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PostPosted: January 30th, 2006, 3:09 pm 
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I would like a second to share my views of how the gaming world might be like or should be like in the future.

First thing one would think of is consoles. Any gamer that wants to play everything has to have at least 3 consoles (Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo being the minimums). Anyone would think that it would be best to have just ONE CONSOLE and everyone write 3rd party games for that one console. While this would be a good point, it gets dashed on the rocks because whoever produces this one console would jack the price up because there is no one to compete with.

As it stands now there are three companies. Here's what I think will happen and would actually be the best thing for us as gammers:
Nintendo has been going a bit down hill ever since the 64. Now, don't think I'm dogging on Nintendo because I have the utmost respect for them. But they haven't been pulling the same load that Microsoft and Sony has been.

For example: Walk into any Gamestop. You will see that Sony has, by far, the majority of the store filled. Followed by Microsoft, and Nintendo has maybe half a wall, or a corner. A CONSOLE IS ONLY AS GOOD AS IT'S GAMES. Now I believe that the Super Nintendo is still one of the best consoles to date. But the Revolution seems like a last ditch effort to try and win back attention from the other two competitors.

While that sounds harsh, just think about it for a minute. What if the lengendary Nintendo stopped making consoles? That would me that there are only two major companies. That means they would have to fight for a low price, and you would only have to have to buy two consoles MAX. Now, don't think I'm just X-ing out Nentendo. They would still write games. Think of Sega. Sonic is still all over the place. Nintendo would drop to a thrid party gamming company. We would still get our Zelda titles and Mario would still be bounding around. I mean, heck ATARI is still around.

As a gammer, if Sony and Microsoft were the only two and every other company made thrid party games for each, we wouldn't have to worry about anything exept playing the games we want to play.

I actually think that this might be the future for us. But this is my opinion, not ment to hurt anyone's feelings. I'm just trying to get other people's view about where we will be as gammers farther down the line.

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PostPosted: January 30th, 2006, 5:46 pm 
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Posts: 3463 make some valid points. But I think they've all been said about Nintendo at when point or another since the Gamecube came out...

Lantis wrote:
While this would be a good point, it gets dashed on the rocks because whoever produces this one console would jack the price up because there is no one to compete with.

Another flaw in the One console theory is that there is FIERCE patriotism nowadays. Especially on this site. For example, Darklink didn't own a PS2 until acouple months ago. There are still plenty of Nintendo die-hards around, and there will probably always be. So just because they have become so divided that they could never agree to it. Plus, who would make the console? How would it get made? Would there be some treaty?
Yeah, I think it is a nice 'save the industry' idea, but one without a hope or a prayer...

Lantis wrote:

Hmmmm......I think what you are trying to say is "A console is only as good as the number of games it has". Your reference to 'space on the wall' doesn't really have anything to do with how good the games are.
And there are some legitimate reasons for Nintendo not having many games: Most of their best titles (most of their titles) are original and several done by Nintendo themselves (mario, zelda, etc.). So it is slower to produce games. But not because they're of less quality...

Lantis wrote:
But they haven't been pulling the same load that Microsoft and Sony has been.

*raises eyebrows in a shocked manner*
Microsofts been pulling a load? mean Bill Gates threw a wad of cash at it and said 'have fun'.
How many original and good games does Microsoft have? 4 or 5 (Halo, Halo 2, Fable, Morrowind, maybe a few others I'm to tired to think of). I think its more of a pet project for mr. money than it is a serious thing...

Lantis wrote:
What if the lengendary Nintendo stopped making consoles?

I'd cry.
Seriously? Well I think I'll wait for it to happen first...I'd also take into consideration the Japan and European fanbase for Nintendo is much higher than the U.S.'s is currently. They aren't running on empty because we don't bow to them anymore. So I don't see it happening in this decade.

Lantis wrote:
That means they would have to fight for a low price, and you would only have to have to buy two consoles MAX

I LOVE that idea. LOVE it to death. In fact I'd love it even more if it were the Xbox in your theory than Nintendo (like I said, just not enough great games compared to Sony and Nintendo). But because of Bill Gates's bankroll, this probably won't happen. We're most likely gonna have 3 until Mr. Gates gets bored, or Nintendo goes as you say it will.

Lantis wrote:
We would still get our Zelda titles and Mario would still be bounding around.

Zelda on the 360 or PS3? BLASPHEMY!!!

Bassically I agree with most everything you said apart from the demise of Nintendo. 2 systems would be GRAND. My bank account will thank the person that assasinates Bill.......

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PostPosted: January 30th, 2006, 6:10 pm 
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The consoles shouldn't be based by the games. Just because you have more games but no orginality doesn't mean that its good. For example lets say Microsoft and bungie wants to make Halo 3 and its basically the same story of halo 1&2. FPS fans would buy it because its a halo game. Now lets say sony released Killzone 2 for the ps3 around the same time that Halo 3 comes out. If the story is original, playable, fun, challenging, and online it would kill halo. But we don't know for sure just yet.

PostPosted: January 30th, 2006, 7:07 pm 
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Lantis wrote:
But the Revolution seems like a last ditch effort to try and win back attention from the other two competitors.

Rev. will destroy the competition. :lol

Lantis wrote:
While that sounds harsh, just think about it for a minute. What if the lengendary Nintendo stopped making consoles?

What would happen? Hmm.......oh, yes.....I would explode into a million pieces. :skeptical

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PostPosted: January 30th, 2006, 7:30 pm 
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Good good. Trust me, I love Nintendo. If I had it my way, Microsoft would drop out and Nintendo and Sony would have it out. But like N.L.Y. said ol' Bill Gates just throws his chump change out and gets his way.

Come to think of it. I would like to see Microsoft get their money grubbing hands out of our games and actually see Sony trying to become a computer center. Sony is about games, and microsoft is about computing. I'm a computer tech and Vaios aren't the easiest thing to work with.

Oh, and I'm not saying Number of games makes a console better. But if you sit down and count titles of games you like... Besides, I'm an avid RPGer, which console would you guess to have more RPGs?

And another thing, I think Microsoft is taking their consoles all the wrong way. They are pretty much making the 360 a computer. If that's true, it's not even a real console. They have an LED that lights up when someone is trying to chat with you while you are playing you games... I mean, that might be cool to some people, but that is a little overkill to me.

Heh, and thinking about Zelda or Mairo on Xbox is quite the blasphemy...

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PostPosted: January 30th, 2006, 7:49 pm 
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Bill gates just wants to rule the gaming industry. He doesn't care about originality of his games. Its all for the money, about the money, more ways to get more money.

PostPosted: January 30th, 2006, 8:01 pm 
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Agreed.... As if the industrial world isn't enough, he's got to have the gamming world as well. If you haven't noticed, the only real popular that are specific to Xbox are very few: Fable, Halo....
You can get pretty much any other game on another console. Oh, nix Fable, you get that on PC. Yeah, pretty much anything from Xbox is avalible elsewhere. Yet another reason why Nintendo should be held higher. But I have run into more Xbox activists than Nintendo, unfortunately. But if I see any company (N, Micro, or Sony) I would have to place my money on Nintendo. I'm just looking at the gaming world view. There are very few Nintendo reviews as compared to other in popular gaming mags such as Game Informer and such.

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PostPosted: January 30th, 2006, 10:04 pm 
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The day Nintendo drops from the console arena is the day I hang it up. The progress of gaming stops when they die.

But Nintendo won't go out with one helluva fight. Nintendo wants the crown back.


PostPosted: January 31st, 2006, 3:40 am 
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how shall i put this?

i own only the gamecube.

if i buy a console from the next gen, it shall be the rev, and only the rev.

i do, in fact, own a PS1. i got that for £15 from a mate who would've thrown it out otherwise.

im not particularly fanatical or anything. i just dont care about the other two companies and their soulless products.

and im in agreement with Ixz.

PostPosted: January 31st, 2006, 4:10 am 
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Nintendo has been around since the 1800's with their card games, I don't think they will ever give up the fight. I'm neutral at the moment for next gen, current gen I'm a sony man. But I would like to see nintendo and sony team up to make a console to wipe out Microsoft.

PostPosted: January 31st, 2006, 7:27 am 
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^only in dreams, i suspect...

and not my dreams, either. heh, im so biased...

PostPosted: February 1st, 2006, 7:44 pm 
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Taizongames wrote:
Bill gates just wants to rule the gaming industry. He doesn't care about originality of his games. Its all for the money, about the money, more ways to get more money.

That stupid, greedy nerd....... :shakefist

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PostPosted: February 1st, 2006, 11:56 pm 
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Nintendo has been going a bit down hill ever since the 64. Now, don't think I'm dogging on Nintendo because I have the utmost respect for them. But they haven't been pulling the same load that Microsoft and Sony has been.
Nintendo has been failing because it was expensive cardtridges with limited space vs cheap CDs with 5 times or so space. How many N64 games do you see with FMVs in them? So most of their third-party support left them during the N64 vs PS1 days. GameCube they wised up and used a pretty good disc-based system. The problem is, at that point PlayStation was already way more popular, and developers realized this and mostly stuck with the system that would get more attention. BUT! GameCube has been doing far better than the N64. It may not be up to snuff vs Sony, but it's by no means "downhill". Along with that, there was the problem with Nintendo ignoring the online gaming trend that Sony was following. Even multi-console games like Tony Hawk had their online modes taken out when ported from the PS2 to GameCube. This next generation (and already with the DS), Nintendo is embracing the trend, and keeping it as cheap as possible.
But the Revolution seems like a last ditch effort to try and win back attention from the other two competitors.
Actually as I understand it, they're doing something different because gaming this next generation will otherwise be the exact same as this generation was, except with prettier graphics. With the DS's touch-screen/mic/dual-screen integration and the Revolution's 3D controller, they're providing some relatively fresh gameplay opportunities in an otherwise getting-stale media.
Oh, and I'm not saying Number of games makes a console better. But if you sit down and count titles of games you like... Besides, I'm an avid RPGer, which console would you guess to have more RPGs?
I sat down and counted the games I like. GameCube won against PS2. Sure PS2 has more RPGs, but GameCube has a decent amount too. Way more than N64 had (4?).

And in the other side of the argument...
im not particularly fanatical or anything. i just dont care about the other two companies and their soulless products.
Sony must not be doing that great a job out there in the UK. My PS2 collection is currently just as big as my GameCube collection. PS2 does have quality games on it. It's just that Sony doesn't have any sort of mascot recognition like Nintendo does.

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PostPosted: February 2nd, 2006, 2:01 pm 
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Great points. You do have a good point about my "donwhill" comment. I retract that *gets a fork and eats his words*... needs keckup(catsup... whatever). Just through responces one can tell that Nintendo does have it's back covered.

Now answer me one question. Just one. Without taking ANY sides at all. If you had to guess which company of the three (N, Sony, and MS) would drop out (if any at all), would be the first one to do so? Time is not an object here, this could be freakin 20 years down the line from here.

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PostPosted: February 2nd, 2006, 11:44 pm 
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They'll all be too stubborn. Nintendo will be trying new things because they apparently like to do that now. Sony will still be in just because their PlayStation name brings in most gamers (let them release a system not called Playstation in any way and see how well they do). Microsoft will still have money and mostly-blind followers of Halo 26.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: February 3rd, 2006, 11:24 am 
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I was up late last night thinking about this thread and after breaking it down as far as I could....

You know, that is absolutely true. I guess I haven't factored in everything. Nintendo has come out with some pretty out there stuff. I haven't seen a touch screen with MS or Sony yet. And the Nunchuk style controller is quite diffrent. I've always believed getting use to a controller for a system is just another step in master the game that the controller... well, controls (a.k.a. dissing people who gripe about games because of controllers). Come to think of it. I have EVERY nintendo console under my roof right now (Minus DS), be it Emulator or not.

I guess I can't see N dropping out. *sees the light*

So let me recalibrate:

I guess the big N stays right where it has been sice twenty years ago. We still have to buy three consoles to be able to play every game of the spectrum. And hopefully I don't get jumped by you guys in a dark allyway for the past transgressions said aginst N.

Actually, if I could choose one company to fall out, it would be that blasted Xbox. As stated before I have almost all N consoles and a slue of games. Right now, I have only 1 Microsoft title, "Fable" and that's the computer version, making it pointless for me (anyone) to get an Xbox.

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PostPosted: February 14th, 2006, 9:23 pm 
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That has also opened my eyes...

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