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PostPosted: February 5th, 2013, 11:31 am 
Rank 10: Cute Lil White Mage Rank 10: Cute Lil White Mage
At the Scumm Bar

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In my mind, Silent Hill is still the king of survival-horror, even though the series has not impressed with it's recent offerings. In hindsight, comparing it to Dead Space is a bad time. Both games approach horror in a different way.

I admit I never played Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 1, Ixzion, Lantis, put the pitchforks down! I'm excited for Dead Space 3!

Somewhat, I read that the Single-player campaign isn't too hot but the Coop is solid. Which I'm excited for. Is anyone else picking this up? Thoughts on the series? I'm still conflicted, Xbox or PS3?

I'll probably end up getting it for PS3. If anyone here has a PS3 and is picking this game up, let's coop.

PostPosted: February 5th, 2013, 2:28 pm 
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Isn't that out today?:)

I think most people here will get the 360 version, though. I'm not personally getting it for... reasons everyone knows(STAHHHHP), but I hope people have fun jamming it tonight on Xbox Live and otherwise.:D

Nintendo ID: SuperOrangeGamer

PostPosted: February 6th, 2013, 2:28 am 
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Fayorei wrote:
Isn't that out today?:)

I think most people here will get the 360 version, though. I'm not personally getting it for... reasons everyone knows(STAHHHHP), but I hope people have fun jamming it tonight on Xbox Live and otherwise.:D

Oh, shiz. You're right! The game is out! I might be getting it on PS3 so Navane and I can Coop. And yeah, the Dead Space games are pretty gory, not for the squeamish.

PostPosted: February 6th, 2013, 10:52 am 
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Already got my copy sitting on the desk. Waiting for Ix or SK to get their copy so we can co-op it up.

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PostPosted: February 6th, 2013, 12:31 pm 
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Lantis wrote:
Already got my copy sitting on the desk. Waiting for Ix or SK to get their copy so we can co-op it up.

Nice! I still have Dead Space 1 on my shelf, yearning to be played. Ya know the cover art? It's like that hand is trying to reach for my PS3. I used to be pretty negative towards the series, but now that I've looked more into Dead Space 2 and yeah, I'm ready to get back to these games. Hopefully I won't get THE SHIZ SCARED OUT OF ME

PostPosted: February 6th, 2013, 1:20 pm 
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Lantis wrote:
Already got my copy sitting on the desk. Waiting for Ix or SK to get their copy so we can co-op it up.



PostPosted: February 6th, 2013, 1:23 pm 
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I have yet to play any Dead Space.


PostPosted: February 7th, 2013, 3:21 am 
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Already got my copy sitting on the desk. Waiting for Ix or SK to get their copy so we can co-op it up.

Hell yeah!

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PostPosted: February 7th, 2013, 10:36 am 
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Ix and I already made it a good ways in. It's not very scarey as expected. I think what it is, is that you really can't go through a survival horror WITH someone and it be scarey. Which is fine, I guess. I'll play through it by myself eventually, so I'll post again after that and see if I get any scares or whatever.

As far as the gameplay. It's there. All the staples of Deadspace like statsis, telekinetics, item management, anti-gravity, air vaccums, flying dodge sequences, and all that is there. Though they start you off with a suit that has like 15 slots already open. And you'll need it. They shower you with items now. On top of that, all ammo is now used from the same source. No plasma rounds, no ripper blades, no force packs.... just ammo. And all the guns use different amounts of them. Like, a single bullet from a pulse rifle may take one, but a plasma cutter bullet may take 5 (don't quote me on that). Not sure how I feel about these changes. It kind of takes away from what makes a horror game a horror game without the pressure of item management. Scraping and searching for things to use and hoping not to die while looking for them. The fact that I was actually throwing away small med packs for ammo was a pretty good indication that something isn't quite right.

Gun crafting wasn't as extensive as EA made it out to be. You can just combine two guns together. So now you have two guns aimed, which sounds cool... but they don't have their alt fires anymore, because now alt fire will shoot the second gun you attached. So like the line gun? It no longer shoots bombs. It really gets my goat that they acted like this was so amazing, when it's only just kind of okay since you had to drop a function to gain another.

Now on to what I absolutely HATE. And it has nothing to do with the game. Just GETTING into a co-op game was a f*cking process. The easier part of which was exiting the game to put in my online code. You know, so people who buy this used still have to drop a good chunk of money if they want to play online. EA being EA. So I got the code in, and I went to play and it prompted me to log into an Origin account. It's the generic EA website account. Just like with Deadspace 2, I denied it so I could just get into the game. I'm already singed into my Xbox Live account. Why should have have to have two accounts to play one game? But sure enough, it kicked me out back to the main menu. You HAVE to be signed into your Origin account to play online. I made an Origin account when Dragon Age came out back in 2009. I think you got some bonus content for making one. Hell if I could remember the password after all this time. So I had to roll over to my computer, go to the EA web site, request a password change, wait at my gmail for the confirmation, change the password, go back to my console, try the new password AND THEN AND ONLY THEN could I actually get into the co-op campaign options.

I think I'm f*cking done with EA products after this. I just can't support this kind of bullsh*t. This will be brought up in the next Magcast.

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PostPosted: February 7th, 2013, 3:15 pm 
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We didn't play twister mister
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GAH. Lantis that sounds pretty horrible, man. EA being EA, I'm kinda not surprised- but I was wondering how you felt about credits or something(currency?) also being DLC. And there's another small tidbit- some people suspect Origin also lead to a couple of the Xbox Live social engineering scams going through... ones people could do nothing about since the account compromiser would just go to Microsoft with X amount of info and get their case escalated to steal the account and sell it for cash.

Origin is something I will not touch. I have Mass Effect 3, and I guarantee that will be required too. Also for this week- it's apparently a rumour flying around now that Microsoft is going the exact same route as the Sony patent, to cut out middle man sales. Entirely. For good. El finito. If both of those eventually prove true, Nintendo will be just about the only company where you can actually sell your used games secondhand. So I guess what I'm saying is, this fits in more perfectly than you know.

Nintendo ID: SuperOrangeGamer

PostPosted: February 7th, 2013, 3:23 pm 
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This is exactly how Origin has "more" users than steam....


PostPosted: February 10th, 2013, 6:53 am 
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After reading some reviews and hearing Lantis's and Ixzion's thoughts, I'm gonna take Fay's advice and wait for this game to drop in price. People have been calling this the Res 6 of Dead Space.. Also, that EA Orgin stuff sounds so hindering, I just want to play a game, why go through so many hoops?

So yeah. I'll just wait and settle with Ni No Kuni instead.

But honestly, as long as I have fun playing with friends here, I don't mind the game being not-so-fantastic, especially when the game is cheap.

PostPosted: February 19th, 2013, 10:40 am 
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THAT'S IT! I'm done. I'm freaking done. This camel desperately needed a chiropractor but now he's admitted into the hospital for full back replacement from all the straw. I'm done with EA.

Aside from all their nothing games that offer nothing in originality like their sports games or nothing in the form of gameplay like the sims. Aside from the sheer greed spawned by microtransactions. Aside from alienating players by having activation codes to access the full game. And aside from having required Origin accounts to AFTER putting in said code... this is just too much.

Having finished Dead Space 3, I can say that I genuinely say that don't care where the series is going anymore. EA has killed there last good intellectual property.
I applauded Dead Space 2 for finally having a strong female character in a survival horror game. I was genuinely pleased. WHY OH WHY did they turn her into nothing more than a piece of ass in 3? From beginning to end, she was in low cut V-neck shirts or some kind of tank-top. And not to mention DAT ASS. I mentioned in Magcast how they made this love triangle between Ellie, Issac, and this douchebag of a character called Robert. The entire game their going at it when THE WORLD IS AT STAKE! And even at the very end of the game, with only seconds to spare, Ellie and Issac just HAD to have a make out session. THEN at the end of the game they all try to play up that Issac died. Which I was actually kind of impressed with. They NEVER kill of the main character. So this twist was a surprise. I just recently talked about tragic or bitter-sweet endings in the last Magcast. BUT NOOOOO. Somehow he survived as after the credits you are treated to an audio clip of Issac calling out to Ellie. TYPICAL TYPICAL TYPICAL. Way to push the envelope guys. If you wanted to bring Issac back, you could have done so in the next game and at least make us THINK he was dead. That would have left a bigger impression on me than (HEY EVERYTHING TURNED OUT JUST FINE! FLOWERS, PUPPIES, AND RAINBOWS FOR EVERYBODY!!!) Yeah, that sounds just like a survival horror, right?


And you know what? Even that completely predictable and typical storyline and ending, that wasn't enough to have me give up entirely. What broke the proverbial camel's back was (along with all the BS listed above) while I was going for achievements. Look. I get it. A lot of people just don't care for achievements. They don't DO anything. But I enjoy the challenge of 100% games and I find it incredibly rewarding. I like to look at them as a kind of right of passage for gamers. A way to gauge your skill and to show off to fellow gamers. But anyways, I'm going through and grabbing some achievements.... until I noticed that there were 58 achievements in the game instead of the normal 50. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that 8 of them were for DLC that isn't even out yet.

So to elaborate: You CAN NOT 100% the game as it is. It is absolutely impossible. The ONLY way you can 100% it is if you pay EA more money for the DLC WHEN it comes out.

And you know what? No. Just no. EA can go f*ck it's self. I'm done. I'm not putting up with this anymore. EA is a terrible company and has terrible business practices and I refuse to support this bullsh*t any longer. You have companies out there like Valve and Gearbox who at least TRY to look like they genuinely care about their products and their fanbase. Where as EA is literally spitting in everyone's face. They are an insult to gamers and they can go rot in gamer hell (which I think is Farmville or something).

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PostPosted: February 19th, 2013, 12:25 pm 
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I like to picture you making those faces whenever The Sims is mentioned.:p

Sounds like the whole new Metroid game problems kinda. I think the real problem is that even with that ONE commercial on TV, they were trying to make DS3 look like an everyman COD-player style game with the whole American cinema feel... which a ton of American cinema SUCKS and has those kinds of normal, normal normal butt kissy endings that have that sort of fake out. Something about that though... FFIX had a fake out, but somehow it felt completely epic. This game... wow. GRIMDARK MAN. GRIM PUPPIES. I'm so looking this up on Youtube to giggle.

I'm just sorry that it sucked. But yeah, DLC day with EA isn't even surprising that they did that. And the loyalists say that the devs had nothing to do after finishing the game, so they immediately start on DLC before the game is anywhere near shipping. And that's the excuse every time... the game was done! So we needed our devs to get paid somehow still you nasty gamers! But here's the thing- they could've had them tighten up the actual game and add content to that to keep them working. The saving in that game alone will make me never buy it. I have no qualms with casual gameplay even(yes, even simulations- and no, Farmville is nowhere close... that's just a flash game where you bother people to put down a crop), but when a fundamental aspect like saving is broken, the game is garbage. Auto-saves only? What in the high...

To boot, Sims 1 was fine. Sims 2 was as well for the most part. Then EA flat-out took away SO many customization options at the start of Sims 3, and locked them behind a micro-transactions store. I understand not like the Sim genre and stuff, especially on a much more intimate scale with The Sims- but there were nifty little goals added into the game during the Sims 2 period by way of rolling aspirations. It improved it. Then EA said NOT IN MY HOUSE and I kid you not there is a Katy Perry themed Sims 3 addon. They are doing the same thing to every major franchise release they own now with tie-ins, and trying to emulate movies and stuff more than having core gameplay be enjoyable. They wanna shill DLC before the games even come out to make people buy new. They want you to have to get an Origin account to falsely inflate the numbers of the service by requiring it to log into multiplayer Xbox 360 and PS3 games. At one point, it was pretty clear that during the turd that was DA2, they admitted they view someone simply not having interest in their game as a "lost sale" on the fault of the consumer. They view borrowing games as stealing too, more than likely.

All I am saying is- I try not to support EA where I can. What is frustrating, is that they dragged Bioware's quality down to their level. And that really, really stinks since they're some of the only games where there's at least some diversity, even if it isn't shown outwards with their marketing promotions for their RPGs.

Nintendo ID: SuperOrangeGamer

PostPosted: February 19th, 2013, 12:37 pm 
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Fayorei wrote:
All I am saying is- I try not to support EA where I can.

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