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PostPosted: January 14th, 2006, 10:42 pm 
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I'm trying to figure out how to create a Tactical/Strategy game on RPG Maker 2 for the PS2 (like Fire Emblem/Advance Wars). Obviously I would have to make special battle animations and that kind of stuff, but how would I create an RNG (Random Number Generator) or input text onto the screen in a menu/chart fashion? Please help me out ASAP, because I want to get a start on this before the weekend is over, thanks!

PostPosted: January 15th, 2006, 6:58 pm 
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I don't know how you could pull that off, but the guys over at should be able to help.


PostPosted: January 15th, 2006, 9:21 pm 
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Yeah, doan and them'll know what to do...but rodak would to: he's from that site and an RM2 expert...I had troubles with that game as I didn't have the book to it (makes it harder to a COLOSSAL degree).

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PostPosted: January 16th, 2006, 4:31 am 
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I sort of passed on this question because I have never played a Tactics game and have no idea what they entail!

I'm not much of a gamer, really. But I'll try to answer the questions that do not require me to know what a Tactics game is.

When you say "input text onto the screen in a menu/chart fashion" do you mean let the player input it, or just display it? Custom menus are not that difficult but require some experience. I only improvised for my own "CMS" and am still working on hijacking the "Display Seller List" for a true custom menu system.

If you need a "Random Number Generator" you can set a variable to equal a random integer (no decimals!) between any two fixed values you choose.

Just use the "?" operator instead of the +, -, x, or /.

That sets the value to a random choice between the set values.

I've found it repeats itself a bit much, so I came up with a script to keep it from repeation for at least four turns.

I posted it in Doan's "Common Script Database" and will post it here too:


Here's one that gave me more trouble than it had any right to give, so I'm posting it here in case anyone else is as slow as me about these things.

It is a way to keep random things more random by preventing repeats. I have found that I can generate the same random number 3 or 4 times in a row and that can really ruin some aspects of gameplay if the randomized bit needs variety.

This is a very useful concept for making random things appear more random. It is set up for ten different possibilities with no repetition for at least 4 turns.

Script Branch: Repeat: [Temp Variable 8] =/= {not equal to} 100
__Data: Variable: [Temp Variable 9] = 0 ? 9
____Script Branch: Condition: [Temp Variable 9] = [Last Try]
________Script Branch: To Top
______Script: Condition End
____Script Branch: Condition: [Temp Variable 9] = [2 Tries Ago]
________Script Branch: To Top
______Script: Condition End
____Script Branch: Condition: [Temp Variable 9] = [3 Tries Ago]
________Script Branch: To Top
______Script: Condition End
__Text: Message "" {No entry; Uncheck "close window" box}
__Text: Content: Variable: Display: [Temp Variable 9]
__Data: Variable: [Temp Variable 8] = [Temp Variable 8] + 1
__Data: Variable: [3 Tries Ago] = [2 Tries Ago] + 0
__Data: Variable: [2 Tries Ago] = [Last Try] + 0
__Data: Variable: [Last Try] = [Temp Variable 9] + 0
Script: Branch End
Text: Message "MOO!" {Check "close window" box}
____Data: Variable: [Temp Variable 8] = 0 + 0 {for repeat uses}

This gave consistent strings with no repeats for at least 4 numbers.

While this is written in the form of a test script (one that displays the results in conversation form and intended to be placed on an NPC) it could be adapted by replacing the text lines with a Sort command and a few (10) "Apply If's" for your chosen actions. And the overlayed repeat loop (the one for temp variable 8) can be removed too. It was just there so I could get a long enough list to detect duplications.

I use this in battle for random abilities on an NPC that I do not want to repeat (he yells insults, and repetition in a case like that detracts from the whole concept... especially when it repeats 4 times!!).

My thanks to Nash for putting me on the right track!


You may want to assign a variable instead of using the temporary varaibles. That can lead to trouble...


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PostPosted: January 16th, 2006, 11:19 pm 
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Wow, thanks a lot-although interesting, hardly answers my question...

I'll ask more specific questions, and hopefully you can answer them :P :

1. How would you create a turn-based system? In tactics games, your team of units has a turn where each individual unit can either move to a space and attack an enemy unit, move to a space and wait, or stay where they are. After every unit completes their turn, it shifts to the opponent's turn who does the exact same thing with his team. So how would you create an auto-turn based system that changes control of you and the opponent after each unit is done with their turn?

2. How would you display fighting stats on the screen? In RPGM2, I've noticed that you can indeed display text on the screen, but I'm looking for specific text that relates to the Random Event that is taking place right then and there. In tactics games, when one of your units moves to an enemy unit and wants to attack, the stats are shown (Amount of possible damage, hit percentage, critical percentage, etc.). How would you display the specific stats that would relate solely to that particular battle scenario?

3. Can you change the character sprites to better fit the individual characters? Obviously the character sprites that the game gives you are all pretty cheesy. In tactics games, whenever two units enter a battle, the entire screen turns into a battle, where it shows one unit attacking another, and if the case is right a counterattack is present. How could you create characters detailed enough in the Battle Animator that they would actually look decent?

4. How would you award experience? In tactics games, depending on how weak your unit is, experience is awarded after every battle and if the opponent was much stronger, then much more experience is given. A maximum of 100 EXP points can be given in a battle, and a minimum of 1 EXP. How could you create a leveling system so that first of all a bar appears on the screen showing how much EXP is gained after a battle and second a character's picture and stats appear on the screen and go up RANDOMLY in front of your face (EX: a character levels up and their picture and stats appear on the screen and HP and STR both go up 1, but not the other stats because of "bad luck")->this system would require prcentages for every stat gain and obviously particular stats would have more chance of going up. But how could you make all of this work?

5. How could you limit movement? One of the things that sets units apart is their amount of movement-a minimum of 5-spaces(1 space= 1 square on a grid) up to a maximum of 8 -spaces. How would you limit the characters to their amount of movement; how would you show their movement range? (like with a blue light shining on all possible movement squares).


I know that's a lot to swallow at once, but if you can PLEEEEEEASE answer as much of each question as possible. I'm determined to make a Tactics/Strategy game, I just need some pointers. I'll be checking back here every day this week, so please help me out as often and as fully as you can. *I'll be sure to ask more questions later, just help me with what I have for now!* Thanks again! :)

PostPosted: January 17th, 2006, 5:39 am 
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Expect to spend a very long time on this one.

I'll try to get you started, but this is an extremely involved system and could easily require more than my current knowledge entails.

I'll try to go sort of in order here...

To make each individual unit either move to a space and attack an enemy unit, move to a space and wait, or stay where they are, just set up a multiple choice brance with 2 choices. Move or Stay Still. Stay Still would just end the turn (probably by adding to a variable tracking the "Active Character") and Move would call a script covering your Movement System (whatever that will ultimately be).

After moving you'd need to do a distance check on the enemies / party. This is done with Member Info Load and Event Info Load followed by some Pythagorean Algebra with event x / event y coordinates minus the member coordinates and acting if the value is acceptable (subjective to your system) (to see what stuff gets loaded in which variable when using these commands check the resources here for FAQs (or just find DungeonWarden's Advanced FAQ elsewhere) or just press Start with the command highlighted and read the in-game help files.

If the distance is in range have a second multiple choice window for either Stay Still or Attack.

To create an auto-turn based system that changes control of you and the opponent after each unit is done with their turn all you do is use the Event Control Change command at the end of each of the above branches (any that add to that mysterious variable tracking whose turn it is).

Then just change control to that event (the enemy) and call the scripts controlling it's actions. These scripts end by returning control to the current event.

To display fighting stats on the screen just check the Level Up script. It shows all the stats as they rise after each battle. This could easily be modified for your needs.

When you ask "How could you create characters detailed enough in the Battle Animator that they would actually look decent? " I am unsure what you mean.

There is no Battle Animator.

If you like you can try to folow in DungeonWarden's footsteps. Have you seen his "Crown of Order" demo?

In it he twists the idea of finding characters you can use on screen that look like monsters you can use in the battle system, to finding monsters that can pass for your characters. He then summons them for each battle and you've got your party's avatars and enemies on the battle screen!

It's a marvelous bit of Hoopy Scripting and would take a while to get working, but I think that would be your best bet if you do not like the people's graphics (I don't like the people's graphics either... that's why I use mostly the animals).

To award experience as you suggest should be easy.

Just use the random thing explained above (ignoring the ways to keep it from repeating) (I had no idea what you wanted it for) to get the ammount of stat change, and increase them. Display them as in the Level Up script.

If you want a character portrait to appear, take in game screenshots and render them in the VFX Editor. The Bar you mentioned would need to be a visual effect as well.

To "make it all work" is not possible without tons of trial and error. The best I can hope to do is give pointers and answer questions as they arise.

To limit the characters to their amount of movement and show their movement range (like with a blue light shining on all possible movement squares) would require more VFX. Or perhaps a mostly transparent building of 5 x 5 blocks which would center on the character (I am not sure which would be easier or work better... experiment!).

Either way, you will need distance checks for placing the events and I have absolutely no clue how to keep it from allowing you to highlight areas you can't walk (water, objects, etc) (other events can use the distance formula, but terrain and placed objects cannot). That part may be your biggest challenge. I suppose you could keep a script with the coordinates of every placed object, and values for extreme limits of x and y coordinates, and call it before highlighting each area for movement... but it may need to be called once for each block in your 5 x 5 grid!

As you said, that was a lot to swallow all at once, and I am sure my unfamiliarity with the genre will cause some misunderstandings, but that may be enough to get you started.

I'd suggest beginning on a flat map with no objects. Have one enemy and one player at opposite ends and try to make a single battle.

If that doesn't work, there is no hope of doing the larger scale idea,

If you want the camera to move across the map and leave the party where they are, you will need to master the "invisible party leader" trick used in cut scenes. Have an invisible leader running around the map (using the party movement commands) with bypass objects on. Have it run to the coordinates of each active event as needed.

I can't think of much else.

Here is a link to a video of Dungeon Warden's Battle System (described above):

That's Doan's "Hosted Material" page. It has a section for videos and Crown of Order is on the list.

I hope that was enough to get you going.

Good luck.


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PostPosted: January 17th, 2006, 10:32 pm 
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Now we're getting somewhere! :P

That's a lot of information to sort out in my head! *brain overload* But I think I'm gonna take your advice and try to master a one-on-one battle system, which would make sense. But I still have a few questions before I get started:

1. Is it possible to put more than 99 events on a map? Surely a tactics game of this magnitude would require events galore, perhaps 30+ just for a one-on-one battle! How might I work around this limitation?

2. When I was talking about the "Battle Animator" I was mentioning the VFX Editor, which to me is only used for Battle things...sorry. But about such, I suppose I'll just zoom in for each individual fight and have them use magic or whatever (a mage against a mage or something) instead of going to a separate screen, which would make it look a lot more realistic, I suppose.

That's all I have to say for now. Thanks for the help so far-I hope you'll stick around to see me through all of this! I appreciate the "ASAP" responses. I'll talk to ya later.

PostPosted: January 18th, 2006, 5:33 am 
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ravenx2 wrote:
Now we're getting somewhere! :P

See what happens when you ask the right questions!

ravenx2 wrote:
1. Is it possible to put more than 99 events on a map?

Try playing with Event : Control : Duplicate. With that you only need to place one example of an event you will be reusing (like those highlighted blocks) on a map out of sight (or invisible, which is out of sight... sort of). Then just duplicate it to the coordinates you want. The math is a little Hoopy as the coordinates you enter are relative to the event's start point, not the party or other event locations. But I have seen this command used to the point of genius with Jugem's Tetris reproduction for RPGM2 (You MUST see that!!) and Dungeon Warden used it in his Waitressing minigame for all the customers.

It should work for all your blocks in the 5 x 5 grid you mentioned (and if you call the "forbidden coordinates" script before duplicating you can control it better. [/quote]

ravenx2 wrote:
2. When I was talking about the "Battle Animator" I was mentioning the VFX Editor, which to me is only used for Battle things...sorry.

For Shame!!

Only for Battle??



<img src="" alt="MOO">


<img src="" alt="BELCH">


<img src="" alt="BEAMY UP">

Sorry, I'm the guy writing a VFX Editor Guide (1st Draft due out around VD {Valentine's Day} and I just <i>had</i> to!

Back On Topic:

If you want a range of (up to) 5 squares for each attack, you will need (up to) 5 VFX for each attack. One for each range. Otherwise your attacks wont land properly. If you get the two events facing each other (or at least the attacker facing his target) it should at least orient properly.

Good Luck with it.


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PostPosted: January 18th, 2006, 5:52 pm 
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hmm...interesting VFX creations...HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!? I once read a short guide about how to create your own characters in the VFX editor, and so I tried to do so, but I noticed that you can only hold up to 10 animations per move. As much as I want to create my own character, trying to create one with overlapping animations would drive me nuts! I have no idea where to even begin doing such!

P.S. is there ANY way you can get rid of that ANNOYING "blur" that appears when characters move?

P.S.S. can you edit the characters to move their legs at the same rate as they are moving!?

*If someone could figure out how to manipulate these two things for good, the graphics in this game would not be so bad!

PostPosted: January 18th, 2006, 5:54 pm 
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oh yeah...I went to that site you posted and looked at ALL of the media things and personally, nothing except for the drawbridge (that was pretty sweet) sparked my interests! the only thing I really want to see is the Tetris game in action-the only problem is that I don't have a DexDrive or whatever to play it-and there are no screenshots! So far that site has been pretty useless...(but you help is appreciated nonetheless).

PostPosted: January 18th, 2006, 6:35 pm 
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ravenx2 wrote:
hmm...interesting VFX creations...HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!? I once read a short guide about how to create your own characters in the VFX editor, and so I tried to do so, but I noticed that you can only hold up to 10 animations per move.

There is no need to limit yourself to 10 elements per effect. The Enterprise has 20 elements. Just make 2 sets of 10 and apply both sets to one event.

Is easy.

This will be covered in my guide.

ravenx2 wrote:
is there ANY way you can get rid of that ANNOYING "blur" that appears when characters move?

That only happens when areas are too crowded or auto events or long looping action scripts are taking up processor power

ravenx2 wrote:
can you edit the characters to move their legs at the same rate as they are moving!?

Not without losing a lot of hair making indirect effects.

ravenx2 wrote:
the only thing I really want to see is the Tetris game in action-the only problem is that I don't have a DexDrive or whatever to play it-and there are no screenshots!

You did not look around enough (or use the search feature!).

I created the Tetris Screenshot and mpg file thread there, so I know it exists.

Try here: ... 1136218177

The mpg file link probably expired... I'll refresh it by this weekend. I'll even duplicate the thread here unless Jugem objects.

ravenx2 wrote:
So far that site has been pretty useless...(but you help is appreciated nonetheless).

I have found no site that can compare to Doans for RPGM2. Try asking a question there about this system you are making and I'll bet you get more than just my expertise coming to your aid.

Much of the best RPGM2 talent seems to have concentrated there. It is useless for RPGM1 and nearly useless for 3, but for 2... well, just post a question and find out.


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PostPosted: January 18th, 2006, 10:49 pm 
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Well, I checked the Tetris post that you made and indeed the link has expired. I would like to see the MPEG, so fix it up ASAP, aite?

Now about the character's feet moving at the CORRECT time when walking-how do you do this? You mentioned indirect effects-what effects!?

PostPosted: January 19th, 2006, 4:11 am 
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It'll have to be this weekend.

I use two computers; a crappy one for most internet junk and a good one for art (including screenshots and mpg files).

The two are not kept together and I need to do some hardware shuffling to get the good one online.

Thus, I limit so doing to weekends.

I have other screenshots and mpgs to upload for people then as well, so tossing Tetris on the list is no problem.

And when it's up you can even listen to Jugem's Custom Music recreation of the original TETRIS song (you asked about custom music in another thread).

Until then... maybe read my review of the game? ... 1135917585

The whole walking in place thing is really complicated.

Indirect effects are things like Sleep, Blind, or any condition status. You would need to create one that somehow detects if you are not moving and change the character's motion.

Many have tried and given up due to complexity. It takes a master to even consider this. I have no idea how it would be done, only that it should be possible, but there will always be circumstances where it won't work.


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PostPosted: January 19th, 2006, 5:18 pm 
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I half-butted a tactical game awhile ago, so maybe I can help.
Now, I will say that I HIGHLY doubt you'll need 99 events or more for a tactical game! I had 6 members and 6 enemies, and a grid that stretched 6 steps (no, I'm not a devil worshipper person) all around, adding to up 18 events, but yeah. Anyway:
The Walking at the right time wouldn't be that hard.
Try this for sample:

1)make 1 event, naming it grid, and place them on the map like so:


Where U is the map, O are grid tiles (which I recommend either colored buildings made up of just a 1/2 step block colored blue or something, or a 'river' object) and X is the basic party/dummy character 'test'.
Then, make an event, name it 'test', and assign it's action script as one that allows it to bypass both objects and characters and make the event any character model.
Lastly, make a script like so:

Event: Control: Change: 'test'
Event: control: event info load
Data: game info load
Event: Motion: Walk: 80
Script branch: repeat: event X > party x
--event: move: West: 1 step at 20F per step
---Data: Game Info Load
--Event: Control: Event Info Load
Script Branch End
Repeat: Event X < Party X
--Event: Move: East 1 step at 20F per step
---Data: Game info load
--Event Info Load
Script Branch End
Repeat: Event Y > Party Y
--Event: Move South 1 Step at 20F per step
---Data: Game Info Load
--Event Info Load
Repeat End
Repeat: Event Y < Party Y
--Event: Move North 1 step at 20F per step
---Event Info Load
--Data: Game Info Load
Repeat End
Event: Motion: Walk 100

And set this script to that grid event, with the condition of either examine or talk.
Set the 'test event' smack dab in the middle of the grid on the event placement, and now try it out. What should happen is when you examine a grid, it checks where the party is (we'll pretend the party is a cursor), and moves to it.

I had a much more detailed battle system, but it wasn't perfect.

You may have to play around with the 'Event: Move 'direction 1 step' and change the Frames per step to get your desired results. anyway, have fun with it. I'll try and help more (and I'm sure I'll have to, you can't rush this kind of programming, it hurts the head)

Oh, and Rodak, a tactical game is like final fantasy tactics (i guess you've never played it), in where it's one huge chess set, though the turns aren't all ways 'you move, i move, you move, i move'. You have so many people, and so many enemies, and like most rpgs, highest speed gets highest attack priority. Also, instead of just attacking, you get to learn so many different attacks that have different ranges, like maybe a simple + shaped range (hits 3 up, 3 down; forming a plus sign). There are various ranges, like L shaped, + shaped, line shaped, diagnol, etc. Basically: a amplified chess set :P

PostPosted: January 19th, 2006, 11:10 pm 
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hmmm....what exactly is that all supposed to do? make the cursor go back to your main hero character at the beginning of your turn (right after the end of the opponent's turn)?

Also, where exactly should I begin in creating my game? There are so many aspects to tactics games that it's crazy. Obviously I should try to master the battle system, but in what order? Here are some final questions before I begin:

1. How do I create a cursor that can can move around the map in any direction but look like it is flying so I can select a character? (I suppose it has to do with creating an invisible character)

2. Once I select a character, the character can then move, for example, 5 spaces in any direction (in an open field). How do I display the blue 5 x 5 grid of squares around him? Take into consideration that I also need to have an arrow that points the path he will take in any direction 5 spaces (except diagonal, of course) BEFORE he takes the path. I want the ONLY "character" that the person with the controller is controlling to be the cursor, NOT the actual unit moving. Thus, I need to create an arrow that points the path of the unit moving, and then when I press X he will move to that spot AUTOMATICALLY and will still be walking as the options of Item and Wait appear, where the person playing can then select one of the two options or press O to cancel the whole thing and return back to the cursor floating above the unit's head. I'll create the Item system later, but when the person playing chooses "Wait", the character will stop walking, turn gray, and the blue squares will disappear (signifying that the character has successfully moved). This is the system I need to create!

For now, that's all I'm going to ask! Please help me by giving me SPECIFIC script inputs to use and things of that nature. I'm still a bit of a Novice at RPGM2, so please help me to the furthest extent (type out a few scripts if you would be so kind!).

THANKS for all the help!

PostPosted: January 19th, 2006, 11:37 pm 
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In all honesty, no man would ever be able to post up a tactical battle system easy enough for anyone to understand. The best thing to do is sit there, draw out a grid on paper, and think about it. If your a novice, then I highly suggest not using a tactical battle system with rpgm2, not until you understand complicated use of variables. How do variables have to do with anything? simple, think logically on how hard it would take to program enemy AI. You have to check who has the lowest hp, is close to the enemy, if the enemy should aid or assist a fellow bad guy, if he/she should assist themselves, if they are in range for a spell or skill.
This may seem intimidating, as I'd say it is. I could never figure out how to make certain parts of the grid not show up if you couldn't move so may spaces due to obstacles obstructing the path.

Anyway; I'll try helping a little:
Your party is the cursor in that demo, and what you do is you move the party to a grid square, press /\, and the test event will move to it. This should help you understand the foundation of basic movement scripting. I really need you to sit there and try doing that example if you want any hope of understanding this. The best way to do things is hands on I figure.

After that, you'll need to think up of how to make the next target move. Well, make a variable named 'current target', and after you've done that movement, it'd add one, check scripts to see who acts on one, and have them perform. I can't tell you how to do this as this involves most of the enemy AI scripting, sorry.

As for the cursor; make the party leader have no model, and then make it so that there is a event that constantly tags the party, or a VFX. Example:

Script 'Enter Map'
Script: Apply together
Screen display: VFX: Party: Leader: Inf. times (set it to 0 to have this), and the VFX should be maybe a flattened orb that is raised slightly above the ground.

This will give the effect of a cursor. I used a building block for my cursor, but to make that, you'd have to make a event constantly try to move to your position.

I'm sorry if I bashed your hopes in any way, but by the sounds of it, you aren't really ready to tackle a TBS right now. There isn't any easy way around helping anyone with a CBS to be honest. Sure, you could give them a foundation, but if they are new, they wouldn't know what to do; like implement skills, abilities, dialouge (some battles have the enemies/party talk to each other...), etc.

Again, I hope you didn't take it as offense and this helped you some how.
I'm not suggesting you give up the idea of a TBS, I'm saying you may need to actually try understanding RPGM2 a tad more in order for my help help you more.

PostPosted: January 20th, 2006, 7:05 pm 
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Well, I'm not really a "novice" because I've played around with the system for a year now, but there is certainly a lot about it that I don't understand.

Obviously I need to create an AI for the enemy, so do your best to help me out. My first challenge will be the movement system, so I'm gonna go mess around with for now and I'll post later my results...But in the meantime, try to think of ways for the enemy to have AI. Thanks in advance!

PostPosted: January 21st, 2006, 2:42 pm 
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UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was playing RPGM2 for like 2 and a half hours, creating all of these cool events, and figuring out how things work, and then of course the stupid game FREEZES! So everything I've done today has been for naught............

I do have a question though. When my cursor goes over my unit, I've set a 5x5 grid to appear around the unit, by setting the unit to "Equal". But how do I make it to where when I place the cursor above my unit I have to press X before the grid appears? I can't seem to figure out how to do that.

PostPosted: January 21st, 2006, 4:52 pm 
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Use Input: Buttons: Constant Wait.

If you want only one button to activate it use a sort command and apply if the button # matches the one you want (press start for the help files with button #'s, but BEWARE; there's an error in the help file switching two buttons #'s... check an FAQ for the correct ones or make it print them out so you can see for yourself).

You may want it in a repeat loop.

Hope that helps.


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PostPosted: January 21st, 2006, 5:39 pm 
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Well, I've managed to catch back up with my earlier progress...

What I've done so far:

I created a cursor that can go anywhere, then built an invisible floor that is placed above the map and my Invisible character walks up there with the cursor VFX above him. Currently on my map I have a knight standing still and I want to be able to walk above him (since I'm on the invisible floor) and when I press X on that spot, I want his movement range to come up, but the only way that seems to work is by making an event (placed directly above the Knight) set to Equal. I really wish there was an easier way than this, because now my Knight is a Character inserted in the Object Placement mode, not an event, so I can't really move him! But I can't get the cursor to look like it's going directly over the Knight, so I kinda HAVE to use the stupid invisible floor thing. Do you know of anything I can do to work this out?

Later I am going to create another invisible party member and place an arrow VFX above him to show the arrow that points the direction that I want to take my Knight (if I can ever get him to automatically pop up his movement grid!).

Help ASAP please!

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