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PostPosted: January 26th, 2009, 9:16 pm 
Rank 7: Learned Black Mage Rank 7: Learned Black Mage
Mongolian Chop Squad
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These are semi random thoughts I just had for a tiny strat game idea.
I don't know if it will go anywhere but here goes. Don't worry if something doesn't quite make sense as I am typing as I think of it.

Make the floor an un-walkable surface. Have events on the floor that have multiple pages. Give the party an item that if it is in inventory, the graphics for the floor are invisible walkable tiles. If there are none in inventory turn off the graphic so no one can move.

If no one can move the enemy can move or use a magic attack. The enemy moves are counted with a separate item. All the items are non drop-able so you can't cheat and get rid of enemy movements.

Attacks are also counted by an item. If you choose to attack, its taken away. then the turn is over.

Next turn you receive new movement and attack items.

I need to re-order the pages so the conditions can be checked in the proper order

Floor events (Player event in general) read
Page 1
Blank, no graphic

Page 2
condition: player has at least one HP item
condition: enemy has at least one hp item
condition: player has at least one movement item
Graphic: invisible walkable tile
Activation: Touch

Remove 1 movement item
3 choice
-1st: Move
-2nd: Magic
--Message: Player, "Lightning!"
--graphic of orb or something rising off screen from player
--take over enemy event Page 2
-3rd: End turn
--Take over enemy event page 3

Page 3
graphic of lightning hitting this event with sound effects
Minus 2 player hp item
Message: "Hit for 2 damage"
take over player event

Page 4
Condition: 0 enemy hp points
Message: "Player wins"

Page 5
Condition: 0 player hp points
Message: "Enemy Wins"

Enemy Event

Page 1
Activate: Touch
Message: "Player attacks"
probability 80%
-80%: probability 90%
--90%: Message: "Player hits for 1 damage"
--- Minus one enemy hp item
---Probability 80%
-----Switch 2 on
-----Take over enemy event page 4
--10%: Message: "Critical hit for 3 damage"
--- Minus three enemy hp item
-20% Message: "Miss"
Take over Enemy Event Page 3

Page 2
graphic of lightning hitting this event with sound effects
Minus 2 enemy hp item
Message: "Hit for 2 damage"

Page 3
Conditions: has at least one enemy move item
Probability: 70% 30%
--Move one space away from player (been a while so I don't know if I can code this >_>)
--Minus one enemy movement item
--Take over enemy event page 3 (this page)
--Take over enemy event page 5

Page 4
Conditions: Switch 2 on
Message: "Enemy Counter Attacks"
Probability 3-way 80%, 10%, 10%
-80%: Message: "Hit for 1 damage"
--Minus 1 player hp item
-10%: Message: "Critical hit for 3 damage"
--Minus 3 player hp item
-10%: Message: "Miss"
Switch 2 off
Take over enemy event page 3

Page 5
Message: Enemy, "Lightning!"
Take over Player Event page


PostPosted: January 28th, 2009, 1:03 pm 
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Rainbow Crash
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I think that a strategy game is possible on RM1, but more like a puzzle game, where you have to keep playing in order to find the "correct" path through the round.


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