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PostPosted: July 17th, 2013, 2:42 am 
Rank 11: Sexy Black Mage Rank 11: Sexy Black Mage
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More progress in Dragon Warrior 4. I've aquired five party members, four of whom were the characters from previous chapters. That leaves three more characters unaccounted for, but I know where two of them are. You can change teammates on the world map, thanks to the caravan feature. Your teammates surround your horse and wagon on the world map, with the inactive members presumably riding inside. What's nice is that all your teammates gain exprience from battle, even if they're not on the active team.

Also aquired a ship. And thankfully, they let me know where to go first. Straight south. And I did, and there was a path leading away from the beach to the next town. A lot of games do ship travel all wrong, so it's nice that this one gave me directions, at least for now.

On that note, I've finally aquired a world map. It's amazing just how large this game actually is, especially considering it's an NES game. There's still a bunch of places I haven't explored, yet.

One thing that bugs me is that now that I'm in the final chapter, the only character I can actually control is the hero of destiny(tm). Everyone else is controlled by the AI, including the party members who you had full control of in their respective chapters. I don't know why it's done this way. They at least let you choose a basic strategy for your team (offensive, defensive, no MP, etc.), but it's still dumb.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: July 21st, 2013, 4:07 am 
Rank 6: Potent White Mage Rank 6: Potent White Mage
We didn't play twister mister
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Progress! :ohyeah


Project X Zone - I am currently in chapter 15, I believe. I am enjoying the game a lot, and I expect to get my butt kicked soon. So far... no one has even needed reviving on the battle field. I forgot the function even existed. Random note- I also have an obsession of putting solo characters with their respective duos. I go by theme after that. It really sucks when you have that one solo that just doesn't fit, haha. Example, Tron Bonne goes with Chun Li and Morrigan in my game as a theme.:D

Animal Crossing: New Leaf - I won the Bug-Off. I cheated. I just got a ton of Golden Stags the night before. And chased off bugs from other animals, just for funsies. THEY NEVER KNEW WHAT HIT EM. I also had K.K. Slider give me a song tonight- it was the Birthday Song. I wonder why...:P

Earthbound - I'm currently right before Giant Ant. During mine and Dray's time there- I remember we had to have Ness go in and out of a certain cave for a Magic Butterfly like a million times(okay, exaggerating) because I knew one spawned in the outside mountain area in the middle of the dungeon. On my Wii U VC game? It was there first try. You can't make this stuff up.:P

Nintendo ID: SuperOrangeGamer

PostPosted: July 21st, 2013, 5:12 pm 
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I bought more games! Why did I do that!? So I got the following:

Mii Plaza update
I wanted to get 3 of the 4 new Mii Plaza games, but you could get all 4 for the price of 3. I got them all

Mii Force
This is probably the funnest of all. It's a shoot em up. Your mee pilots the ship and you need mii capsules to set up as weapons (front, diagonally in front x2 and back) The color of the Mii's shirt determines the type of attack, and any capsule set behind the shooter will power up their weapon. Each hits removes a capsule. So if you have 10 tags, you can shoot in all directions and have pretty much 10 chances to clear a stage. Oh you can also rotate your weapons. A neat thing about this is that you can recruit previously tagged Miis if you want a specific color/weapon

Flower Town
I don't fins this one particularly fun. Pick a seed, have other Miis water it so it grows. Harvest their seeds and try to grow different types of flower. Get 20 different flowers to be a Master Gardener. *shrugs*

Warrior's Way
This one is kind of fun too. You are a king that wants to conquer the world's 20 other countries. It's pretty much a rock-paper-scissors game. The amount of Miis in your plaza will be your initial army's number, and each tag you get will add an equal amount of soldiers as that amount of Miis of the tagged person's plaza. If they have the game too, they are considered Monarchs and you have a chance to fight them or greet them. If you make piece, you receive 10% of their max total, I think.

Monster Manor
Try to reach the haunted mansion's 30th floor. Each room is pretty much empty and tagged Mii's will give you a piece of the map you can place anywhere in that floor. WHen you connect different colored pieces, a ghost will apear in that room which you'll have to fight. If you put together pieces of the same color, they will merge and treasure chest will appear in any 4x4 zone.
Oh, the idea of this pieces is trying to find the stairs to the next floor.

At the beginning I thought this would be a pain, since I don't get many tags, but I went to a friend's house and it it turned out 7 out of 12 people there had their DS with them, and you can use them in ALL of the Mii Plaza games instead of choosing where you want to spend them. I was told that a nearby mall is a great way to get tags too (makes sense) so I'll try to make a some mall trips every once in a while. XD

Haven't played it yet

Fallout 3
Went for this one over Last Vegas out of a recommendation. Haven't played it yet, since the other game I got should be shorter, which is...

Heavy Rain.
I have been curious about this game for a long time so I decided to finally get it. You could say it's my first game with a heavy dose of QTE I've played since Shenmue centuries ago. I decided to play it blindly, living with any regrets I could get from my decisions. So far I have...

Passed successfully 2 crazy trials with Ethan while Madison has been a great nurse so far. I almost got killed the detective once... and I'm not so sure if I did get him killed on a second fight. I shot and killed a religious nut as Jayden, which is bothering me. I really want to so nasty things to that other aggressive cop, besides shoving him aside before he beat the psychologist to death. While Jayden is my favorite one so far, I really hope the detective is ok. I liked him for being an unlikely hero D:

And in older games news...

Project X Zone
Haven't played it in a while, I'm in chapter 19, I think...

Animal Crossing
I'm the middle of some landscaping. I need more axes tho.
I realized you could get more than one bug furniture in the bug off as long as you broke progressively your record after 80 pts. If I had known that I wouldn't have given golden stags si quickly. :/ I did get 3 or 4 pieces, but I'll be ready next month to get the rest of the furniture!

So... yeah. I'll try to squeeze as much gaming as possible before classes start again.

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PostPosted: July 25th, 2013, 4:09 pm 
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I just beat Mass Effect on PC.
Must say, I did like the ending
even if the end boss fight was too easy. Also, I hoped for an epilogue so as to show what a great job Joker did commanding the Normandy (which he shouldn't have done, he's just a pilot....)

Now I am thinking of playing one more time on hard with a different class and more diverse squad.
Credits are rolling at this very moment. Maybe, if there's the option, I will play in New Game+ mode.

Then again, I very well could just jump right into Mass Effect 2.


PostPosted: August 3rd, 2013, 10:55 pm 
Rank 10: Cute Lil White Mage Rank 10: Cute Lil White Mage
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I just finished MGS: Twin Snakes. Cot Dayum, what a finale! Wasn't a big fan of backtracking to morph the key, but everything after that was phenomenal. I love how cinematic and still exciting the last portion is, even with the slightly disappointing boss fights. The action in the cutscenes were pretty hilarious, like Snake using a ****ing Stinger to blow up a giant container that was thrown at him. But they were badass.

I'm in love now, can't wait to play MGS2

PostPosted: August 4th, 2013, 2:08 am 
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Made it to Chapter 33 in Project X Zone. While I like the game, the battles are getting very long and drawn out. I kinda want to finish it. Tales of Xillia will be soon.


PostPosted: August 9th, 2013, 8:57 am 
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Started Tales of Xillia on Tuesday and I've been enjoying it a good bit so far. The story takes some time to pick up, but I also have spent some time doing sub-events for money and items. I will talk more about it as I progress.


PostPosted: August 9th, 2013, 10:41 am 
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Oh yeah, here's what I'm playing:

Bayonetta (great game, getting Bayo 2 day 1)
Dungeon Defenders Steam


PostPosted: August 14th, 2013, 5:08 pm 
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After a few weeks of not playing it, I'm back to Dragon Warrior IV. I've finally rescued the last of my party members (an event that warranted a new song for the overworld map), and defeated a couple of really tough bosses (worth a crapton of experience points). I've also found out what the main villain is up to and why this "Secret of Evolution" that's been talked about since the previous chapter is so dang important. And most importantly, I'm finally on my way to that castle that's been sitting on the title screen this whole time. Supposedly dragons live up there.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: September 14th, 2013, 4:47 pm 
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I just picked up The Last of Us and Heavy Rain. Probably won't get to them until Monday or Tuesday since me and the gf have company over.


PostPosted: September 14th, 2013, 4:59 pm 
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Been playing Tales of Xillia recently. I absolutely love the combat this time around. They went ham on just about everything. Even using food items is something I do frequently now. The linked combat and linked arts are awesome too. And the way you can control when and what order you learn arts and bonus stat increases is awesome. Final Fantasy XIII's crystarium could really learn a few things from this.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: September 14th, 2013, 5:22 pm 
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Xillia's gameplay and combat is top notch in the series. I love it, too.


PostPosted: September 27th, 2013, 12:24 am 
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I have a Zelda Wii U.
Just messing with the console and taking a look at the eshop

Shame it doesn't have all the games that are on 3DS eshop...


PostPosted: October 12th, 2013, 1:17 am 
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Got Pokemon X the minute it released. I'm only a half hour in and have a full party of 6. I started with Fennekin because it is the cutest and is fire based.


PostPosted: October 18th, 2013, 9:33 pm 
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I have been playing Pokemon Y. Choose Fennekin (Psychic FTW) and squirtle. Havent played a pokemon in a while. I'm focusing on finishing the story and getting TMs before I attempt at playing seriously or whatever.

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PostPosted: October 24th, 2013, 11:23 am 
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Been playing the crap out of Pokemon Y. Currently EV training all the Evee evolutions with perfect natures. (started with Froakie cause Greninja is a ninja with a tongue for a scarf... come on.)

Also got me HearthStone beta key like two days ago so I'm playing the crap out of that now. Super enjoying it so far.


PostPosted: November 10th, 2013, 11:22 am 
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Beat Heavy Rain last night. What a weird game at the end. Finding out the killer at the end just made me confused on how it was possible, considering one of the scenes made no sense because it didn't happen when you were there.


PostPosted: November 11th, 2013, 4:46 am 
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Finally got Mario Kart 7. Looking for some peeps to race with.

PostPosted: November 20th, 2013, 1:31 am 
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Got Duck Tales Remastered and played it all tonight. They really added some flair to the old 1989 version, didn't they? Good stuff.

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PostPosted: November 20th, 2013, 7:08 pm 
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I beat the first castle in NSMB U and so far I like the game. But it feels like there's too much momentum while moving, kind of like the ice levels on SMW. It was also strange that the spin jump wasn't breaking the blocks beneath me, and then I discovered the butt drop maneuver.


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