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PostPosted: June 10th, 2010, 11:26 pm 
Rank 9: Mischievous Thief Rank 9: Mischievous Thief
King of Heroes
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  Level 53

Joined: May 8th, 2005, 1:16 pm

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Fruple got me talked into (or convinced) to play the Sims 3 again. In this new light, I wish to make a little story based off of what the sims are doing, while taking pictures. This has been done at the Pavilion, but I think this could be quite fun. I want to use Mag people, but I'm not sure how many are allowed into a household. So if you want in, post in here and anything you might desire for your sim. I already have fruple and Lantis lined up. The rest is up to posts. I will be taking screenshots in game and then posting them in this topic. I will then create a plot to go along with what's going on, including fake dialogue to make it somewhat intriguing. I will also have another plot going on for a random Sim and what not. I will have one post per story and will update within the posts. So, have at you.


PostPosted: June 10th, 2010, 11:27 pm 
Rank 9: Mischievous Thief Rank 9: Mischievous Thief
King of Heroes
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  Level 53

Joined: May 8th, 2005, 1:16 pm

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Sim Bios - [MS00]

Syn - Syn is the most athletic of the bunch (despite his recent lack of physical activity... you can thank school for that) who is charismatic, flirty with the womens (but not Fruple because she is a teen... that's a no no), a good natured fellow, and quite friendly around new sims. A life long goal of Syn's is to become an International Super Spy, a life long career of sneaking and snooping through other's lives (oh, how he loves this), and snooping through government secrets. What drama will happen in this career should he go for it! His favorite food is steak (yum), he likes Indie music (not really... I just used this because there's no "rock" option), and his favorite color is blue. The sim that anyone could get along with, but probably won't. Look for him to throw some parties or invite people over.

Fruple - Fruple is the second youngest sim, older than only Facts. She is a bookworm, a music freak (virtuoso we'll say in the game), detests children (so any sim with children better watch out for this angry chick), and is couch potato. She is surprisingly skinny for how much she eats and the lack of exercise she does. Since she's still in school, she's still undecided on a life aspiration, so Lantis makes fun of her for this. Often tries to hide from Facts, especially at night when he becomes more... inappropriate. Her favorite food is Spaghetti, she likes indie music, and she loves the color purple. This sim will probably be playing the piano or reading a book when not doing anything for school.

Lantis - Lantis is the oldest Magonian, therefore claiming the nickname "gramps." Was formerly engaged to a woman named Rachael, but left her because her ass wouldn't stay in the kitchen. He is a computer whiz, a couch potato, friendly and easy to talk to, hot-headed, which makes me easily angered and prone to going on rants about anything and everything, and he's a light sleeper. He prefers to sleep alone as anyone else in his bed makes him uncomfortable. His life aspiration is to be a tinkerer, to play with all sorts of equipment and fix things or upgrade his technology. His favorite food is Sushi (ick), he likes Electronica (used here for Video Game music), and his favorite color is blue (guessing). Expect him to be on the couch watching TV or playing games... or sitting in front of his computer when he's not at work.

Facts - Facts is the youngest Magonian in this household, often being referred to as the baby of the bunch. He goes to the same school as Fruple and has the highest grade in the class. He is considered a genius, a couch potato, a perfectionist, and inappropriate. Facts often says the wrong thing at the wrong time, refuses to wear proper attire, and makes other sims uncomfortable, especially Fruple, as she is the only female in the household. He is often caught snooping around Fruple's room by the older Magonians. His current lifetime aspiration is unknown as he is still in school (and the game won't allow me to choose one for teens). Facts' favorite food is Stu Surprise (only he knows the surprise...), he likes indie music (rock), and his favorite color is green. Expect him to be working on homework or telling inappropriate jokes and scaring off Syn's female friends.

Guar - Guar is one of the Magonians in the middle as far as age is concerned. He is an excitable person (gets excited about simple things), a heavy sleeper (good luck trying to wake him up without an alarm), very friendly, good, and a workaholic. Guar has ambitions to become a Dynamic DNA profiler, so he works hard every day to achieve his lifelong goal. Not much is known about Guar because he kinda keeps to himself and the Magonian family had him shipped over from Puerto Rico. He likes Grilled Salmon (I don't even know what the f*ck you like Guar), Latin music (how stereotypical of me to choose this), and he likes the color blue. Don't expect this sim to hangout much. He'll probably be working when they call him in to work extra hours.

Ixzion - Ix is the second oldest Magonian of the bunch, and surprise... HE'S BLACK! Master Ixzion is a computer whiz (mostly web based stuff), a hydrophobic (we know black people are afraid of water... except Apollo Creed), friendly, ambitious, and a workaholic. Ixzion is always working toward making that bread, know wuh I'm sayn'? He wants to become a CEO of a Mega-Corporation... or rather, wants the Mag to become a Mega-Corporation and he wants to rake in the dough as its leader. He likes burgers (no fried chicken option here), Electronica (vg music), and the color aqua (light blue). Expect to see Ixzion working all the time and ignoring other sims. Also, don't expect him to get the pool... EVER.

Insultobot - Insultobot is another Magonian in the mid-range age group. He is another computer whiz, excitable (gets excited over a lot of things... especially technology and beer), friendly, has a good sense of humor, and loves the outdoors. He is the jokester of the group, so he is often seen talking to most of the Magonians, telling jokes. He'll probably also be outside barbecuing. His lifetime goal is to become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder. His knowledge of technology pushes him to cross breeding robots and animals... which is odd yet so awesome at the same time. His favorite food is the hamburger (mmm), he likes indie music (rock), and likes the color blue. Expect to see this sim doing all kinds of things.

Bonanza - Bonanza is the last of the Magonians in the Magonian "family." He is a music person (virtuoso in game), a hydrophobic, just like his cousin Ix, easily impressed by even the smallest thing, can be a bit childish at times, and can be a good person. Considering his love for movies and rap music, his lifetime aspiration is to become a hit movie composer. PROBABLY A RAP OR GANGSTA MOVIE, AMIRITE?! He has a weakness for cheesesteak, likes pop (and rap) music, and his favorite color is aqua (light blue). You'll probably find him rappin', using a drumstick (chicken) as a fake microphone.

Day 1 - [MS01]

Welcome to the neighborhood! This is the Magonian family all out on the front lawn... of their two bedroom and one bathroom house. With eight people in this motley crew, how are they all expected to live and sleep in this little two story house all together? Before we address that, the sims are as follows from left to right: Insultobot, Ixzion, Facts, Fruple, Syn, Lantis, Guar, and Bonanza. So, how will all eight of these Magonians co-exist? Some of the more expensive possessions were sold and cheaper products were bought in their stead. Up in the two bedrooms are 6 beds, 3 beds per room, each with their own alarm clock. the remaining to Magonians, due to money issues, must sleep on the couches downstairs. Tough luck for them right? Let's take a look at this house from the outside.


What a comfy little house this looks like, yes? I highly doubt it's all that easy to live here with 8 people, but it's highly doable. The sims check out their house from the outside, but who wants to just look at the exterior of the house all day? Let's go inside!

"I'm tired of standing here, looking at our purple-ish, wannabe pimp, lookin' house. Let's go inside and check it out," Syn said to the rest of the Magonians. They all agreed and filed into the house one by one behind Syn, the ring leader of this household, it seems. Inside the house was like a negro pimp's hideaway with plenty of purple on the walls.

"Damn! This is my kind of crib!" Ixzion exclaimed as his eyes took in the sight of the interior. The floor was wooden, so the clacking of people's shoes could be heard as all the Magonians tromped through the house, checking everything out. While everyone else was checking out the rest of the house and what it had to offer, Facts decided to plop his lazy ass on the couch and flip the old school TV on and watch something.


Syn popped his head around the corner, wondering what the noise was in the living room. He noticed Facts already indulging himself in laziness.

"God dammit, Facts! I knew you'd be the first one to sit down on the sofa and watch TV. Damn kids," Syn said semi-jokingly. Facts just stared blankly at Syn and shrugged.

"I'm tired from the move over here. I hate long car rides," Facts complained, his fixating back on the television. Syn just shrugged and went back into the kitchen to check out what was in there. Insultobot and Bonanza made their way into the living room and the television caught their eyes. However, their reactions to this display were the complete opposite.


"Oh my God! Are you serious? We really have a tiny TV like this? I can't play video games on this. Where's the big TV?" Insultobot inquired. Bonanza clapped his hands gleefully like a little kid.

"Oh boy! I remember when we had a television like this back in the old days. How classic!" Bonanza purred as he stared lovingly at the old TV. Facts grumbled as Bonanza was blocking his view of the movie on the TV.

"I love having the most up to date technology. This simply won't do! We need to get money together to get a bad ass TV for this house," Insultobot declared. Syn skeetered into the living room after hearing Insult and Bon yammering about the TV.

"Sorry, Insult, but this is all we can afford at the moment. Once we all get jobs, then we will be able to afford a new TV and other new stuff. Just be patient," Syn said. Insultobot grumbled and grudgingly agreed.

After meandering a little more, Guar and Fruple came down from upstairs and were talking a little bit about having to sleep in the same room with two other people. Lantis and Ixzion wheeled out of the kitchen and plopped down on the couch to watch some TV with Facts. Bonanza also took this opportunity to sit down and watch TV, too, while admiring the old school TV. While those four were doing that, Fruple and Insult started chatting with each other about technology and music and burning music onto CDs and whatnot for the car (when they actually get one), and Syn and Guar began yammering about working out and getting in shape by running around the neighborhood or going to the local gym, since there was no room to do it in the house.



After a little bit, the four standing up and talking switched conversational partners. Insult and Guar started telling jokes and humoring each other while Syn began trying to convince Fruple that she needed to workout more and stop being such a lazy ass.


The day slagged on by and the Magonians were watching TV in the living room together, getting interested in the movie. However, at this time, Fruple got tired of watching TV and decided that she wanted to read a book. She squeezed around behind everyone and went over to the bookshelf and began peering through the books to find something to read. She stopped on the second shelf and decided to pull out the book called "The Warlock of Palladia." She took the book and went into the kitchen (where she belongs anyway... AMIRITE?) and sat down and began reading away. While all the men sat (or stood) out in the living room watching the movie.



"Okay guys. I'm going to check our computer and see if I can't find any good job offerings on the internet for us," Syn said to the group. Everyone agreed and Syn walked over to the computer which was located near the kitchen and hopped on the internet, looking for a job. He was hoping to find a career in law enforcement, but no such luck. In fact, he couldn't even find a job for anyone... until a notice caught his eye. He walked back into the living room.

"Hey, Bon! Get on the computer and look at what I left up," Syn called out as he stepped back into the living room. Bon got up and went over to the computer. He plopped down in the computer chair and looked at the job offer on the screen. It was for a position in the music field. It was looking for a fan to do some work for a music group. Bon always liked music, especially his black music (aka rap and hip-hop). Elated, he decided to put in for the job and instantly heard back, saying that he was hired and would start the very next day at §21, working from 3 PM - 9 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.


In the living room, Syn was pacing back and forth, wondering what to do about the "family" funds. After spending a bunch of money on beds, a shower, a TV, and a computer, they were down to only §7. Fruple walked over to Syn after having finished reading her book.


"Hey, Syn. What's up?" she asked, noticing his odd behavior.

"I'm trying to figure out what to do. There were no job offers for anybody on the internet except for Bon. I have him looking at it now to see if he wants to work and make some money. But we're down to just §7. This isn't enough for sh*t. I don't know what to do at the moment, especially when the bills come in in a few days," Syn explained, his voice racing every now and then.

"I'm sure it'll be okay. Everyone will figure it out," Fruple said, trying to help Syn feel better. Syn shrugged.

"I hope so," Syn grumbled. At this moment, Bonanza came rip roaring down the hall with a big grin plastered on his face.

"I got a job! I got a job! Huzzah!" he whooped and hollered.

"About damn time, Bronanza!" Ix shouted from his spot on the couch. Bonanza bowed. Looks like the family would be able to pay for sh*t after all.



Later on during the day, it seemed like EVERYONE was having a bladder problem. Insult was at the toilet, Guar was waiting behind him in the bathroom (talk about privacy, right?), and Bon and Fruple were hanging out outside the bathroom, waiting to unleash the urine built up in there bladders. However, Guar was not a happy camper and forced Insult out of the bathroom before he could get the lizard drained. How pushy those Puerto Rican imports can be, yes? In the meantime, Facts had fixed everyone in the house dinner... however it was only Autumn Salad. It would make do, however, since they didn't know what to cook really and Facts is only a teen. After completing urination, Guar goes into the kitchen and snags a plate to eat some salad, too, and joins Facts at the table.


However, Insult still had not gotten his opportunity to take a piss yet, so shortly after everyone made their rounds in the bathroom, he was heading for the toilet, but could no longer store it in his trouser snake and unleashed his violent piss all over the kitchen floor. Shortly after this occurred, Fruple walks into the kitchen, looks at Insultobot, looks at the floor, then looks at Insultobot again.

"Son, I am disappoint," she said as she shook her head at the older Magonian who just whizzed all over the kitchen floor.


"I couldn't help it! The Puerto Rican demanded that I let him have the toilet first and forced me out. I couldn't make it in time. At least this will help clean the floor?" Insultobot tried to joke. Fruple just stared at him, covered her nose and walked away. Everyone continued on to eat dinner and then proceeded to go to bed. The only people still up were Ixzion and Insult. Ixzion stayed up to clean the dishes (that's Fruple's job!) and then mopped up Insult's piss. Insult felt unclean so he decided to take a shower to get that minty fresh urine smell off his body. After he got out of the shower, he and Ixzion both headed for the couches and fell asleep.

(Insult showering)

(Bon, Lantis, and Fruple sleeping upstairs in one room)

(Guar, Facts, and Syn sleeping)

(Insult and Ix sleeping on the couches)


Day 2 - [MS02]

The night slowly rolled on, but the couches were just not comfortable enough for Ix and Insult to sleep on. Ix rolled off the couch and onto the floor. Insult sat up and stretched and flipped on the TV. Ix was getting kind of hungry, but he wanted to check the internet to see if there was a job posting that he'd be interested in. He sat down in front of the computer and turned it on. He went on and browsed the site, but found nothing he wanted.


"Damn...It..." Ix muttered to himself. "Why can't I find the right job so I can start building the Mag Empire?" He got out of the seat and made a move for the bathroom before heading to the kitchen. Insult hopped on the computer just after Ix got into the bathroom and started looking for a job himself. He found a posting in the science career track and they were looking for a test subject for experiments. Insult couldn't let this opportunity pass... plus he liked being a test subject, if you know what I mean. So, he submitted for the job and instantly got a response saying that he was hired for §44/hr, working from 9 AM to 2:30 PM on Monday through Friday.


"Well, at least I'll be making more money than Bonanza! Hopefully I can get a new TV for the house because I'm tired of that little thing out there," Insult said to himself. He went back to the couch and decided to take another nap so he could rest up a bit more. Guar had just woken up a little before 7 AM and came downstairs with the book "A Magnetic Attraction" in hand. He noticed Insult napping on one couch, so he stayed quiet and plopped down on the other one and began reading his book.


7 AM rolled around and it was time for the kids to wake up and get ready to get to school.


Fruple got out of bed in her blue robe and just headed downstairs to watch some TV while she waited for the school bus. Facts began b*tching about Guar's unmade bed. Facts, being the perfectionist he is, cannot stand his bed to be unmade, and he abhors it when others don't make their beds. After ranting and raving about it (despite Syn still being asleep in the bed next to him), he heads downstairs and sits on the couch while waiting to go to school with Fruple.


It is at this time Ix and Insult decide to go to sleep in real beds, so they bolt upstairs to get some real sleep for a change. Fruple looked over at Facts and his pink bunny slippers. She continued staring blankly at him until he looked over at her.

"What are you looking at?" he asked her.

"What the f*ck are you wearing on your feet?" she asked him.

"Uh... um... these were the only house shoes I could find," Facts answered sheepishly. Fruple shook her head at him.

"What a faeg," was all she could say. Not long after this exchange, the school bus blew its horn, signaling for the kids that it was time to go to school. They quickly ran upstairs, got dressed and then got outside to the bus not long before it took off.


Not long after Facts and Fruple left to go to school, Syn woke up and came downstairs in his PJ pants and began chatting it up with Guar, who was finished with his book. Syn had had a dream about going to a Megadeth concert, and was hoping that he could go, and he decided to bring it up with Guar.


"Man, I had the most awesome dream that I was at Megadeth's Rust In Peace show last night. It was amazing. I've always wanted to hear that album live. Too bad I've never been able to see concert," Syn harped.

"That sounds pretty cool. I haven't been to a concert of any kind myself. It would be awesome to see your favorite band on stage, though," Guar said. Syn nodded in agreement.

"So, did the kids run off to school?" Syn asked, Guar nodded. Syn decided at this time to start looking for a job, as he felt pretty unproductive already not doing anything around here, especially since Bon already had a job. Syn hopped on the computer and looked across the internet for a job and saw a job posting in the law enforcement field. They were looking for a snitch who would go around gathering info and then leaking it to his superiors. This was the perfect way to become an International Super Spy. The job offered §40/hr from 9 AM to 3 PM on Monday through Friday, a perfect schedule for him.


"Alright, now I'm all set to begin working on becoming a spy. I can't wait," Syn said gleefully. Lantis and Insultobot came downstairs and started yacking about computers and video games.


"Dude, I totally want a fully submerged, liquid cooling computer. That would be so badass!" Lantis said. Insult agreed with Lantis.

"Yeah, man. We should definitely work on that together once we can scrounge up the money. It'll be a fun little project," Insult said.

"And man, I want Portal 2 so bad," Lantis whined.

"The cake is a lie!" Insult shouted for no real reason... other than just to say it. Bon finally woke up not much later and came downstairs to fix some breakfast while all the other Magonians were meandering around the house and watching TV. He hrew down some waffles and started cooking, and several minutes later he was finished and set a plate out for people to grab some waffles if they wanted them. Guar, Lantis, Insult, and Bonanza himself all sat down and started gorging on waffles.


The only Magonians not eating with them were Ix, who was sleeping, and Syn who decided he wanted to workout instead. He turned the TV on and started imitating the exercise show on the television.


While Syn was working out, Facts called the house phone. Lantis picked it up and Facts said that he wouldn't be home for a while because he was going over to Bebe Hart's house a little down the road.

"Go do what you want. Why do you think we'll care? I'm not your daddy," Lantis said and hung up immediately after. He sat back down at the table and continued eating his waffles.


Later that day after school, Facts went over to Bebe's house and caused quite a stink by wearing... inappropriate clothes at her house. He was sitting down at the Harts' house wearing his sleeping clothes...



When Fruple got home, she sat down at the kitchen table and started working on her math homework, which she really despised. All those formulas, the equations... the numbers. It was much more than she wanted to understand or could comprehend.


She started gnawing on her eraser as she tried to figure out how to solve these problems. In the bathroom, Syn had some problems of his own. The shower looked disgusting and it was starting to smell rank. He got down on his hands and knees and started scrubbing away at the grime.

In the midst of this, Lantis was sitting on the computer playing Left 4 Dead. He was playing some Versus online. Frustration began to show on his face as his team was getting thrashed by the other team.

"You stupid mother f*cker! That's what happens when we DON'T STICK TOGETHER! Ohmygod!" Lantis ranted angrily.


"AAHBUGHLAHAGDHGAGHJGAGHSGAGSKGAHG!" Lantis roared at the screen as his team failed again as Survivors. In the kitchen Ixzion and Guar were talking to each other about keeping the house clean, especially after the whole Insult peeing on the kitchen floor incident the night before. Ix was saying that they should rotate on who cleans and try to motivate the other Magonians to chip in on the cleaning. Guar agreed as he could not stand a filthy house.


Inside the shower, Syn was scrubbing away relentlessly at the nasty shower, wondering how anybody could've let it get all grimy this fast and not do anything about it. It smelled pretty bad, too.


After cleaning the shower, he went out into the dining area and Fruple had just finished her homework. Not knowing what to say at the exact moment, she just started talking about the weather.

"I hate how hot and muggy it is outside. I wish it were cold out again like it is in Minnesota," she complained.

"What are you talking about? I love this weather. I can't stand when it's all dank and rainy and cold. You got problems, wiener," Syn said. After that, Fruple started ranting about her homework, how much she hated and how she doesn't understand any of it. After ranting a bit and getting even more frustrated, Syn tried cheering her up, and gave her a hug. At this time, Bon's co-worker pulled up to the house to drop him off.


Bon was recently assigned a book to read which would help him work his way up to a promotion within his field. So he decided that he would sit down and start reading. At this point Fruple was going to bed while Insult was JUST waking up. He came downstairs and started talking to Syn about some dream he had.


Facts soon came into the house and sat down at the dining room table and started finishing up his homework, while Guar grabbed some leftover waffles from out of the fridge and recooked them. He sat down with Facts at the table and helped him out a little bit with his homework.


Over on the couch, Bon was still reading his book for work called "Getting Noticed in the Sea of Fans."


Day 3 - [MS03]

Night has fallen again and most of the Magonians were asleep... except Guar. After waking up later than everyone else, he was doomed to be asleep when everyone else was awake, pretty much. He was sitting down at the computer playing some video games until 3:50 AM rolled around and Ixzion came downstairs and sat down on the sofa to watch some television, as the computer was already occupied.


"Man... negroes need to be showing BLACK DYNAMITE on this mothafucka! Not none of this vampire sh*t," Ixzion complained as he switched the movie channel one. He fiddled around with the channels, trying tofind something good on. He decided to just watch paid programming and infomercials. Time rolled on and it was getting close for the other Magonians to wake up, and Guar, being the nice guy he is, decided that since he was already up and 4 people needed to be out the door by 8 AM, he would fix everyone breakfast.


However, the waffles weren't not cooked to perfection and came out burnt, which disheartened Guar. He put his heart and soul into it and failed (f*cking failure). He left the plate out on the table, just in case anyone wanted to eat them. Ixzion smelt waffles and felt like he wanted to scarf some down. Insult and Fruple were now awake and came zombie walking down the stairs. The hint of burnt waffles reached their noses and they were excited... not really. But they were hungry and wanted to eat, so they grabbed a plate and sat down at the table with Ix.


Facts and Syn came down and Syn snatched up a plate of burnt waffles and began scarfing them down because he got up a little late. Facts decided to take a shower over eating because he didn't want to smell horrible AND be awkward around the girls at school. Before everyone knew it, Insult and Syn's carpools had arrived along with the school bus. However... there was a major traffic jam at the dishwasher and time was of the essence. Insult was the first one done washing his stuff and took off for his car. Facts popped out of the shower and realized he needed to hurry or he'd be late. So he hopped out the door and sprinted for the bus, with Fruple not lagging too far behind.



Syn was lagging behind thanks to everyone else and he was none too pleased. He did not want to be late for his first day of work. After getting his dishes cleaned (in the sink), he made a mad dash out of the house and sprinted for the car waiting for him.


Now all the people that were left were Guar, Ix, and Lantis awake. However, Guar was tired and knew it was time for him to get to bed. So, Ix took over the computer and Lantis decided he wanted to make himself some breakfast now. He walked into the kitchen and busted out the waffle making materials.


After Lantis finished cooking and feasting on his waffles, he took a seat on the couch and started watching some TV. What he saw on the screen was not what he wanted to see.

"Ohmygod! NO! f*ck NO! I WILL NOT WATCH TWILIGHT! BLAGHASGHLGADHJGIGAKHJSJG!" He exploded as he quickly changed the channel and decided to watch some dumb kids' show about elves and wizards.


The day rolled on slowly and Bonanza eventually woke up and ate some waffles before he had to go to work in the afternoon. Fruple called before school let out about going to the science facilities to do some study and research for school. So Facts came home, but Fruple immediately went to the science complex. Not long after Facts' return home, Bonanza had to leave.


Facts figured that he would need to sit down and get to work on his homework soon, so he sat down at the dinner table and cracked open his homework book.


Syn and Insult soon arrived home and started chatting outside about their work days.


"Man, nothing was going on today. Not a single problem going on here in Simville. This kinda sucks," Syn complained.

"Well, while your job sucks, I got to try out and do some testing on some internal circuitry for artificial animal limbs. It was pretty bad ass," Insult bragged.

"Sir, I am quite jealous of your job," Syn said enviously. After chatting a little more, they went inside. Insultobot immediately went to the computer and started playing some Portal, while Syn sat down on the couch with Lantis and watched some television. All of a sudden, a conversation about laptops came up.


"I was looking at getting one of the new Macbook Pros, since having a laptop would be nice. It'd be portable and--" Syn said before being cut off.

"Dude, how does Steve Jobs' dick taste? Why the f*ck would you want a Mac when you can get a fully customizable PC? You can get all kinds of parts of a custom computer. Can you do that with a Mac? NOOOOOOOO! f*ck Mac. f*ck Steve Jobs. Horrible," Lantis ranted. Syn just glared at Lantis and ended the conversation there.

Over in the kitchen, Guar had woken up and come down to eat some of his leftover burnt waffles from early in the morning. Facts was pouring over his homework and was getting pissed off about it.


"Dammit! Why is this homework so long?" Facts grumbled. He was revered as a genius at school and all of his teachers always gave him more homework to keep him busy... but sometimes they gave hi a little too much. Guar just watched Facts as he worked on his chemistry homework, slowly shoving burnt waffle into his mouth.


Over outside the science facility that Fruple had gone to after school, she decided to sit down on the edge of the fountain and read a book while she waited for a cab to pick her up and take her back to the house. She had seen quite a few interesting things in there and was glad she went.



Meanwhile back at the house, another discussion with Lantis ensued, although this time it was with Ix... about the color blue.


"Dude, normal blue is the better color. Why you gotta like bright blue sh*t?" Lantis antagonized Ix.

"Light blue is a better looking color, you f*cker! It's brighter and more cheery than that depressing dark blue sh*t," Ixzion argued his case. Both kept arguing about the color blue for a little while and eventually decided to give up on it. As the hours rolled on, Fruple finally made it home and decided she needed to get on her homework before she went to bed. She didn't complete her last assignment at home, so she figured she should this time. She asked Syn if he wanted to help her and he agreed, but only after he showered. So she got started and when he got out of the shower, he came and sat down on the floor with her to help her with her math.


Facts was already pissed about his long assignment and decided to go to bed and finish it in school tomorrow. Bon had returned from work but was too tired to really do anything else and decided to just go upstairs and sleep. Ix and Guar ate some leftover waffles for dinner (the muhfuckas love waffles, yeah?). Ix started scarfing it down and almost choked while trying to eat.


After Syn and Fruple finished up her homework, they went over to eat with Insultobot (waffles of course) and they all started talking about her homework and her school. Then the conversation began to detract to Syn and Insult's days when they were in high school. After talking a bit over late dinner, they decided it was time to go to bed since Syn and Insult needed to be at work, and Fruple had to wake up for school. In the meantime, Guar also got a job within the law enforcement career track as a snitch, and would be working alongside Syn in the early goings.





PostPosted: June 10th, 2010, 11:28 pm 
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This is a place holder for make believe Sims.


PostPosted: June 11th, 2010, 6:55 am 
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make me a sim. I really don't care how you my sim looks, get creative.

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PostPosted: June 11th, 2010, 10:43 am 
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Well, you can count me in! (although I have been mostly away from the mag :( )
I don't desire anything specific, if you include me.

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PostPosted: June 11th, 2010, 11:43 am 
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Put me in. A black man in a white family? Guaranteed hilarity!


PostPosted: June 11th, 2010, 12:37 pm 
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Ok, so now we need two more people to make a full household. We have me, fruple, Lantis, facts, Guar, and Ix so far. Two more peeps.


PostPosted: June 11th, 2010, 12:59 pm 
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You can make me in there. Do with me as you please. Not that that is different from irl.


PostPosted: June 11th, 2010, 1:27 pm 
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Meh, I'm interested.


PostPosted: June 11th, 2010, 1:38 pm 
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Okay. All entrants have been made. We will have a family of 8. I will have no control in the affairs of the Sims. They will act according to their own personalities and needs. So, if your Sim goes gay, it's not my fault. I will create soon.


PostPosted: June 11th, 2010, 4:02 pm 
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ShadowFox1001 wrote:
So, if your Sim goes gay, it's not my fault.


this could become quite the little drama.
Could this be the one to finally fill the void left by the cancellation of Melrose Place?


PostPosted: June 11th, 2010, 4:42 pm 
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Can I be the dude that lives in a dumpster and harasses everybody for spare change?

PostPosted: June 14th, 2010, 10:37 pm 
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Updated post 2 with Sim Bios. Simple stuff, nothing extravagant. Mostly just stuff about the traits of the sims and whatnot. Will be playing the game to get some plot/story material... with pictures.


PostPosted: June 15th, 2010, 9:34 am 
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"The worst pokemon."
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I can not believe you are going to suffer this "game" for this. I wish you luck... you'll need it.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: June 15th, 2010, 10:14 am 
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Heh, you actually captured me perfectly.

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PostPosted: June 15th, 2010, 4:18 pm 
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Yeah, I feel pretty good about all our bios. Good work


PostPosted: June 15th, 2010, 7:10 pm 
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Post 2 updated. Check it out.


PostPosted: June 15th, 2010, 7:54 pm 
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I has a job. I rule! :D


PostPosted: June 15th, 2010, 7:54 pm 
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"The worst pokemon."
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Rather humorous, good sir. I like how Insult decided to piss on the floor instead of taking it outside or something.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: June 15th, 2010, 11:23 pm 
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This is pretty awesome. And why the hell did I have to clean up Insulto's piss?

And FYI, I'm a great swimmer. :p


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