17/01 to 21/01
Worked mainly on the battle system and other functional changes that I needed and/or wanted =D
Combat formula alterations: Done! That was the easy part, just number tinkering.
Hit calculation: Done! Major gameplay overhaul, right here.
Evasion rate calculation: Done! ... Well, maybe not. Depends on how playtesting goes. Not sure if I set it too high as default.
Stats Makeover: Done! Second major gameplay overhaul. Oh god, I can't believe I did this. Ditched the 'magic' stat completely, changed its role to damage soaking, while 'defense' was geared 100% toward hit deflection and not damage reducing.
Skill elements & properties: Done! Having a concrete list of elements and properties I can work with when making skills will help a lot.
Also, brainstormed the first few areas of the game.
First dungeon enemy graphics: Chosen! Not "done" because I haven't done them per se.
First dungeon enemy brainstorming: Done! Was pretty easy. For the very first enemies, I want with a completely bland standard 'street fighting' style. Now, when it came to the first boss, I decided to have a little fun – I chose for him Isshinryu karate, and modified it a little bit to make 'street isshinryu'. Doesn't that sound fancy.
Very major awesome epic raping of the default VX battle system ensued!
Modified the 'speed' attribute of skills, which originally used to affect turn order (y'know, to make those powerful-but-slow things) to affect the freaking evasion rate instead. It may not sound like much, but think about it – this enables me now to make defensive-type attacks that, while not very powerful, increase your chance of evading attacks for the turns. Incredible tactical options open up =D
I got them damn combos, HELLS YEAH
Managed to create skills that link into other skills, seamlessly. So far the limitation is one link, because of some weird scripting issue I couldn't figure out – but still, this is great.
And so far I've scripted an entire 100% of custom alterations. I'm so proud.
Hopefully today I still get to do concrete skill brainstorming.
Sources I'm using: GURPS Martial Arts, 3rd edition. I love this book right now. Also Urban Reign, Virtua Fighter, Tekken 5, for some concrete technique inspiration.