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PostPosted: March 29th, 2011, 2:46 pm 
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"The worst pokemon."
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This is one of the newest songs out today. Take a gander at the lyrics. And I don't mean skim them... please, read them:

Just take a picture, baby, Look at what I'm wearing,
Just take a picture baby, No need for staring.
You know that you want to, you know that you need to,
It will last longer for you. Baby say it now,

Oh my god, she looks good, (omg she looks good)
Oh my God, you know you wish you could ( Baby Say it now)
Oh my God She looks good, Oh my God, you know you wish you could, but you can't be like this.

Oh, come on by the crib,
The girls start looking dib
Just shaking that boom boom.
Going all around and around and back again.
All the way around and around and back again
All the way around and around and back again,(what) again,(what),again.

Don't be hating on me, no need to fake it,
Playing that games upon me, may they mistake it.
They know that they love me, they know that they hate me,
No matter what, I am a sta-a-r.
Baby Say it now.


Beep Beep
Toot Toot
Beep Beep
Toot Toot
Boom Boom

Just take the picture baby, take the picture
It'll last longer.

(Chorus x2)

Doesn't sound anything worse than any other of the mid-twenty to early thirty slut songs that the Brittany Spears / Christina Aguilera wanna-be's would sing, right?

Well, you're wrong.

This is Jenna Rose. And and she is twelve.


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PostPosted: March 29th, 2011, 2:59 pm 
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1) Statement 2 is true
2) Statement 1 is false

PostPosted: March 29th, 2011, 3:43 pm 
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ugh, i hate much of the music out today. like serious? a 12 year old singing about stuff like this? should be illegal to target younger children with crap like this. all my children are wearing chastity belts till they are 21.

Artistry made by JPS
Card Three is released! Download it here!

PostPosted: March 29th, 2011, 5:14 pm 
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The music industry is rampant with people that will snatch up a kid and make money off them. What's worse is the parents not doing anything to protect their kids. Often times it will be the parents that thrust their child out there just to get the money their kid makes. Lindsay Lohan's mom is one of those types of parents. As children, the typically need the consent of their parents as they're not old enough to make those choices on their own legally. It's bad that record labels will do this to kids and even adult bands. A label will often tell a band what kind of songs they need to produce. There are some with the right producers that will allow a band or singer to make what they want, but often times you are bound to the will of your label and producer. Which is why you're starting to find some musicians self-produce or go on independent labels. However, it's not to say that all the blame goes on the labels and/or parents. The kids have the right to say no, though they are still easily swayed and manipulate.


PostPosted: March 29th, 2011, 7:04 pm 
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My Lord, first her stupid jeans, and now this. Does that girl even realize what she is doing?

... Always humbly at the service of Faerie Queen Naeya,
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PostPosted: March 29th, 2011, 9:03 pm 
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This seemed relevant.

Yeah, the parents are probably too busy carrying their buckets of cash to the bank to notice what their daughter is being made to do.


PostPosted: March 30th, 2011, 7:17 am 
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Questionble subject matter aside, I didn't think it sounded bad.

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PostPosted: March 30th, 2011, 6:08 pm 
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Who do I have to pummel here? This is just another form of child exploitation. If any of you visited over at the pavilion long enough then you know my thoughts on that kind of thing. Lets just say I am rather upset by this. f*cking 12, man. Must resist urge to... beat up... actually I don't know who. Who am I suppose to focus my anger on, man? URGH!

PSN: KingJamos

PostPosted: March 30th, 2011, 7:21 pm 
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i recently heard a justin bieber song covered on acoustic guitar by a 20odd year old, it made sense that way though, i even liked it. all his other songs are about women and drinking so it kind of fit in, instead of obv, being sung by a 16 year old to loads of screaming teenage girls.

he doesnt have that cover recorded but his own music is here:

'Cus Downtown is where I live, and I do my damnest to stay alive.

PostPosted: March 30th, 2011, 9:12 pm 
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1. Tch, what kind of world is it has it become when 12 year olds aren't cleaning my chimneys and weaving my cotton like respectable members of society?

2. An old guy on the train yesterday told me the country would be better for the reinstatement of National Service.

3. I thought it was the established province of young people to make mistakes, shouldn't we care more about the old people who're singing trampy drone songs? You know, the ones who can vote and have children?

3.5. Oh wait, the 12 year olds are having children. Again this is possibly more their elder's fault.

PostPosted: March 31st, 2011, 5:43 pm 
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Jamos wrote:
Who do I have to pummel here? This is just another form of child exploitation. If any of you visited over at the pavilion long enough then you know my thoughts on that kind of thing. Lets just say I am rather upset by this. clucking 12, man. Must resist urge to... beat up... actually I don't know who. Who am I suppose to focus my anger on, man? URGH!

I know. Doesn't that just irritate you further?

Yup. This girl's definitely ruined for marriage already.

... And now that I have said that, in the implied spirit of ever considering waiting for a girl that young to reach the marrying age, I shall sit back and wait comfortably for Chris Henson to knock on my door with an entire TV crew behind him.

... Always humbly at the service of Faerie Queen Naeya,
Sarah's Knight

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