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PostPosted: June 13th, 2009, 11:12 pm 
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Sandbox stuff is glorious. It is using the Hulk engine but clearly a 2.0 kinda thing but he is still allergic to water.
Definitely worth looking at if you like fast action games and a Must if you like sandbox.


PostPosted: June 15th, 2009, 12:28 pm 
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insultobot wrote:
And guar, I am still playing PSO BlueBurst and you should too. I am free to get online most afternoons.

I don't think my computer can hold those type of games (old) and my laptop's screen is too small for them (Acer One) :(

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PostPosted: June 19th, 2009, 10:31 am 
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Hokay, so I've finished Tales of Symphonia. Overall, the game is pretty awesome. It would have been uber awesome if that last quarter of the game wasn't filled with horribly infuriating puzzles. And they weren't even hard to figure out... just hard to exicute. (Examples are: Dragon Quest fetch quest in Gnome's temple, Shadow hearding in the Shadows temple, and BOTH forests around the elve's place.)

Anyway, I've started playing ToS2, and it's pretty good. Picks right up where the first left off pretty much. It's just hard to put up with the man character as he apparently lost his testicles somewhere and had never felt like looking for them. Seriously, this guy is pathetic. In fact, the most pathetic I've ever seen a main protagonist be. So congrats, Emil... you suck.

And that's just about all I've been doing. I'm LPing Secret of Mana... but SK's probably not going to be down for a while, so I'm going to have to stretch out uploading what we've already recorded.

It is here that I would like to gripe about something for a moment. I have probably made it more apparent that I should have, how much I like Chrono Trigger. As such, I've probably have gone out of my way to talk about the never-released Chrono Break. I continually go back and look it up every now and then to see if Square will actually do it or not. Well, here's the standings:

2001 - Chrono Break's name was trademarked by Square.
2002 - Because of fan hype, Square announced that no plans where in being made to create this game as they were working on the MMO, Final Fantasy XI.
2003 - Takashi Tokita, Director of Chrono Trigger stated, "'s very difficult to be able to reunite the original team, to be able to make a sequel to the Chrono series...because if we don't try to reunite these people but take other people instead, we will find ourselves at that point with a game which will feel different, since there would be different persons in charge, and we would possibly lose the Chrono spirit."

It is here that I'll go ahead and stop. I could continue to mention how Squenix is basically being a cocktease and saying that it could still happen, but I want to point out something. Mr. Tokita mentioned how difficult it would be to get the original team together to make a sequel... BUT THEY DID. A few years later, Blue Dragon went into development. Blue Dragon is the XBOX 360 RPG which featured the original creaters of the Chrono Trigger team.

Someone tell me something. Why the f*ck did they take this golden oppertunity to give fans what they truely want, but isntead churn out the mediocre jrpg bullsh*t?

Oh, and this is great... At this year's E3, Squenix Senior Vice President Shinji Hashimoto remarked, "If people want a sequel, they should buy more!" ...reffering to the recent Chrono Trigger DS, if I'm not mistaken.

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PostPosted: June 20th, 2009, 4:10 pm 
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Lots and los of Persona 4.

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


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PostPosted: June 22nd, 2009, 11:00 am 
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I beat FF IX, working on Ultemecia's castle in VIII.

EDIT: Completed FFVIII, going to finish X tomorrow.

PostPosted: July 8th, 2009, 12:36 am 
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I bought Punch-Out Wii and Magic: The Gathering XBLA. Good fun all around.


PostPosted: July 8th, 2009, 5:50 am 
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I myself am playing Ghostbusters: The Video Game.
It's rather infuriating and fun as hell at the same time!
surprisingly, it's done very well, and I am very pleased with it :D

PostPosted: July 8th, 2009, 9:16 am 
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I heard that the script is just about made out of pure gold, but the actual gameplay and zapping ghosts gets really old after the first hour or so...

I've also picked up Magic on Xbox and I'm rather pleased with it. It definately has some restrictions that I would prefer not to have due to the fact it's a video game and not a table top. So things are MUCH more strict. But still, it functions like Magic better than I actually hoped for. And seeing that no one in town I know plays like they use to back in the day (read: at all anymore) it's a great way to get my Magic fix.

I've beaten both Tales of Symphonia 1 and 2 in an attempt to catch up on the Tales series. So now I have Tales of Phantasia, Destiny, Symphonia, and Symphonia 2 taken care of. Going to hit up the Abyss and Vesperia eventually. But Symphonia 2 was almost unbearable, so I'm taking a break and going to hit up Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Uncharted 2 has peaked my interest, but I want to play the first before I think about getting the second.

Oh, and I beat X-Men Origins: Wolverine: The Moive: The Game (Yeah, I know right?). It was probably the best "The movie: The Game" game I have ever played, but that's really not saying much. It was.... okay, but not great. It was trying to be Devil May Cry and God of War and kind of failed. But Logan wsa a pretty big badass in the game. If you had to play a beat-em-up to hold you over for God of War 3, I guess I'd suggest it.

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PostPosted: July 8th, 2009, 9:29 am 
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I hear you on Symphonia 2 Lantis. Abyss will be so much better, I promise. And if what SF is any indication, Vesperia will be even better.

Lots more of Persona 4. It's one of those "so good I'll play it well into the night" games.

I got myself a copt of Fatal Frame III: The Tormented. It was such a lucky find. Since I haven't played the second game in the series, I'm going to play that next on the Xbox.

My Dreamcast has also seen much more use since I got a VGA box for it. So now that I've finished Shadowman, time to finish Shenmue.

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


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PostPosted: July 8th, 2009, 10:10 am 
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Fatal Frame is good, I like the series way more then the new Siren.

Just finished the Autobot campaign in Transformers: RotF, it's actually a damn good game, much better then the last Transformers game. Online is certainly a plus.

PostPosted: July 9th, 2009, 3:28 am 
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Lantis wrote:
I heard that the script is just about made out of pure gold, but the actual gameplay and zapping ghosts gets really old after the first hour or so...

The script is very well done, it was also awesome that they did their own voices!
story is pretty pretty good, it was done well enough.
The game play in my opinion doesn't get old,
It changes it up, and throws other things at ya here and there for a little topping,
plus the collectibles, etc.
control wise, it sort of reminds me of Luigi's Mansion, which I freaking loved that game :p
not exact, but it has the slight feel to it.
I give it a solid 8er.

I finished it lol,
next on my list is finishing Wild Arms, and Suikoden from the network :D

PostPosted: July 10th, 2009, 6:20 pm 
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I've finished every chapter of Final Fantasy 4: The After Years that has been released so far. That includes doing each chapter's bonus dungeon to cap everyone's level at 40, (Ceodore's at 50.) and getting everyone's best equipment... Quite a bit of work.

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PostPosted: September 15th, 2009, 8:51 pm 
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So much to say.

I will just pick one.
I started playing SO:SE again. Just recruited Bowman and Welch today. About to go into the Hoffman Ruins. My party stands at levels thirty-five to forty-five. Really glad I picked this back up. In the last 24 hours I played this for 14.


PostPosted: September 15th, 2009, 8:58 pm 
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I should have updated this:

The World Ends With You
Contra Rebirth

I've gone through Punch-Out and spend loads of time in it getting the fastest times I can. I love this game. I beat Contra Rebirth pretty quickly, but there's still Hard Mode, which is like a remix of Normal. It's just completely different. I can't beat it yet.


PostPosted: September 15th, 2009, 10:12 pm 
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I've most recently gone back to Final Fantasy IX. There was a time when I played this and just dead stopped when I took my airship through the portal thingy thing in the sky and absolutely hated that I couldn't go back :)

Either way, I didn't pay much attention to the AP and the items giving you the magic/abilities that they did so I was pretty gimped as I hacked through the game..

I swear, even Vivi didn't have a good 2/3's of his spells by that point (I think flying through it brings you to the 4th disc?)

Anyway, I was actually going to go back and grind out some things but then I realized.. I couldn't go back.. so I stopped.

That's how I am with games, sadly :)

I may go back through Resident Evil 4 sometime, too. I did stop on that one but there was a good reason! I didn't make some good gun selections and absolutely could not beat an area mostly because of how long it would take me to get through it.

So, after Final Fantasy IX.. I'm still in the mood for RPG's.. I may finally finish XII.. another one that I ended up just dead stopping on.. For some reason, I got to a portion of the game that really just made it boring.. and I'm probably near the end, too.. I think most of my characters are in their 60's.. and I have an A-team and a B-team. I still have a save and I still know what I'm doing in the story (for the most part).

Honestly, though.. I would replay through the game entirely and make better choices along the way.. but the beginning is absolutely dreadful on a replay.. I hate Vaan.. :stab I hate Penelo.. and the beginning 'dungeons' are boring. About the time you get all six characters is when the game really picks up.. unfortunately, you can't just start there!

So.. maybe I sit down and hack it out.. maybe I just pick up from my save. Time will tell..

In the mean time! You guys should throw me some good games and maybe I can find them.. I only have a Playstation and PS2.. but if there are any other games out there that are 'must plays'.. I may try to get the system and the game.


PostPosted: September 16th, 2009, 3:09 am 
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Tales of the Abyss gets my strongest vote for best RPG on PS2. Even better if you have friends to play with.

I'm 50% through Metroid Prime Trilogy....on Prime 1, anyway. And I've also been playing Rune Factory Frontier, Layton 2 and more rpgmaker. Good times.

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


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PostPosted: September 16th, 2009, 1:11 pm 
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Outside of the PE2 LP that I've started with SK and the Illusion of Gaia one that needs some updating, I've been playing Tales of the Abyss as well. Also, I've downed a CRAP load of time in Dissidia: Final Fantasy. It's a really good game.

Recently, Bon talked me into getting Scribblenauts and Mario and Luigi 3, which I'm also quite enjoying. Though I feel that Scribblenauts is either made for children or think that I'm incredibly stupid.

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PostPosted: September 22nd, 2009, 1:42 pm 
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Been playing VP: Lenneth just cause. Playing through for a complete file. Halfway through chapter 7 with Valkyrie, Jayle, Lawfer, and Mystina as my party members (all roughly 30ish). Already initiated the A ending, and I have all but 1 of the flame jewels required for the Seraphic Gate. Sooooo, basically I'm cruising.

I beat Akhetamen in the Temple of Amenti in 2 turns last night :P


PostPosted: September 23rd, 2009, 1:56 pm 
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Put nearly ten more hours into SO:SE all in one screen just grinding. The save point in the final dungeon for the first disc. Took all of my party from 50 to 75 and my back ups from 30 to 68. Gonna get them to 70 and then finally move on. I also 999 proficiencied many things including 3 of Claude's Killer Moves, 2 of Ashton's, 1 of Bowman's; Heal, Cure Light, and Crush for Rena and the others all have at least one spell/KM that is near max proficiency. Never had to leave the screen for supplies as there are these gel type enemies that drop Blackberries and on occasion I use Familiar.


PostPosted: September 23rd, 2009, 2:44 pm 
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Currently over 30 hours (almost 40 hours) in to Tales of Vesperia (again) to try and gain some achievements and to try and do more sidequests and whatnot. Plus I like the game. The more I play the game, the more I like the characters.


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