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PostPosted: February 20th, 2023, 9:37 am 
Rank 5: Nimble Thief Rank 5: Nimble Thief
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  Level 165

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A good number of new titles this week, both counting against the backlog and not, so I can claim positive progress.

New Titles:
- Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society (PS5)
- Dark Deity (SwitchDL)*
- Theatrhythm Final Bar Line (PS4)
- The Fox Awaits Me (PS4)*
- Puzzle Bobble 2X/BUST-A-MOVE 2 Arcade Edition & Puzzle Bobble 3/BUST-A-MOVE 3 S-Tribute (PS4)*
- Overrogue (PS5)*
- Fairy Elements (PS5)*
- Souls of Chronos (PS5)

- Beat and 100%'d Touhou Hyouibana ~ Antinomy of Common Flowers (PS4)
- Beat Theatrhythm Final Bar Line
- Beat Gotta Protectors: Cart of Darkness (SwitchDL)

Basically been playing Theatrhythm Final Bar Line as much as possible and hope to have its Platinum this week. At that point I'll consider it "Complete" but expect to revisit it quite a bit- especially as more DLC releases. Also chipping away at the extra stages of Gotta Protectors: Cart of Darkness but taking that more slowly.

Mostly expecting some physical releases this and next week, but there's currently no guarantee I'll see them on release day.


PostPosted: February 27th, 2023, 8:57 am 
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This week ended up being a bit crazy in terms of new titles due to unexpected releases and deciding to start getting digital titles from the 3DS eShop before it closes after March 27th, though a good number aren't being counted against the backlog. So those plus double-dipping on some Platinum trophies turned it into positive progress.

New Titles:
- Wild Arms 2 (PS4/5)*
- The Legend of Dragoon (PS4/5)*
- Tales of Symphonia Remastered (PS4)*
- Mosaic Chronicles Deluxe (SwitchDL)*
- Shin Megami Tensei IV (3DS)*
- Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse (3DS)*
- Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux (3DS)*
- Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoners: Soul Hackers (3DS)*
- Grisaia Phantom Trigger 07 (SwitchDL)
- Grisaia Phantom Trigger 08 (SwitchDL)
- Heirs of the Kings (PS5)*
- Kizuna Ai - Touch the Beat! (PS5)

- 100%'d Theatrhythm Bar Line (PS4)
- Beat and 100%'d 7 Days of Rose (PS5)
- Beat and 100%'d Gleylancer (PS5)
- Beat and 100%'d Legends of Talia: Arcadia (PS5)
- 100%'d Gotta Protectors: Cart of Darkness (SwitchDL)
- Beat Kizuna Ai - Touch the Beat!
- Beat Mosaic Chronicles Deluxe

Pacing myself in cleaning up Touch the Beat! since its Platinum requires getting Perfect Combos 100 times so I'm working on those in sets of 5-10 at a time while working on other console games and still enjoying Theatrhythm Final Bar Line dailies. Once I finish up Mosaic Chronicles Deluxe, I'll dive into Grisaia Phantom Triggers 07 and 08, then go on from there.

Expecting Octopath Traveler II, Metroid Prime Remastered, and Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe all to arrive tomorrow as they shipped together before work this morning. Will try to avoid other new purchases for a bit.


PostPosted: March 6th, 2023, 8:48 am 
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A slightly more sane week this week as I ended up with a couple of unexpected arrivals either due to a great sale price or an early release along with the expected. I still made positive progress due to knocking out a few double-dips and/or fairly shorter titles I'd been meaning to get to.

New Titles:
- Neo: The World Ends With You (PS4)*
- Octopath Traveler II (PS5)
- Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe (Switch)*
- Metroid Prime Remastered (Switch)*
- Little Witch Nobeta (PS4)

- 100%'d Mosaic Chronicles Deluxe (SwitchDL)
- Beat and 100%'d Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (PS5)
- Beat and 100%'d Grisaia Phantom Trigger 07 (SwitchDL)
- Beat and 100%'d Wife Quest (PS4)
- Beat and 100%'d Wings of Bluestar (PS4)
- Beat and 100%'d A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV (PS4)

Slowing down a bit on console gaming for the week so I can work on a couple of things that need to be done (taxes, other projects, etc.) and get back to streaming/recording my Let's Plays. Though I'll likely try to work towards finishing up the Platinum for Kizuna Ai - Touch the Beat. For handheld gaming I decided to not dive straight into Grisaia Phantom Trigger 08 and finally got started on Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & the Master Seal on Vita. I remember the demo being absolutely brutal, but the main game and having a bunch of DLC characters at the start made the segment covered by the demo much easier, so progress has been steady.

Since Little Witch Nobeta arrived early, I'm not expecting any new releases this week and will try to avoid buying other new games until next pay day, since they can most likely wait.


PostPosted: March 13th, 2023, 9:52 am 
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Quiet week this week due to no new titles, and progress would have been minimal if I hadn't opted to blitz through an old favorite over the weekend.

- 100%'d Kizuna AI - Touch the Beat! (PS5)
- Beat and 100%'d Wild Arms (PS5)

I should be seeing The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure today or so, but nothing else is on the horizon (as always, that could change). While I stay focused on Dungeon Travelers 2- which I hope to beat this week- for handheld gaming, I'm keeping console gaming on the back burner for other projects right now.


PostPosted: March 20th, 2023, 7:44 am 
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Broke even this week as I was focused on other projects aside from the backlog.

New Titles:
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure (PS4)

- Beat Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & the Monster Seal (Vita)

Grinding out the last trophy for the Platinum for Dungeon Travelers 2 and will call it "Complete" from there for the time-being as the full post-game is estimated to take another 200 hours and I'd rather move on to something else and come back to it later. For console gaming I started Astria Ascending on PS5 and can say it's okay so far as it feels like it pulls influence from a lot of different series but doesn't quite click in being fully unique.

Expecting Atelier Ryza 3 and likely some wish list titles sometime this week.


PostPosted: March 27th, 2023, 7:59 am 
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Pure progress this week as the one title I was expecting got delayed in shipping and so it will hopefully arrive later today instead.

- 100%'d Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & the Monster Seal (Vita)
- Beat and 100%'d Astria Ascending (PS5)
- Beat and 100%'d Grisaia Phantom Trigger 08 (SwitchDL)

Slowing down on console gaming for a few days to work on other projects but I'll most likely be starting Sonic Frontiers tomorrow or Wednesday while my handheld focus is Ray Gigant on Vita, after hearing it's a hidden gem and indeed looks pretty interesting.

Atelier Ryza 3 will hopefully arrive today and I plan to grab some wishlist titles while they're on sale after getting paid, so I expect the next update to be the opposite of this one.


PostPosted: April 3rd, 2023, 7:26 am 
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Fairly quiet week with one strike against me due to only one new title counting against the backlog, as the other two were wishlist titles I grabbed while they were still on sale.

New Titles:
- Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key (PS5)
- PowerWash Simulator (PS5)*
- A Space for the Unbound (PS5)*

Have made progress into both Sonic Frontiers and Ray Gigant while working on other projects, but I'm also hoping to finish at least one of those this week with 2 expected physical releases on the way.


PostPosted: April 10th, 2023, 9:25 am 
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Good week this week as the new titles are ones I grabbed while on sale or are new versions of ones I already have, so I'm counting them in the collection and not against the backlog for the time being. As a result, pure positive progress!

New Titles:
- Wild Hearts (PS5)*
- Xiaomei and the Flame Dragon's Fist (SwitchDL)*
- GrimGrimoire OnceMore (PS5)*
- Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate (Vita)*

- Beat and 100%'d Sonic Frontiers (PS5)
- Beat and 100%'d Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon: Another Story 20th Anniversary Edition (SNES)
- Beat and 100%'d Eternal Radiance (PS4)

Looking forward to the Mega Man Battle Network Collection this week and may pick up a few others with some extra funds I'm expecting, but we'll see.

I'm about halfway through Ray Gigant in terms of story but don't expect to finish it this week as I'm still taking it fairly slowly and only during doggo time. For console focus, I'm likely going to start The DioField Chronicles on PS5 after another recording session for my channel to get a backlog of videos for it.


PostPosted: April 17th, 2023, 8:05 am 
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Quiet week this week as I stuck with the expected release, which I'm not counting against the backlog, and did beat what I wanted to while awaiting this week's releases.

New Titles:
- Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection Vol. 1+2 (PS4)*

- Beat GrimGrimoire OnceMore (PS5)

While I got the Platinum trophy for GrimGrimoire OnceMore, that was tied to beating the main game, so I'm not calling it 100%'d until either beating all of the Trial stages or until I've had enough.

Progress on Ray Gigant has slowed down a bit as I usually focus on it during doggo time but, with the weather turning warmer and doggo time moving outside, it's much harder to see the Vita screen and make progress outdoors.

The main thing for this week is the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster console releases, which I plan to dive into right away.


PostPosted: April 24th, 2023, 7:56 am 
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If I let duplicate games count against my backlog, I'd have been in trouble this week.

New Titles:
- Final Fantasy I-VI Pixel Remasters (Switch)*
- Final Fantasy I-VI Pixel Remasters (PS4)*

- 100%'d GrimGrimoire OnceMore (PS5)
- Beat and 100%'d Final Fantasy (PS4)
- Beat and 100%'d Final Fantasy II (PS4)
- Beat and 100%'d Final Fantasy III (PS4)

Yeah, you can see the pattern. I'm fully focusing on finishing FF4 Pixel Remaster as my next Platinum before I get back to Ray Gigant, but I hope to finish both (and likely FF5 with FF6 not as likely) this week too.

In terms of new releases, I should be seeing Fairy Fencer F: Refrain Chord within a few days. Otherwise there's nothing else on the radar off the top of my head.


PostPosted: May 1st, 2023, 7:27 am 
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Several new titles this week with a good chunk of them being duplicates or wish list titles on sale that I'm not counting against the backlog, but I also made some decent progress at the same time.

New Titles:
- Trinity Trigger (PS5)
- Mystic Pillars: A Story-Based Puzzle Game (SwitchDL)*
- Ocean's Heart (SwitchDL)*
- Labyrinth: Classic Pinball Puzzle (SwitchDL)*
- Scar of the Doll: A Psycho-Horror Story about the Mystery of an Older Sister (SwitchDL)*
- Sports Story (SwitchDL)*
- Touhou Fan-made Virtual Autography (SwitchDL)*
- Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp (PS4)*
- Live A Live (PS5)*
- Fairy Fencer F: Refrain Chord (PS5)

- Beat and 100%'d Final Fantasy IV (PS4)
- Beat and 100%'d Final Fantasy V (PS4)

Not sure when I'll start FF6 as I want to make more progress on Let's Play recordings and background stuff first, but I will aim to hopefully complete Ray Gigant this week as I've been neglecting that.

There's currently nothing on the radar for the moment for this week, though I may pick up another wish list title or two that are on sale through the 11th.


PostPosted: May 8th, 2023, 11:30 am 
Rank 5: Nimble Thief Rank 5: Nimble Thief
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Very quiet week this week as I didn't finish anything or buy anything new. I had considered buying some more wish list titles on sale but changed my mind. It wasn't without progress, however, as I'm on the final chapter of Ray Gigant and grinding out the final non-story related trophy (along with a few levels), made enormous progress in my Ar tonelico Let's Play recording, and hit the 100-hour mark on Theatrhythm: Final Bar Line when chilling with it.

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is the big release for this week and I'm hoping to start Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster on PS4 after a bit more work on Ar tonelico. May or may not finish Ray Gigant as I'm still only playing about an hour or so every other day as time permits during doggo time and I'm not working on something else.


PostPosted: May 15th, 2023, 9:06 am 
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Ultimately decided that I broke even this past week as, even though I finished recording my Ar tonelico Let's Play, it's not "100%" yet since I'm going to go back and record key events for the other heroine's route as a future secondary project.

New Titles:
- Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2 (PS5)
- Infinite Links (PS5)*
- Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered (PS5)*
- AMAZE! (PS4)*
- The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Switch)

- Beat and 100%'d Ray Gigant (Vita)

Started up the Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster on PS4 to hopefully get through this week as I finish up some more recording projects to create a nice backlog of videos and get started on some bigger games without distraction. Currently undecided on the next "on-the-go" title, but may start getting caught up on all of the Xenoblade 3 DLC and starting Future Redeemed.

Currently nothing new on the horizon, but of course some wish list titles are on sale, so...


PostPosted: May 22nd, 2023, 9:39 am 
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A fulfilling week as, within the backlog, I had pure progress and, outside of the backlog, I survived my first Ocarina of Time Randomizer seed and made progress on a project that I got invested in a bit more than expected but was very worth it.

- Beat and 100%'d Final Fantasy VI (PS4)

I do want to get Puzzle Bobble Everybubble! when it releases this week, but the physical version currently won't arrive until the start of next month, so it will either arrive early or it won't. Still on the fence on some wishlist titles that are on sale, too.

I want to start The Diofield Chronicles, but I'm going to focus more on recording Ys IV for my next secondary project and hopefully end up with a month or two of video backlogs so I can get through 3-4 longer games I've been wanting to start too.

Also aiming to clear out a few shorter handheld titles waiting on my Switch, so I'll see what I want to fire up during doggo time this week.


PostPosted: May 29th, 2023, 9:30 am 
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Positive progress this week even if I opted to count the wish list games on sale I bought against the backlog as I knocked out a few quickies before starting my current recording project for over the weekend.

New Titles:
- Arcade Archives: The Legend of Valkyrie (PS4)*
- Alice Gear Aegis CS Concerto of Simulatrix (PS5)*
- Runefall 2 Collector's Edition (PS5)*
- Match Ventures (PS5)*

- Beat and 100%'d AMAZE! (PS4)
- Beat and 100%'d Labyrinth: Classic Pinball Puzzle (SwitchDL)
- Beat and 100%'d Xiaomei and the Flame Dragon's Fist (SwitchDL)

I started up Runefall 2 on PS5 as a "waiting for things" game as that makes it easier to put down and not get tunnel vision when I need to jump to another. As such, I also started recording my Let's Play of Ys IV: Mask of the Sun, and hope to get that done this week before finally starting The Diofield Chronicle.

I should be seeing Puzzle Bobble Everybubble early this week, but don't know what else to expect off the top of my head. That will most likely be my Switch focus if I don't opt to play through GetsuFumaDen first as I fired that up for a bit too.


PostPosted: June 5th, 2023, 8:52 am 
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Quiet week this week as I opted to not count the one new title against the backlog, but had positive progress in a sense anyway.

New Titles:
- Puzzle Bobble Everybubble! (Switch)*

- Beat and 100%'d Ys IV: Mask of the Sun (SNES)

Didn't do much else over the past week due to some interruptions and practicing Ocarina of Time Randomizer seeds, but I did finally manage to get started on DioField Chronicles and hope to make more progress this week.

I also started Puzzle Bobble Everybubble! for "on-the-go" but it quickly showcased the same problems as other games in the series in having levels that are absolute roadblocks, so I'm stepping away for a bit and will likely switch to something else.

Expecting to pick up a few more titles this week courtesy of a big sale announced for June 8-11, including one that I see more and more people recommending: Redemption Reapers.


PostPosted: June 12th, 2023, 9:56 am 
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So... I had a little breakdown this week in picking up sale titles as well as needing to jumpstart getting back into some gaming to break out of a personal funk, as well as see if some more of them are as entertainingly dumb as they sound. As such, most aren't counting against the backlog, so let's see if this all fits into one post.

New Titles:
- Onigo Hunter (PS5)*
- Blackjack Waifu Tour (PS4)*
- Redemption Reapers (PS5)
- Hyper-5 (PS5)*
- Armed Emeth (PS5)*
- Moe Waifu H (PS5)*
- Waifu Space Conquest (PS5)*
- Marfusha (PS5)*
- Kuroi Tsubasa (PS5)*
- Laserpitium (PS5)*
- Etrian Odyssey Origins Collection (SwitchDL)*
- Hatsune Miku - The Planet Of Wonder And Fragments Of Wishes (SwitchDL)*
- Move The Pin: Classic Logic Puzzle (SwitchDL)*
- Loop8: Summer of Gods (PS4)
- Waifu Impact (PS5)*
- Learn Hiragana!! (PS4)*
- Learn Katakana!! (PS4)*

- Beat and 100%'d Move The Pin: Classic Logic Puzzle
- Beat and 100%'d Blackjack Waifu Tour
- Beat and 100%'d Learn Katakana!!
- Beat and 100%'d Learn Hiragana!!
- Beat and 100%'d Laserpitium
- Beat and 100%'d Hatsune Miku - The Planet Of Wonder And Fragments Of Wishes
- Beat and 100%'d A Little to the Left (SwitchDL)

I stopped blitzing the short ones so I can have DioField Chronicle be Platinum #375, so I've shifted focus back to that for console gaming and just reached Chapter 4. Currently unsure on a handheld focus and may just start the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters on Switch too. After all, why not?

Nothing on the horizon for this week off the top of my head, but if I can finish DioField Chronicles, I'll likely blitz through a few more quickies before starting another big game due to having a healthy video backlog.


PostPosted: June 19th, 2023, 9:54 am 
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Didn't get as much gaming in this week as I'd hoped due to other things popping up, but I was able to make progress over the weekend, even if I didn't beat anything.

New Titles:
- Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & the Monster Seal (PC)*
- Dungeon Travelers 2-2: The Fallen Maidens & the Book of Beginnings (PC)
- Sakura Dungeon (SwitchDL)*
- Demon Sword: Incubus (SwitchDL)*
- Kana Quest (SwitchDL)*
- The 7th Guest (SwitchDL)*

If I can get to more of it throughout the week, I should finish The DioField Chronicles while juggling a few others as I started a Four Job Fiesta run on the Switch version of Final Fantasy V and a Let's Play of the Vita version of Adventures of Mana. Once I finish one, the rest will proceed quickly too.

Expected releases for this week are Final Fantasy XVI and Story of Seasons: It's a Wonderful Life.


PostPosted: June 26th, 2023, 8:59 am 
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Positive progress this week to make up for last week's shortfall due to finishing up a focus and knocking out some quickies that are usually dumb, but entertaining in their own way.

New Titles:
- Final Fantasy XVI (PS5)

- Beat and 100%'d The DioField Chronicle (PS5)
- Beat and 100%'d The DioField Chronicle: Waltaquin's Story (PS5)
- Beat and 100%'d Waifu Space Conquest (PS5)
- Beat and 100%'d Moe Waifu H (PS5)
- Beat and 100%'d Waifu Impact (PS5)

I do want to start Langrisser I&II on PS4, but need to finish recording Adventures of Mana first due to my current setup. Hoping to finish that no later than this weekend. Until then I'm back on Runefall 2 when there's not much else to do. Still working on that Four Job Fiesta run at a chill pace too.

Expecting Story of Seasons: It's a Wonderful Life this week (was wrong about it releasing last week) and may pick up some wish list titles on sale once I get paid.


PostPosted: July 3rd, 2023, 9:41 am 
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Positive progress this week as most of the new titles from wish list sales aren't counting against the backlog.

New Titles:
- Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life (PS5)*
- Omega Labyrinth Life (SwitchDL)*
- Crystal Project (Steam)
- Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective (PS4)*
- Match Ventures 2 (PS5)*
- Afterimage (PS5)*
- Suhoshin (PS5)*

- Beat and 100%'d Runefall 2 Collector's Edition (PS5)
- Beat and 100%'d Final Fantasy V Pixel Remaster (SwitchDL)

Got a couple of days to decide what to focus on next, as I still need to finish recording Adventures of Mana before I dive into a casual title. The only expected title for this week is Trails into Reverie, but that's also assuming it arrives this week.


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