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PostPosted: December 23rd, 2005, 12:43 pm 
Rank 7: Learned Black Mage Rank 7: Learned Black Mage
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  Level 43

Joined: May 6th, 2005, 6:16 pm

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Alright. Time for me to do some Head of Forum'ing.

As said by Ix,
but the final decision in this is yours.

I will be taking advantage of that now.

First things first, I have had a large temptation to reverse everything. However, after thinking about it, the changes from all-out spamfest to something a little more organized will probably be good for the community. I do not oppose the fact that the change was made at all.

What I oppose is that I was not told anything of this. I oppose that it went ahead so soon without any word in the staff room first, or a couple days to think it over and wait for all the opinions to come in. Such is democracy.

So, instead of spiting everything, I am just going to make a few changes. One of them being the person who got the moderator power of the new hammer. I do not feel that Kratos is the best person for this job, and so he will be taken out of that position. Personally, and I don't think I'm actually alone here, we do not need a forum ran in the mood of a kakistocracy.

He will be replaced by Chrssy, someone who knows most, if not all, of the community and has proven herself capable at other message boards over the last couple years. Maybe before that as well, but I have seen it first hand. She is more than capable of running one forum, even if it is the busiest. She will remake the rules and put them up for viewing/comments/critisism in the staff room, and then they will replace Kratos's rules.

For now, that is all. I'm going away until Tuesday. At that point, I'll be back to clean more crap up off the floor. Baibai.

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