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PostPosted: January 8th, 2006, 11:35 pm 
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I have compiled a few things that I would like, any additions?

For RM4:

1) The graphics are fine in RM3, doesn't really bother me: but the lack of graphical models is a major deterrent. So MORE of them and BETTER ones would be nice....or maybe they need the best solution of all: CREATE-A-CHARACTER...that would be wise beyond words on Agetec's part. Edit: Rodak agrees and submits his desires for a playable model of a cow.

2) At the very least, in RM2 you could customize the battle-system. And in RM1's it was just fine. But the battle system is atrocious in RM3. Everything is slow, drawnout, and boring. The creatures you are fighting will attack only 1 character at a time (typically). And when they have worn him down, they will move on to the next one. So a better battle system would be nice.

3) Vehicles, a wonderful concept ommited from RM3.

4) The ability to design spells was lovely, and I miss it all the more now that its gone.

5) All in all, the map design process in RM3 is great-but it could use work. Perhaps more kinds of maps....more customizeable building models for SURE. Maybe we could ask for trees that aren't 2D and just shift as you move by them as well...

6) Scenarios where you can make your characters move, rather then having to type everything. I miss being able to make a conversation actually have cinematic values like in predecessors. The 2D anime is great, but the ability to move across screen should have been kept with it.

Well, thats my thoughts....what do you guys think they should put in RM4?

Others' Additions:

7) Re-admonition of a 'unique-ifier' (i.e. Anime Maker, VFX Maker: basically a standalone aspect)-Rodak

8. In general combination of RM3's graphics with the customizeing beast that is RM2.-Rodak

9) The discardement of (or at least reprieve from) agitating limits (i.e. people, buildings, people, space, people)-Pagerron (along with me and everyone else I'm sure)

10) The ability to place people on maps (I swore you could, but if you say so). More map depth.-Pagerron

11) Disbandment of Memory limits, in some form or fashion-in general we don't care how: we want more space.-Rodak

12) The renewal of chronological options: we want to make futuristic (or modern day should the fancy strike us) games as we could with it's predecessors.-Darklinkomega

13) The ability to use music of our choice (from cds, mp3s, computers, etc.)-Darklinkomega
*similar but different addition by nash7777*Also assuming this is for a system like the PS3. I want to import all my pics and music from my PS3 into the game, even possibly movies. Also a music customizer-nash777

14) Online compatability for your game. Want to go in a town and talk to other players playing the game? Go right ahead-nash7777

15) Customizable buttons for every button-nash7777

16) Scripting similiar to RPGM2, but whereever their is an imput for a value you SHOULD ALWAYS be able to input a variable. If the variable is irrational to the command have it default to something else or ignore the command, but it should ALWAYS be an option. -nash7777

17) Graphics of fighter maker 2, with that kind of model cutomability. Also fightermaker2's motion editor so you can make you own animations for the characters. Of course have defaults of walking, running, attacking, casting, swimming-nash7777

This is a section of Domain quotes that could not be paraphrased for the sake of holding true to their intentions. Some are long, but bear with it as they have intriguing and scintilating sentiments and purportions. And, also, with their length there may be some repetitions of a few submissions prior. But these always tie into a greater point, so I left it alone (that and to take out every little thing would be an editing nightmare). So here are the Domain's entries of formidable ingenuity:

nash7777 wrote:
To add to the scripting language, give us arrays. We got variables in #2 finally and now I want arrays and multidimensional arrays. They should also have a few premade arrays for the map. One for event placement, object placement, and dungeon editor placement. This way I just plug in the x,y,x into the event array and load. and it should return all the event info at the location into a variable. Or if I want to suddenly edit a few blocks on the terrain, I load in their x,y,z into the dungeon array, overwrite em and save em back. ANd POOF, new parts to the world. Also for the dungeon creation, they should give us a couple more angled ramps, so steep slope and normal and gradual.

And one final most important thing, no limits as to not being able to use certain commands just because it is an action script. Any script should be open for any command.


19) Well, I don't think I've mentioned anywhere that it would be nice to be able to use square roots in our calculations.

This ties in with Nash's array idea.

If they fear the Algebraically Challenged may cause irrational numbers or imaginary to appear, then at least have a "distance between two events" calculator.

This is essential to everything from Active Battle Systems to many Mini Games to Tactical Games and even to etc!

-rodak (again)

bloodknight wrote:
Basically, I'd like to see RPG Maker 2, with a few improvements.

-There's always gonna be people who have no clue on doing even the simplest of things, even if they had their hands held. So, I thought about a simple tutorial. Not a full-on help guide, but a simple "point and do" interface, where the player is led through a few steps to create any aspect of the game, and then they're left to their own devices.

-Another possibility would be a creation wizard. When you start off on beginner, normal etc., you'll be asked questions as to how much preset data you want, what kinds of preset scripts you want etc.

-There should be a certain degree of graphical quality all across the board. All models in the game should be interchangeable for the field and battle. Like for example, a dragon could be used as an enemy or a party member. I don't think an insect in battle should look like nothing or a sparkle on the field, it should look like an insect. This would also put more diversity in the enemies used in a CBS.

-A simple increase in models. 140 would be a good number for models that could be used as characters or enemies. 50 human models, 50 animal models, and 40 misc. models like treants, insects and that sort of thing.

-A character model part editor would be cool. One idea that might not be pushing it, would be to have every entity have 3 parts to manipulate: a head, torso and legs and then you could stretch out those parts. Everyone could have their own unique proportions.

-All the "special" motions in the game should be usable for ANY character. I wanted to make a beat 'em up or a shooter, but few characters can actually shoot, punch or kick.

-The drawing distance in RPG Maker 2's world maps were bad. I don't want to see miles ahead to the other side of the world, but an extra 6-10 tiles of drawn world around would be great.

-Having over 200 SFX was pretty good in RPG Maker 2, see no reason to change it, except maybe add a few more instrumental sounds like electric guitars or something.

-A bigger BGM selection, like 75 would be nice.

-Bring back creation time logs! It was fun seeing how many hours of our lives we wasted on our creations.

-The game should keep track of what memory card slot the game was saved on, AND what game slot it was saved to. This eliminates mistaken overwrites.

-Action scripts should run REGARDLESS OF WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON. I don't want to see NPCs stopping because I talked to someone. Also, music and VFX scripts would run better. I also hate having candles supposedly die out because I wanted to examine a book. It'd also make homemade game clocks MUCH more accurate.
(nash, the action script command limit was there because an overload of commands would cause the game to freak out, but I do think more script commands should be available in action scripts)

-The difficulty thing should be abolished, or be made to actually mean something.

-Multiple choice pages with "page scrolling". This would allow us to have more choices in one command, with the scrolling capabilities RPG Maker 2's class info window had. 24 choices(8 per page, up to 3 pages) would be great.

-RPG Maker 2's editor functions worked better using easy mode. For those of you who didn't know, easy mode allowed you to use a menu based system to use functions that required complex control schemes in the harder modes. This would get rid of the difficult control scheme and eliminate most of the help messages. Having a few control based functions would be good(like for placing and changing blocks), but overall the editors could've done better with more menus.

-Quick Menu commands. The DMS is pretty good, but a lot of people want to make their own CMSs. Unfortunately, we have to do without a lot of options, like text display speed. I think that every selection in the DMS should be available using a command. For example, to go the equip menu without using the DMS, you'd just insert a Quick Menu:Equip command in a script. This would make CMSs a lot easier to make and more versatile.

-Inventories. Users should have the choice of using the DW style system, or a bag only system. And about the bag....the freaking option to have it toggleable should be there!

-The option to "clear" any part of a field in the editors. For example, having to delete a whole list of items for a character and then do the whole list again is frustrating. The ability to delete/copy/paste would've made the process a lot easier.

-Images. The game should detect these images from the USB ports in the PS2/3 to be imported, instead of importing from a camera that might not even work.

-Detecting button input. We should be able to detect constant holding of a button, as well as multiple button presses. Pressure detection would be crazy, but awesome.

-Text box options(with the ability to customize each of the 10 or so text boxes, although I'd like an increase to say, 16):

* Transparency. That way we could have messages appear wherever, without borders getting in the way.
* Variables, inputs and item descriptions should be able to be displayed in a text box.
* The ability to recolor them.

These text box options plus the above ones would allow us to make a true custom menu interface...without having to learn RGSS, or even get our own resources. Cool huh?


21) I would like to see an rm game on the psp.-taizongames
*Draygone would like to see it on DS*

Not All Who Wander Are Lost

Last edited by N.L.Y. on January 19th, 2006, 1:18 am, edited 7 times in total.

PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 1:27 pm 
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I gripe about 3 because I'm spoiled. I had so much fun being able to control RPGM2 as I liked that I just could not believe they dared release 3 without several event commands that 2 had which would have saved the whole thing for me.

I still use it.

Out of spite.

I spent $50 on it and I am gonna get $50 worth of fun out of it.

But the complaints stem from knowing how close they came to a nearly perfect tool, yet failed.

NPCs can move. They have preset paths you can choose from a list, but not modify.

You can choose Music from a list, but not modify it's pitch and tempo.

There are so many things that you cannot modify it is a real let down.

But the final, general, straw is the lack of a "unique-ifier" for our games.

RPGM 1 had Anime Maker.

RPGM 2 had The VFX Editor.

I expected something in 3.


That is 3's biggest shortcoming in my book.

But I am making the most of it.

You have to see these makers as Found Object Art. You can't decide in advance what you want, you have to see what you can do with this pile of pieces that agetec dropped into a box for us.

I trust the next one will give us something to add a unique element to our games.

And I don't mean Maps, so please don't get me going on about how the very first thing I did with 3 was make a smiley face map with a lava bloodstain (like in The Watchmen) then found out I could not display the map on screen!! Grrrr... woof Bow-Wow.. Arf!! Snarl... Growl... Foam at Mouth... Fall Over Backward...


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PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 3:32 pm 
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Well, in addition to everything you guys have said, having the ability to have more than 100 is super super, yes, super important.

Having the monster graphics available for use in the character choices.

Making all the weapons accessible to most (if not all) of the characters without "the weapon trick." The weapon trick is nice and everything, but when your character starts using his bow like a sword, it's weird, to say the least.

Being able to have characters appear on fields is something that would also help reduce the boredom of long walks on the fields quite a bit. (I'm tempted to make just a game with towns and warp from one to the other- no fields at all) but that would be wasting all of the options we have with the field editor. It is a cool tool, but if your field is too big, running from place to place (forget about walking) seems to take forever.

There are more, but my break at work is almost done, so I'm off. Take care.

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PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 3:43 pm 
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I would like to see the graphics of rpg maker 3 with the power of rpg maker. Rm3 has lost my interest to create anything with it simplicity so I say there should be a easy-hard game maker.

PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 5:54 pm 
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Rodak wrote:
please don't get me going on about how the very first thing I did with 3 was make a smiley face map with a lava bloodstain (like in The Watchmen) then found out I could not display the map on screen!! Grrrr... woof Bow-Wow.. Arf!! Snarl... Growl... Foam at Mouth... Fall Over Backward...

I had wanted to do something similar to what you wanted to do with the happy face. I actually had words in the field, using different kinds of ground types. Even though you can't view the entire map, what I did was have a super-high 255 height piece of land from which the player could look down and make out the words in the ground far below - you need to kind of bow the land up in v-mode so it looks good...kind of klunky, but a workaround nonetheless.

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PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 6:10 pm 
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Kay...they're on the list for formality's sake. Keep 'em coming if you can.

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PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 6:56 pm 
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N.L.Y. wrote:
Keep 'em coming if you can.

I never know when to shut up.

I'd be happy if they just rereleased RPGM2 with all new graphics and different character / object models which can be imported into the Visual Effects Editor, and that would be perfect.

They could call it RPGMaker 2.5 or something.

RPGM2 takes time to learn, but once you understand it's own breed of Logic (yes, it has a Logic... contrary to popular belief), the creation time drops dramatically.

I think that there is room for improvement in RPGM2, but most of it is in the processor speed and graphics ability, not in the scripting or creation process.

The minor complexity it entails is needed to allow the major flexibility it offers.

And any dream RPGMaker should, of course, allow for more graphics customization and have at least one Cow for a playable character!

The ability to have a longer game by importing stats from a previous save would be nice if they can't just let us use a whole card for a single enormous save. I do not know enough about how games are coded to know if this is even possible, but I do know I would like it!

More later.


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PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 7:42 pm 
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And Rodak lengthens the list again: more takers?

...What would be cool is if, after the list was amended we could delete the other posts, so it was like we just had a list of things we wanted. That would be cool.

But anyone else got something to add?

Not All Who Wander Are Lost

PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 8:04 pm 
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I would want to have more choices on the characters (RPGM3 needs more), weapons from both medieval and modern times (That means stuff like guns), more character types (I want to have characters that ride on dragons and stuff), more field and dungeon choices, to be able to use music from your computer on your game, vs mode (I had a good idea for vs mode on my RPGM3 game, but I found out there was no vs mode.....), I would like it to be for other systems besides Sony, and more monsters and animations. If it has all this stuff, I could make the game I want to make on RPGM3, but wasn't able to because of its sucky character limits.......

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PostPosted: January 10th, 2006, 5:35 pm 
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Darklink adds some good points (music and time period in particular), next?

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PostPosted: January 10th, 2006, 6:07 pm 
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Rodak said what I would love to see, I have honestly been thinking the exact thing!

RPG Maker 2.5

What I would like to see really is just RPGM2, with extra character models

Either every character should be able to do all animations, or the ability to make your own, like in fighter maker 2.

More objects for the VFX editor, preferably completely white objects so I can color most of em.

A much farther draw limit than 16 blocks ahead of you in maps.

Other than that I think RPGM2 is absolutely perfect. RPGM3 was way too limiting to even please me. I think it should be called RPGM 1.5.

But to be honest, I am unsure if we will see a RPGM4, is it even in development yet?

PostPosted: January 11th, 2006, 12:40 am 
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"RPGMaker 2.5."

lol. funny you would mention such a thing.


PostPosted: January 11th, 2006, 5:04 am 
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Valkysas wrote:
"RPGMaker 2.5."

lol. funny you would mention such a thing.


That was a copy and paste from an old post I made at The Pavilion, but nobody "lol'd" at me.

Did something you can't discuss (yet) happen in between then and now?

I hope so.


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PostPosted: January 11th, 2006, 3:03 pm 
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PostPosted: January 11th, 2006, 9:13 pm 
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Well, at least there is some good that came out of my 50$. Support for a true sequel to 2. My only problem, with the graphical style of RPGM2, its easier to make a game that you can tell the difference between that and another game. With better graphics ultimately means probably 1 style of game. Anyways with that aside I still hope for a true sequel to 2.

PostPosted: January 16th, 2006, 6:15 pm 
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I want more varied character models like the one's in RM2. They had robots, dragons, babies, all sorts of good stuff!

PostPosted: January 16th, 2006, 7:08 pm 
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I really want RPGM2, it is the one where you can make the game almost exactly how you want it. RPGM3 has too many limits.

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PostPosted: January 17th, 2006, 7:32 pm 
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RM2 is pretty hard to understand unless you're really commited to it and try to learn it. I tried it for about three months, but fustration caused me to eat the disc. I like how easy it is to use RM3, but you do have a point about how you can customize everything. I really miss that.

PostPosted: January 17th, 2006, 8:17 pm 
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They key to understanding rpgm2 is to never quit trying new ideas. I would like to see an rm game on the psp.

PostPosted: January 18th, 2006, 10:13 pm 
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I would like to see one on the DS. Which would be both entirely possible and pretty cool. Imagine creating a game taking advantage of the touch-screen or even microphone (the first more likely than the second). Not to mention, menu selection and typing using the touch-screen. Plus, the game could come with a GBA flash game pak, acting as a memory card in a way, since DS games can interact with certain items in the GBA slot. And of course, using the Wi-Fi option would allow us to store games directly onto an RPGM-specific database.

The PSP mostly has the advantage of the high-capacity memory stick already available. And more power. I wouldn't be surprised if the DS RPGM was 2D with the PSP RPGM being 3D. Which I wouldn't mind, since that would mean possibly drawing our own graphics using the touch-screen.

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