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PostPosted: September 27th, 2006, 6:28 pm 
Rank 3: Studying Black Mage Rank 3: Studying Black Mage
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Yeah, I'm leaving. For good.

Y'know, I've been wondering, why the hell am I in this forum? I haven't played any games for months, I don't know anything about computer programming or technical things. I belive that I'm here because of the unworried and nice little talk. Despite all the SPAM, pretty good topics have the tendency to show up once in a while.

But that's it. That's the only reason. I gotta make a confession, I signed up here to have something to do when I got bored. And that's the problem, it just keeps eating my time with pretty useless things. I don't have time to lose, I have already spent too much time of my life doing absolutely NOTHING. And I need to recover this lost time. Spending hours a day around on forums won't help at all.

Everyone, at some point, must choose a path for life. I decided that mine doesn't include computers. Only thing they did to me was waste my time and lower my self-esteem. And random discussions, with people I haven't even seen, on a forum that I have no connection to whatsoever, is just what I'm talking about.

You know what's the best part of it? I have contributed with nothing to the Mag. I'm the most useless member around, no big post count, no games made, not a reviewer/previewer... I'm pretty sure that a week or two from now all the topics with my name will go down, and no one will remember me. Because that's what I'm like. I'm useless, I can't do anything.

No, I can draw. The only thing I can do. Since I'm 5, that's the only thing I've got talent for. And by dA standards, my drawings are classified as 'good among newbies'. Don't I practice capoeira? Yeah, but I suck at everything related to the body. It annoys me to hell knowing I'm an useless person.

And I decided to change that. Once and for all.

Why am I posting these things? Because this is a decision I've already made a million times. But never managed to do it. Now, it's written down and posted for everyone to see. I hope this time I won't be a weakling like before.

Right after posting this, I'm gonna change my password to a random mix of letters and numbers and won't write it down. Nor remember it. So. Skyscrapper13 is DEAD. It's been an alter ego of mine for too long, one that brings me nothing good, just useless things.

(I know that this should go in the Requests Forum, but since this is my last post here, can I have a last wish? Please change my title to 'Deceased Magonian'. I would appreciate it.)

Ixzion. Mag Staff. Congratulations on the wonderful job you are all doing here. I've witnessed the Mag grow and even go printy. And I'm sure it will grow even more, if you keep working on it with the same effectiveness you are right now.

I wish the best luck to you.

The rest of you: some of you I know, some not very well. I have to say it was a pleasure getting to know you guys. There are some truly amazing people hiding behind all those avatars and signatures, I'm sure. You will be fine. With that many newbies signing up recently, this place won't die that soon.

I wish the best luck for you too.

And that's it, farewell.



<center> Sometimes you just happen to be there.
Sometimes you don't.
But who the hell cares?</center>

PostPosted: September 27th, 2006, 6:40 pm 
Rank 7: Learned Black Mage Rank 7: Learned Black Mage

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A random point that you won't view:

Kratos (I believe)

I'm relatively new, but the others are all longstanding members.
None of them play RM either.

You brought pieces of your culture to the mag.
You brought your mind to the mag.

What the f*ck else could we ask?
Hell we take alot less.

This isn't an attempt to bring you back as it's clear that wasn't your reason for leaving.
Just an observation.

Not All Who Wander Are Lost

PostPosted: September 27th, 2006, 6:47 pm 
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I not gonna tell you to say. But I will miss you... Have good times!

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1) Statement 2 is true
2) Statement 1 is false

PostPosted: September 27th, 2006, 8:38 pm 
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I hope no one else thinks that they MUST contribute something to this site. Anything that you give us, honors us.

Speaking of lost time, this guy is only 15 years old. He has clear talents in art and martial arts, yet doesn't realize his worth.

That's probably the biggest problem in the world: people don't realize their own self-worth.

A big post count doesn't make you special. How you act and what you say does.

I believe most of us thought him to be special.

I refuse to change his title to "Deceased Magonian" because I don't like the sound of that.

Good luck with wherever your life takes you.


PostPosted: September 27th, 2006, 9:07 pm 
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Yeah, we want you to be less deceased >____>

Like NLY said there are plenty of useless members around.

Regal and Kratos and even Reki do have RM and Kratos must play it because he is Head Reviewer.

As for me yeah, when I came on here it was out of bordom and something to do in spare blocks at school. I have never played RPG maker and I grew up in a completely console free house. My mom thought computer games etc rotted your brain and promoted violence. I spent nearly 2 years on these forums being the absolute most useless member of all. And look where I am now?

You definitly did bring lots of fun to the mag and it was great to see some culture when you showed up, especially since you bring Brazilian culture which we don't have from anyone else on here! I'll definitly miss having you around, funny spelling mistake and all.

'Cus Downtown is where I live, and I do my damnest to stay alive.

PostPosted: September 27th, 2006, 9:45 pm 
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she thinks she's useless. pfft.

iunno if you'll ever read this, but.....

....... im gonna be frank. i know what you like to do, i know something about you, but i dont know you. not properly. but... well... it won't stop me acting like i do XD

why do people want to find something? they need purpose, reason, meaning in the madness. they need a way to be. the cliche is 'finding yourself', but of course theres more to it than that.

and they apply themselves to methods. forge trails though the wilderness. better living through exercise. art. religion.

and does any of it work? no. not really. cause the only thing that can lift a person past knowing only what they want not to be, into accepting what they know they are is time. months and years.

im pretty sure this won't help you, but hey; remember you're welcome here anytime. if this is what you need to do, then get going and good luck.

but... if you ever want to come back here and say hi, even if the thought flies in and then flies out after just a split second, then you DO THAT.

and yeah.


PostPosted: September 27th, 2006, 11:05 pm 
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Good luck, man. We'll miss you.


PostPosted: September 27th, 2006, 11:07 pm 
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Oh, well, I'm going to miss you, even though I'm new here, and I pretty much don't know anyone well enough in the mag.
Maybe it's because our language are similar. Or maybe not. Heh.
But I will miss you. Good luck!

PostPosted: September 28th, 2006, 12:15 am 
Rank 6: Potent White Mage Rank 6: Potent White Mage
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Gonna miss you man.

You really have to find your spot in life. Thinking your worthless won't solve anything. When you get over that and make progress, you'll find your meaning.

My purpose is here: to work at the mag as a previewer and play RPG Maker. Is it much? Can I use it later in life? No. But it gives me purpose, a place to belong. That's what you need to find. No one is useless. I hope you can find something you like to do.

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


My studio is Quixotic Productions! Check it!

PostPosted: September 28th, 2006, 4:05 am 
Rank 4: Fighter in Training Rank 4: Fighter in Training
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WHAT!You're really gonna go skyscrapper?Well, then good luck with your thing i hope that you find your life very...useful.And you ARE not useless.What about all those poetry that you'e been writing?They're all good.But anyways goodbye ^^.We all miss you!And why not change his title to um..."The Honored Magonian" it's just a thought really ^^.

If you wanna be evil the come to me!!The Get To Be Like Etna service is here and be me for the 24 hours to come ^^.Remember demon girls like me are evil!!

-Ravishing Tragedy!!~Final Fury!Bam, Boom, Bam, Boom, Boom!!
Let's finish this!!~

-Ionian Guardian Anise Tatlin, Tales of the Abyss-

PostPosted: September 28th, 2006, 1:49 pm 
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no big post count
839 is a pretty decent post count for someone who's only been here 2 months and a week.
I have contributed with nothing to the Mag.
You submitted something for the Reader's Voice section of the latest Mag. It's right there on page 5.

Besides, if you have to contribue to a forum in order for your stay to be meaningful, then what's your explanation on the Pavilion? I'd say a good 70-80% of the members there don't use RPGM at all.

Oh, and isn't it possible to retrieve your password if you've forgotten it? That kinda renders the "random password" idea mostly useless.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

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