I know I've been saying that "Bonanza is going to go on a diet," but the problem is that when I begin it, it never tends to work out, I give up completely, and I start reverting back to my old, unhealthy eating habits. I had a revelation just over six weeks ago when I was at Westover, eating yet another unhealthy, "but it tastes so good to me" meal. I was eating with two friends, and then the subject of my weight came up. I usually tend not to beat around the bush on the issue, so I told them what my estimated weight was (480) and that grew looks of concern from both of my friends. They said I didn't look it, but still, they told me that I needed to get on the ball and lose weight before my time here on Earth dwindles earlier than expected. It was very sound advice, the same that my mom had given me, but I'll admit, I've been avoiding these types of suggestions and advice because, well, it's all a form of nagging to me, and I simply detest it, even if the intentions are good.
So, a few days or so later, I get in contact with my former RA, Kevin, and he asked me if I wanted to start a diet right then and there. I told him I wouldn't mind try it, but I warned him that I wasn't very dependable when it came to trying to diet and exercise, noting that various people have tried to help me during my college years, but gave up because I gave up on myself and couldn't resist my old temptations. He said that was okay, but he still wanted to try and help me. It took a few weeks, but he managed to get confirmation from my doctor to train me and help me diet.
Before he had gotten the confirmation, however, I began dieting on a Tuesday in late March, and I remember that the lunch I had made me feel absolutely horrible mentally: spinach with mushrooms, cream of broccoli soup, and water. My body went into this unhealthy food withdrawal, and I could feel it immediately. I mean, I felt satisfied appetite-wise, but the food I ate didn't satisfy me mentally and emotionally. Thus, for the next six weeks, I trained in the gym, feeling my muscles ache after not using them in so long, walking around the track a few days a week, and cutting out the foods I loved best while friends around me gorged on pizza, brownies, ice cream, and any other unhealthy food I could name. It wasn't just my RA who was helping watch what I eat; various friends of mine kept a close eye on me to make sure I didn't cheat, and for the most part, I've been successful. I gave up drinking Gatorade as a part of my diet as well, and frankly, I do not miss it.
So, now that you've heard this little story, I guess I should give you guys some updates on how I'm doing. My pants, even with the belt in its last knotch, feel incredibly loose, and I have to pull them up constantly, which means I will have to go down a pant-size. My shirts have also stopped feeling snug on me, and have finally loosened up. My friends have noticed a drastic change in my figure, and have said that I have gotten smaller all around.
When I did my first measurements, which I believe was done 5 weeks ago, I was measured in my waist (68 inches) and tricep (do not recall); I did a weigh-in two weeks ago, and it said my weight was 465, 15 pounds off of my estimated weight. I did another weigh-in two days ago, along with new measurements of my waist and tricep. I now weight 458, I've lost 1.5 inches off of my waist, and I've lost 2 inches off of my tricep. The main challenge right now, since I'm graduating this Saturday, is to keep this diet going into the summer time, and after summertime as well. I've never really stuck to a diet this long before, but like Kevin said, it's all mental. I guess I've finally come to a point in my life where I feel I need to get active or else I'll reach weights unimaginable to man.
I just got back from a 2-mile walk 15 minutes ago, and I'm not the least bit tired. I've also been playing basketball to help with my cardio and endurance. Yeah, just have to keep going, people. Thank you for listening to my story.
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