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PostPosted: June 23rd, 2007, 6:02 pm 
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Please note this post will be updated with all major changes in the game and will be noted in the last post at the time of update.

System: RM1 (May end up on VX)


New Game+- Restart the game with all items and stats intact to open two new dungeons and a new ending (if you can get to the end fast enough).

No random battles- See your enemies on screen and fight if you so choose.

Random dungeon layouts- Sort of. There are some dungeons that have multiple layout possibilities and change with each visit. One of which is an Eternal Corridor (Totally stole the name and concept from Jade Cocoon, I will think of a different name later).

Calendar and Fatigue- There is a calendar system in place where travelling the world takes up time. As you advance through the maps, a variable is increased accordingly. Some events only take place at certain times of the day/month. Fatigue takes place in the form of taking a temporary stat drop until you rest in a bed.

Variables- Theses are in the form of switches acting as running totals and items that will have their names deleted prior to release. If I use switches as though they each represented a unique value, then by using set combinations of three at a time, I can have 1000 conditions taking up only 27 switches. It works as an equation. If 'n' is the number you count to, the switch you use could be turned into an equation given the hundreds place is 'x' the tens 'y' and the ones 'z'
then (x+y+z)(10^x)(10^y)=n

001=1, 002=2, 003=3, ..., 009=9
010=10, 011=20, 012=30, ..., 018=90
019=100, 020=200, 021=300, ..., 027=900

Also various methods of switch compression are being looked into. I just want to use the most efficient switches taken to conditions needed ratio.

Emotions- It’s simple. Some people have variables attached to them that start at, let’s say 50. If hits 25 they don’t like you and at 0 hate you. If it hits 75 you are in their favor and at 100 they are absolutely loyal.

Story: (in the works) Basically gods, nations, time, revenge, love, etc. Basic themes you've seen before but that has been the same since Homer. Its all a matter of how its put together and focussing on the relations and experiences of those in the story. I am doing my best to make this an enjoyable story.

Side quests: Casino, courrier, epilogue, town destroyed help out fixing, optional party members, fighting arena, "fun city/gold saucer" type thing.

Development team: in5ult080t

Progress: Slow.

August 18, 2007- Made a few more towns, dungeons, npc's, missions

February 6, 2007- Rewrote much of the story and I am very happy with this. I also canned many features that were holding back the story. With the rewrite, I hope to get alot more work done. I know I don't share much of what I do, but its for the best until I write more of the story. Once I settle down and get the story's foundation completed I promise to share more.

(Too ambitious and doesn't fit in the revamped story. May end up its own game later. There's definitly enough here to do that.)

Two worlds- Travel between the world of the living and that of the dead. In the world of the dead you are a lost soul amongst many different beings including those who like yourself once occupied that of the living.

Character Growth- I use a leveling system where you collect an experience currency, in the form of collecting souls of the fallen, to spend on individual stats. The catch is you can’t use the experience currency in the world of the living. You must be dead in order to use/consume the currency. Now what you are increasing stats wise is not directly strength, defense, etc. Instead you increase your ability to influence the stats of those you possess.

Ghost- If you lose a battle in the world of the living you are sent back to the world of the dead. You must now possess a living person in order to return to the living, of course the person you possess has to vacate the body… but some unwilling hosts will end up in the same afterlife as you.

Characters: An as of yet unnamed hero (you) and off and on help. Whether any party members become available is up to how you interact with them. They can leave at any point in the story if you rub them the wrong way, or you die. Some will rejoin. Others won't.

Advancing the story: One obvious method would be to follow the linear path through the dungeons, but that will only get you so far. There will be times where you can no longer advance the story by yourself. You will need to enlist the help of the towns’ folk. You must converse with the locals and win their favor (or not) in order to gain access to different locations, items, classes, and a few bonus things you must find yourself. But whose help you get and the kind of help you receive will be up to you and your interactions with the inhabitants of the world. You can choose to an extent which quest to embark on. Though by accepting a quest (many times unwittingly) you may not be able to go back and take on another. There will be multiple paths that intertwine throughout. A ranking system based on the number of enemies defeated that will grant access to new content. Optional party members. Item creation at some smith shops. Body harvesting, you game over when you run out! Shop keeper persuasion to gain access to stronger items. Escort missions with temporary party members.

Last edited by insultobot on March 6th, 2008, 10:32 pm, edited 4 times in total.

PostPosted: June 23rd, 2007, 9:13 pm 
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Sounds awesome. I like the living and spirit ideas :)

PostPosted: June 23rd, 2007, 10:09 pm 
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This actually sounds pretty interesting. Here's hoping you'll be able to pull it off. :)

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: June 24th, 2007, 2:44 pm 
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Keep it cool
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Cool looking.

I also figured out some tricks for a calendar system, but you're going to beat me to the punch.

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


My studio is Quixotic Productions! Check it!

PostPosted: June 28th, 2007, 8:22 pm 
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Dyne just moved into the same apartment complex as me and we both have the whole weekend off. I hope to start laying out some story. We have some ideas of the direction we want to go, now its just a matter of making sense of it all and avoid idea thieverising from games we played in the past. It seems no matter what we come up with, we can name two PS1-era games that did something too similar.

PostPosted: June 28th, 2007, 9:55 pm 
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So what? As long as you're not blatantly stealing, right? If you keep looking for games that have done the same thing, you're pretty much always gonna find them. If not, it's simply because you haven't played the game that did.

Image Image
"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: August 19th, 2007, 12:07 am 
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I finally got some real work done on Reverence for the first time since the first post. Until today everything else was just on paper. I made a few dungeons and a couple towns with about half the total npc's that will end up in them. Got some story written out but I am not placing any of it in the game until the world is complete. It will all be on paper as I expect there will be many changes as I go.

I added a few escort missions where the character's name is simply "Guest" to avoid having to create a character for each escort mission. And to prevent story advancement, none of the MAJOR story events will be executable so long as Guest is in the party.

All shops now have a Persuasion option where you have the chance to gain access to more powerful items depending on your success in persuading the shop keeper.

I am having a bit of trouble with the Spirit World but I believe I will be able to work it out.

Time is short with so many recent changes (all positive) in my professional life. So finding time to work on RM is difficult. Dyne is also working with RM more so I hope to get the world finished and story penned out by February.

Good stuff.

PostPosted: September 13th, 2007, 12:36 am 
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I am very surprised with myself. I am at this very moment working on a demo! I am working on getting the first couple hours of play put together. Don't expect anything too soon but it is coming. Also expect a trailer after that of a nonplayable sequence that I really enjoyed making.

The story is just rolling right along on paper and with a friend's proof-read approval each step of the way, it should come together nicely.

I will make a post with some of it typed out. It would have been posted with this but as I said it is on paper, since most of my creativity won't wait till I get home to type.

Good stuff all around.

PostPosted: October 10th, 2007, 12:04 pm 
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Since getting an xbox 360 I haven't even thought about working on my game. I guess it will have to wait until I get it out of my system.


PostPosted: December 13th, 2007, 11:13 pm 
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I was working on the demo over the weekend and realized something....

It must be destroyed. Sorta. The demo I was making was to give the player a look at the first hour of the final game. But I found a hole in the gameplay so I made a decision I am sure will be for the best. No demo until I get every aspect of the gameplay polished. Besides, no one will miss it.

I am however worried about cramming all my ideas into the game. I continue to think of new things to do in Reverence but I know they will clash and clutter the experience. Also I feel for the sake of the story I was hoping to use in this game, I may eliminate the entire life/death two worlds feature. Though the feature is perfect for a seperate story I originally intended for Reverence, so it may one day come back.

PostPosted: February 7th, 2008, 10:27 pm 
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in5ult080t wrote:
Also I feel for the sake of the story I was hoping to use in this game, I may eliminate the entire life/death two worlds feature.

Well that happenned. I rewrote the story and it works much better than before. Although I did steal a scene from one episode of my favorite show, but I will wait until I get called out on it before I reveal even what show :P

Another important note is that all the work I have done on this game since November has been on paper and for a reason. I wasn't satisfied with the story and I believe the gameplay was too crowded. All those features would have clogged the game's arteries faster than BK's Quad Stacker and Wendy's Baconator combined. Though I do love their ideas and after Reverence, they may see the light of day. Just not here.

Finally, with the release of RMVX on the horizon, I may end up changing systems. In fact, I hope I do. It looks very promising and much more accomidating than any console maker.

Its a great day.


PostPosted: March 2nd, 2008, 1:16 pm 
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I just got RMVX and am messing with it trying to get a feel for the system. Having never used RMXP, this is pretty alien at first glance. With some time I may familiarize myself enough to move the project to RMVX.


PostPosted: April 3rd, 2008, 2:09 am 
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All the work Nex is doing is making me want to work on this some more. I will plan on leaving it on RM1 and start on some dungeons/towns/NPC's. By the end of the month I will update on my progress.


PostPosted: May 22nd, 2008, 9:44 pm 
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I have cleaned up a few dungeons and taken what The Gnasher has to say on the subject of dungeons very seriously. I haven't actually worked on the game for about 3 weeks now. I have a hard time being motivated to keep going. But I'm not worried since that seems to be the most common feeling among all of us. I won't use this space to whine about it, instead I will just take it for what it is and be honest with myself. I do plan to keep working of course. Just not as often as I would like.


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