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PostPosted: September 5th, 2008, 9:06 pm 
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I guess I wasn't paying attention or whatever, but given the choices Runewind should probably be teen 13+, and not E for everyone.

I would describe it as having lots of fantasy violence, mild profanity (really only damn), and suggestive themes. The mere presence of datable characters is more then most games have done, but its more along the lines of Lufia 2. I guess we can count gore too, if you consider bloodspray to be gory.

Well I doubt anyone whose under 13 is going to be here anyway, but just throwing it out there in case anyone wants to correct it.

Personally if I had kids I'd make them start with old school games. Nice thing about my generation was growing up with the video game industry. Starting with old nes, atari, commodore 64, and intellivison, then moving onto sega and snes. Finally a teenager and Playstation is here, now all grown up and we've got mmos, ps3, xbox360. Yep.

PostPosted: September 5th, 2008, 9:12 pm 
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Nobody ever took the ratings seriously. :lol

PostPosted: September 5th, 2008, 9:17 pm 
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It's been changed.

And maybe Duel doesn't take them seriously, but most of us do. :p


PostPosted: September 5th, 2008, 9:39 pm 
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Rainbow Crash
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Well I think its a good idea, at the very least to have an adult and non adult distinction. I mean I'd never even considered I could make erotic games here lol.

There was going to be a sequel called Alasamorph saga, in which only one of the characters from Runewind was used, set 20 or so years later in the Runewind world. He was given the offer to become one of the Alasamorph, but they also betrayed him, took his memories, and made him a goblin.

It would have been similar to the sample game on rpgm1 (though I didn't get very far in it). He uses the class system for new shapeshift forms. Monsters have been keeping to themselves and greedy adventurers have been hunting them down, the first half of the game is mostly about him uniting the monster tribes.

I would give this a project an adult rating because we explore the ways of monsters who are more like beasts then humans. In fact given the dwindling monster population increasing it would probably be like a sidequest or something so expect to see a complete lack of morals in the first half of the game.

At the second half he regains his humanity and his memories and is left to console the person he was with the monster he had become and decide between making the final plunge to destroy humanity or going against his efforts and saving it.

Of course the real enemies are the Alasamorphs who have taken the form of all world leaders, killed them, and have taken their place. Monsters are brutal and uncontrollable so it was easy for everyone to declare to peace and focus on wiping them out.

I'm undecided about this project right now, mainly as I want to take a break from designing when I finish runewind part 2. another issue is that I plan to remove the world map and use interconnecting regions this time and land mounts and sky mounts to speed up traveling.

I think I will wait to see how Runewind fares. If enough people want it to happen I may get motivated. I was also considering making it on RPGM3, but I hate to depart from my system files.

PostPosted: September 7th, 2008, 3:31 am 
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Since when are we the ESRB?

Throw a general disclaimer on everything and just get on with life.

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