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PostPosted: September 30th, 2012, 1:17 pm 
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"The worst pokemon."
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I need a little help. I got a shield that allows me to do crazy melee damage. It will also allow me to HEAL the amount of damage I do if I have a gun called Law in my hand (the shields name has "order" in it).

Thing is, I sold off that gun and it's the award for completing one of the first few optional missions on Sanctuary once you get back to it the second time. Is there any way I can talk someone who hasn't made it that part to get that gun for me?

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: September 30th, 2012, 6:56 pm 
Rank 6: Potent White Mage Rank 6: Potent White Mage
We didn't play twister mister
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Let me know when that is! I'll totally let you in my game to get it(is it a mission reward? Can I get in on that crap too, haha?)

I'm level 15. What level is the quest at roughly? I'm on the second stage of saving Roland.

Nintendo ID: SuperOrangeGamer

PostPosted: October 1st, 2012, 11:29 am 
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"The worst pokemon."
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It's one of the first missions once you get BACK to Sanctuary. You'll know when that is, trust me. But there's a mission where you have to help a sheriff type guy figure out who the murder is out of a set of quadruplets. That's the mission that gets you the Law gun.

Anyways, I just did a little bit of digging. While going through the second playthrough of the game, do NOT do any of the side missions. Just do storyline.

The reason being, if you beat the game... ALL the side missions upgrade to level 50. And so does all the reward loot. By the end of playthough 2, I'll be rocking level 50 Law and Order.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: October 3rd, 2012, 9:31 am 
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"The worst pokemon."
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Just completed the game with Ix and Myoky last night. MUCH better ending vs the first one. It's as if that punch to the groin that Ashley Burch him actually did a lot of good!

Anyways, I've started my clean-up run for cheevos. A few of them are just a matter of time... but one is bugging me. World Traveler states you have to find all named locations in the game. I've checked all the maps, and they are all 100% filled in. Though there are a few maps in the game that aren't listed on your quick travel... like The Shelf - Bay (which I was actually missing two locations on). So I guess what I'm going to have to do is travel to every map on quick travel, and hover over the move locations icons and see if they lead to a place that is NOT on my quick travel and check that way.

I dunno. Kind of lame. But at least there's playthrough 2. I wonder if the map completion carries over...


The two places I missed were The Shelf - Bay and Friendship Gulag (from The Dust). I'm starting my playthrough 2 run and have made it to Sanctuary. Saving all the sidequests for after beating the game so I can deck out with level 50 specials. Specifically Law, Order, and Trespasser.

Actually, there are a lot of weapons with red text that have really unique abilities that aren't actually listed in game. But I found their proper descriptions here: ... derlands_2

Luckily some of the good stuff can be farmed form respawnable bosses. I'm going to be grinding a bit on King Mong once I get back to Eridium Blight.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: October 25th, 2012, 7:21 pm 
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Mongolian Chop Squad
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I know I missed a lot. This year, working when you guys are just getting home is sucky. I'm off tomorrow. I am about level 19. Just mentioning that for no reason.


PostPosted: October 25th, 2012, 8:22 pm 
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"The worst pokemon."
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Ix and I were just talking about that the other day. It really is a shame seeing how you really seemed more hyped than anyone else about it. I'm sure there will be a time when we can all get together and blast through it. I still haven't played Mecro yet.

Ix and I are around level 45 towards the end of playthrough 2. I grinded King Mong and finally got the rocket launcher I've wanted for a long time:


This is the closest one I could find to what was dropped for me. Mine does a little less in damage, but slags. So yeah. I'm kind of happy with it. But it's only level 47. Once I get to 50, I see about grinding another one. I've seen them get up to 90k x6 damage.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: November 4th, 2012, 1:41 am 
Rank 6: Potent White Mage Rank 6: Potent White Mage
We didn't play twister mister
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Friendly reminder!

There are spooky costumes(skins) for each character available via codes that will expire tomorrow(Nov 4th, 11:55 PM CT). ... 080&type=1

That's the album from the official FB page- each image takes you to the entire image/description that has the codes in it.

Nintendo ID: SuperOrangeGamer

PostPosted: July 15th, 2013, 7:28 pm 
Rank 6: Potent White Mage Rank 6: Potent White Mage
We didn't play twister mister
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Hey! Someone text me if we're playing. I may not be in chat much sometimes, cause I'm usually cleaning and stuff. I am loving Mechromancer.:D

Nintendo ID: SuperOrangeGamer

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