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PostPosted: April 18th, 2011, 10:37 pm 
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Dissidia Duodecim!
Beat the 12th cycle (New story line/prequel to original game)
Beat the 13th cycle (Remake of the original's story)
Beat 000 scenario (sort of like an epilogue to the Dissidia

I'm kind of upset about 12th cycle's story but, oh well.

I tought Terra would remain my number 1 girl, but Yuna beat her to it. :D
And then surprisingly, Warrior of Light beat them both. :O (wait... he's my number one MAN!)

My Team

Warrior of Light
Kuya (?)
Bartz (?)

It's so hard for me to find characters I really like! Shantotto didn't cut it, Sephirot didn't either. Gilgamesh is kind of fun to play and I might give him a chance. And most of the villains are so evililishly cheap that I don't even want to try them (I hate them THAT much)

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PostPosted: April 19th, 2011, 9:47 am 
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I still haven't played that yet. I just don't know how much worth while a sequel to a fighter game that I KIND OF liked would really be. I didn't even get BlazBlue's sequel and I loved the hell out of that game.

In other news, to games I really really like have come out today. Final Fantasy IV: Complete and Portal 2. Guess who's going to have both. Final Fantasy IV: Complete is a remake of 4 in the same manner that 1 and 2 were remade on the PSP. So it'll look fantastic and still be in 2D. But along side of that, it comes with two other games. Final Fantasy IV: Interlude, which takes place a year after the events of the original FF4. And it also comes with Final Fantasy IV: The After Years. This is THE game that was original a cell phone game and then ported to the Wii... but still kept cut up in an episodic fashion. But not so much this time. It gets the graphical makeover as the other two and it's all compiled into one game. This is SO what I've been looking for. I'm glad there are still game developers that realize this episodic crap is really lame.

Other than that, I've been playing Suikoden V because a friend of mine lent it to me. I've never experienced a Suikoden past the PS1 (I also played Suikoden Tactics... but that game was terrible and I don't like to count it). And so far, it's pretty typical for a Suikoden title. It still irritates me to no end how they are always f*cking with your party. I'm over 20 hours in and I have a good few characters... but they are STILL dictating who my party members are. And taking out the ones I had room for. So I have to go back to the bottom floor of my castle and fill in the spots with the characters that were just previously there. Oh, and like other Suikodens... they don't tell you anything. You'll be told to go somewhere without being told HOW to get there or who to talk to. Really lame, but everything else is pretty good.

Also, I've picked up a copy of Deadly Premonitions. I really have no idea what to say about this game. It's a survival horror game. It's also a murder mystery game. It has combat similar to Resident Evil 4... and... um. It's weird. Very weird.

Yeaaaaaaaah- the game is full of this stuff.

Oh, and I've been playing Borderlands a bit again. It's good to be back playing with the guys again. And finally, I've been playing Bahamut Lagoon. Since I have an emulator on my phone, I've been loading up a bunch of SNES games... including a few I've never played. So I've been playing Bahamut Lagoon on the go. It's a fairly decent strat RPG.

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PostPosted: April 19th, 2011, 10:44 am 
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:sigh wtf did I just watch?


PostPosted: April 27th, 2011, 9:16 pm 
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I finally got finished Dragon Age: Awakenings so I could start Dragon Age 2. :D

I decided to give the mage class a break, so I picked a rougue.

I miss my elven mage already, but so far, I'm enjoying the game. :)

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PostPosted: April 29th, 2011, 9:20 pm 
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:sigh wtf did I just watch?

I don't know Insulta, but it looks like ShadowFox and I are going to find out for ourselves this weekend. Ohhh boy this is gonna be bad ....

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PostPosted: May 2nd, 2011, 7:29 pm 
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Keep it cool
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I figured this was worth posting.

15 years ago I rented Wave Race 64, simply because I was starved for any new 64 game. I hated it quite a bit back then. On a whim today, I discovered the game in my collection when I bought a ton of N64 not too long ago. I popped it in and did a few races, just for the heck of it.

I was a dumb little kid back then, because this game is so freaking fun. I had a blast riding through the waves and the unique courses. What a game. I'm going to play this a lot more.

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


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PostPosted: May 2nd, 2011, 8:18 pm 
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So, I've been gaming it up pretty hard core lately. I've beaten Final Fantasy IV and have started IV: Interlude. I'm not very far and the story seems to be really slow to get started, but we'll see. I'm looking forward to IV: After Years from Erika's LP. So if anything, that'll keep me interested.

As far as the other two games that also released as the same time as FF4 Complete, I've pretty much got through the majority of them. In Portal 2, I've already got 50/50 achievements. The single player campaign is amazing, as expected... and the co-op campaign is just downright awesome. I've already been through it 3 times. I highly recommend it and would be glad to join anyone to blast through it. Mortal Kombat was the other game that released recently, and I've already finished story mode, unlocked all of the Krypt, and am around challenge 200 out of 300 in the Challenge Tower. I've been playing Tag Ranked with ShadowFox and it's pretty freaking awesome. I know SK and Insult got the game, and Ix is soon to get it soon, so we'll probably get some tag team matched lined up. It'll be awesome.

I haven't touched Suikoden V in a while though because of all these new games coming out. So I don't have much to report on that side. I plan to pick it up soon though as I'm kind of done with Portal 2 and MK. Also, SK and I made a some really good headway in Deadly Premonition. The game is just as crazy as I expected. And it led to us making this:

Anyways, I got a copy of Parasite Eve 3: Third Birthday, so I'm throwing that in the queue... along with Peir Solar since I got me a Sega Genesis.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: May 3rd, 2011, 6:33 am 
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I have tasted sin. And I like it.

That should be SK's sig.

In Mortal Kombat, I just finished Cyrax chapter. I like that early version of him best. In challenge tower, I am at 30 of 300. Sheesh that's a huge tower! Looking forward to Mag'ing it up online later.

Portal 2 update: I now have 1000GS! Thanks to my co-op buddies for the help. Proud to say, I got them all without the help of youtube or any other spoilers :shades.

Now that Y's I&II is on PSP, I was considering picking that up and going through the series.

Also, I am wearing new pants.


PostPosted: May 3rd, 2011, 9:38 am 
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insultobot wrote:
In Mortal Kombat, I just finished Cyrax chapter. I like that early version of him best.

You'll be glad to know that's his alternate costume once you unlock it in the Krypt. But even after you unlock it, you need to go to the Kryptopolis and view his model to actually activate it or something. And then from the character select screen, hit start to select said costume. Took me a while to find this out.

insultobot wrote:
Portal 2 update: I now have 1000GS! Thanks to my co-op buddies for the help. Proud to say, I got them all without the help of youtube or any other spoilers :shades.

Congrats on finding the companion cube! I found it just from chance really. Just wondering what was down there. I honestly didn't expect it to be there. But that's awesome man. You should get additional points for not looking up anything. I'll admit, I looked up one or two in single player. =/

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: May 3rd, 2011, 9:49 am 
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I have tasted sin. And I like it.

Yeah, real convenient how Lantis cut out the last sentence I spoke in that video, in which I surmised that I had best get away from said temptation of sin.

And no, I'll be damned if I ever make that my sig quote.

The "Always humbly at the service of the pure female angels of Heaven" stays.

... Always humbly at the service of Faerie Queen Naeya,
Sarah's Knight

PostPosted: May 8th, 2011, 12:19 am 
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Oops, I posted it on youtube instead of here. XD

Is that scene really from a Survival Horror game? It sure doesn't look like it. Unless it's about surviving the apparent horror of considering eating that sandwich. XD

Anyway. I've been playing a lot of Dragon Age 2, and I'm already on the final act. I neglected one of the characters, and now she left my party forever. :(

Also, I've noticed a recurring trend on all the Dragon Age games. Dead bodies. Everywhere. If an angry mob attacks me in a town, their bodies/skeletons will remain there for the remainder of the game (or at least the Act, in DA2's case) And then they worry about the blight?

Also, what's up with elves? They look uglier now. That didn't stopped me from.. ahem.. courting one (I have a thing with elves in Dragon Age games)

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PostPosted: May 8th, 2011, 9:31 am 
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This is the gameplay of the same game:

As for me, I've still been playing FF IV Complete. I beat Inturlude. And it was INCREDIBLY short. My clear data save is two hours and thirty minutes. And what's worse it doesn't really give you any more information to bridge it to After Years. And what's worse as that, out of the three or four dungeons, you had to do two of the worst ones: The Sealed Caves (the one with the doors that turned into monsters that would summon super hard monsters if you didn't kill it fast enough) and the Tower of Babil (11 floors of grinding hell). So I was greatly underwhelmed by it. I'm already into the second story in After Years, and it's... okay. But I'm starting to think that this is actually kind of a lame game over all.

Still haven't made any progress on Suikoden V or Parasite Eve 3. And I gave up on the Mortal Kombat Challenge Tower on challenge 251.

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PostPosted: May 8th, 2011, 12:18 pm 
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The After Years is a wonderful game... At least I thought so. Some chapters aren't as fun as others, but some are really good. Maybe it was more fun when I was playing it and had to wait several weeks between playthroughs because they hadn't released new chapters yet.

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PostPosted: May 8th, 2011, 7:51 pm 
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@ Myoky - You might not want to read the rest of this post.

So I just quit After Years. It was a multitude of things that brought me to give up on it. One is probably JUST having finished FF4 and Interlude. I probably should have taken a break between games so I didn't burn myself out. Second is that I haven't ever really stomached episodic based games very well. And the idea of having to start over fresh every few hours is kind of retarded. It doesn't make it feel like a full game really. It makes it more like demos. And on top of all that, the story just isn't good. I'm completely uninterested in what's going on. I though Ceodore was lifeless and stereotypical, and all the other characters are just... kind of there as fan service (Zomg, look at Rydia's new sprite! :rolleyes ). But what really killed it for me... what made me say that I had enough was the third time the game expects me to go through the Sealed Cave. It is, hands down, the worst dungeon in all of FF4. It's the one were the doors come to life. And if you don't kill them soon enough, they summon a super powerful monster. So what I ended up doing was fighting a door, backing out, saving... and repeating it. So, you go through it in Original IV and fight the Demon Wall. In interlude, you do the exact same thing. And now, in Ryida's story, they expect me to go through that damn dungeon again? And what's more half of my party members are level 1! I am not about to spend 3 hours grinding them up just to go through that terrible dungeon a third freaking time (I lost on the very first door. And before you talk about how super easy it was for you, it's not really going to change my opinion on how retarded it is to go through this dungeon another time). And to top it all off, I am willing to bet that you go through it again in one of the other later episodes. Hell to the nizz-oh.

So yeah, it's partially me burning myself out on it, partially it being episodic, partially it being just plain uninteresting (though the lunar changes were kind of neat), and partially having to revisit places so many times... but I'm don't with FFIV Complete. And would suggest people just avoid it and play the DS version instead.

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PostPosted: May 8th, 2011, 8:41 pm 
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Actually, you just backed up my point. When I played The After years, I had to wait anywhere between 2-4 weeks before I was able to play a new chapter, and thus I was unable to burn myself out (though I did end up grinding Ceodore's bonus dungeon for a good week or so, which was totally boring).

And yeah, some chapters just aren't very good, I especially didn't like Yang's, and I don't think I liked Palom's or Edward's when I played theirs. In actuality, every chapter is considered "optional" except for the Prologue, Ceodore's, Kain's, and the ending.

Also I lol'd at you talking about the difficulty of the Sealed Cave, and then telling people to play the DS version instead...

In my own video game progress, I have way too many games to play. Maybe this is the reason I never finish any. A month or so ago, I was playing SMT:DDS, and got a good ways through it, but I got distracted by playing Breath of Fire 3, then a week or so into that I found my copy of Wild ARMS, and started a game on that. I've since abandoned SMT:DDS, and I'm now alternating BoF and WA, but I expect to get distracted again soon, most likely by Star Ocean on the SNES which I've been contemplating playing again for a while now.

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PostPosted: May 9th, 2011, 10:35 am 
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then a week or so into that I found my copy of Wild ARMS, and started a game on that.

Play your heart out on this game, myoky. I'm sure you already know this well, but it is a classic.

... Always humbly at the service of Faerie Queen Naeya,
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PostPosted: May 9th, 2011, 10:45 pm 
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Ah Wild Arms.... it is truly a classic. My got scrathed a looong time ago. :(
I did get the remake on PS2, tho.

Dragon Age 2: I beat it.. yay!
I liked it a lot, but after finishing it, I'm not entirely sure what to think of the overall experience. I could go on an start comparing Origins, Awakening and DA2 but I'm not sure anyone's interested in that. :P

I started a new game of Dragon Age: Origins, with a female this time. I plan on making her Queen. :D (And then replay Awakening and DA2.)

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PostPosted: May 11th, 2011, 1:40 pm 
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Speaking of Wild Arms, I think it will take me the entire rest of the month just to get all of the sidequests done in Alter Code F. Without Jane's Mystic and Steal abilities, I could not have possibly beaten any of the optional bosses that I have so far or gotten Adlehyde completely rebuilt. ... And I still have the optional Golems and the King of the Beasts himself as always to face. Oh boy ....

By the way, ... am ... I the only Wild Arms nerd here who finds the Alter Code F version of Jane Maxwell to be ... well ... really, really desirable?

... So many impure thoughts just hit my mind all at once so quickly upon glancing at this picture that I should be able to sue the Wild Arms character designers for whiplash.

... Always humbly at the service of Faerie Queen Naeya,
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PostPosted: May 11th, 2011, 1:43 pm 
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For reasons still unknown to science, I decided to give Ultimate MK3 another shot. I managed to acquire two new achievements, but I still cannot defeat Motaro...


PostPosted: May 11th, 2011, 2:33 pm 
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So I've finally put a good chunk of time into Parasite Eve 3. I have mixed emotions about it. Combat wise, it's really fun. All three games have incredibly different styles of combat, but all three are pretty awesome. In 3, you jump from body to body... military, civilians, doesn't matter. Though if you jump into someone in the military, you also have his weapon to add to yours until you leave his body. But you think that sounds kind of out of character for Aya to just go around possessing people against their will right? Well, all this is taking place in the past. So I guess it really doesn't matter. That'll take some explaining, because the story... isn't all that great.

Apparently there's another outbreak of... stuff. You know... that stuff that kind of takes over whatever town Aya's in. And it's pretty much ruined everything. But there's this machine that Aya can get in that will send her to the past to change things. These effects take place in the present, but everyone seems to remember what happened in the original past and all notice the changes in the present. So you dive into the past to change things in your favor.

As for getting an explanation for all this? HA! Aya has amnesia. So Square cheaply gets out of having to explain anything about Aya's past or what's going on currently. I have no idea what is going on... and there's really not a lot of dialog going around to explain any of it. The game is still fun, but it doesn't feel very Parasite Eve-y to me.

Oh, and the boss fights? WAAAAAAY to long. It takes forever to kill the bosses, even when exploiting their weaknesses. And more often than not, bosses have an instant KO ability you'll need to watch out for. =/

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