gaming addictions. I'm sorry. But if it's not a chemical that is added to your body from an outside source then I don't think it should be counted as a true addiction.

I'm just gonna point at will power and the ability to make choices. *points at will power and choice making abilities* OK. Now I'm walking away.


PostPosted: February 20th, 2007, 5:48 pm 
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Kajakfaucon wrote:
Do I consider myself addicted? To gaming? Yes. Do I consider it a bad thing? No. Do I think it's ruining my life? No.

I'm sorry. But if it's not a chemical that is added to your body from an outside source then I don't think it should be counted as a true addiction.

Well said. People need to start enjoying their additctions and learn to regulate them, but I don't see why it needs to be a chemical. It is a foreign source of energy that influences your mind's chemistry and that is really all that matters as far as I see it.

PostPosted: February 20th, 2007, 5:51 pm 
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That's where I have to disagree. With gambling and gaming it's not a foriegn source of energy. All the reactions from gambling and gaming come from within the human body itself. Other addictions put chemicals into you body that you can have withdrawals from. Gambling and Gaming merely produce more of a chemical that is already in your body.

Which leads me in my opinion that gambling and gaming are at all times within human control.


PostPosted: February 20th, 2007, 6:07 pm 
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But why doesn't the essence of addiction lie WITHIN the human body. Chemical addictions are easier to induce and more direct, but all "addictions" require the brain.

PostPosted: February 20th, 2007, 6:11 pm 
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Actually, sorry Kajak... I got Bo's back.

An addiction can also be a habbit, like say... biting your fingernails.

*glances at Kajak*

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PostPosted: February 20th, 2007, 6:40 pm 
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*glances back at Lantis*

I can assure you. Addiction and habit are two incredibly different things. I've been subject to both of them. One of which you are about to owe me 20 dollars for ;)

And please note that I never said gambling and gaming weren't addictions. I said I think they shouldn't be counted as true addictions. Also note that I feel a gambling or gaming addiction is perfectly within a persons control and is a matter of will.

Thus, while I believe gambling and gaming can be scientifically classified as addictions, I do not think they can be used as crutches. (not saying that other addictions can, but other addictions can actually cause bodily harm from withdrawal)

Basically I'm saying in to many words that people who blame things on a gambling or gaming addiction are...well...I don't wanna say weak, but that's close to what it is. If that offends anyone here then note, I effectly called myself (at least in my past) weak. And Lantis can testify to this. The reason I can speak confidently about a gaming addiction (as well as others) is because I've been through it.


PostPosted: February 20th, 2007, 6:50 pm 
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So you mean to tell me that drinking and smoking isn't a bad habbit... because I swear that I've heard that... alot, actually. So, in fact, I WOULD considter a habbit and an addiction pretty similar.

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PostPosted: February 21st, 2007, 3:15 pm 
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If a person is so "weak" that he cannot stop partaking of a behavior he does not want to partake of, then effectivly he is not in "control."

PostPosted: February 21st, 2007, 3:45 pm 
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First of all, how many people play games that don't want to?

Second of all, it's something that can be controlled. It's a matter of will power. If someone is so weak that they let it break their life then that's their own damn fault.

Look. I'm tired of stupid people using things like this as a crutch. Oh poor me...I can't get off my ass and pay my bills cause the game is sucking me in. It's not my fault! I'm addicted! BS. It's not a crutch. Get on with your life.

Now a smoking addiction? Or worse...a drug addiction...Yes you're stupid for getting stuck to it. It's your own damn fault...But I can at least sympathize with the withdrawals you face to break that addiction.

Yes, gaming is something that is easily controlled. Yes, if you can't control it you are one weak mofo. And I have no sympathy for you....and now I'm done beating the hell out of this dead horse.


PostPosted: February 21st, 2007, 5:26 pm 
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I'm saying that addiciton requires an element that part of you "wants" to quit but part of you "can't". If a gamer has NO part of him that wants to quit, I don't consider him addicted.

I think that the FEELING of withdrawl can occur without OTHER symptoms. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean they don't experience it.

I can also say that someone addicted to drugs can choose to not put the drugs in their system. They are "weaK" for not sweating it throught the pain of withdrawal.

PostPosted: February 21st, 2007, 5:37 pm 
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I think what most people are worried about is people getting fat and having heart attacks due to lack of excercise.

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