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PostPosted: May 28th, 2014, 3:19 pm 
Rank 7: Learned Black Mage Rank 7: Learned Black Mage
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Reading Rainbow was a PBS television program in the 80's and 90's that had one goal: Motivate young people to read. It was very unique and no show to date comes to mind to attempt to do what they accomplished.

At some point some years ago, the powers that be decided the show needed retooled to teach kids to read to appeal to parents. That is sidestepping the entire point. I taught my wife how to fish and that was the one time she ever and will ever fish. Knowing how to do something doesn't make you want to do it. And being "schooled" on how to do it makes it a chore, not a delight.

So instead of giving in and allowing the show to lose it's concept and integrity, it was instead cancelled.

The information age is in full swing and reading is a part of everyday life. We read on webpages all day, sms, email, and ,on rare occasions, print. But the youth are taught to read and forced to read in ways that are chores. is changing that. They are revisiting the concept that made them so unique decades ago (has it been so long? *sigh*).

LeVar Burton, the man behind it all, is back and appealing to those he showed WHY (not how) to read in his original series. He is asking for our help to allow him to give reading a purpose to the youth once more.

How is he going to do this? By embracing the times!

The new Reading Rainbow is utilizing a vast library of interactive books to stay relevant and allow ease of access to millions right on their phone or tablet or PC.

I planned to go on and thoroughly explain the need and benefits of LeVar's projects but I think most of us are old enough to remember his first successes and wish to see more. I personally backed the project ($150) because I believe in it's goals and I know it can succeed.

See the links below for all the relevant information and to help Reading Rainbow teach kids why to read.



PostPosted: May 29th, 2014, 11:01 pm 
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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: May 29th, 2014, 11:57 pm 
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I backed it for 10 bucks. Love LeVar and dat Reading Rainbow.


PostPosted: June 28th, 2014, 11:21 am 
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There's been a lot of news regarding this Kickstarter, which has 4 days left.

1. Seth MacFarlane (yep, THAT Seth) is matching 1-to-1 the next million dollars that comes into the campaign. Certainly a good time to up your pledge.

2. Reading Rainbow KS has entered the top 5 KS of all time.

3. The holders of the other 4 top 5 KS campaigns are all donating special rewards to people who can donate X amount, one of which is Ouya, who's releasing a special edition Ouya which looks awesome.

Check out things: ... ect_update


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