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PostPosted: July 31st, 2010, 8:33 pm 
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Rainbow Crash
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I figure this thread can be updated from time to time.

Today, I did about 3 hours of yard work with my mom. We ended up cutting down maybe 100 branches to really clear up our back yard. The poor yard has been afflicted with many a malady, including Hurricane Isabella a few years ago, and it hasn't been fixed. I cleaned off the back porch that was filled with junk with my cousin Deeper.

I have to repair the screening on the back porch, and ultimately fix the back fence, which was destroyed back then. Then I'll be able to grow crops next year without the fear of someone stealing them.


PostPosted: July 31st, 2010, 8:37 pm 
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That's hurricane Katrina, to be more precise, Ixzion.

As for me, I woke up, chilled on the internet for an hour or two, and went to work from 1-8. Worked an hour over, but there was so much work I had to do. I clocked out at just over 39 hours for the week.


PostPosted: July 31st, 2010, 8:55 pm 
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I felt like I've done NOTHING today! Well, in a way, I haven't... :lol
I downloaded 2 VC games for my Wii (Zombies Ate my neighbors and Wild Guns) but ended up playing massive amounts of Super Smash Bros. Brawl with my cousin. (We tried to beat Boss Battle in Insane Mode but failed HARD)
After he left, I was planning to hang out with some friends, but all of them decided to make other plans, leaving me bored at home. I tried surfing the net, checking the other sites I visit, but all of them seem to be DEAD, and I seem to be DYING slowly out of boredom too. So I'm waiting for July to end so I can make some "important" thread in the only faction I've ever joined at GameTrailers.
Oh, and ate lots of Pizza. :D I kind of want moar... :drool

ImageImage Image

PostPosted: August 1st, 2010, 3:48 am 
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Got up at 5:15AM
drove an hour
ran a 10K (50 mins)
had breakfast with some people I normally run with after the race
drove home
took a 2 hour nap
messed around on the internet
played puzzle quest 2
had dinner with the family
played more puzzle quest 2
went over to a friends house and played games with them
came home at 3:30AM
brush teeth, etc

hajimemashite. shinno reisei desu. douzoyoroshiku.
Are you prepared? Do you believe in the Coolness? Well either way check it out.

PostPosted: August 1st, 2010, 9:33 am 
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I'm pretty sure Hurricane Katrina went around youse actually bon, Hurricane Isabella though did affect most of Virginia.

Yesterday, part of my filling fell out. Was quite scary, and random. Today is wake and bake and take the dog for a walk in a bit.

'Cus Downtown is where I live, and I do my damnest to stay alive.

PostPosted: August 1st, 2010, 10:12 am 
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Rainbow Crash
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Bon, why is it that a Canadian knows more about what happened to you than you do? Katrina is what tore up Louisiana.

Today, I'm about to go to the laundromat. A clean bed is a safe bed.


PostPosted: August 1st, 2010, 10:38 am 
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Got up (yesterday evening)

Went to the lab to work the night shift by myself (which is preferable if you knew the freaks who I am forced to work with)

As I went about my work, inexplicably began thinking of what I would write for many scenes in Final Fantasy IX if I were to write its story in the form of a play (therefore expect to start seeing an occasionally updated thread for that in the Creativity forum within the next week or so)

Told an operator from the plant to go to hell when he called and began mouthing off about not having results that I obtain in the lab not coming back to the plant quickly enough (I was handling my work like a champ. *smug-faced emoticon*).

Took a few moments to pray that the next person to be hired at my lab as a tech will be a cute young girl about my age, just before leaving work (I should probably build a small shrine or something for that sort of thing somewhere in an unused part of the lab)

Ate breakfast at IHOP on the way home (delicious in my belly). It was kind of a nice sunny morning, too, for such an occasion.

Came home about half an hour ago

Posting this

Will now go to sleep and dream of being a college student again when I could do nothing but the three things I enjoyed most (being a student consistently learning new and interesting things, playing video games, and being around so many cute schoolgirls)

'Might wake up and play a little further into hard mode on Bioshock before I go to work once again later on tonight (see other thread in the video games section for further clarity)

... Ah, the interesting life I lead. Looking back on my typical day for the past few years, I realize that I sure do think a lot about cute girls and being in love and other gushy stuff.

(By the way, the telling someone at work to go to hell didn't really happen of course; I just do that sort of the thing on the inside while maintaining my calm, professional demeanor on the outside whenever I start getting lip. Bon should definitely start going on a verbal tirade against everyone at his workplace, though, I think. ^_^ )

... Always humbly at the service of Faerie Queen Naeya,
Sarah's Knight

PostPosted: August 1st, 2010, 6:57 pm 
Rank 9: Mischievous Thief Rank 9: Mischievous Thief
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Well, I guess I need to slap myself. *slaps* Ow.

I worked from 6:30 a.m.-6 p.m. My feet hurt.


PostPosted: August 1st, 2010, 10:09 pm 
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Left from Texas at 9 last night, got home around 1pm today. Finally got to sleep for a few hours when I got home (as I have a terrible time sleeping in cars). Now it's taco bell and interweb time~

PostPosted: August 2nd, 2010, 9:29 pm 
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Rainbow Crash
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I went to work and I went to the gym. After I went to get some shoes.

I posted this just now.


PostPosted: August 3rd, 2010, 4:20 pm 
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I got up and went to work, went home for lunch and worked on a little bit of RPG Maker 1. Doing a lot more work lately than I have in quite some time... and I'm really digging it. I was doing this on a really old projection TV... about 54 inches and ugly as hell. Not only that, there's a loose connection somewhere in it and the video keeps going out. So I moved it to my TV and apparently a PS2 composite video feed looks like crap on a HDTV. But it'll work. Anyways, after that I went to the dentist. And joy of joys, I have two cavities that I get to have filled in a week or so.

I'll be doing more work on it tonight as well as finishing up the Dr. Barrel model I've been working on. Then I will have finished all the Megaman Legends crew.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: August 3rd, 2010, 4:34 pm 
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Noblesse Oblige
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I have to do this before someone else does:

Your mother.

PostPosted: August 4th, 2010, 9:56 pm 
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Got my supervisor in trouble, Cleaned the intimates stockroom, then meet the actor who played Adrian Monk, ate dinner, looked in on the doggie I'm babysitting.


PostPosted: August 5th, 2010, 10:42 pm 
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Got my supervisor in trouble,

... Then I now look up to you, for doing what practically every hard-working American in no particular position of management has only dared to dream of doing. You are my new role model.

... Always humbly at the service of Faerie Queen Naeya,
Sarah's Knight

PostPosted: August 5th, 2010, 10:50 pm 
Rank 9: Mischievous Thief Rank 9: Mischievous Thief
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I did yardwork for a couple of hours. That wonderful summer heat. mmmm.


PostPosted: August 6th, 2010, 3:17 am 
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Location: Out there. In that place. You know, with the "thing"
I went to work and as soon as I got there I noticed that there was a big ole' pile o' boxes to throw into a stock room. So I hit the ground running. then it was all about vacuuming. I was told that the dumpster out back was beyond full so I had to put all the trash in the trash cart and store it inside instead. It will be dealt with in the morrow. So I attempt to start mopping, but I get an airport run... heh... I never up dated you guys. I quit working for those soul suckers over at the seafood restaurant, and then got a job on the turn pike. I got fired from that job then found a job in a diner. that job didn't pan out, but two months ago I got a sweet job as a Houseman for a Comfort Inn. I do cleaning, general guest services (obtaining soap, towels, extra blankets & pillows, etc.,) some light maintenance (Have plunger; will de-clog), some bell hop stuff, "go-for"-ing, and also (coolest of all!) I get to drive the airport shuttle van! And the best part is that at the end of august...FULL BENNIES!!!! 8)

where was I.. oh yes...

I get an air port run...which turns into 2, then I get another one after that, and I finally get to mopping. blast through the public bathroom, and the back stair well and when I get to the side one...more air port runs. Kay....>_> get back from those and I have a list of sh*t to do from the front desk a mile long. mostly towel drop offs, but also I need to track down an Ethernet cable. They suggest I raid an off market room but I stole the cable out of it earlier in the week. so they have me nab it out of an on market one. (60% of our guests are old fogies who couldn't figure out how to turn a computer ON let alone send an email or use that new fangled World Wide Interweb-Nets, so not really worrying if one is missing for a while). after that, I drop off the towels to the room of some rather irate Asian lady who, while very skilled at speaking it, does not use English as her primary language. her issue is a valid one..sort of. she expected that house keeping would clean her room...well they didn't. (this has been a recurring problem as of late and thankfully I have management on my side here) However, she did kind of leave her "DO NOT DISTURB" sign out all really can't hold that one against house keeping in this case...>_> So the front desk has be stock it with amenities and call it good.
back to mopping. Finally get the side stair well done and move on to the coffee shop. I start bleaching the grout and scrubbing it with a broom because they are too cheap to buy a grout brush or (OMG!) grout cleaner. JUST as I'm about to start mopping this room, I get another rash of airport runs. I bust them out and when i get back I find out that Room 110 has not been cleaned either. This one however is a more annoying case; A strip & leave. basically, we have two teams of house keepers. group one goes in and strips the linens, then another group goes behind and actually resets the room. so what has been happening is that the first group swings in a particular room and then the second group simply fails to show. Then it's up to me to spend 45 minutes to an hour making the beds, stocking the towels, replacing the shower curtain, and restocking cups and coffee. It really eats into my day and takes away from other cleaning duties I might have. On top of that, the house keeping staff has 6-8 hours to get rooms ready for check in. I am usually informed about such a room because the front desk tried to rent it, had to give a confused/mad guest another room (sometimes comped), and need it as quickly as possible because they are almost sold out of rooms.
Well, before i can dig into that, I need to go take a dump, so I do so, and it turns out to be the longest break I had today. I bust back into the room, do all the stuff I need to and when I'm 75% done the front calls and says that the guest for that room is here and I need to hurry my ass up. fast forward to me being done, and I'm bout to head intop the coffee shop to finish up-Airport run. >_< Well I finaly get the coffee shop floor mopped and...Air port run. >.< Times 2. Xo By now it's after 10:30 pm, and I STILL haven't broken for lunch and it's too late to do so anyway. T_T So I mop the lobby floor, the main stair well and the back hall, then the break room. I collect my sammich and doritos, then nab a diet pepsi out of one of the vending machines. I punched out and then drove to the corner gas station before getting on the high way. I ate my sammich and vented to myself. then i got gas and went home.
Got home and fed Bryce, loved some kitties, and then fed bryce again. in between feedings and calming him down enough to sleep, I've been posting this. that has been my day.


All Of The Above Statements Have Been Given The Staffmaster Seal of Approval. Have A Nice Day!!

PostPosted: August 6th, 2010, 4:02 pm 
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Rainbow Crash
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I woke up, played some Valkyria Chronicles, and just came back from the gym.

I'm planning on going to the circus with my sister in about 3 hours.


PostPosted: August 6th, 2010, 9:19 pm 
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I worked from 1-8 p.m. Gotta wake up tomorrow at 6am to work from 7a-5pm. I'm hitting the movies in about 30 mins.


PostPosted: August 6th, 2010, 10:04 pm 
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Went to work then had lunch with my mom and wife, then went back to work. As soon as I got off of work, I packed up to go to the inlaws. Two hours later we made it Conway and met up with one of Rachael's friends and ate at a hibachi grill. After that we went to a book store. Now I'm in the car on the way to the inlaw's house to waste the rest of my weekend with awkward conversations and sh*tty tv shows.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: August 6th, 2010, 11:31 pm 
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