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PostPosted: December 9th, 2008, 8:36 pm 
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I'm actually typing this as I play... so you'll know right where I am as you read.

Firstly upon loading the game, it asks for a Va Cube or something to that degree which isn't on the card. Hopefully it was a sprite you decided not to use because, I just hit circle and continued to laod the game reguardless.

I kind of laughed at the "Hope has been defeated" line from the first fight. Though I really like the deeper meaning behind it. And now I'm starting to see what kind of roll Hope acually plays as I wander around Father Time's place. This reminds me a very good deal like that point of Final Fantasy 6 where you have to choose who's story you want to follow... but with time instead of place. Which is interesting. Also, I've noticed that the grammar and punctuation has really had allot of attention spent on it.

Ah... Now I"m playing as Roshan, who's character model is not visible. I'm sure it's jsut a simple party display default is missing. And that seems to be the case, because after the fair sent me to Roc Haven, I can see him. Also, as I was walking around Roshan's home, every time I stepped out of a building, the intro event kept telling me to meet the fairy... even after I already did (edit: It still happens reguardless of how late in the game you are in btw). Btw, Roc Haven is very nicely designed. I think you did a good job there. There was a bit of doppleganging when Goldwin joined your party as well... which would be easily fixed by gathering party members before he joins and then move the even ontop of Roshan before changing the event graphic to none. You whouldn't need the fade out and in there either.

As you travel through the desert, you can stop in at a little house... there seems to be another doppleganging action with Goldwin again (an easy way around that is that you can change just Goldwin's model in your party to nothing. He'll still be there, you'll just see the one standing by the beds). Though this seems to be the first dungeon with real enemy encounters... and I have to say you have done a good job at balancing out the battles well. All too often battle's made too hard in RPG Maker... so I'm glad to see the difficulty is toned down.

But now the problem is that I can't get out of the desert for the life of me. I'm not sure if it's a combinations of directions or what... but I always end up going back and refilling my water, only to just lose it after a good number screen transtions and sleeping through the day. And now I seem to have broke the game. I'm in the desert at night and there are no events that circle the desert... so I'm stuck. No move locations anywhwere. So I fought off all the enemies and opened the one chest I found and there doesn't seems to be anything else I can possibly do. So I'm kind of stuck.

So I guess I can go on to say that the story is a bit interesting. I'm acutally a bit curious as to what the faires/goblins/elves/dragons/ect are planning to do about the humans and whatnot.

I saved back before the desert, so if you'd like to send some pointers my way, I'd be glad to continue.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: December 9th, 2008, 10:22 pm 
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oh sh*t. i guess thats what happens when you dont focus on one area, you neglect some key stuff - like giving the player directions on where to go. you should head west and keep going left, i guess i forgot to mention that in the conversation. you can get some different items and events by going in other directions (most notably the 4 cardinal direction till the last water).

how did you manage to get visible again?

the character transition is something i have to iron out as are a few switches that have gotten crosswired in the edits ive done.

my spelling and grammer sucks, its gets much worse throughout the game.

i completely gaped on goldwin being doppelganger. did you manage to get the gold pin from the camp? its got a 1/5th chance of showing up when you make camp?

the cube is a van i use in the second card. since the system card runs for 3 scen cards i have some pics that arnt used. in the final version or when i release the second card i will have the pics as a separate card so dont worry that it didnt load - its not needed.

im gona be gone for two days starting tomorrow but ill help you any time before or after. if you need a custom fix then feel free to go into my game and make an edit or let me know and ill send you a custom fix. i keep my games open source.

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PostPosted: December 10th, 2008, 3:33 pm 
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You might want to check the farthest south direction for the events to leave, because I had to restart RPG Maker to continue. As for becoming visible again at the Elf's place, when you went to Roc Haven, there was an intro event that apparently took care of that. But the second you go back, you'll be invisible again. I did manage to find the Gold Pin... but as for it's use, I never found out.

On the Pirates story (you'll have to forgive me on the names) everything went perfectly fine. I spend a good deal of time in the library and read pretty much everything there was to offer. Though I think a few of the books were set on normal message instead of message 1 like the rest. Though I did run into one game crashing issue. If you go to the world map at any time, you can't get back into town and are stuck on the world map.

And finally the 2300 story. I though you did a very good job with all the space lingo as well as the design. I think you actually kind of underestimated yourself on your grammar... because there was very little I found wrong with it. Trust me when I say I've played much worse.

I think I spent the most time on the future story most of all... mainly because finding out what to do in the multi-story dungeon was a matter of trial and error. Getting all the fuses and stuff was a little pain-staking as I really didn't have much of a clue what I was doing... but the gene-altering story and the System Shock type ghost conversations were nicely done.

I think battle was mostly over-looked though. I think I did most fighting in the Elf/goblin story than the future (probably because I was wandering around the desert for so long)... but the future story had me more pumped for fighting than any of the other ones. Though when you did have battle, it never felt unfair or too hard.

Over all, I liked your game. The split storyline kind of felt like Wild Arms in the fact that pretty much every game in the series has split storylines before the characters meet up. And I always liked that. I like the optional stuff avalible, even if I didn't find it all. I did get one of those magic slabs unlocked and was quite happy with all the items I got for it. You do have a bit of cleaning up to do, so to speak, as far as events, scenes, and code (mainly those two game breaking glitches). But other than that, you did a pretty good job.

If you have any other questions about how I felt about it, I'll be glad to go into further detail.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: December 11th, 2008, 10:46 pm 
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excellent! thanks for the feedback.

the pin is a useful item later on in the game, perhaps i may give it an equipable property now just to tie people over.

did you check out the big tile matching minigame in the pirates story arc? i am curious to know what you thought.

did you play 1700 time slot (lady keli)?

as for the game shattering problems i will have to go over them and see what went wrong. i didnt encounter them through the playtesting which is odd since i was sure i checked stuff like that.

i will take your suggestions and update some parts to reflect a better version going forward. hopefully you will enjoy part two whenever i get enough time to finish it off.

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PostPosted: December 11th, 2008, 11:10 pm 
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That's why it's helpful to have game testers, Karr. You only know how to play the game the "right way". People who don't know how to play the game play the "wrong way", and playing like that is where most glitches turn up.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: December 12th, 2008, 1:14 am 
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yea, it really helps to have a critical eye look over everything.

"I kind of laughed at the "Hope has been defeated" line from the first fight. Though I really like the deeper meaning behind it." - where was this line located? i tried finding it and i couldnt locate it anywhere.

ive fixed most of the problems mentioned. the repeating event turned out to be a badly placed switch - talk about putting the cart before the horse, er takeover before the event.

the desert is a switch mix up that will take longer to fix. i put a nice back up in so there isnt a fatal error again.

i fixed the invisible char thing - that was partially a side effect of the switch after the take over.

the pin now gives a plus 2 to luck in the intern, until it comes into play later on.

no more goldwin doppelgangers in the desert.

stuff to fix

xikos stage needs more battles, so im going to weave a few in for effect.

forgot to fix the goldwin doppleganer in roc haven. - fade out has to be axed too.

pirate stage needs to be checked for book consistency.

chests need to be checked for proper color match.

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PostPosted: December 12th, 2008, 3:38 am 
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Make sure the pin can't be sold or dropped. Don't want the player thinking it's just an unimportant item that doesn't need to clog up inventory space down the line.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: December 12th, 2008, 10:27 am 
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Karr Lord of Chaos wrote:
where was this line located? i tried finding it and i couldnt locate it anywhere.

It happens when you lose the first fight... which is suppose to happen. It's in battle.

Keep up the good work.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: December 12th, 2008, 11:41 pm 
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i think ive solved the first battle mystery. i guess you missed the entire beginning as i misplaced the start command to be in the ending stage of lady keli (1700 year) story arc in order to test a new sprite. how ironic that you thought it was part of the plan when it was quite the opposite.

ive repaired everything that was broken and all i have left to do is fix up the new battles in xikos story arc. the second card just has some final testing and a mini game to tweak and ill be releasing it soon. wait till i release this revised card and start a new game to get the intro and pick up lady keli's story arc that you missed if your so inclined.

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PostPosted: January 11th, 2009, 11:20 pm 
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I'm guessing the first fight with Roshan, (The sand worm) is one that can only be one if you actually fight monsters in the desert? [spoiler]Makes me wish I saved before the leader meeting. =/[/spoiler]
Anyway, I like the idea of multiple stories. I just played the first bit of Lady Keli and The pre Sand worm Roshan events,

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PostPosted: January 12th, 2009, 2:30 am 
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ill tweak the worm to give the player the advantage. the game is open source so if your having problems just pop into the game and edit the monster stat so you can get by it or give yourself a big prebonus if you hate battles.

i meant to spec monsters based on the min, but i ended up specing them more towards the average. i tried to make the battles overly easy, and you will find them a total pushover most of the game. general monsters will do 4 dmg, and youll clobber then in two-three hits. if you strap on two weapons then youll crush the whole lot in two turns. its hard to balance and one level makes so much difference.

thanks for playing!

Artistry made by JPS
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PostPosted: January 12th, 2009, 7:59 am 
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So I gave it another go:
-Decided to head anywhere but west in the dessert. Saw a chest with a trap. Lost. When I appeared back at the oasis, it was still night time. You might want to fix that.

-After losing to the worm in the chest, every direction I took sent me to the area with the chest. I thought they were different chest, but I realized it wasn't the case since once I beat it, the "rest" of the chests were open too.

-Also, after opening/checking the chest, Roshan seems to ask for water before the fifth day, preventing me from getting to the next area. I'm guessing this is one of the consequences of appearing in the same chest room. Also, it stays night time when I get sent back to camp.

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PostPosted: January 12th, 2009, 2:01 pm 
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i keep forgetting that i havent submitted the fixed version of the desert bug. i had missed a switch if you go south that it erroneously sets off all switches so the event you contact is the first page (the page that automatically sends you back to the desert house as a safe guard).

i did a full playthrough over this week and discovered the source of the switch problem as well as a few bug fixes like the chests (when you pick a chest it stays open regardless of where you are in the desert - oops). i also forgot to reset the switches if you run out of water, so when you reenter the desert your completely lost. im releasing the fixed card in a few hours with my second game data so sit tight for that and youll be able to clear the desert worm and desert without a problem. ive added more failsafe commands that reset switches if something does happen this time around.

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