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PostPosted: May 18th, 2005, 4:23 pm 
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I've seen the conferences held by the three companies, and I'm overall pleased by what they have to offer. I came into e3 expected such minor upgrades to the systems (everyone just adding some power, and ps3 finally getting 4 controller ports). Instead there are so many things they offer, it was just great news to hear.

Playstation 3

- Creation of "Playstation World", an online network that houses many features.

- The ability to contact other people, over the internet, and use the eyetoy to have a live video chat.

- 7 bluetooth controller "ports" and 6 usb ports... while nothing has been said officially, this could allow a lot of players at once.

- 2 hdtv outputs along with the normal AV out.

- The eyetoy can be used as a controller, given that during the conference someone used it to move 2 cups around, fill them with water in a demo, and freely move the water/cups. Also there was that eyedentity game, but I forget if that was for the ps2 or ps3.

- The pricetag for the ps3 is likely to be about 500 dollars in japan, and 350-400 in America. This, however, is because of supply and demand. Most people aren't meant to buy the thing at launch, but after the price goes down.

- Blueray technology. Sony is pushing it with the ps3, and it could likely become the next medium for storage. The discs hold a lot more data.

- Backwards compatibility. I really don't see how this sells many consoles, but a lot of people do apparently love this feature. The ps3 can play ps2 and ps1 games.

- Easy to develop for, at least that is what the half-life guy said.

- Is coming out second, spring 2006

Nintendo Revolution

Let me first say that the nintendo revolution isn't coming out for a longtime, and it could possibly not come out until AFTER the next e3, so not much information is really known about it.

- The design is small. The system is thin and short, as well as flat.

- Will be able to play nintendo games from the past 20 years, directly compatible with the gamecube. There have been some questions about this, as to whether they mean all games ever on the nintendo systems, all nintendo games (first party) or all games they can get liscenced for. Price has also not been confirmed.

- Controller is yet to be shown, but it is expected to be different than the gamecube controller. There were rumors of a gyro being employed so they can detect movement of the controller, but some people think it is more than that.

- Can finally play dvd's

- Will be the cheapest of the next-gen consoles, with a projected price of between 200-300 dollars in America.

- is coming out last, around summer 2006

Xbox 360

- is coming out first, November 2005.

- is being sold in America, Japan, and Europe at the same time.

- backwards compatible with xbox's "top selling games". Most people speculate that it means only a select group of games will be chosen.

- 160 titles in development, 25-40 expected by end of the year

- Xbox live will have new features, including a rating system (like reputation), video feed, player acheivements, list of last hundred+ people you connected to, spectator mode, a free level of service, and additional services for a payed level. I never did understand the whole thing about being able to invite people to play stuff at anytime. I would think that it would be more annoying than anything.

- trying to reach 1 billion people served by targetting all demographics

- faceplates can be attached to customize your 360

- 720p minimum display, 5.1 multichannel minimum sound, 16:9 minimum aspect ration, anti-aliasing required.


Now as for what I think. Microsoft spent a lot of time patting themselves on the back, saying how they had the best team of developers, best launch ever, and most powerful system ever. They spent very little time showing games and game-footage. Their whole plans seems to revolve around xbox live. Coming out first will be a great help to them.

Nintendo will hopefully have more to say later, but still had some interesting things. Playing old nintendo games is always nice (I wonder how many downloads of tecmo super bowl they will have?). Coming out last, however, might not help them. They will be entering the race a little late, and with the least expected power. The cheap price is their saving grace right now.

Sony seems to have a lot going for them from a glance. The playstation world network sounds great. The ps3 is also the most powerful of the next-gen consoles. They have opened up a lot of possibilities for developers, given multiple outputs, more controllers, and amazing hardware.

All in all it was much more than I had expected.

Please comment at my RPG Design & Theory blog.

PostPosted: May 18th, 2005, 5:34 pm 
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Backwards compatibility. I really don't see how this sells many consoles, but a lot of people do apparently love this feature.
It means getting the new system won't take up a bunch of extra space because we can sell the old one.

I've said this before, but I liked it better when Nintendo systems were strictly about gaming. But if it sells more consoles, then I can't complain.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: May 19th, 2005, 12:20 am 
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Gonna be an expensive time for me. Right now I'm hating being a gamer, I seriously need to kick this habbit.

A Soldier's Shadow is about 30% complete
Chapter one is done
chapter two is 5% complete

PostPosted: May 19th, 2005, 2:39 pm 
Rank 6: Potent White Mage Rank 6: Potent White Mage
We didn't play twister mister
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Microsoft doesn't stand a chance against Sony. I think their launch titles are lame. Without Halo, they'll be screwed- so what do they do? Add gimicks like that stupid advertising thing. They just need to get their crap together and work on some games besides Halo. I mean, ask X-Box owners if they have any version of Halo or not and they all say yes. They need more 1st party hits and more 3rd party support with games that don't suck ass. Not to mention a large portion of X-Box Live users are idiots... as evidenced by PSO online there where my friend said everyone asks if you're a "hawt girl" even if you're playing a MALE character.:roll:

I think the PS3 is going to be where it's at. A lot of gamers just want a straight online gaming media player system. PS3 can play a bunch of medias, and it's going to have the game support and online play in there too- a lot of game support I'm guessing. I'm definately going to try and get a PS3, regardless of the rumors saying it's going to cost $500.

As for Nintendo, god only knows until they release more information. I think that a LOT of old school gamers would love to download their old favorite games though. I definately would, so I will most definately be getting a Revolution. And they better stop releasing god forsaken Pokemon games or I'll cry. It's over. It's done. Let Pikachu die. :wink:

Nintendo ID: SuperOrangeGamer

PostPosted: May 19th, 2005, 3:14 pm 
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Pikachu doesn't have to die, but for the love of Holy do they ever need to change the gameplay system. Shake it up; do something different!

Anyway, I'm rooting for Revolution to take names and kick ass.


PostPosted: May 19th, 2005, 3:21 pm 
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I want a PS3 because in my opinion PSP is a waste of peoples cash


PostPosted: May 19th, 2005, 4:23 pm 
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The PS3 has been rumored to be around $500:

E3 2005: PS3 Price Revealed?
One of the most expensive consoles ever created, according to Japanese reports.
by Matt Casamassina

May 17, 2005 - According a an article published in the May 17th edition of Japan's Mainichi Shimbun, the PlayStation 3 could be one of the most expensive mass-market videogame consoles ever created. Officials from Sony apparently told the newspaper that PlayStation 3s would sell in Japan for "less than 50,000 yen each." That translates to about $465 US dollars.

Sony unveiled its next-generation console at the Electronics Entertainment Expo 2005. The beast of a machine utilizes the powerful Cell processor, a custom-designed graphics chip by Nvidia, and 512MBs of RAM for a quantum leap in performance. The system will also be the first-ever to support high-def movie-playback out of the box, taking advantage of the upcoming Blu-ray Disc format.

Sony claims that PS3 will be roughly 35 times more powerful than PS2. If Mainichi Shimbun is correct, gamers will be asked to pay a hefty price for the high-end functionality.

IGN was unable to validate this news with Sony officials. Stay tuned for more as the story breaks.


PostPosted: May 19th, 2005, 4:27 pm 
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Collesium was a nice change for the Pokemon franchise. Constant 2-on-2 battles (instead of being rare like on the GBA games), and a story different than the typical Become A Pokemon Master deal. Though the story could've used more work, Pokemon XD sounds like it'll be better.

I only have one big problem with the Pokemon games, really. Stop making multiple versions of each game! I don't have the ability to trade with kids 10 years younger than me (not without being caught and mocked anyway), and I don't want to spend an extra $30 just so I can Catch 'Em All. I want to catch them all, but only by using one version.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: May 21st, 2005, 11:19 pm 
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I got Azure Dreams. Vastly superior game in every aspect. But like Beta, it didn't have the one thing poke'mon had: A good marketing effort.


All Of The Above Statements Have Been Given The Staffmaster Seal of Approval. Have A Nice Day!!

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