First off, PAX was awesome and if you guys can swing it I highly encourage going next year (Boston may be just as good, never been to that one). A decent amount of cool panels on all kinds of topics. I went to a couple of game design ones
- Square Enix's unveiling of FF XIV showing the opening cinema of the game, and also showing off their new Deux Ex game - The entire cast of Loading Ready Run (also do Unskippable and ENN on the Escapist) answering questions and showing next weeks videos - Gabe and Tycho answering questions (missed the one of them doing a strip) - The cast of XPlay answering questions and showing some videos - The last round of the Omegathon, which was an arcade claw crane (guy won 6 to 1 with each getting 15 tries)
Then of course there was the Expo Floor with most of the big companies represented - Sega, showing Sonic 4 as a playable demo - Valve, showing Portal 2 as a demo (it's Co-op this time and twice as long and has quite a few new gameplay elements) - Bioware, showing Dragon Age 2 - Microsoft having playable demos with Kinect, showing Windows Phone 7 with XBox live capability - Bungie, showing playable demos of Halo Reach - Capcom showing Marvel vs Capcom 3, Okami Ken (DS), some others I can't remember - Sony showing their motion control with Heavy Rain, also Little Big Planet 2 - Harmonix with Rock Band 3, which was playable in a couple of places - Bethsadia showing Fallout:New Las Vegas - Square Enix with playable demos of FF XIV and Front Mission: Evolved
Games I forget the company of - Duke Nukem Forever with a playable demo I believe (possibly proving everyone wrong in a year) - new Tron and a bunch of others I don't remember.
Also at the con they had tons of free play areas where you could play StarCraft 2, lots of new and retro console games, lots of table tops games, in addition to tournaments in all of those, and concerts.
Lots of cool stuff to do there over 3 days. I took a picture with the Loading Ready Run crew and got a signed DVD from them. I enjoy a lot of their series. If I was willing to wait forever in line and miss their panel I could have gotten stuff signed by Gabe and Tycho. I missed the keynote from the Designer of System Shock, and Deux Ex, but a lot of the more popular panels you had to be at least an hour early to get into.
It's a great chance to see and play games that aren't out yet, meet some of the bigger people in the industry/net, and also to play current and older games with other people.
_________________ はじめまして。真(しん)の冷静(れいせい)です。どうぞよろしく。 hajimemashite. shinno reisei desu. douzoyoroshiku. Are you prepared? Do you believe in the Coolness? Well either way check it out.