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PostPosted: June 26th, 2008, 1:44 am 
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Most of my friends have been white. I've had hispanic and black friends, but most of my black friends have been male. I can be friends with anyone, but the reason I'm friends with a huge majority of white people is because in my town, that's almost all there is. At my former university, a lot of white people. Therefore, the conclusion is easily drawn.


PostPosted: June 26th, 2008, 2:47 pm 
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So what if one of your male black friends suddenly was a female available for you lol.

PostPosted: June 26th, 2008, 3:02 pm 
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Depends on if I was attracted or not.


PostPosted: July 8th, 2008, 2:09 pm 
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Yes, yes they are. Call me a racist, but I observe VERY different subcultures on campus with black and white girls. It depends on the person in a single-person case, but in groups, the black females tend to engage in an act called lovingly by me "man-sharing". A black friend from a class confirmed it even- in her circle of friends, almost every girl had dated a single guy... and it caused a TON of problems within the group. Now, IUP has a fairly decent black population, but it is nothing in comparison with self-important white students obsessed with emo bands and chugging as much beer possible.

My best female friend when I was 13 was black. And it was indeed different from hanging out with my other friends. I did a lot more riskier things with her, and she caused more drama to my life personally. Not to say I didn't have fun times as well.

For me dating white or black... well it's an irrelevant issue, but I'll humor it. I agree with Ixzion entirely... my freshman year of college was HELL. I was hated on by an entire floor of wannabe gangsta girls, and most of them were black. I liked to consider myself unbiased entirely before that, but when they stressed me out to the point where my period stopped coming around(that's a whole lot) and I was constantly scared I'd get picked on for doing nothing, then well, it's sh*tty. I move into a different dorm the next year, which was primarily white. NO PROBLEMS WHATSOEVER. What am I supposed to think? I don't think I'd ever want to date your atypical black woman. There's always exceptions to the rule, yadda yadda, but it's everything I don't like being around. I like to have fun, but I hate drama and perpetuating unhealthy lifestyles.

I think the problem is definitely within how the media portrays black women, especially when in role model positions. A young girl watches that crap "Rap Diva" or whatever show on VH1, and learns how to be rude to the extreme because it's considered cool. No matter what anyone says otherwise, kids copy role models.

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PostPosted: July 8th, 2008, 5:52 pm 
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Thanks for your response. This leads me to 2 follow up questions if you don't mind:

1. Do you think that your experience your freshman year has lead you to believe that the majority of black girls when in a social situation, will act this way?

2. Do you believe that black girls model themselves on women in the media that are only black or do they model themselves on other women or maybe even men?


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PostPosted: July 9th, 2008, 12:35 am 
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[quote="Fayorei]my freshman year of college was HELL. I was hated on by an entire floor of wannabe gangsta girls, and most of them were black. [/quote]

I bet 20 you won't fight one of them, they would've cut your face up or pulled your hair out. Most black girls will do that just to see if you can fit in with them, if you fight back or step up to them you got their respect. However I know you're bi and all that, if they thought you were into girls its the same way for many of us black men, they'll fight you if you touch them.

PostPosted: July 9th, 2008, 9:09 am 
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And that's messed up...

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PostPosted: July 9th, 2008, 5:20 pm 
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We didn't play twister mister
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Lantis wrote:
And that's messed up...

Yeah, I'm not ghetto fabulous and I was rooming with my GF. There was no excuse for that sh*t, it's just as bad as racism, which is why I did not respect them.

I'd rather not resort to primal grunts as a form of respect with nasty chicks like that. And they can keep their women, too.:P

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PostPosted: July 9th, 2008, 9:42 pm 
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The flip side of the coin here is being missed entirely. If black men are marrying white women then there also has to be a lot of white women forsaking white guys. What's up with that? What's the psychology behind that.

My uncle Tim (my fathers brother) lives in Detroit as a truck driver. He was describing a relationship where a Black Girl was dating a white guy. Now I'm all for interracial relationships, (hell, I even think they should legalize gay marriage), but you usually hear that the male/female relational dynamic is inversed, vis-a-vis individual genetic heritages. This prompted me to inquire as to why such an arrangement existed (not that there was any thing wrong with that) when usually the reverse is true.

He claimed that all of the black girls liked white guys because all the black guys in an around Detroit were filthy people. I admonished him for being so closed minded, but he stopped me, by informing me that it was the black girls that were making this claim. The more I thought about it the more I found that (at least in Detroit, but probably most notably urban areas) for the most part he (and our West African female friends), had a point.

I would drive through Detroit on trips with my family each summer when I was young. Both my parents are from there. As we crossed the bridge out of Canada and back into the states, we would land right smack dab in the middle of south central Detroit. On many occasions my father would inform us to lock the doors, while we were still driving around. As we wound through the streets in an effort to get on I-75 as quickly as possible, we would pass many semi dilapidated row houses. These were the shittiest places I've ever seen, and yet, out front were shiny new Lincoln Town Cars, Mercedes Benz's, A fair share Corvettes, and fully restored 70's Ford T-bird's. All of the cars had shiny chrome accents, and rims that went on forever. Every thing was either gleaming gold or silver.

My point is that the black men who lived here, possibly with girlfriends, put all of their resources into their CAR rather than the acquisition of a more pleasant place to live. Who knows what other things they are "giving up" to afford their bling.

Now as we have learned, girls are product of their experience (just as we all are); black or white. We have come to the conclusion that if black girl is put in the suburbs and given 2.3 kids, a dog, and a minivan, one would expect to find a more traditionally "Caucasian" attitude toward the world befall her. Additionally, we have learned that given the opposite condition, a white girl will turn "ghetto." Now given that one condition is clearly favorable to the other, it is understandable that black girls would want to move up to the suburbs, but there in lays my point: They are moving UP.

They are the bitchy, whiny, fussy black girls from the ghetto.

That means they left their hygienically challenged beau's to their shiny car and sh*tty house back in the ghetto.

So who is going to fill that void?

Its white chicks.

But whats' the draw? Clearly, the black man who actually got out of the ghetto, has a wife and 4 kids and is now living in a nice duplex out in Waynedote can't be an option.
No, he's to smart for that. ('sides, he's married.)

Nope. The white chicks are going after the ghetto man.

BUT WHY? It's a step DOWN the social ladder!

And as for the comment about black girls being obese, I have to say, that as a general rule for all girls, (as per my observations) as the Pay scale goes down, the bathroom scale goes up.

::Edit 1:: (I proof read and realized that I forgot to point something out so another thing I wrote would make sense. The error has been corrected.)

::Edit 2:: (Did it again.)


All Of The Above Statements Have Been Given The Staffmaster Seal of Approval. Have A Nice Day!!

PostPosted: July 9th, 2008, 11:13 pm 
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I can't remember if the stat was about relationships or marriages specifically. If it was about marriages, I doubt that the statistic would have included the data regarding white girls going to the ghettos as there would likely not be a significant amount of marriages there (I would think).

Either way, you seem to suggest that blacks are starting in the ghetto and that whites are starting outside of the ghetto (or at least extreme poverty). Even if there is some truth to this, I don't think that that difference causes as much of the descrepancy that you find hard to understand (the white girls moving 'down' and the black girls moving 'up').

But if we are going to suggest that all this is the case, why aren't the white guys disproportionately following suit and instead of welcoming black girls into their white 'world' let the black girls welcome them to the 'ghetto'.

It seems to me that some white girls find the edge of a more ghetto style life attractive but more so that the descrepancy is that interracial relationships are now more accesible but that white girls tend to be glorified so ALL guys are disproportionately staying with white girls (or acessing white girls for the first time) while white girls expand their horizons.

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PostPosted: July 11th, 2008, 1:09 am 
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Anonymous (Bo) wrote:
It seems to me that some white girls find the edge of a more ghetto style life attractive but more so that the descrepancy is that interracial relationships are now more accesible but that white girls tend to be glorified so ALL guys are disproportionately staying with white girls (or acessing white girls for the first time) while white girls expand their horizons.

I think you're hitting the nail on the head. It has to be some perceived danger in going with a black guy in general, for get in the ghettos, and I'm not implying that all blacks originate from the inner city. I'm simply saying that for urban areas, L.A. or Phillidelphia for instance, this is what tends to be the norm. Now that said, there is a BIG difference between a black person in the suburbs and the same one in the projects. One assumes that an African American of any stripe, who makes it here, is fairly intelligent, clever, and/or lucky. Males, reguardless of race, tend to be married if they have these qualities. Of course the immediate inferral here is that the opposite must be true for the denizens of these ghettos.

Perhaps an alternate answer to my question would be that "all the good white guys are taken." However it can be assumed that White or Black males in extreme poverty would have similar life styles, and thus, I could conjecture that Dumb Black guys have at least more class of character than do Dumb White guys.


All Of The Above Statements Have Been Given The Staffmaster Seal of Approval. Have A Nice Day!!

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