1. By normal do you mean statistically probable, like the "normal distribution" or socially acceptable, like "not abnormal"? Either way, do you really care and if so why?
2. Wrong by who's definition and where do those definitions come from: (your parents, your church, your society)? Either way, do you really care and if so is it due to a bias?
3. Designed? By who?
4. Legitimacy (by common definition) means that which is in accordance with something (traditionally law). We have to know in accordance with WHAT before we can answer that question: Possible basis are (law, a specific religion, individual preference, social norms, human reason, circuit logic, etc.) For example, it would be more legitimate to hold opinions to spite others if the basis we are referring to is your indirect sense of fun, ego, or control, it may be less legitimate with respect to your initial reaction or what others want you to hold (all of this or vice-versa). You may need to elaborate. You seem to be looking for some universal standard.
5. In an of itself, conforming to your parents wishes seems to be respecting them. If they also told you to think for yourself or do what you need to do to makes yourself happy, you may also be SIMULTANEOUSLY not respecting them as you are also not conforming with their conflicting wishes. Now were they respecting you when they raised you (probably not as much as you'd think as you were a kid and how much feedback could you give) so they were likely respecting their parents and society (and their biological motivations) which motivated them to raise you the way they did as an ideal object, not as a real object.
6. I maintain that the concept of ‘wrong’ is relative to a bias. It is negative or detrimental activity in a system with respect to what is MAINTAINED to be normal or positive. Everyone is biased. Even the most unbiased individual is still biased somehow OR they are not functioning at all (they still be biased as physical matter occupying space and minutely being affected and having an affect on their surrounding environment).
If you inherited other people’s bias, I would say that you are normal by all ‘normal’ definitions of the word. They question I would ask is are you happy with what has been uploaded into your system, is it useful, compatible with your hardware, and do you find other programming or training more appealing?
7. I would definitely believe so.
It appears that no one can ever no for certain (absent the ability to transcend time and space) what someone would be like under different nature vs. nurture circumstances.
I speculate and maintain that you are limited by your biological hardware (nature) and your cultural software (nurture) but all of these limitations are present day functions of your personal history which means that it is really the combination of nature and nurture working together and against each other in counterpoint to make you’re the INDIVIDUAL you are today.
Some of your individual desires to conform or rebel are fundamentally due to biological motivations (evolutionary pressures to successfully be social and survive) and cultural motivations (evolutionary pressure to maintain or not significantly question function independent from more immediate levels of training or programming).
EDIT: In other words, rebellion is a strong biological theme, so like all other actions, you are probably rebelling by listening to your nature primarily, but rebellion has also be output as a romantic result, and thus, you have probably been condition to think of rebellion as a good thing too by religion, literature, Star Wars, are you American (?), then even history.
_________________ Modal Realms "a proper designation of universal existence"