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PostPosted: July 6th, 2010, 10:00 am 
Rank 5: Nimble Thief Rank 5: Nimble Thief
The Thread Necromancer
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Location: Out there. In that place. You know, with the "thing"
I was at my old swimming hole last night as I had been busting ass all day doing chores outside. Hauling fire wood, moving cement mixer my dad got from my grandfathers' place up state in Michigan, and generally getting unbelievably skanky. So this swimming hole is only a few miles from where I grew up and I have always regarded this area as unquestionably secure and safe; full of honest people. Were talking about 2 steps away from Mayberry RFD here. So anyway I think nothing of leaving my wallet in my car while I go swimming-properly concealed of course, in the glove box, and leave to go swimming. Now as I said I have always regarded my home town as generally honest, where people don't go poking around in other peoples business, or things... so I didn't bother locking the car. Figured, "as long as it doesn't look like there is any thing to steal..."

Well I came back from swimming and my sister and I (she went swimming with me) decided to go to the local convenience store for some refreshments. I put my Ice tea on the counter and go to pull two bucks out of my wallet, which has inexplicably become empty. Now I recall it being quite full when I STARTED swimming. Had almost $100 in it, much if it in ones, as I had to consolidate $25 for a run to staples I did for the people I work for, so as one would imagine, it looked quite fat indeed. After a brief, but thorough search if the glove box do see if by some unlikely event the money had fallen out, I came to the gut wrenching discovery/conclusion that I, The Staffmaster, Jarad N. Morrison had been viciously burgled, and most heinously larsoned from. :cry :shakefist

The icing on this shitcake is that when I told Rachel, she freaked out so much that SHE WENT INTO LABOR.

Hence, my previous topic. :sigh


All Of The Above Statements Have Been Given The Staffmaster Seal of Approval. Have A Nice Day!!

PostPosted: July 6th, 2010, 10:44 am 
Rank 9: Mischievous Thief Rank 9: Mischievous Thief
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The more you know. Sorry for your situation, Staff.


PostPosted: July 6th, 2010, 11:43 am 
Rank 6: Potent White Mage Rank 6: Potent White Mage
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Try to look on the bright side, I guess; whoever the thief is did not take your debit card or something like that as well (at least you made no mention of it), and, you are going to be a father, right?

... Always humbly at the service of Faerie Queen Naeya,
Sarah's Knight

PostPosted: July 6th, 2010, 12:01 pm 
Rank 5: Nimble Thief Rank 5: Nimble Thief
The Thread Necromancer
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  Level 0

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Location: Out there. In that place. You know, with the "thing"
that's the idea. No they did not steal those things. Still I feel very betrayed by the whole situation. Another bright side is that most of my mony was in the bank.


All Of The Above Statements Have Been Given The Staffmaster Seal of Approval. Have A Nice Day!!

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