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PostPosted: February 5th, 2015, 4:00 pm 
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"The worst pokemon."
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I'm livid right now, and I really just need a place to vent.  I know I don't post too often anymore, so it sucks I'm doing so now under such circumstances.  But here we go:

For about the past year, my wife has been seeing doctors about this off-and-on pain she’s had in her arm.  And during that time it’s become progressively worse.  Each doctor she talked to said she should see another doctor, to which would try something (like prescribe a different type of narcotic pain killer) and shuffle her off to the next doctor.  Only recently has a doctor even attempted to diagnose her (today, actually).  Yesterday she talked to a doctor that said to come back in a month for a MRI.  The doctor today said she might have complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS).  This was the first time anyone’s tried to actually diagnose this.

What I absolutely LOVE about this is that this is treatable if dealt with as soon as symptoms show.  And I quote, “Treatment is complicated, involving drugs, physical therapy, psychologic treatments, and neuromodulation and is usually unsatisfactory, especially if begun late.”

“ …is usually unsatisfactory, especially if begun late.”

I cannot express how upset I am about this.  We’ve been jerked around from doctor to doctor for a year.  Each one doing just as much as the last… which has been nothing.  Even now, we are being jerked around.  In a month, she’ll have a MRI.  If it turns out negative, then CRPS will supposedly be the final diagnosis.  If not, it’ll probably just be a continuous chain of being jerked around more for the foreseeable future.

These doctors.  Every last one of them are either lacked the knowledge to identify this or have just been dismissive and apathetic assholes.  And thus, just pass her on to the next doctor.  If it is, in fact, CRPS… these doctors have done the absolute WORST thing to help her, the exact opposite.  Which is nothing.  Lengthening the time before it could be treated properly.  And yet, each one of these worthless people hold their hand out like I owe them something.  Being a doctor is the only job in existence where you are paid in f*cking full to fail at the one mother f*cking thing you are supposed to do.

So here I am a year into medical bills only to be told that my wife might be potentially dealing with life-long chronic pain that could have been helped if treated earlier had ANY of the doctors paid more attention to the problem than the check they’d get from seeing her.  This is the highest grade bullsh*t I’ve ever dealt with.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: February 6th, 2015, 8:42 pm 
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As you already know, I'm pulling for you guys.


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