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PostPosted: September 10th, 2010, 11:46 pm 
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This is the more appropriate thread for my first expansion of this series.

Some Graphical updates:





PostPosted: September 13th, 2010, 4:31 pm 
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Spear skill test

PostPosted: September 16th, 2010, 12:06 am 
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Update: Finished a way to increase your Hygiene back to full, pretty much its a mini pool which other sims can use, and eventually can and will get dirty. Im still trying to figure out a decent way to show how you can train accuracy, any suggestions are always awesome. Once I fully finish male sims, I will release a demo. When will that be? Well the way it stands now, October~November, all depends on school and extra time and stuff. Check back for more updates :).

PostPosted: September 26th, 2010, 10:28 pm 
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Newest update. Not entirely sure if I mentioned this yet, but you will be able to build your house over time. To start you are given enough wood (by me) to make a basic structure. After the structure is made your going to need to find trees to collect wood. Also, I've worked in where you need to gather raw materials to make a good bit of things, like your bed, your roof (you'll need to gather wood and palm fronds). Also, you will in time be able to upgrade your home (once you progress farther in your career. This is probably the last update (no clue) before Magcon. If worse comes to worse, I will have male sims working 100%, female sims will take a good bit more work (although I could just keep em in the kitchen...) Nah just kidding!

PostPosted: October 4th, 2010, 11:39 am 
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Update: Finished a nice bit of work on the game over the past couple of days. Added a mature setting filter for those of you who wish to not see pee, blood, and other things. Scrapped the whole on screen Inventory, relationships and such to a more polished looking menu system.


Pretty functional atm, still have a lot left to do. Also after much consideration this will be the only sims game I do. Making Sandbox type games on RPGM2 is very very time consuming. Thats not to say I won't make anything else, but after this version of the Sims is done, thats it for this series. You may ask, why not change the era? Well ive already done so much for a prehistoric type era that no way in hell am I starting over.

PostPosted: October 5th, 2010, 7:17 pm 
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More Screenies:


Before changing the background (as you can tell from above.)

PostPosted: October 6th, 2010, 2:44 pm 
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I just want to say that this looks fantastic and I can't wait to see it live at MagCon 2011!


PostPosted: October 8th, 2010, 9:54 pm 
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Thanks Ix, ok a huge update:

Giving non-playable Sims life, what does this mean exactly? Well say for example Hie needs to go to the bathroom, she will check for the nearest tree and do her business, and return to what she was doing, ive only tested this on paper not 100% sure its gonna work fully, but I see no reason why it wouldn't work. Also It would give the game much needed activity, like say you yourself use up all the meat supply, none of the Sims can eat at all, which in turn they come after you and complain haha. I'll need to think of ways so that they can/will ignore their needs if they want to sometimes. If I can get an example of what I was talking about done soon, ill post one. Also, Im making it possible to have 8 friends at a time, pre-set friends but you don't have to befriend them all.

New Tribe Map:

PostPosted: November 18th, 2010, 6:45 pm 
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You should really update this thread with all the stuff you've been showing me. It's actually really impressive.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: March 17th, 2011, 10:16 am 
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HUGE update coming in a week or so. Stay tuned.

PostPosted: March 18th, 2011, 10:47 pm 
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