Team 11 Front Row: Riou (M), Flik(S), Nanami (M) Back Row: Millie (L), Tengaar (L), Luc (S)
So now we finally get to use Flik again (and now you can use him just about any time), and we also have our new addition, Tengaar. Nanami forces her way into the party, but the choices for entering Greenhill the first time are limited to teens. I could've picked the other 3 based on how much I don't use them, but I figured I'd hit it up with something a little familiar. I promise I'll be using others.
Anyway, let's talk about Flik. Flik is built almost like Riou from a statistical standpoint. They have similar strength, HP, and defense. However, Flik loses out on technique, luck, speed and magic defense, but has a leg up on magic. Flik is really strong with Lightning magic (hence his nickname), so I see no reason to remove the rune he has already (until you have access to a Thunder Rune). Like previously mentioned, he's pretty much on par with Riou in strength, but Flik will get an early edge in attack power (though that will change as the weapons level up) since Flik is at a higher weapon level (from 7-10, depending on how high your weapon was in Suikoden 1). He's also a tank character. He can wear all the same equipment as Riou, but he gets the bonus of a shield, which by the end of the game can give him a 34-36 point jump on Riou defensively with just equipment. Again, his magic is good and he'll be the first person, that isn't Luc, that will unlock their 4th spell. Since he comes in with a Lightning Rune, you'll have the powerful 1000 point damage Thor Shot at your disposal, and can do upwards of 1200 damage with Flik using the rune. Not bad. He is a very solid fighter and can easily be a permanent fixture in your party.
Tengaar is a new ally that we hadn't used yet, but she's a pretty good back row fighter. She doesn't boast great physical statistics, but she is a pretty good long range mage which easily makes her a more flexible fighter than someone like Luc. Plus, her weapon isn't too bad, but not the best by level 16. However, she has some decent affinities with several runes (B rank for Fire, Earth, Rezz, and Wind). So you would probably be best giving her a Fire Rune, unless you're new at the game and would like to protect yourself, then an Earth Rune would be better for her. Her technique is nothing super, but it's serviceable. Her magic defense is good, too. Her speed and luck pretty good too. She's not as nimble as Stallion, but her speed will at least get her to attack before some enemies. Overall, she's a good fighter to have on your team because she brings versatility with her. If she runs out of spells to attack with, she can always throw her knife and dish out some damage. A character that can have a permanent spot in your party.
As for Millie and Luc, not much as changed for them except they've gotten more powerful. Millie is currently working a Fire Rune, but her usefulness has pretty much expired now that Tengaar has been recruited and is essentially better in all areas (except luck and magic defense). Also, Tengaar has pretty good HP for a long range fighter. I would liken it to Jowy's HP.
Team Grade: B+ or A-. A very solid team, especially if Nanami has a Spark Rune. This will guarantee everyone will attack before the enemy (unless the enemy happens to be faster than Nanami). You have several good casters on your team now and Tengaar adds good all purpose ability to your party. Now understand I'm not trying to outfit everyone with Fury Runes and Double Beats or Double Strikes because that pretty much cheats the experience of the game and can make ANYBODY a threat in combat. I want this to be as natural as possible. So this is a very good team to have, though if you can find someone to oust Millie, it'd be even better.
New Fighters Shin Nina
Team 12 Front Row: Riou (M), Shin (S), Hai Yo (S) Back Row: Gabocha (L), Tai Ho (M), Shilo (L)
I'm going to just ahead and say this team is pretty bad. They are good physical fighters, but if you get in a jam, you're pretty screwed. Let's review.
Shin is Teresa's bodyguard and he shows why with his pretty good strength and his high tech and luck stats. But statistically, that's all that make him good. Look at his HP and you can say that he's not that great. Tengaar has better HP than this guy (barely, but still). While it's not horrible, you'd think a guy who wields a sword and is dependent on his strength would have better HP. Shin does not. His shoddy defense is definitely a big knock on this guy because as a physical, frontline fighter, you'd expect him to be able to take some hits, but he in fact cannot take them very well. You could say that his higher tech skills means he has a better chance at dodging attacks. This is true, BUT look no further than his magic defense. It is pretty low, which now brings up the case, why would you want a guy on your team that can't take hits well and isn't super fast to get his licks in ahead of time? The answer is, you don't. DO NOT. Shin is not worth much as he has poor rune affinities and worst of all… NONE OF HIS OTHER RUNE SLOTS OPEN! So all you have is his permanently attached Spider Slay Rune which does 3x damage, but only once per battle. You would do best not to include this man in any of your teams.
Hai Yo is a highly customizable character by the end of the game, but right now, that is not so. We'll worry about that in time. In any case, by all looks, Hai Yo is pretty average in all stats (and his HP is higher than Shin's… and Hai Yo's a CHEF!). If you play the game normally without customizing like a maniac, Hai Yo is a guy you probably wouldn't want to bring with you. His tech stat is pretty low and nothing about him really stands out. He is also no good with magic, so outfitting him with casting runes is out of the question. However, if you wish to equip some stat increasing runes or Double Beats, he could be a little more useful. But overall, there's not anything that makes him formidable. Plus he has no unite with anyone.
Gabocha is a long range Kobold, so he has a little more value than Gengen (can hit all enemies and has a better weapon earlier on). He has pretty decent speed, but it's nothing to brag about, but it is better than several characters. He has pretty good luck which means critical hits are likely, and his tech stat is pretty good. But get past that and he's pretty bad. His HP flat out sucks. Essentially, he's hardly worth the time to put in your party as a fighter, especially if you have Tengaar. She is pretty much more fit than Gabocha is. The only thing that may give the kobold an edge is his ability to wear armor, not robes. Overall though, he's not great, and he's no good with magic. The only way to make him a decent fighter is to outfit him with Fury runes or Double Beats. But I'd rather use those on better fighters. He does have a unite with Gengen… actually he has 2. One is the Kobold Attack, the other is a 20% chance unite called 100 Kobold Attack. The first one only deals out their combined damage (1x) and causes Gabocha to become unbalanced. Pretty useless if you ask me. However, the 100 Kobold Attack, if able to be executed will dish out 3x damage to ALL enemies. However, it's a 20% chance, so you're probably not gonna get it very much. Plus, I'd rather not rely too much on the Kobolds when Gabocha is unbalanced when they can't get the 100 Kobold Attack off.
Shilo is a formidable fighter, but at the same time, he's like the long range version of Shin with better technique and luck. His strength isn't too bad and is actually pretty damn good for a long range fighter, but his struggles come with taking hits. Physical hits aren't what I'm worried about the most as I can handle the frontline pretty well (unless they're s**ts like Shin). It's the magic spells that worry me about Shin. His low magic defense make him VERY vulnerable to getting the piss knocked out of him when a spell is cast. And if a long range attack goes for him? He's in trouble. This also isn't helped by the fact that he can only wear karate uniforms and robes. He's also no good with magic, so outfitting him with any magic runes is a complete waste of time (unless you want to give him an Earth or Water run for support type stuff). He also has no unites, so this knocks him down the totem pole.
Tai Ho is the best out of this bunch. He's got good strength, good technique, and his magic defense is pretty good too. His physical defense isn't great, but it holds better than the rest of these buffoons. He is a bit slow and his magic attack isn't great, so that does make him less versatile than we'd like, but he already comes with a Killer Rune, so he's got crates in him. His weapon is also very good in the early goings, especially around the time to go to Matilda the first time. You can level to level 11 and spear type weapons can go up to 88 attack. Not shabby. His HP is a bit low, especially for a mid-range fighter who must bank on physical skills, and his armor selection kinda sucks. He's a guy you could use, but not someone you'd want to finish the game with.
Team Grade: D+. Pretty much useless unless you get stock piles of physical attribute runes. There's just no one on this team that can make the team better. And with lack of any magical prowess, this team pretty much throws itself under the bus in normal battles, and probably most boss battles. Stay away from making this team.
