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PostPosted: August 12th, 2010, 2:04 pm 
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Just saw it today and really liked it. It appealed to all my geek/gamer senses. :lol
But... you know, I have an odd taste in... everything. I'd rather see Pilgrim again before Inception (which I thought it was good and interesting, but.. yeah. I'm just odd)

I actually heard about the graphic novels a while ago, when somebody was comparing No More Heroes idea with SP vs TW, and it really caught my attention (ANd loved the NMH games too)

So... anyone here planning to see it?

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PostPosted: August 14th, 2010, 12:53 am 
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I just came back from it, and I concur. I want Knives as my gf.


PostPosted: August 14th, 2010, 6:56 pm 
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Oh, hey, is that the movie where Michael Cera plays the awkward high school kid?

Oh wait. That's the only role he does.

PostPosted: August 15th, 2010, 12:21 am 
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He plays as an awkward 23 year old guy dating a high school girl.


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PostPosted: August 15th, 2010, 12:35 am 
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Yeah, I was also skeptical when I saw Cera in another stereotypical role, but this movie is fantastic. If you have any love of videogames in your heart, this is the movie to see.

It's amazingly fresh and it was tight as f*ck.

I definitely thought it was No More Heroes everywhere. :D


PostPosted: August 15th, 2010, 3:15 am 
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I like that image macro.


Still, though, I probably won't see this. Gonna see Expendables instead and watch as my testosterone levels increase 2000 fold.

PostPosted: August 16th, 2010, 10:52 am 
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There wasn't NEAR as many video game references as I expected from this movie. I was expecting a reference in just about every major scene. But there was only a few zelda sound effects, a few Mario references, one FF, and one or two others... while the graphic novel ended up having a slew of references.

Also, I thought the exposition was a little drawn out and it took quite a while for anything to really happen. The entire time they were having conversations I was waiting for someone to start kicking ass, or I was intently looking for any obscure video game shout outs... of which there weren't many.

It wasn't a bad movie... but it wasn't what I was expecting either, which is kind of a downer.

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PostPosted: August 16th, 2010, 12:18 pm 
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Well, I ordered the first graphic novel and it should be here this week, since I figured that (as usual) the movie would have left out many details. (They did have to condense 6 books in a movie, didnd't they?)
Only time will tell if my perception of the movie changes

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PostPosted: August 29th, 2010, 11:24 am 
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from everything i've heard expendables was a bit sh*t and every person and review has said scott pilgrim is really good. to be honest i could have sworn that this film had come out a couple of years ago. the thing of evil exes i swear ive heard before! but it could be that it's a good film because it's not just cera playing the same old role, but it's actually based off some comic books so it's a story that was already written by someone better than people who write films these days. the last review i read said it was good as a geek/gamer film because it was roughly structured like a video game with him having to beat these boyfriends (bosses if you will) in order of difficulty instead of just being a load of references. *shrug* i probably won't make it to either of them though. got this deal through my mobile company with blockbuster though so i'll prolly end up renting when they're out of theatres.

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