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PostPosted: January 9th, 2007, 7:05 pm 
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This is going to be a long post as I am going to provide much proof of my accertions.

As far a naievity goes, I believe he meant this definition: Lacking worldly experience and understanding. This is not a bad thing. This is the time for you to learn.

I'll address each statement one by one.

I'm well aware of all of the things you posted, there are some new, and I didn't read the website in depth, and I still haven't, I have a huge test tommorrow than I've been studying for, so I apologize for that. Males are not the minorty, especially not White Males, so you're not the minority in that aspect Lantis. I understand what you mean, I agree with Ix and all of you about the unfairness that we have. I even stated, there will always be racism, sexism, and all other isms as long as there is affirmative action. Where I disagree with you is that I don't think it's the majority of women in America that are so "evil" as you put it. I'm not denying they're there, I've lived in 13 different states and 36 different houses ranging from big cities to little small bumfuck towns. I'm still only 18, and I have seen a lot of females and I study the culture of every place I go to. I believe that males mature emotionally faster than females, not mentally, not phsyically, just emotionally. Females have nearly twice the brain size(I'm going from memory on this, I'll look up the real number in a bit) dedicated to their emotions than that of men. I despise feminists and misynogists(Spelling?) they're both groups who need to and I quote myself "grow a pair" and stop complaining. You have the same chances as anyone else as long as you set your mind to it. The balance of power has slipped out of control of the white man, that is perfectly fine by me, it is now (loosely) distributed amongst all the minorities, who are slowly becoming the majority in numbers(Only when you combine the minorities) I don't know much about Lantis or his character, so I can't insult him, and I can't insult the guy of the book, it's not my place. I think he(The author) needs to ( I won't shame) stop complaining about these inequalities as if they're keeping him from living a productive life. As far as I can tell(ONCE AGAIN I have not read the book) they're not hampering his life. I wanted Lantis to apologize because he doesn't know anything of my character and he called me naive, I may be a lot of negative things in life, but I am not naive. I'm going to adress each one of the iquestions you mentioned here

The information I'm telling you has come from thousands of anecdotes and statictics. As I stated earlier, I have spent almost three years researching this information.

It's not rape, it's surprise sex! On a serious note, it's neither is funny, but male rape rarely happen. It's made fun of though because that's how us men work, when the manhood of another is in question, we like to make fun of the man. This has carried over to rape.

This may be true in public, but have you heard of a little thing called prison rape. And yes, men can be raped by women.

"They Deserve It" by Dan Bell wrote:
Even as the gates slammed shut and he stepped out into the roar of the main cellblock, T.J. Parsell was still in denial. he had landed in prison after a drunken prank with a toy gun netted him $50 and two and a half years. His older brother, who had served some brief jail time, had given him some advice: Look tough. Show no fear. Be a man.

But even if Parsell could have kept his shoulders back, his chin cocked, and the panic out of his eyes as he walked beneath five stories of barred cells, through the echoes of slamming doors, the clatter of chow trays, and the shouts of 500 inmates, they already knew: This paper-thin kid with a desperate game face was fresh meat. Barely six weeks later, according to Parsell, he had been drugged, gang-raped by three inmates and "sold" to a fourth with the flip of a coin. He was 17 years old.

Parsell's story is horrifying, but hardly surprising. And therein lies a paradox: If prison rape is as prevalent as it is thought to be, it stands out as one of the most appallingly frequent human rights abuses in America. But as a matter of public concern, when victims are male, the issue remains little more than a dirty joke.

In 2001, Human Rights Watch attempted to turn off the canned laughter. Drawing on testimonies from 200 prisoners in thirty-four states, HRW released a report titled "No Escape: Male Rape in U.S. Prisons." The findings suggested that male rape, often accompanied by almost unimaginable violence, is widespread throughout the US prison system. Te report was damning enough to help convince Congress to pass the optimistically named 2003 Prison Rape Elimination Act. In writing PREA, Congress estimated that 13 percent of inmates had been sexually assaulted. Even if that is (as many experts believe) a conservative estimate, it translates into a stunning number of victims. "Nearly 200,000 inmates now incarcerated have been or will be victims of prison rape," the act states. "The total number of inmates who have been sexually assaulted in the past 20 years likely exceeds 1,000,000."

The act is intended to tackle rape in both male and female prisons; there is no reliable gender breakdown of prison rape victims, but 93% of America's prison population is male.
Despite the bold promise implied by its name, PREA hasn't made a dent in the statistics so far. Although the act sets out to define new standards for detection, prevention, reduction, and punishment of prison rape, no new standards have yet been established-- and when they are, they are unlikely to go into effect before 2010. Even then, it is by no means certain that they will be effectively enforced.

But the problem goes deeper than inadequate legislation. The prevailing social attitude toward male prison rape was typified by California Attorney General Bill Lockyer back in 2001, when Enron CEO Ken Lay was in the news. "I would love to personally escort Lay," Lockyer said, "to an 8-by-10 cell that he could share with a tattooed dude who says, 'Hi, my name is Spike, honey.'"

"I think in a lot of ways this issue is where the women's issue was about thirty years ago," says Lara Stemple, former executive director of Stop Prisoner Rape, the only national organization dedicated to advocating on behalf of prison-rape survivors. "People still make jokes about men being raped that people would never make about women." If the male victim is behind bars, the problem is compounded. Louise Kindley, a veteran rape-crisis counselor who recently opened New York's first program for male survivors, says "There is an idea that they deserve it."

As a first-time teenage offender, Parsell fit the profile of a prison rape victim to a T. After an initial six weeks on lockdown, he was transferred into the general population at Riverside Correctional Facility, at that time (the late 1970's) one of Michigan's three "close custody" security prisons--one security level down from maximum. It could hardly have been a worse place for him to land: In a 2000 investigation of medium- and maximum-security prisons in the state, PREA commissioner Cindy Struckman-Johnson surveyed 1788 inmates. One in ten said they had been raped, and one in five had experienced "pressured or forced sexual contact."

Parsell didn't know that, of course. But he did know that he was scared and lonely. So despite his brother's warning that any sign of weakness would turn him into a victim, when an older inmate came up and started talking to him on his first day at Riverside, Parsell opened a chink in his exhausted defenses. "The guy was just very friendly," he remembers, "and he said, You know, after count [the roll call of inmates] why don't you come down to chow with me?" By late morning the following day, Parsell and his new friend, Ron, were in the card room with two other inmates, dipping into a plastic bag full of homemade hooch. The old Maxwell House coffee jar Parsell was drinking out of never seemed to get empty.

It took about half an hour for the Thorazine they'd spiked his drink with to hit. Suddenly Parsell couldn't think straight. He couldn't understand what was being said to him, and he couldn't understand why he couldn't understand. It was, he says, like watching a film with pieces of blank tape spliced into it: "skips, like mini-blackouts," flashes followed by darkness.

Then he was back in one of the dormatories. Four inmates were waiting for him. It was only then that Parsell began to understand what was happening. But by the time the panic hit, it was too late. Ron shoved Parsell into one of the bunks and another two inmates tore off his pants. Even if Parsell hadn't been half their size, with the Thorazine he didn't have a chance. Ron pushed himself on top of Parsell and raped him, forcing Parsell's head int the pillow to muffle his screams as his rectum was ripped open. His cries were so desperate that they almost suffocated him trying to keep him quiet. But Ron didn't stop. Parsell felt like he screamed for an eternity.

By that afternoon he had been raped by another two inmates and traded into sexual slavery with a coin toss. His new owner wasn't one of his rapists, but another inmate named Slo-Drag. The rest of the prison knew the following day. "That's Slo-Drag's boy," they said as they brushed past. Ron thought it was hilarious; he could hardly stop laughing.

Parsell, now president of Stop Prisoner Rape's board of directors, speaks widely about his experiences. He believes his rape, like many others, could be prevented. Both survivors and advocates are certain that a large portion of sexual assaults in prisons could be avoided if young, vulnerable inmates were not housed with violent preadators, and if corrections officials made it clear to new inmates that they will quickly and conscientiously respond when violence occurs. "There has to be a climate where prisoners can report effectively, yet be protected from retaliation." says Struckman-Johnson.

But the fact is, many prison guards couldn't care less. In a study of Midwestern prisons in 1991, Helen Eigenberg of the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga found that 16 percent of officers thought inmates deserved rape if they were homosexual; 17 percent if they "dressed or talked in feminine ways"; 23 percent if they had "previously engaged in consensual sexual acts in prison"; and 24 percent if they had taken money or cigarettes for consensual sexual acts prior to a rape." An earlier study Eigenberg conducted in Texas echoed those findings.

Even prison administrators admit to widespread indifference. A 2004 survey of executive-level staff, commissioned by the National Institute of Corrections, concluded: "Sexual assault has been accepted in the past" and "there has been an expectation that it will occur. In some prison environments practices exist that encourage or facilitate sexual assault."

Like many other victims, Parsell is all too familiar with those "practices." Before he was sent to Riverside, he was interviewed by a psychologist at Jackson Prison, where he was initially held. Parsell remembers the doctor calmly asking "Have you ever been f*cked?"

"No!" Parsell said.

"Well, you will be. You're going inside the walls, " said the psychologist.
"They'll have to kill me first," Parsell said. "That can be arranged," he remembers the psychologist saying. "These guys that are doing life, they don't care about you. They'll slit your throat then they'll f*ck you."
(Charles Anderson, the then-warden at Jackson, now retired, says that he never heard of an inmate being threatened by a Jackson psychologist. "The psych units were very sensitive to the needs of prisoners," he says. "I have never known of a prison to be threatened with rape by a clinician.")

The PREA legislation promised to make certain that prison rape would no longer be treated with indifference. The act funded a nationwide study of prison rape by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and created a PREA commission to assess the data and recommend a set of standards to the Attorney General. Examples of those being considered are protocols for seperating vulnerable inmates from predators and hiring independent prison ombudsmen to hear complaints of abuse. The Justice Department will issue policies, based on the commission's recommendations, that will become law in all federal prisons. States will have to adopt the federal guidelines or lose 5 percent of their federal funding-- serious money.

Unfortunately, the pace of this "Elimination Act" is glacial. The PREA commission, which has held five hearings thus far in its three years of existence, is not scheduled to issue its recommendations until July 2007. At that point, the Attorney General's office plans to spend another year consulting with state corrections departments and industry officials before issuing its guidelines. No federal fines will be enforced until 2010 at the earliest.

Once guidelines go into effect, enforcement is likely to be a problem. PREA authorizes no civil or criminal penalties for prison guards or administrators who preside over institutionalized rape. The law does require administrators from the nation's three facilities with the highest incidence of rape to come before a review panel each year to explain themselves. But this public shaming is, so far, the only real threat faced by the administrators. And even the review panels and fact finding by the BJS face and uncertain future. Funding for the research is guaranteed by PREA only until 2010. "There is just no way to anticipate either the funding stream or what data collections will look like that far down the road," says timothy Hughes, a BJS statistician charged with directing the prison-rape data collection. "If there was no funding stream, and the collections didn't continue, then I would imagine that there would be no review panel, because there would be no data to review."

But if the review process looks toothless, the legislation is weakest of all in its pocketbook. Neither the commission nor the Attorney General is allowed to recommend measures "that would impose substantial additional costs" on prison authorities. "We are restrained by the bill," says Struckman-Johnson. "These have to be practical, inexpensive ideas that we put forth. We can't say, Build new prisons."

There is some funding available for states to establish "zero tolerance" programs. Through the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Congress authorized $40 million a year through 2010 when it passed PREA. But those appropriations still have to make their way into the federal budget every eyar, and the money has been disappearing fast. In 2004, $37.2 million was appropriated for zero tolerance. But by 2006, the figure had dropped to less than half that. Although not yet finalized, the 2007 budget request has shrunk even further, to a paltry $2 million. It appears that zero tolerance is on its way to zero funding.

New York State was one of sixteen states to receive zero tolerance funding in 2004 for its Department of Corrections. Its $1 million federal grant was matched by another $1 million from state and local sources. Some of this money was supposed to help pay for risk assessment, screening, and separating vulnerable inmates from potential predators. But in the end, the vast majority of the $2 million has been earmarked for surveillance cameras in the Albion Correctional Facility for Women, and in New York City Department of Corrections facilities.

PREA also authorized a small amount, $5 million a year, to educate and train corrections officers to across the country. By fiscal years 2005 and 2006, as the momentum for prison-rape reform continued to fizzle, the annual appropriation for training had dipped to just $1 million per year -- a true drop in the bucket.

In one state, at least, there are encouraging signs that reform is possible. Las September, after California legislators heard testimony from Parsell and others, the State Assembly passed a law requiring the Department of Corrections to provide inmates with handbooks on sexual assault; adopt practices that will separate vulnerable prisoners from sexual predators; collect accurate data and make it publicly available; and bring rape-crisis services into prisons. The legislation also created a state office to "ensure confidential reporting and impartial resolution of sexual abuse complaints." Other states have begun to take steps, says Katherine Hall-Martinez, co-executive director of Stop Prison Rape, "but no state has been as quick and aggressive as California." Still even the California law doesn't include penalties for prison administrators.

In 2002, twenty-four years after he was raped at Riverside, T.J. Parsell walked into a Midtown Manhattan video store and found the sales assistants laughing at an episode of the TV series "Oz", in which an inmate is raped. "The guys could have taken out a little knife and just poked me in the gut." Parsell says. The experience led him to become an activist, and ultimately write a book about his experiences Fish: A Memoir of a Boy in a Man's PRison is scheduled to be published this fall.

"Men are supposed to be resilient," says Dr. Richard Gartner, former president of Male Survivor, an advocacy group for sexual-abuse survivors. When a man has been raped, Gartner says, "It doesn't seem to matter how old he is, how strong he is; that's still somewhere in the back of his mind --that he's allowed this to happen, that he's a sissy, that you're feminized in some way or that it means you're gay."

In short, society teaches men that they are not supposed to be victims, whcih makes it extraordinarily difficult for rape survivors to deal with what's happened to them. For five years after his release from Riverside, Parsell was a case study, his life a downward spiral of booze, drugs, and risky sex. It was only after he saw his brother nearly die from a heroin overdose, and he realized that he could be next, that he decided to get sober.

Ultimately, Parsell has fared better than most. Now 45, he did well in the dot-com boom, has a long-term partner and lives on a tree-lined street in the picturesque coastal town of Sag Harbor, New York. HIs study looks out over a pool that, when we spoke last fall, was sprinkled with golden leaves. Propped on the windowpane is a small, framed, photograph of Parsell as a young boy with a cheeky grin.

"I'm very lucky to have transcended these experiences," he says. "Each time I tell the story, the sting goes off it that much more. But sometimes my inner kid gets really scared, and I just look up and say, It's OK, I've gotcha." It's a long way from the horrors of Riverside Correctional. But sometimes, Parsell says, he still wakes up at night in a cold sweat, crying. It feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room.

Also, it's been shown that over 50% of rapes reported by women are false. wrote:
Prior to DNA testing it was near impossible for the prosecution to determine whether a rape accusation was true or false, that is why it was assumed that the accuser’s word must have been true. However, since the discovery of DNA testing, it has been found that around 50% of rape accusations remain to be false.

The main reason why so many females make false rape accusations is mainly that females have so much to gain from being considered a "rape victim" in terms of victim hood status, and attention. Another reason is that psychologists, feminists and family members have a tendency to brainwash females into believing they were raped when they clearly were not. They produce hysteria within the mind of the female to distort how she felt at the time, and this makes her feel as if she was raped when in reality the behavior that occurred was clearly non-criminal.

Vast amounts of studies have been performed within universities, the military, and via police reports, and all studies reveal similar findings. Charles P McDowell and Eugene J. Kanin have produced perhaps the most comprehensive and reliable studies so far, using the most reliable methods to collect data for their studies. Charles P McDowell's initial study which was produced within the military, created some confusion, as the methods used were non-conclusive in 46% of cases. In further studies he altered the methods used so that the studies would find conclusive results and his follow up studies did gain qualification from many other investigators. McDowell also took his study outside of the military by examining police reports from a major Midwestern city along with a major southwestern city. His study still confirmed that 60% of rape accusations were false.

I don't know where you got this information but it's domestic abuse if a women hits a man too. Neither is acceptable, and neither should be acceptable. I view this as more of a chivalry issue, chivalry is slowly dying because we as a race are killing it. I have no respect for a man that wishes to hit a woman. None. It's how I was raised, and I know of the other side, and I have seen it, and this is one issue I am 100% firm on. No man should ever hit a woman. No woman should hit a man either, but it happens. Women don't have as much control over their emotions as men do, this has been scientifically proven. Sometimes they can't help the outbursts, that still doesn't make it right, but it's up to you to keep this in consideration.

First I have a question.

What would you do if a woman came at you with a knife? Would you have reservations about hitting her then?

Women are and precieve themselves as physically inferior. So they don't use fists when they fight a man. They use guns, cars, plates, knifes, and even their own babies. wrote:
RIE, Pennsylvania - A woman used her 4-week-old baby as a weapon in a domestic dispute, swinging the infant through the air and striking her boyfriend with the child, authorities said.

The boy was in serious but stable condition Monday at Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh, police said.

“Never, never, never. I can never remember anything like this,” District Attorney Bradley Foulk told the Erie Times-News.

Chytoria Graham, 27, of Erie, was charged with aggravated assault, reckless endangerment and simple assault. She was held Monday in the Erie County Jail in lieu of $75,000 bail.

The infant, whose name was not released, suffered a fractured skull and some bleeding in the brain, authorities said. His head hit Graham’s boyfriend, the baby’s father, police Lt. Dan Spizarny said.

Authorities removed four other children from Graham’s home and placed them with the Erie County Office of Children and Youth, Foulk said.

Some Domestic Violence Statitics wrote:
Severe Violence Survey- From Binkerhoff & Lupri, Canadian Journal of Sociology, 13:4 (1989):Severe Assault Category Percentage
Severe Husband-To-Wife Violence 4.8%
Severe Wife-To-Husband Violence 10%

Please visit the link for more information.

The army is a sexist organization that needs some reforms. You should start a petition to change that law. I say abolish the mandatory selective service registration, but hey, do what you want.

That's gonna be pretty hard to do when women controll over 50% of the vote, and the government need cannon fodder for thier various wars.

Proof please. I mean, REAL proof. This seems to be the same kind of propaganda a feminist would use against males. Frankly I don't believe it.

Here's a few:

December 30, 2006
Appeal court upholds drunk driving sentence
Woman spared further jail time
x ... 79081.html

CALGARY — A Calgary woman who mowed down a father of five while driving drunk has been spared further jail time, despite the Crown’s appeal of her sentence to a higher court.

The decision has angered the victim’s wife, who fears the six-month penalty isn’t enough to deter others from impaired driving — particularly those who might consider getting behind the wheel on New Year’s Eve.

“It’s just like we are the ones punished,” said Maria Raguindin, whose husband, Ponciano, 50, was killed in the August 2005 crash.

Two of the three-member Alberta Court of Appeal panel have ruled that the six months behind bars and two years probation given to Angela McCormick earlier this year wasn’t unreasonable and upheld the sentence.

The Crown had appealed the initial sentence handed down in July, calling it too lenient for someone who had “mowed down a father, grandfather and husband.”

McCormick’s Jeep Cherokee struck Raguindin on a southeast roadway where the victim had stopped en route to his night-shift job to change a flat tire.

McCormick’s blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit.

She was released from prison early last month after serving two-thirds of the six-month jail term.

Defence lawyer Balfour Der said the decision will be a relief to McCormick.

He pointed out she has voluntarily done public presentations to try and educate others about the dangers of drunk driving.

That’s little consolation to Maria Raguindin, whose nine-year-old daughter Ruby still cries at night for her dad.

“It’s so hard. I’m just trying my best . . . for the sake of my daughter,” she said.

Mom gets probation in baby's bucket drowning

The Associated Press

December 19, 2006, 11:00 AM EST

A teenage mother who spent an evening drinking gin before her 4-month-old daughter accidentally drowned in a bucket of cleaning solution and vomit has been sentenced to five years probation.

Savarin DeJesus, 18, pleaded guilty to criminally negligent homicide last month in the death of her daughter, Niah Ford. A Manhattan judge sentenced her Monday for the baby's Sept. 15 death.

DeJesus, of Staten Island, told prosecutors that she went out after leaving the baby with a friend. She said she drank gin heavily before returning around 4 a.m. to the homeless shelter in East Harlem where she and the baby were staying.

After returning, DeJesus told the court, she continued drinking from a bottle containing gin and cola. She vomited into a bucket of cleaning solution next to her bed, then passed out with the baby at her side.

When she woke around 2 p.m., she found Niah's head inside the bucket, which contained about 6 inches of liquid.

The baby was taken to a nearby hospital, where she was pronounced dead. The cause of death was asphyxiation or drowning, the medical examiner's office said. The felony complaint against DeJesus said the baby smelled of alcohol.

Catholic Charities operates the shelter, a 17-room space for pregnant women and mothers, under a contract with the city's Department of Homeless Services. The Sisters of Charity of New York runs the shelter on a daily basis. wrote:

Cut off husband's penis, woman draws conditional sentence

VANCOUVER (CP) - A 38-year-old mother of six who told police she had no choice but to cut off her husband's penis when he refused to end an affair with a younger woman was given a two-year conditional sentence Monday. Kim Tran won't be going to jail but can spend her time in the community as long as she doesn't violate the conditions of her sentence. These include attending counselling with her children, taking English as a Second Language classes and participating in life skills classes as directed by her bail supervisor.

She pleaded guilty last month in B.C. Supreme Court to aggravated assault. Court was told that when Vi Hoc Phung, 42, returned home to his wife of 18 years about 3 a.m. July 1, 1997, Tran pleaded with him to leave the other woman. Phung ignored his wife's crying and pleading. He sat and drank beer, telling her to leave him alone so he could sleep. After he went to sleep, Tran took a meat cleaver from the kitchen, pulled down his pants and cut off his penis, flush to the pubic bone. "I begged him but he didn't listen," Tran told a Cantonese-speaking police officer.

She cut off his penis "because I loved him so much," she said. Tran said her action would end her husband's affairs and keep him dependent on her. Under normal circumstances, said Justice Patrick Dohm, he would have sent Tran to prison because her act will have long-lasting physical and psychological effects on Phung, from whom she is now separated. Plastic surgeons managed to reconstruct a three-centimetre penis for Phung but he can't have normal sex and may have urinary problems later in life. But because Tran now is the sole support of her six children, aged four to 16, the circumstances are far from normal, Dohm said.

"These children are entirely dependent on their mother," he said. "It would be expected that the six kids would end up in foster homes, probably divided and with lasting effect." Phung said through an interpreter he wasn‚t upset that his wife won't be serving any jail time. "He doesn't mind, because the children need to be taken care of," said a woman who translated for him.

Men‚s groups reacted angrily to the sentence. "If we look at the example of a woman losing a breast because some butcher hacked it off in a mad confrontation or conflict, what would the sentence in those cases be?" said Guy Thisdelle, spokesman for a coalition of Lower Mainland men's groups. "I think we'd find, historically, those types of incidents invoked jail terms," he said.

"I'm quite astonished that somebody who has done such a deed would be allowed back to have contact with the children, to continue raising her children," said Dr. Gerry Arthur-Wong, who runs a Vancouver-area group for abused men. But a representative of Women Against Violence Against Women, said the sentence was just.

"A lot of women get abandoned with children," said Fatima Jaffer. "It would mean poverty for her if he left" her for another woman. Jaffer denied that there was a double standard in the sentencing of domestic-violence cases.

Note how they the radical feminist justify violence on men. and also note if a man had done that to one of them they would be screaming bloody murder as how anyone man could do anything to a women.

"For the most part - 90 per cent of the time - men don't get jail," she said.

Note again how these radical feminist justify that abuse of the law and how they continual to just make excuses for the issue of violence on men is ok. Really sick stuff.

"At the most they get a peace bond asking them to stay away from women." The conditional sentencing option for non-dangerous offenders was brought in by the federal government last year to alleviate prison overcrowding. Offenders are eligible if they do not pose a danger to the community and if the jail term imposed is two years or less. If they their conditions, they must serve the remainder of their sentence in custody.

Again note , these radical feminist just make false claims about how men are not jailed, the truth is men are jailed almost 100% of the time. It is the other way around, where women receive very little jail time or no jail time at all for violent crimes on men and children, thanks to the socialist stupidity in the legislation and in the laws. Now there is the double standard.

Radical Feminist Misandry

(Vancouver Sun-Vancouver Province)

It's their body, it's their choice. You'd have the same choice if you carried the baby.

I have an analogy for you. You and I have 50/50 co-ownership of a house. On a whim, I decide that I want to destroy the house. Using "It's thier body their choice" I would leagally be able to destory the house without your consent.

What people seen to not understand is that the baby is not part of the woman's body, it's attached to the women's body. Plus half of the genetic material used to create the baby comes from the man she slept with.

Finally for tonight (I'll address the rest tomorrow) I have one question.

Are you for men (and by extention you) having no rights if they would choose to keep a baby that a woman wanted to abort?

PostPosted: January 9th, 2007, 7:20 pm 
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Hey guys.

I'm closing this topic tomorrow around 3PM EST. Get in anything you want to say by then.


PostPosted: January 9th, 2007, 7:23 pm 
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... i'd like to mention at this point that if you spent 5 minutes with any of the students who took Feminism in my department this year, they'd (if they'd been listening at all to their lecturers) be quite capable of quoting a huge ream of articles and statistics to prove that men are monsters.

it doesn't mean that they're right.... i know a lot of students doing feminism. it can get rather annoying after a while >_<

i believe equality is an excellent ideal, but as has been said earlier there are respects in which men and women are quite clearly not equal and that has to be taken into consideration. and arguments from analogy such as the one you mention don't apply. because in legal contexts, which are basically the ones we seem to be talking about here... there is no house involved. houses have deeds and contracts. i see no contract that requires a man and woman to take up ownership of one another's bodies. not even marriage.

^^; but i'm not really an expert, and my two years of study till this point have been expended mostly within epistemology.

if you ever need any epistemology, i'm your man.

::Edit:: this always happens to topics. first they become all about gender, then they get locked.

f*cking hell.

PostPosted: January 9th, 2007, 7:29 pm 
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*pats the sensitive issue* ^^

anything i want to say? hmm....

*stands barefoot in the kitchen washing dishes and loving small humans*

screw you people in the ism. ^____^


'Cus Downtown is where I live, and I do my damnest to stay alive.

PostPosted: January 9th, 2007, 7:34 pm 
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No, you'd be able to legally destroy half the house, using that logic. Applying the wrong logic to the wrong situation where you please doesn't help your case in my eyes. It's not my body that the baby is residing in for 9 months. It's the mother's choice as the baby is housed in her body, and that's that for me. If I had to lug the baby around instead of the female, I would want the same choice. Rape for men in prison is a problem, I agree. I'll sign any petition there is to help end that injustice. Women lie about rape sometimes, we all know. It's one of the unfair things in life, and I'll back you in trying to stop it. Women may control over 50% of the vote, but you're assuming all women would vote exactly the same on the issue. Much like us men all agree and think the same way, obviously. As for the court cases treated the same, please show me an equal case for men. I'm sure I could also find tons of cases with men getting away just as lightly, as a matter of fact, I know I can. My local big newspaper (The AJC) had an article in it a few days ago about a family outraged because a boy drunk driving killed 2 children and didn't get too harse of a sentence. Women are raped in prison by other women too I think I migth add. I would not hit the women if she came at me with a knife, I would disarm her. Yes, I would have reservations about hitting her then. I don't want to harm anyone, and if it's my time to die, then it'll be my time. I told you, this is more of a chivalry thing, from what I've seen you don't believe in chivalry really. To each his own. You're preaching hate. Yes, there are women out there that are a problem, just as there are men, I'd argue there is more men, but that's neither here nor there. I don't think women as a whole are evil, yes there are evil women out there, and women who get away with things all the time, and there are men that do exactly the same. I'm not trying to prove you wrong, I can see that you are right on most of this data, but I'm telling you the same applies to us for most, if not all, of the things you talk about.

EDIT - Ixzion, please don't close this topic, it's not harming anyone, and the only slight flaming that took place was resolved peacefully and with respect. I'm listening to his side, and I hope he's listening to mine. Honestly, if you close this topic, it shows that you'd rather run away than hear a viewpoint that goes against your own. I don't think that's true about you, please don't close the topic for no reason. We're all civilized humans here, and we can handle this as such.

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Last edited by Altoecko on January 9th, 2007, 7:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: January 9th, 2007, 7:36 pm 
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This is the last thing I'll say about the issue. The current majority opinion has taken a long time to take hold.

To all men that read this thread, you may not see the things I've talked about in your microcosmic view, but they will come in time.

To everyone, live your life however you want it, just be aware of what's out there.

I wish you all a hearty eventually exit from the FeMatrix.


PostPosted: January 9th, 2007, 7:43 pm 
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Nevermind Davian, you can close the topic, he doesn't want to listen to the other side of the issue, I guess. My view isn't microcosmic, it's fair. I'd assume you were hurt pretty deeply by a woman at some point and time and now you're just taking it out on the whole for the actions of one. I've been hurt by females too, and I've been hurt by males. Good luck in the real world my friend. I'm a psychologist in my core who believes in egocentric power, your views won't change unless you're open to change.

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PostPosted: January 9th, 2007, 8:03 pm 
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First, virgin w/no gf ever. I've never been hurt by a woman.

Second, I've heard your view too many times. It's held by the majority. I see it everywhere I go. After a while, no offense, you get tired of listening to it. I've been here for nearly 5 hours trying to debate you, but I know you will not change your mind, so why bother? We can save ourselves time by stopping now.

The main catch-22 is that it does not matter what I say, I'm still labeled anti-women, which is false, because most feminist are women, and by definition criticizing one=all. What I am is pro-woman-accountability with no government safety nets.

Also, all the assumptions that have been made about me, I've seen before. You're giving me the standard line....almost to the form letter.

I have no ill will toward you. Like I said before I'm just trying to help you. So many men are messed up simply because they did not have any help...from anyone. I'm simply trying to give you a leg up. It's up to you whether or not to heed the advice.

Also, whenever someone criticizes a woman, the connotative reaction is to say that that person hates women. Please display a direct quote where I said I hate women or said they were evil. If you can find it, I'll respond to it.

Last edited by DeeperKyo on January 9th, 2007, 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: January 9th, 2007, 8:08 pm 
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Deeper_Kyo, welcome to the mag. theres a welcoming room somewhere on the forum index. ^_^

personally, and i would've said this sooner, i have no problem at all with anyone who is prepared to consider an issue. That applies to almost everyone who has posted on this thread (except, ironically, myself. i've barely touched any of the issues here, and yet have made an inordinate amount of posts. sorry). Because while points of view may well differ and conflict, thats entirely natural and all that jazz.

personally, i've found this thread both interesting and informative. but possibly a little too long-lived, like both of you have kinda said already >_<

and... dammit, do i fail at life.

Last edited by Regal on January 9th, 2007, 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: January 9th, 2007, 8:09 pm 
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Honestly, if you close this topic, it shows that you'd rather run away than hear a viewpoint that goes against your own.

[spoiler]Were that true, I'd have closed this the second it was posted.[/spoiler]

Nevermind Davian, you can close the topic, he doesn't want to listen to the other side of the issue, I guess.

[spoiler]It couldn't be that he possibly listened to your side, and rejected it?[/spoiler]


This is an unwinnable topic. It's pointless in allowing to go on, and not only that, will probably make some people take it to heart and then get angry at everyone else. This is why I do not like debate or debate topics. I prefer to tell someone what I think, they tell me theirs, and if no one will budge, that's that.

It is cyclic and a gigantic waste of energy to talk to a brick wall for both people.

[spoiler]However, I do see some dark things on the horizon regarding this issue. But, the main difference between someone like me and another person is that I'm not trying to change anyone's mind. I do not care about changing anyone's mind, because I am a MGHOW.

If the stuff hits the fan, which I predict it will based on what I know on this subject, feel free to ask me for help. I will not hold strong belief against anyone. But if you do realize something's going on, I'm here.[/spoiler]

So that's all I gotta say about that. I will close this topic before it gets out of hand.


PostPosted: January 9th, 2007, 8:12 pm 
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PostPosted: January 9th, 2007, 8:19 pm 
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Well, I apologizem you never said you hated women. I was mostly responding to Ixzion with that, and I assumed you shared the same ideas. I hate feminism and mysnogism(I need to learn how to spell this damn word) you're both fighting for things you don't really need to fight for. From what I can tell women are held just as accountable by law. One thing to consider, how many serial killers have we had the in past 100 years that were female? Perhaps 2? Women aren't as aggressive as us by any means, and maybe that's incorporated into how we deal with women in accordance to the law. I agree with a lot of what you're talking about, I just have a different view point. I said this once before, and I suppose I'll repeat myself. This is not a debate, I didn't expect to come in here and change someone's entire viewpoint on life. This is a socratic seminar of sorts, we tell all we know on an issue, and we learn more of the world through it. What I'm saying is that the majority of the women, are not like how you described, there will always be evil on both sides, but I don't think women are as bad as you're making them out to be. Fight feminism if you have to, not women as a whole. I feel I'm repeating myself on this last bit. I've just noticed though thanks to you mentioning it Kyo that you and Ix share different views on women. You two should disscuss, I'd love to hear from both.

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PostPosted: January 9th, 2007, 8:21 pm 
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I think this topic has changed my view on life.......if it has. Im pissed :shakefist

PostPosted: January 10th, 2007, 2:20 am 
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Women aren't as aggressive as us by any means, and maybe that's incorporated into how we deal with women in accordance to the law.

...That's some mighty fine B.s. you got there, buddy.

Women are far more aggressive than men in that, and please tell me if I'm talking out my ass:

-Verbal harassment that entices fear, anxiety, and low self-esteem in another pertson

-Verbal harrassment in that they will slam down just about anything that opposes their state of mind, making one feel shame for having thought that opinion.

-Fights: Kyo said it best. Women make up for their "physical inferiority" by fighting dirty, using knives, babies, and why is that? Because they will do anything to win, anything to hurt somone as much as humanly possible.

And shoot, when a female fights a female, it can get really ugly. I mean, pulling hair out, scratching, and shouting various obscenities.

I wanted to edit my first post mentioned on the first page. You are indeed wise, Alto, and you have shown that in your psychologic view of me a couple years back, but I do not believe you have grasped the full issue here. I am not trying to sway you, but this is just how I feel.

Kyo and Ixz have shown me a great light, which I thank them for.


PostPosted: January 10th, 2007, 3:35 am 
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Bonanza Wire wrote:
And shoot, when a female fights a female, it can get really ugly. I mean, pulling hair out, scratching, and shouting various obscenities.

This also happens when men fight each other, depending on the person's hair it will be pulled. Basically the fights aren't really that much different.

PostPosted: January 10th, 2007, 10:37 am 
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Well, here's my 2 cents/pounds/whatever:

Equality is about as easy to obtain as cancer is to cure. The best thing we could possibly do is just try to make the best out of it... which even that, may be asking too much.

There are some decent women on this planet... there is no arguing that. But the majority of them really need to straighten up. THIS GOES FOR MEN TOO. But the issue is that the said women ask for an inch and take a mile. MGTOW is honestly the best way I see anything getting better. Instead of fighting over equality, fairness, and petty BS... just go your own way.

As far as this topic, yes. There was a little flaming... but we should be able to take it in stride in a topic like this. Wither it's being called stupid, or saying you have not nuts... so what? Instead of worrying about what was said, worry more about the topic and getting your views across as a debate should be. Mud slinging happens.... even when selecting a president.

As for me, personally. This topic did bring up some views that I haven't yet considered, and for that I'm thankful. It's always nice to broaden your horizon. But my overall view stay the same. I DON'T HATE WOMEN... I have several friends that are of said gender. Some from this site, and alot IRL. But there is a problem that we can ignore for only so long. However small anyone might think it is, if you don't talk about it and bottle it up, it'll come back in spades.

...or so I think...

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PostPosted: January 10th, 2007, 12:48 pm 
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Since my internet was down all day yesterday, I'm gonna say something about the selective service deal.

Males are forced to register while women aren't. Another thing that goes along with that is, if a male does not register, he can be thrown in jail, will not receive any financial aid for college, which also means scholarships. However, females do not have to register and they can get all sorts of financial aid. I think that is not fair.


PostPosted: January 10th, 2007, 2:37 pm 
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@lantis - i'm partial to clubs personally. *shrug*

'Cus Downtown is where I live, and I do my damnest to stay alive.

PostPosted: January 10th, 2007, 4:14 pm 
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Thanks for playing, guys.


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