Hello, I am new here and I am hoping to get to know people better.

For now, I have a few questions about RPG Maker 1:
1] How can a make a door be "locked" and then you have to find a key or certain item to open it? I have tried so many things (page conditions, adding new pages, turn over events, everything) but I can't figure it out.
NOTE: I have figured it out, but I think there is an easier way. The way I have it is so that if you check the door without the key then it says "It's locked..." then after obtaining the key Switch 001 turn on with changes the door to now say "the key worked!" and then you go into the room. But there must be an easier way. Also, could I make it so that instead of just moving you to the room when you use the key the door will instead "open" by switching to an open graphic and then the player can manually walk in until they reach a certain spot (invisible event) which will send them to the room?
2] How can I make a person/guard be standing in a certain spot and when you walk in that person's line of sight they run over to you and a battle begins? (kind of like Metal Gear Solid)
I almost have it right, but you need to touch the guard to make the event start, and I can't get the guard to run over to you. I can only get the sound effect, exclamation mark, and battle to work.
3] How can I set up a day/night system so that as you play the game it slowly goes from day to night and back in a repeating fashion to give the illusion of actual time? I have heard many people do this, and it really adds a great effect so that you aren't always on day. It makes the game seem more realistic.
4] Would there be a way to set up a gardening system so that you can plant seeds and after a certain time period the seed would turn to a flower? To add more detail, maybe it could include watering the seed in order to start the event? I was thinking of doing a farming simulator so to speak where you grow plants and raise cattle etc. It may seem boring, but it would be endless play because not only are you planting and raising cattle but you there would be tons of mimi games and puzzles packed in. You earn money for things such as selling the cattle and plants and solving the puzzles, etc. Once you finally do run out of stuff to do, there would be a special area of the shop you can access where you can spend your money to buy rare items to unlock secret areas of the game, trophies, etc.
5] Where can I get a Dex Drive? Are there any stores I can get them from?
6] Can you help point me in the right direction as to how to use switches and understand page conditions and adding pages to events? I would need it so that you can plant a seed, then once you plant it you can water it, then once you water it it starts an event where it grows, then after it grows to a flower you have an event where you can pick the flower, and then you can sell it? I think if I could learn to do this then it would help me to understand switches?
7] How do I create shops and blacksmith? I kind of understand how to make an event where you could choose to buy something or not, first it would have a message like "Want to buy a cookie?" then you choose yes or no. If you choose yes then it would get 10 gold from you and add 1 cookie to your inventory, then say something like "Thanks!" If you choose no, then it would say something like "Oh, too bad...". But to make a shop I would want a menu of items and you can buy or sell, etc. How would I do all this?
8] Is RPG Maker 3 any good? I was thinking of getting it...