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PostPosted: September 5th, 2008, 4:49 am 
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This project is for new designers. It has all of the awesome features from Runewind Saga and the most adaptable and memory efficient system files. It took me 2 years of work to set these up but you can have them for free. The original presets don't come anywhere close to what I have done, and they teach you the wrong way to do things. Below I have listed everything you get, and 500,000 free memory. Complete your game in as little as 3 months!

Everything was designed to splurge memory on the visible part of the game while doing the invisible parts as efficiently as possible. With this system in place I am almost done with my second game and its only been about 3 months. Yes you can make your game in as little as 3 months with this system in place. I done all of the boring work for you, all you have to do is design your maps and script your game scenes.


Abilities: 309 - everything you could possibly want. Just rename them.
Items: 355 - do not delete or sort items, abilities, direct effects, or indirect effects.
Direct Effects: 131 - the names have been used for random names of villagers.
Indirect Effects: 79 - the names have been used for random monster names.
Scripts: 380 - All of your system files, and special features.
Events: 289 - Everything you need and then some.
Party Members: 16 - do not add or delete members and classes.
Classes: 15 - They are involved in many scripts you would then need to change.
Building Editor: 180 - Everything you need to start making dungeons in object placement
Map Editor: 12 - World map, underwater, hell, encamp, morphing space, snowfields, towns
Dungeon Editor: 27 - Floorplans, pirate ship, shops, submarine, castle, pyramid
Visual Effects 170 - many of these I custom designed myself. combine them in scripts.
Weapons: 16 different weapon types, some with special VFX when they crit.
Vehicles: 7 vehicles are already set and ready to go. (see vehicle combat)


Pirate Ship: travel by boat and you will be warped here.
Castle: a 22 room castle. You start test play here, it is peaceful. Enjoy.
Hell: Kill a wandering merchant and you will end up here. Be careful...


Sidon: Includes the Arena where any party member fights monsters 1 on 1.
Taramura: Just a nice town, one of my favorite maps that I decided to keep.
All Shops: weapon, armor, magic, item, church, training hall, tavern.
All campsites: including the boat, airship, submarine, dragon, 3 terrains, and shops.


World Map 1: The world map from Runewind Saga. Enjoy
World Map 2: The ocean floor of the world map from Runewind Saga.
Morphing Space: A sample of some odd sea designs in the map editor.
Castle 3: a big OV castle map done in the map editor.
Snowfields: Kept because the snow encamp is on this map.
Farlan Restored: kept because castle outside uses this map.
Pyramid: Samples of object placement from the great pyramid
Ninja base: Samples of various rooms from various ninja clans
Dark Throne: skull room, black throne, samples from Tyranna
Frozen Throne: Samples from Aquaveil.


1) 16 party members each with their own event, model selection, and character script when you talk to them at a campsite or inn. Their normal flags and variables are used for a great many features.

2) Enemy Level Up: Enemies gain level. The level is equal to the first party members level. If you set the variable Max Enemy Level they will not exceed it. Note that XP recieved is multiplied, but does not count towards XP needed for class. So a level 10 enemy with 10 xp gives you 100, but you still only get 10 xp towards the class. The enemy stats use his battle variables. His battle input is a unique special attack, with the battle input ability.

3) Multi Team Setup: Team Confirm lets the player build his own multi teams. The cellphone is used to switch teams. I have made scripts for 3 teams, if you need more you will need to make additional scripts and variables.

4) Elemental Weapons: The element VFX is added to the weapon VFX in directing. You get one of each element for each type of weapon. Each elemental weapon has a special elemental proc in custom effects.

5) Vehicle Combat: the party is changed when entering a vehicle and member 15, airship, is added. This member is level 99 and starts off strong, but you can buy upgrades in the vehicle shop. Each party member has a flag that should be on if they are in the party.

6) Cellphone and Changing the Party: If you add members in directing make sure to turn their flags on. These are not normal flags, their custom made ones. There are also register flags for each member. If register flags aren't on then you have never met that member and may not add them to the party with character join or cellphone. Cellphone lets you summon them from anywhere if their normal flag 3 is on. Character Join sorts the world number and lets you talk to them if they aren't already in your party. If you have a full party they leave.


Ability Directing, Weapon Directing, Enemy Directing, Item Directing, Healing/Support, Status Attack, Indirect Turn, Random Names.

2) Random Treasure System: All you need to do is branch in random chest with a variable for each dungeon and have it set at the max number of random treasure you want in that dungeon. Keep in mind if you place any of the 10 chest events more then once you will have to use make temp flag branches in the chest scripts. When you make specific treasure all you have to do is make the branch condition, and set the item number to the item you want the party to find. The rest is already taken care of for you in chest options.

3) Random Villager System: 10 villager events/scripts with specific talk when sorting world. There is also universal random talk which includes many of the useless ability descriptions from enemy abilities, etc. 22 male models and 22 female models chosen at random. There are also guards, and special people inside the taverns and church. These are also random.

4) Warps 1-12: Sort world number and when necessary room number. This lets you have a maximum of 12 different warps on a single map + Warp to World, which uses escape.

5) Class System: In class info, shows a textbox with the stat percantage modifier, a textbox with weapons and armor they can use, and a short description in normal text. The classes themselves are in the villager events when shops flag is on (in the training hall) so there is a different trainer for each class. Normal variables 1, 2, and 3 are set to classes the party member can have. For a more memory efficient version of this, change the class directly in the class info script. The actual class change screen is never used, and I don't suggest using it unless you don't want exclusive classes. Please do not make bogus classes to
make the normal selection screen exclusive, it sucks to see them in status.

6) Model Save: Each character was a different model for each class they can use. Using the class info display, their model number = class number. This script saves the model and changes it to what the player selected every time they enter a map.

7) Battle System: Daggers, bows, guns, and thrown will deal damage based on agility, not strength. Whips and staffs use defense. Sound weapons use spirit.


Mood Look Special Text? Other
-Lonely Phone numbers
-Sad Sad face 94-97
-Worried Avoid Traps
-Angry Angry face 81-84
-Tired Sleepy face 186-188
-Bored 139-142
-Naughty specific
-Selfish 151-155
+Crazy specific
+Friendly Discounts.
+Lucky Treasures.
+Good +1 bank step
+Happy Happy face +1HP step
+Focused Arena bonus
+Restless Special Auction bonus
+Inspired +1MP step

Party Flags, Inputs, and Variables

Normal Flag 0: Girl Flag (sex is used for race, origin for mood, this flag is on if girl)
Normal Flag 1: Warrior Flag (on if member can become a warrior)
Normal Flag 2: Ninja Flag (on if member can become a ninja)
Normal Flag 3 - Phone Flag
Battle Flag 0: Defend Member
Battle Flag 1: Two-handed weapon
Battle Flag 2 - Confirm Defend
Normal Variable 1: Mage, Shaman, or Merchant (set to class number)
Normal Variable 2: Priest, Bard, Monk, or Thief (set to class number)
Normal Variable 3: Advance Class (3 for both paladin and exorcist)
Normal Variable 4: Team Designations (0,1,2 or 3)
Normal Variable 5 - Limit break
Normal variable 6 - critical defend
Normal Variable 7 - Phone Number
Normal Input: Random Mood coordinator
Battle Input: Weapon coordinator for item view script

Enemy Stats Battle Variable Super-High-Average-Low
Strength 1 5 4 3 2
Agility 2 6 5 4/3 2
Defense 3 5 4 3 2
Intellect 4 7 6 4/5 3
Spirit 5 5 4 3 2
Summoning 6
Max HP 7 20-30 1x 15-20 2x 10-15 3x 5-10 4x 3-5 tiny
Steal Item 9 Battle Flag 9 is on when the item is stolen.

Summoning Code – enemy battle variable 6

1 imp 2 familiar 3 serpent 4 gremlin 5 hatchling 6 seahorse 7 pumpkin head 8 shroom
9 doom skull 10 swordian

World Numbers in Use

5 Taramura
6 Mythradie
7 Sidon
48 Castle peaceful
49 Castle violent
80 Hell

Placing Warps in Towns

1 weapon shop 2 armor shop 3 magic shop 4 item shop 5 inn 6 tavern 7 church 8 training hall 9 castle 10-12 not used. (branch if town flag is on to use them for something)

HOW TO DESIGN YOUR GAME (this is all you really have to do)

0) Learn from example: try messing around, but as if with the presets you can learn the proper way to do things by observing the way I have set them up. I have included a couple completely designed towns and dungeons, so copy these formats and make them your own.

1) Design your maps in map editor, and your dungeons in object placement. You save huge memory by using dungeon editor only for floorplans and big dungeons, use object placement whenever possible. WARNING: always save before placing buildings in object placement. Sometimes the game will freeze up and crash when you place too many.

2) Design your warps and chests: For chests just placing them is enough, but when you want specific treasures make a branch in world number and a specific flag. For warps, make an entry in world number and room number. On the world map there is a single warp that sorts the Y party coordinate. Doing it this way saves quite a bit of memory.

3) Use variable Quest Progress to advance the storyline in your game. Use enter map scripts for directing, as well as directive 1, directive 2, castle king and queen, special talk, etc for directing. Always sort the world number and when applicable room number. These 2 variables are also saved for each team in multi team setups. When you make a directing script start with condition: quest progress is 1. Then quest progress +1.

4) Character development: You need to set up periods of specific character talk based on quest progress. In the scrip "Encamp Talk", make the variable encamp talk = number based on quest progress. This needs to be for the ship flag, shop flag, submarine flag, and airship flags where applicable. Then go into each members character script, sort this variable and write the dialogue they will say. At the bottom in no appliation is random dialogue.

5) Party Commentary: Call this script in directing when you don't know who is in the party because the player controls it. It will check who is in the party, then you just need to write the script in the right world number.

6) Villagers and Shops: These are also sorted by world. Just find the right scripts and set up the text and merchant lists. Place the warps for the shops as described above in event placement.

7) Boss Battles: you have to turn on the Boss Flag before the event battle command. This controls a number of things including preventing the party from running away.

8) Items, abilities, indirect effects: Try to rename them and adjust their stats. If you are trying to make something special note follow the path into script and find its number. Please do not delete anything, or sort the databases as this will mess up the entire system. If you add data thats fine, look for the scripts that deal with it and patch them.


No remove member: turn on when you want to prevent player from removing members.
Quest menu Off: turn on when you want to prevent the quest menu completely.
Boss Flag: always turn on before boss battles. Battle exit turns it off.
No Escape: use when you want to block escape.
Ghost Town: if this flag is on all random villagers are replaced with ghosts.
Small Town: if this flag is on event and party size will be 50%
Extra Dodge all: off after battle. When on enemies dodge 70% of all attacks.
No Random Talk: When on villagers will not have random conversation when talking.


World Number: Used everywhere. Change on every transition
Quest Progress: controls advancement of storyline, boss battles, etc.
Room Number: Coordinates different rooms in a single dungeon.
Quest 1-7 and Quest Log: If you use the quest system feature
Hero Level: member 0s level. This is normal enemy level and controls some abilities.
??? Love 1-4: affection variables. Used with character scripts.
Gold Level: the money you get from gold points. Increase with story.
Gold Points: the number of times a player may draw from gold points.
Max Monster Level: set with game progress.
Active Level: raise or lower to change the enemy level before an event battle.
Dungeon Variables (600+): the number of random treasures available in each dungeon.


Member 12 is immune to the dragonball ability.
Member 1 has extra dodge in Attack Success.
Member 13 and 15 are immune to all status and death attacks.
Repair: only works for members 13 and 15.
Image: ability only works for members 0,1, and 2. Change these in Attack Success.
Vanish: ability only works for member 8, 9, and 0 if bonus class is thief.

Finally, if you have any additional questions post them here and I will answer them.

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PostPosted: September 5th, 2008, 9:20 am 
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I'd higly suggest that RM2 users take advantage of this... you may even be able to add to or work out new game elements with this.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: September 5th, 2008, 11:59 am 
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This deserves a sticky, which it has received. This is an incredible source and I'm glad you've decided to share it. :)

Welcome to the site, btw, and note that I fixed the download of this in the Vault.


PostPosted: September 5th, 2008, 1:22 pm 
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Thanks guys. Its too bold to say I've done everything, but 9 out of 10 times if you mention some kind of feature at random I will have done it.

You see in the 3+ years of gaming, I had to find a way to enjoy the boring parts of the design process. I learned to find pleasure in tackling scripting challenges and doing things that many probably haven't done before. I enjoyed finding unique ways. Things that even the Agetec designers themselves hadn't counted on.

Moreover I was way overbudget on memory. I knew I would need 2 game files, but I couldn't even get to the halfway point which was the appropriate part to cut it.

So I changed everything and became obsessed with memory efficiency. Runewind has 0 free memory left lol.

I won't be as quite as perfectionistic about the second game file, but I have 100,000 left and about 4 or 5 dungeons to go, a little more directing, the character scripts to finish, and the endings. So it will be close.

Last night I was reading about a new designer who just bought the game and I thought back about everything I had gone through and I just hit me to delete all my directing and most of my maps in runewind and make my own presets. All the sorting of abilities and stuff done in most efficient manner. When I started I made everything like the presets did, terrible memory inefficient, and had to change soo many things.

I didn't include as many maps, but this is why I feel new designers would benefit from this. I noticed that it had only been about 3 months and I was already nearly done with the second game file! I was amazed at how fast it was when you don't have design all this stuff.

And I made so many strategic abilities too. Like arise: the first person who dies at some point after its cast immediately revives. The spell allows you to survive an all hitter strong enough to wipe out the whole party. Then if the first member is a paladin he uses martyr to kill himself but revive his party. Then I made guard: a way for one person to take all damage another would take from enemies in that round. And holy guard: taking all damage for the whole party that round, tanking abilities.

The first file has some pretty epic moments. Like the finale of chapter 1 where I direct an epic battle in each room of the 22 room castle and since the walls were events, I remove them. The castle itself is being destroyed by their battle.

But I would say overall the purpose of the first game file is to introduce all of the party members, the villians, and exploration.

The second one has been even more fun. Not as many places but so much text, and epic scenes. It will conclude everything that has begun. All of the juicy stuff if you will.

Thanx for the enthusiastic display. I can't sleep now I'm so excited lol. I'll be getting the second part done as quick as I can.

PostPosted: September 5th, 2008, 3:17 pm 
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wow, this is amazing!

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PostPosted: September 5th, 2008, 4:13 pm 
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More to come. I happen to know there is someone working on a good overhead world battle system, aka, FF tactics, shining force, etc. When he gets everything ironed out it will open up a whole new realm of possibilities, that is if he decides to share it like I have.

here is a link of it.

If he doesnt I might just have to pick it up myself!

PostPosted: September 5th, 2008, 4:49 pm 
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That is bloody brilliant. I would LOVE to play a strat RPG made with a maker.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: September 5th, 2008, 8:48 pm 
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Yeah me too, but I'm concerned with his methods. Using multiple choice for abilities and texboxes for stats like hp is a recipe for disaster. Hes going to eat up memory like theres no tomorrow with that approach. But I can tell you one thing, if the two of us ever collaborated on a game it would be freakin amazing.

btw Lantis, did you know your name is only one letter short from the name of my main character?

PostPosted: January 25th, 2009, 1:49 pm 
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"The worst pokemon."

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How do you use new game plus it is locked with a password if you go to edit. if you play game then your in the castle and i cant find anywhere to go.

PostPosted: January 25th, 2009, 1:51 pm 
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I've actually had that same problem.

PostPosted: January 25th, 2009, 1:54 pm 
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lol not open source anymore then. i guess thats most likely an oversight. might be a good idea to let rath know so he can adjust it and update it.

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PostPosted: January 26th, 2009, 1:56 am 
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earl12 wrote:
How do you use new game plus it is locked with a password if you go to edit. if you play game then your in the castle and i cant find anywhere to go.

Have you tried both the one attached to this post and the one that is on the site now?

They could be different.

His email:


PostPosted: January 26th, 2009, 4:19 pm 
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Rainbow Crash

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yeah i tried the file from the site first and then the one from the post, done the same thing, i thought maybe i was doing something wrong kinda new to downloading files from internet i just got a memory card plus a couple days ago. I got the file on the card good but its locked with a password. I tried emailing raithwall haven't got a reply yet, soon hopefully,


PostPosted: March 17th, 2009, 9:51 pm 
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This sounds pretty cool actually, I'm wondering if the password thing has been fixed by now? Sigh, I wouldn't bother with it myself until I finished my rpgm3 game anyway, but I've always thought rpgm2 gave you way more possibilities, I just never wanted to learn the system.

So I'm assuming this new game plus can help you make your own game how you want it? Like you can change the maps to your liking and such?

PostPosted: March 17th, 2009, 10:15 pm 
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I think the Pav drove Raithwall to depression and made him leave.


PostPosted: May 9th, 2016, 5:55 pm 
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Necroposting hard here, I'm aware, but did anyone ever figure out the password? The attachments which included them have been lost to time.

PostPosted: May 9th, 2016, 10:40 pm 
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I remember having the same problem with the game when I tried to download it a few years ago. It's pretty useless without knowing the password.

There was a method to unlock RPGM1 games, but I'm not sure if a similar method was discovered for RPGM2.

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


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PostPosted: May 10th, 2016, 2:22 pm 
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I'll give my archives a look and see if I have anything. In the meantime, try this version: ... hp?t=18714


PostPosted: May 11th, 2016, 9:23 pm 
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I had the same result with that version, but thank you very much for being so willing to help. I've been curious about this for a few years.

PostPosted: May 12th, 2016, 8:42 pm 
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Yeah, I have the exact same one that's on the site: ... -game-plus

Sorry man. I've also been interested in seeing it used, but unfortunately the author never came back.


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