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PostPosted: January 16th, 2012, 10:47 pm 
Rank 5: Nimble Thief Rank 5: Nimble Thief
The Thread Necromancer
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*NOTE* I was originally going post this in the general forum, but as I wrote it seemed to enter "suggestion" territory, And thus seemed a better fit here. */NOTE*

Ah. I see. We lock topics so the person who has an issue can not have reasoned and thoughtful discussion about it and thus must sit and fume.

Uh-uh. Nada.
I'm out in the open. What I wanted to say I said TO EVERY ONE. Yes, I cold have PM'ed everyone individually but if I did that I get called on some sort of obscure stalking rule, not to mention it'd be a pain in the ass.

But that's not the point of why I'm doing something seemingly so inflammatory. (A rebuttal to a perceived charge or allegation is not "just trying to get the last word in," and you really are too liberal with that lock topic button Lon- I mean "Stythe," (sorry!) when faced with what you think is anger.)


Stythe wrote:
Calling people on what? For telling you that you shouldn't be reviving old threads? Doesn't matter how long you've been gone and want to add something. The fact is, a topic is old and no longer has a discussion going on. There are a few instances where it's allowed. You hit SK about it when he was a completely new member, and completely new to online forums. You should know better after how long? It's like being the kid that starts talking about something that nobody is talking about anymore.

I do believe I admitted that the point was very astute for him to make. And I also hear you guys loud and clear. So let me add to my great idea about making a rule about dredging up old posts and say that (In the GD at least) lets go whole hog and solve the problem all together: Delete old threads if they fall off the front page.

Oh...that's right! That would be an unreasonable request. stupid me.

Ok...counting to 10...

*Trying not to get heated, and keep perspective...*

Look. I am not dredging up posts from the second page. (I don't think I am anyway...) I'm clicking on interesting threads and then there are times when I read them and think of something neat to add to the discussion. However, I don't really look at precisely WHEN that "last" post was made.
So I have two (perceived) options:
One is to make the post. (Seems to be getting me hot water.)

'Kay...option two would be to be more vigilant in noting times of the last post in a thread, and if it's old, just starting a new thread. (No, now that can't work, I'd be told "there's all ready a thread about that." ...which- I can't apparently post in). hm... :\

So lets meet half way: If there is any way to code the site in such a way that after like say...3 weeks or so, a thread is inactive, it gets auto locked, we should try that. BOOM: threads are still available for quoting/archiving and such, but they won't get dug up. I'd feel a lot better about finding out I CAN'T post a response, then posting something witty and/or insightful only to log on the next day and get chewed out about it. Ya feel me here?

I'm trying to be accommodating here, guys. I want re-entry to be smooth, (honest!) I like you folks, really I do. I don't want to come back and immediately get banned for doing the very thing forums are supposedly for: Making posts.

:edit: If you want, and go from here in PMs, I'm willing. I said what I wanted and am done with this. I'll TRY to pay attention to the age of threads from now on, ok?


All Of The Above Statements Have Been Given The Staffmaster Seal of Approval. Have A Nice Day!!

PostPosted: January 17th, 2012, 12:35 am 
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Hello Staffy. Welcome back to the site.

Here's the thing. I know you've missed a whole lot in the past year, but chill with resurrecting threads that haven't had posts in there for months. If you notice that the thread is old, I think it's fine to make a new topic.

Does anyone else have a problem with that?


PostPosted: January 17th, 2012, 1:56 am 
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Ixzion wrote:
Here's the thing. I know you've missed a whole lot in the past year, but chill with resurrecting threads that haven't had posts in there for months. If you notice that the thread is old, I think it's fine to make a new topic.

Seriously, I would totally do that. Honest. And I meant it when I said I'd try to be more observant of posting dates. (though I expect this to become less of a problem/non-issue even once I'm completely up to speed in a day or so.)


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PostPosted: January 17th, 2012, 10:47 am 
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This was never a problem before you came back. So I see no reason to change the entire site to suit just one person. Just sayin'

Also, people have been banned before for going behind a mod and continuing a locked conversation. Food for thought.

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PostPosted: January 17th, 2012, 1:53 pm 
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At least quote the right person if you're going to address them. I said what you quoted, not Lone.


PostPosted: January 17th, 2012, 11:16 pm 
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Lantis wrote:
This was never a problem before you came back. So I see no reason to change the entire site to suit just one person. Just sayin'

Also, people have been banned before for going behind a mod and continuing a locked conversation. Food for thought.

As I said, Stythe, (and this was true BEFORE I left, so I have some historical weight here) is a tad to hasty lock a thread. Most mods ( including yourself, Lantis to your credit :tup ) at least wait a bit and see if the thread recovers, or the person making it was simply mistaken/had bad information before shutting it down. What I'm saying is that He (Stythe) can be a bit... trigger happy when he thinks he's spotted a troll. Can be a good thing in some circumstances, granted (and usually his decision pans out as a good one), but his "shoot first, and ask occasionally?" attitude can be rather annoying, especially when the business end of it falls on older members such as my self. I'm certainly not forgetting who's in charge here nor am I trying to be insubordinate, but don't you forget I've been with the RM community longer that the Mag has existed. I sure as hell ain't a troll.

So please excuse me if my clear seniority but occasional lack of due respect or position(to which I'm not entitled, I understand that,) gets me at odds sometimes. My utter lack of tact is my blessing- and my burden.

Finaly, I asked something of you all politely, and with hat in hand. Locking that thread was a slap in the face. But I said "Ok. How can we fix this." That is how I work. Sorry if you don't like it, but my attitude is that mistakes reveal flaws in a system. And systems should strive to be flawless. All I can do is say sorry, and offer ways to make sure the mistake can't happen again.


All Of The Above Statements Have Been Given The Staffmaster Seal of Approval. Have A Nice Day!!

PostPosted: January 17th, 2012, 11:32 pm 
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You're clearly trying to make excuses for it and blaming Lone. Instead of just getting it and understanding that you need to stop necro posting, you turned to whining about it in various manners. And when you could've just talked to a mod about it, you try to draw attention to it by b*tching up a storm. Don't hide behind that "mistakes reveal flaws in a system. And systems should strive to be flawless" bullsh*t. There's no stated rule about nerco posts, but it's understood EVERYWHERE on the internet, and pretty much every forum has a necro type rule, stated or implied.

And no one gives a flying f*ck about your "seniority" and how long you've been in the RPG Maker community. If anything, you're supposed "seniority" should have you understanding that you don't necro old posts except in certain circumstances. You should have a much better understanding of forum rules and expectations than just about everyone. So regardless of the case, you just make yourself look worse and worse in this situation more than better. Lone does a good job of keeping watch over the forum, and I don't say this because I am under him or because we're friends. I say it because it's true. You just don't like it because you're b*tch ass rant topic with a hell hole of excuses got locked.

And you don't have to offer ways to make sure the mistake can't happen again. Just don't do it again. How f*cking hard is that to comprehend?


PostPosted: January 18th, 2012, 4:58 am 
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You know what's funny? Since we started arguing about this I haven't necroed one single thread. Just figured I'd point that out. Hate to be accused of CONTINUING to do something I'm clearly not. Also I have admitted you guys have a point and said I was sorry. (And seriously, go back over old arguments I've had with you guys and see how fast THAT usually happens.) Also Ix asked you guys a question, I'm rather interested in the answer.

Let me commend ShaddowFox on his many excellent points (although I could nitpick a more than a few of them as well :nope ) and let me say I am thoroughly shamed by my actions of late. It shan't happen again. ( <-DEAD HONEST HERE. No Joke.)

Is that what you want to hear? Cause there it is, in writing.

(for those keeping score at home, this makes "official apology" #3)

Look, say what you will about lone, you and I both know I'm not attacking him as a person, and there is nothing wrong with being a bit critical of the job he does. I simply find it annoying when I can't respond to misconceptions or answer questions posed back at me in a thread because some kneejerk mod locked my topic. :skeptical (I'm not talking specifically about Lone here either, I mean "in general.")

But this is getting away from the point.

So alright, let's cut the bull. Unless your next post is "That's ok Staffy, don't let it happen again" (or similar, AND NOTHING ELSE*), I'm more than willing to let this moral sparing match continue. :sigh Next move is yours, always has been. I'll drop it WHEN YOU DO. I don't want to be banned and I fairly sure you'd rather not have to ban me, (you know, if it can be helped, tempting though it may be :rolleyes ) And that's the only end game I see if this pointless banter continues.

...So what will it be? "Apology accepted" or "Round 4?"

*well except the answer to ix's question, that would be nice.


All Of The Above Statements Have Been Given The Staffmaster Seal of Approval. Have A Nice Day!!

PostPosted: January 18th, 2012, 10:00 am 
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seeing as this is posted publicly, I figure I can weigh in.
Opinion as follows:

Let's move on and drop the subject and drama. Discussing, more accurately arguing, in text, hides the tone's and sarcasms that conversation needs. Let us all just smile, continue posting interesting and loltastic things. Most importantly, Let Us Cling Together*

*Just started playing a friends copy and I am liking it. Hopefully I will be able to find time to play it. To be discussed further in the appropriate forum.


PostPosted: January 18th, 2012, 10:36 am 
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(and usually his decision pans out as a good one)

Look what would have been avoided if you adhered to my decision.

Also, check your PMs.

PostPosted: January 18th, 2012, 11:47 pm 
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Basically, everyone:


PostPosted: January 19th, 2012, 7:59 pm 
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Stythe wrote:

Look what would have been avoided if you adhered to my decision.

I think the world would be a better place, truly, if we all did what Stythe said and never defended ourselves.

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PostPosted: January 19th, 2012, 8:59 pm 
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So you are gone for two months and come back just to draw this out longer than it needs too? You aren't helping. Go away, kthxbai.

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PostPosted: January 20th, 2012, 2:28 pm 
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Anonymous (Bo) wrote:
Stythe wrote:

Look what would have been avoided if you adhered to my decision.

I think the world would be a better place, truly, if we all did what Stythe said and never defended ourselves.

The world? No.

The forum? Yes.

Just me? No.

Moderators in general? Yes.

This turned into a lot of unneeded drama, and Staffy has been appropriately punished for his mistakes.

Both parts of that sentence would never have happened if my decision to lock it was left at that. Why? Because I recognized immediately the original thread would have gone nowhere productive, just like the vast majority of your threads - this quoted post of yours included.

You and Staffy may not like it, but this is my job.

Also, this thread has run its course.

PostPosted: January 20th, 2012, 3:20 pm 
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I just wanted to echo Stythe's comment just to show that Ix and I support his decisions. Stythe was put in the position he was in by us and we stand by our choice. While you have all the liberties as every other American, here, on these forums, you abide by the rules set by us and the staff. If you do not like that, you know where the door is.

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