A bleh! Velcome to Duelpro's Sppok-a-thon-monster-mayhem-fest! Enjoy yourself and sink into the deep tub of lame arse cheap short stories.
Knife of The Living Dead!
I've always enjoyed dinner. A pleasant time with my family and reminisce about each other's day. But, during October 1st, something happened that changed my life forever....
It was raining outside, a sense of silence loomed inside my home. The distant faint of the T.V. echoing through the halls. In the Dining room, my family and I were enjoying a nicely cooked Turkey with a scrumptious pumpkin pie for dessert. My wife wasn't always a good cook, but today was special. Today was Halloween; the fright-filled day of horror films, candy, and costumes.
I was always annoyed by kids knocking on my door for candy. I just ignored it though, or posted a sign stating I didn't have any. Either way, as long as I got to eat with my beloved wife, Cheryl.
"Pass the knife, darling." My beautiful wife commanded with a gentle voice. I reached over to the knife without looking. I suddenly felt a sharp pain. When I looked, It seemed I had a scratch on my finger. "Ouch, damn knife." I mumbled. "You need to be more careful." Cheryl suggested.
I got up and went to apply a band-aid from the bathroom. While I washed up, a loud sound of kitchen ware was heard outside of the bathroom. I opened the door, nothing but a dark hallway was introduced to me. My heart was racing a little. The Doorbell rang which made me jump a little. I mumbled angrily. "Must be some more trick-or-treaters." Before I could get to the door, my wife answered it. It was my son, Jacob. He was 13, still a child who is unaware of the complex world around him.
Jacob was crying horribly. His face was pale as he stumbled near me.
"Jacob, what's wrong!?" I yelled. He turned around....a knife; stabbed deeply on his back. "What the hell happened!?" Cheryl yelled as she was comforting Jacob. "Who did this!?" I asked. Jacob replied with a surprising answer. "The knife!". Before I could ask what he was talking about, he fell to the ground, leaving a dark cold stare behind.
He was dead....
"1 year later"
The police couldn't do anything. They didn't have any leads and how could they believe a story like this? I was a tough man though, I got over his death and continued with my life. My wife still couldn't bare the pain.
Once again, Halloween peered it's ugly head into our home. The anniversary of Jacob's death put us on edge. We ate dinner silently, thinking about what might happen next. "Honey..c..could you..pass the knife?" Cheryl asked. I hesitated. Reminding me of the events last year. My hand shook with nervousness. Horrible thoughts filled my head. I looked away for a minute. I looked back at the knife...it was gone. I took a glance at my wife. The knife...was stuck in her head. Blood dripping to the ground. How the hell did this happen!? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?
I grabbed the knife and forced it out. My heart raced at fast pace. I was losing my mind.
1 Year later
Halloween. Back again. The knife was laying there on the table. I stared at it...
for the rest of the night.
The FREAKNIN End. I might write another =3