Warning: The following thread contains alcohol references. If you're under legal drinking age, please don't do anything I'll say below. Seriously.
The Death Game
To stay awake as long as possible throughout the game, not throwing up if applicable. Finishing the whole deck of cards is also a good objective.
Number of Players:
From two to anything.
Though I would not, definitely, recommend that you play with less than 4 or 5. I mean, you can try, but please use half deck or something. You'd need to be really manly to manage one whole deck with 2 or 3 people.
What You Need to Play:
With 2-5 players: One regular deck of cards, no joker
With more players: Two or more regular decks of cards, no joker
For an easy game: Lots and lots and lots of beer
For a standard game: Lots of vodka
For a ridiculously hard game: Lots of water
Preferably a table, with the players sitting in a circle around it
How it's Played:
Choose a 'wise' (CW or CCW). Choose a starting player. This starting player draws a card from the deck, and shows it to the others. Depending on what's on the card, he or the other players must do something. After that something is done, the next player (depending on what 'wise' you chose) draws a card, and does the card's action. Rinse and repeat, until the deck is finished or no one can take it anymore.
Most of this game revolves around the action of 'drinking'. What you'll be drinking is up to you. I've played it in 3 different ways:
Every time you need to 'drink', you drink a small glass of beer. That's the lightest version of the game.
Every time you need to 'drink', you drink a shot of vodka. That's the usual version of the game. It's mighty fun.
Every time you need yo 'drink', you drink a whole glass of water. Please, don't play the game like this. It's terrible. It's torturous. No... don't even think about it. Go with the vodka.
The Cards:
Each card represents an action. Below are all the cards and their actions:
Choose one player to drink once.
Choose one player to drink twice, or two players to drink once.
"The 3-Pip"
This is a little minigame. The player who drew the 3 speaks the number 'one' aloud. The next player (CW or CCW, whatever) speaks 'two'. And so it continues. Here's the catch: you cannot say numbers that are either a multiple of 3 or end in 3. Instead of those numbers, you say 'pip' or some sort of sound. So, with each player saying a number, here's how it should sound:
1, 2, pip, 4, 5, pip, 7, 8, pip, 10, 11, pip, pip, 14, pip...
The first player to miss and say the wrong thing, drinks.
This is also jolly fun when everyone's drunk.
The player who drew the 4 makes up a rule for the game.
It can really be anything, but I assure you that the most fun rules are things like 'whoever says "you", drinks' or 'whoever says "drink", drinks'. You can imagine how those go.
The player who drew this card keeps it. He may at anytime discard the card and go to the bathroom.
You're not allowed to go to the bathroom without this card.
The player who drew this card keeps it. He may, at anytime, put his hand on his forehead. Upon seeing this, all other players must also put their hands on their own foreheads as fast as possible. The last player to do this, drinks. The 6 is then discarded.
"The 7-pip"
Just like the 3-pip, but with multiples of 7 or numbers ended in 7.
Pick a popular song from your culture. Each player will sing a syllable of it, in a circle (CW or CCW, whatever). The first player to get his syllable wrong, drinks.
Example: Old, Mac, Do, Nald, Had, A, Farm, etc.
Also jolly fun with a bunch of drunken retards.
Just like 6, but with the hand on the back of the neck instead of the forehead.
The player to the left of the one who drew this card drinks.
The player to the right of the one who drew this card drinks.
Another minigame. All player close their eyes, except the one who drew this card. This player then makes one gesture out of 3 possible gestures: arms stretched upwards, forwards or sideways. The other players all make one of the three gestures, with their eyes closed.
They then open their eyes, and whoever got the same gesture as the first player, drinks.
The unlucky bastard who drew this card drinks.
Can you take the Death Game, folks? Many brave warriors have fallen because of it... this is the ultimate proof of manliness.
Also, it's mighty fun.