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PostPosted: August 17th, 2008, 1:41 pm 
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Arc 2:
Chapter 2: An unlikely friend and an unwanted enemy.

With the betrayal commited by Terry and Hime to the A.O.B. Chaos breaks loose. Those who were thought dead are re-introduced in this episodic chapter. New allies emerge, old friends become enemies behind the scenes. We are nothing but pawns in the true chaos of the Mid Autumn Garden blossoms.

After the Intro of Chapter 2

Nomans Prison

Marick Mountain

Sandra's House

Sandra's House

Sandra's House

Nomans Prison

[Notes from the creator]
Unique characters. They cause opponents to bleed to death even if they dont deal damage. Unlike poison, when they cut the enemy the bleeding never stops until the opponent dies.

Rose's Wolf Blitz boosts stats. It may take more than one Wolf Blitz to inflict the heightened status. Wolf Blitz will cause recoil damage in the higher levels.

Shadow is stronger against some elements. Fire being one.

Even holding back will mostly likely kill all her opponents in one hit. You don't need strategy using her, you can basically run through the whole level by hitting S.

Lilidya has stronger defense than Ophillia, Ophillia is overall stronger than Lilidya.

Ophillia will easily die against magic element attacks so be careful when you use her.

Ophillia can weaken/ poison opponents.

They will help in pinch situations, Michael has a high crit rating and Miranda has the best buffs in game.
Miranda though easily defeated revives swiftly. Michael revives after a long cool down period.
You can kill michael/miranda on mistake so be careful!

Hidden secrets.
In EVERY chapter there at least five hidden unlockables. Some are easily found, others need a strategy guide to find.

I didn't like the mapping in Chapter 1.. so I improved it.

Chapter 2: An unlikely friend and an unwanted enemy (91 MBS)
Chapter 2 (Improved Graphics in Chapter 1)

Chapter 2 Savefile

Chapter 1: Terry/Hime's canon (Playtime 30 minutes +)
Mid Autumn Garden Chapter II Intro Video

A new story unfolds inside a complex series of events. Enter Terry and Hime, two A.O.B. partners in which have formed a unique bond through attraction. This picks up where Arc I left off, after the disappearances of the main protagonists of M.A.G.

Recap of the story
Arc I- Chapter 0

The player is introduced to Rose a contract wielding shadow walker. The story progresses from the A.O.B. headquarters into travel to the Martial Lands. The party is introduced to the stories antagonist an enlightened shadow walker by the name of 'Kel' and her contract 'Gabby'. After fending for themselves the party regroups at an inn.

Arc I- Chapter 1.

After Rose awakes from his coma with a tighter bond with his contract the party has to begin to make heads and tails of the A.O.B's betrayal. Within minutes Kel makes her second appearance, having murdered everyone in the checkpoint she exits. Lilidya and Rose are seperated and a new girl is introduced to the story; Ex- A.O.B. member Vadeena.

Having learned why Vadeena is helping her Lilidya goes to find Rose. After meeting up with Rose once more, she finds out that he has his mind set on leaving the party for good. Lilidya not accepting the cards that were dealt to her follows Rose deeper into the forest. She finds out that Contractor (her old boss) is there (possibly waiting for Kel) and destroys him.

Arc I - Chapter 2

The Arc's Finale. Lilidya makes her way past Lye and into Loki. She finds out last minute that Loki was a trap set for her party to destroy them there.. it is unknown the fate that befell Arc I's protagonists.

Enter Vadeena (Cutscene)

Promise: Town of Brotherly Love

Lament Bridge: Road to Civilization (Terry being shocked by Fungacle)

Martial Lands: Deep Forest (Apparitions hunting the protagonists)

Lyca Field: Snowy Retreat (Fungacle shocking Hime)

Download (71 MBs.) *Newest*
Arc 2: Chapter 1

Arc 1
An contracted beast master tries to better the world.. in his own way. During a mission he accidentally stumbles across an Organization that proves to be a huge threat for him and his kind.

You are Rose an assassin that must find himself, by finding and exposes all threats to the world that you live in.

You are Lilidya.. an assassin in training that wants to become independent of all presumptions that women are weak.

You are Ophillia.. a contract partner with a cynical view on life.

You are Shadow.. a hell contract that slowly learns emotions and realizes life is more than being selfish.

You are the hand that preens the Mid Autumn Garden.

Arc 1 (Not 56k Friendly)
The Screenshots.







Mid Autumn Garden


Mid Autumn Garden Chapter 1!


Swiftest and weakest of the Rose/Shadow pair.
Rose is immune to poison/bleeding. Though he's weak, his
strength isn't set like Shadow's and can be stacked.
His melee attacks are able to cause bleeding.

Most effective if evolved through Wolves Berries.
He is also immune to poison/bleeding. His melee
attacks are able to cause bleeding.

Weakest of the Lilidya/Ophillia pair.
Though she's weakest in strength she's strongest
against status effects. Like Rose her strength can
be stacked.

Weakest against status effects/magic yet strongest in game
hands down. She's immune to weaken and dazzle.

Weakest skill-wise, she has no attack skills.. yet she's able to play with
the opponents mind and use their ailments to her advantage. She is the only
character without the ability to see contracts or possess them. Yet she is
also the only character thats able to use different weapons/armors.

Chapter 1.

The weakest attack wise, strongest skill wise.. she has little to no attack strength
and is unreliable when it comes down to speed and power (when she runs out of SP). Yet
when she has SP she is one of the strongest fighters in game.

Chapter 2.
His girl-like appearance throws off his true strength. He seems to be the only human partner
that is stronger than his contract. His skills are one of the strongest self buffing skills in game.
His only drawback is that he can't equip any weapons or armor.

One of the most powerful healers in game, she is immune to every status effect in game. She
also has the most powerful reanimation spells in game. She doesn't have to wait for allies to
fall, she can kill allies herself and revive them with godly buffs. Only problem is anything can
one hit her easily and she's so slow that it may not be worth it to use her without buffing her up yourself.

Mid Autumn Garden:
Chapter 2: Loki Prison

With Rose leaving the party Lilidya/Vadeena must become detectives to find him and his hell contract. Rose's sanity is breaking and Lilidya/Vadeena has a set deadline to find them.. all trails lead to one place "Loki Prison". Is the A.O.B. really finished with Contractor or is it just the beginning? The questions are answered in this chapter of Mid Autumn Garden..


Download Link -GO!-
(DL Size, 58 MBS)
Mid Autumn Garden

Download (10 MBS.)
Mid Autumn Garden Chapter 2
Mandatory Audio Folder (60 MBS)
Download Audio

Chapter 1 Savefile (No secrets unlocked):
(Playtime: 30-45 minutes).

Chapter 2 Savefile (No secrets unlocked):
(Playtime: 30-45 minutes).
Total playtime Chapter 0-2 (3 hours)

WARNING! Spoilers *Strategy Guide* (Arc I]

Strategy guide:
Martial lands:

Hidden items: 0

Treasure Chest: 1
Wolves Berry

Optional Cutscenes: 1


Essence (%20)

170-200 damage (Shadow)
150-170 damage (Rose)

6 Exp.


Potion (%30)

170-200 damage (Shadow)
150-170 damage (Rose)

7 EXP.

(Boss Guide)
Recommended level: 1
Recommended Items: None

The best way to beat her:
Use the Wolves Berry on Shadow that you find in the treasure chest.
Use Rose and shadow's melee attack until she begins bleeding then use
Shadow's spiral fang.

1st Boss Marathon.
Recommended Level: 3-4
Recommended Items: Potion x2 (Gained from Ghosts)

Does 220 damage with normal attack
Does 400 damage with cross cut

Wolves Berry

The best way to beat them:
Use the Wolves Berry to strengthen Shadow even more.
Level up until you're level 3/4 with Shadow/ Rose. Rose learns Spiral Fang at level 4.. so it
should be childs play to beat them at that level. Use Rose's two spiral fangs to kill Malice first.
(If you kill Aluxes first Malice will revive Aluxes and they will kill you). Then Melee attack Aluxes to death.

Recommended Level: 4-5

Recommended Items: Potion x2 (Gained from Ghosts)

The best way to beat them:
As SOON as you start the battle use Shadow's Spiral Fang on Mace. Afterwards melee Cyrus
to death. You should be able to beat the two in a few turns.

Recommended Level: 4-5
Recommended Items: Potion x3/ Tonic/ Essence x2

The best way to beat her:
Rose and Shadow should be on heal duty. Shadow should have two power breaks left if
you played your cards right. Use those two power breaks as soon as possible after that
Shadow should stand aside and heal everyone with Rose until Lilidya/Ophillia runs out of SP.
Leave -just- enough SP for Lilidya to use a Mass heal later (you'll need it). -Only- use Essences on Ophillia, she's the only one that can do massive damage. When everyone runs out of SP use melee on Kel until she dies. The whole party should be able to do 1k damage to Kel with melee attacks alone per turn. If you play your cards right you wont need to use too many potions/essences.

Congrats you've beaten the obstacle of bosses that have made many cry time and time again! *Sigh* You shouldn't be forced to do such a hard thing so early in the game. You're rewarded by the creator for not giving up with ....

Inner Boundries: Rose's Mind.


Drops: Wolves Berry (%2)
Does: 170-200 damage
Gives: 10 exp


Essence (%20)

150-170 damage

6 Exp.


Potion (%30)

150-170 damage

7 EXP.

Final Boss of Chapter 1:
Recommended Level: 7-8
Reccomended Items: Potions x 3, Essences x 5

The best way to beat them:
Use the wolves berry on Rose before you start the fight and be sure to -save your GAME- at the doorway!

Soon as you start the fight melee attack the Parasite's left and right hand until
they start bleeding.. soon as you do that unleash all of your spiral fangs (from Rose and Shadow)until you're out of SP.. Use four essences on Shadow, and use one on Rose. By the time you finish unleashing your barrage of Spiral Fangs the Parasite and his hands should be finished.

End of First Chapter.

First Chapter:

Payate Town:

Optional Cutscenes: 5
Payate Pub: Vadeena/Latisha
Payate Item Shop: Raine/Shadow
Unknown House: Married Couple

Boss Battle:
Shadow Contract

Shadow World: 0-50 (All)
Normal Attack: 250-300 (All)


Seed of Intelligence
Potion (%20)

The best way to beat them:
Have everyone use their strongest skills against the shadow contract. After the shadow contract is defeated, kill the ghosts.


Greater Darkness.
Embrace the Night
Nega Status

Seed of Strength

The best way to beat her:
Any one of her skills can one hit anyone if you aren't cautious. You -must- use Vadeena's status skills against her to win. Firstly use Womanly Caress on Ophillia (Boosts MDEF).. you also might want to use the Amplifier sold at the item shop (boosts MDEF). If you use these two Ophillia wont be as weak against magic attacks. To further weaken Latisha use Feeble and Delay on her then go to town on her. She'll occassionally use Nega Status so repeat again until she dies.

Vadeena's Memory:

Hidden cutscenes: 1
Underwater Contract

Optional Cutscenes: 1
Test of the Free Spirit

Boss Battle:

Hell Contract: Sahagin
Recommended Items:
Potion x 5

Fire - 300


How to beat him:
Feeble/Delay him soon as you start. He's powerful but he's slow. You'll be able to hit him four times before he can hit you once. All you have to do is out last him and he'll die soon enough.. yet, before he dies he will summon a corpse which may catch you offguard, so be sure to heal as soon as he does. You'll recieve a rainbow prism when you finish him off.. Refine items like that at the Equipment Crystal. You may want to refine the item you get from the room before the exit/entrance.. that will help you with the hidden boss in the well.

Free Spirit
Recommended Items:
Potion x 5

Confuse (Cancelled out by Elegant Headdress)

Aqua Kimono



Optional Boss Fights/Cutscenes 1:
Enlightened Latisha (Only chance to get her to join your party)

Recommended Level: 9-10
Recommended Items: (All bought at Pub in Maimel)
Eternal Essence x 5, Tonic x 5, Potent Tonic x5, Potion x 10

Dark Lullaby: (One hit KO)
Mass Darkness:

How to beat her:
To be honest, you'll need luck as well as a strategy for her. Her Dark Lullaby is very annoying and you cant really guard against it. Nevertheless when you begin the battle start out with Lilidya using Womanly Carress on Ophillia, and Ophillia using Sharp on Lilidya. You may want Lilidya to use womanly carress on herself as well.. she'll need it. When you're all buffed out have Lilidya use Illusion on her until she dies. Ophillia will have to go on Tank/heal duty when needed. Keep everyone buffed.. and things should go more or less smoothly. Have Lilidya use Illusion and Ophillia keep Lilidya's SP in check until she passes out. Latisha is enlightened this time around so if you want to win against her, you'll actually have to fight with determination this time around.
Remember this with your skills you do 1k per turn, with melee alone you do 500 per turn. You dont have to worry about damage control, just survival.

Martial Lands: Deep Forest

Chapter 1: Final Boss Fight

Recommended Level: 9-10
Recommended Items: Potion x 10, Essence x 2, Eternal Essence x 2, Tonic x 4

Recommended Party:
Lilidya, Ophillia, Latisha (if unlocked), and Vadeena

(Status Skills)
Fire, Summon.

How to beat him:
Have Ophillia cast Sharp on Lilidya and Vadeena, have Vadeena cast delay/feeble on Contractor.
Latisha and Lilidya should be the main attackers in this fight. Ophillia should be the jack of all trades.
Have the Sharpened Lilidya bombard the Contractor with Illusions, and Latisha use Greater Darkness on him. Ophillia and Vadeena should be on the attack yet be ready to buff/debuff. If he uses Barrier Latisha should be able to debuff him (unfortunately of all buffs/debuffs) with Nega-Status level 2.

Once the Deities are summon make sure you kill them as soon as you see them. The Angel will raise anyone that has fallen, and the demon will one hit kill anyone who is an ally. The contractor will use an annoying skill called Radiate which can one hit everyone if used right which is why Ophillia and Latisha should be constantly caressed by Lilidya to keep them brave in battle.
After the battle there will be one more cutscene and whamo Chapter 1 has ended.


Last edited by Rose Skye on September 1st, 2008, 9:15 am, edited 5 times in total.

PostPosted: August 17th, 2008, 4:59 pm 
Rank 6: Potent White Mage Rank 6: Potent White Mage
Keep it cool
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This seems to be really something special you're working on here.

A question though: which RPGMaker is this for?

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


My studio is Quixotic Productions! Check it!

PostPosted: August 17th, 2008, 11:28 pm 
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Rainbow Crash
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Sounds like you got it all planned out there.

Just a reminder, though: you can upload directly to the server so long as your game is under 60MB.


PostPosted: August 23rd, 2008, 1:10 am 
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It's for RMXP o.o

The game is now 70 MBS so just that short away from 60 MB.

Also Update Arc II Chap 1 released.

PostPosted: August 23rd, 2008, 3:36 am 
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Looks cool.

Modal Realms
"a proper designation of universal existence"

PostPosted: August 23rd, 2008, 3:49 am 
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Thanks =D

PostPosted: August 23rd, 2008, 8:24 am 
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impressive indeed. the graphics look very nice too.

Artistry made by JPS
Card Three is released! Download it here!

PostPosted: August 23rd, 2008, 2:55 pm 
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Now that you've updated, I'm really liking the pairs of characters and the way you release the game in "arcs". Very nice.

Congrats on making a really nice game package. :)


PostPosted: August 23rd, 2008, 11:26 pm 
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Thanks =D!

This took me all day to make (WMA kept erroring on me.) Yet, I proudly present the first youtubed Opening Cutscene to Chapter 1- Arc II

(Sorry for the whole low quality thing, Camtasia buttraped my cutscenes)

PostPosted: August 25th, 2008, 9:52 am 
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OMG, that eagle just about scared the piss out of me for some reason, lol. Good job, btw. This is some good stuff.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: September 1st, 2008, 3:01 am 
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"The worst pokemon."
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Update =/

PostPosted: September 3rd, 2008, 10:21 am 
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"The worst pokemon."
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Quick question... I've noticed there's many downloads for what seems to be two chapters? Though there's a second arc as well... and I guess that's kind of confusing me.

What exactly do I need to play(download) to get the full experience that you've posted?

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: September 4th, 2008, 2:53 am 
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"The worst pokemon."
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thanks for your interest, and.. you'll have to download...

Arc I (3 chapters long):
Download Arc I.
Download Arc I's music folder

Ch 1 Savefile
Ch 2 Savefile

Arc II (2 chapters long):
Download Arc II

Arc II Savefile

PostPosted: September 4th, 2008, 9:27 am 
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"The worst pokemon."
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Thank you much for narrowing that down for me. ^_^

I have a good deal of free time this weekend, so I'll definately report back upon it's completion.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: September 6th, 2008, 12:08 am 
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"The worst pokemon."
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Would someone like to show me real quick werr the RTP that works with Vista is? Apparently the one for XP won't install, come to find out.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: September 6th, 2008, 12:12 am 
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I'm uploading it now. Expect it in the Game Vault in about 10 minutes.

It's an actual VX RTP. :p


PostPosted: September 6th, 2008, 12:22 pm 
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3rd degree failure on my part. The RTP for VX installs fine, but still can't run XP games. And the XP RTP refuses to install.

I would still love to see this game played by a staff member who would report back. I am looking forward to hear more about this game.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: September 6th, 2008, 10:59 pm 
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Sorry guys >.< I'm in the process of moving so its been a bit busy here on my behalf but, I'm still alive.

There you go Lantis. It'll show you how to install RMXP on Vista.

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