This system has such potential, you can literally make gravity in RPGM2 with this system. Please note that all credit to this find belongs to Draygone, if you use it in your game it wouldn't be a bad idea to mention it. Anyway let's begin.
Create the following variables: Height Fall Z
Flags: Falling Still
We need also to make two objects: InvisRug InvisJump
You HAVE to make the InvisRug model the blue rug object (this is how the magic works)
Create the following events:
JumpRug JumpEvent
Now the scripts: [RugDupe] Repeat flag=off Data: Game Info Load Height=Party Z-1 (This will make the event duplicate underneath the player's feet) X,Y,Z If Event X < Party X Event: Duplicate: JumpRug: 1,0,0 Temp Remove End If Event X > Party X Event: Duplicate: JumpRug: -1,0,0 Temp Remove End If Event Y < Party Y Event: Duplicate: JumpRug: 0,1,0 Temp Remove End If Event Y > Party Y Event: Duplicate: JumpRug: 0,-1,0 Temp Remove End If Event Z < Height Event: Duplicate: JumpRug: 0,0,1 Temp Remove End If Event Z > Height Event: Duplicate: JumpRug: 0,0,-1 Temp Remove End Wait: 1f Script Branch End
This script will go into the action slot of the "JumpRug" event place it on a map and test it out it should follow you around under your feet.
Now we need an event to constantly be on the ground for us to check when/when not to be "falling".
New action script: [JumpEvent] Repeat:Flag=off Event: Bypass Objects: On Event: Bypass Members: On Data: Game Info Load Event: Info Load Fall Z=Event Z+0 If Event X < Party X Event: Move E 0f End If Event X > Party X EVent: Move W 0f End If Event Y < Party Y Event Move: S 0f End If Event Y > Party Y Event Move: N 0f End If Party Z < Fall Z Falling=on End IF Party Z >= Fall Z Falling=off No Movement=off End Script Branch End This is pretty much saying if the player is higher than the even to trip the flag "Falling". Which the falling script looks like so:
[Falling] Repeat:Flag=off If Falling=on Repeat: Falling=On Party:Vertical Move: -3 1f (anything lower and it's almost TOO fast) End Script Branch End Script Branch End
Place the JumpEvent on your map and insert the JumpEvent action script to the action slot of the event. Test it walk to a ledge and you SHOULD fall over the edge.
To make a jump all you need to do is a make a Button Mapping script.
Repeat Input Buttons Constant Wait If User Button=6 [ ] for now Party Vertical Move: 50/16 Add to current height 5f End
Now if we test it and press [ ] we should go up and then come back down, but you'll notice that your feet will be somewhat in the ground, no worries there is a simple fix to it. Name it "Z Checker"
[Z Checker] Repeat Repeat: Party Z <= Fall Z Vertical Move: 1 1F add to current End End
In your Enter Map script make sure you call the following:
Apply Together [Inf.Vehicle] [User Button] [Z Checker] [Fall Check] In Order
There is one final problem that needs to be addressed this system doesn't work too well if you try to move and jump things can get wonky....but yet again there is a simple step check that can be done to fix this problem like so:
[StandStillChk] Repeat Data:Game Info Load TempVar0=Player X TempVar1=Player Y Wait 8F Data: Game Info Load If TempVar0=Player X If TempVar1=Player Y If Still=Off Still=On End End End If TempVar0=/=Player X If Still=On Still=Off End End If TempVar1=/=Player Y If Still=On Still=Off End End Script Branch End
Now on the conditions right before "Jumping" we need to add If Still=On Vertical Move: 50/16 5f add to current End
Test it and you should only be able to jump up and move when you're standing still for at least 1 step.
I almost forgot you'll want to make a indirect step check to stop the player from moving in the air indefinitely the best way to make the player "drop" when you want is to just turn the system "No Movement" flag to on it will drop you dead in your tracks and fall straight down. Anyway enjoy! If you have any questions feel free to ask!
Video to go along with it, as well as a save file:
I can see this becoming a very cool puzzle/platformer.
Way to innovate!
Thanks guys! I'm actually reworking Epic Adventure to be a puzzle/platformer using this system. I'll hopefully have at least the first world done come MagCon '14.
I know I'm a bit late to this party, but just wanted to say this is incredibly cool! Never thought the "goomba stomp" could be pulled off so smoothly in RM2!
How scalable is this trick? Can it be easily applied to an entire game, or does it need to be individually scripted for each event or area?
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