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PostPosted: July 4th, 2015, 8:23 pm 
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"The worst pokemon."
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Tonight for Mag Movie Night, we ended up watching an OVA that had a the character who's namesake is my username. And for the most part, I know why a good few people have the user name they do on this site. That said, I thought it would be interesting to create a thread for people to explain the origins of their online name.

Back before I was ever really on the internet, there was no real reason to have an online alias. The most I would do would be to look up walkthroughs to games, print them out, and be on my way. It wasn't long before boards and forums started popping up on the internet... which requires an alias of some sort.

During this time, SK and I would hang out a good deal. So we were talking about what user names to use online. So he decided that we should go by two of the more important characters from his favorite anime series, Magic Knights Rayearth. He was going to be EagleVision and I would be Lantis. Me? I'm not that big of a fan of the series, but I'm also hugely indecisive and really wasn't creative enough to come up with my own. So Lantis it was. By this point, I really consider the name my own and no longer really tied to the character to the anime. Specially now since I really don't like Magic Knight Rayearth. Honestly, I think I'd rather it be associated with the Japanese music label than the character.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: July 4th, 2015, 11:14 pm 
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"Lantis" is also the real name of the final boss of Star Ocean 2. ... Ocean_2%29


PostPosted: July 4th, 2015, 11:26 pm 
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King of Heroes
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Back when I would watch Toonami, they aired a show called Zoids (this particular one is Zoids: New Century). One of the zoids was known as the Shadow Fox and it was a lightning fast and stealthy zoid that also shared a move with the main zoid of the series, the Liger Zero. I had used previous Liger Zero modes (Jager and Panzer), but I was never as fond of them as user names even though I liked them in the anime. The Shadow Fox stuck with me.

I originally used 0999 as my numbers because it was a battle mode number they used. 0999 was typically used by the main enemy group, which was pretty much a "no rules" type of battle. I started using 1001 later on because 0999 was taken several times and 1001 is also another battle number, but it was used in the large tournament near the end.


PostPosted: July 5th, 2015, 12:50 am 
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When I registed at GameFAQs, I just used my real life nickname, but instead of writing it PJ, I ended up using P Jay because the former was too short. Eventually, I made another account with a name I thought (and still think) is much cooler, which is Guarionex.

The Caribbean used to be inhabited by a tribe called Taino, before the Spaniard found these islands. Guarionex was the name of one of the Taino Chiefs (Called Caciques). Some of the Taino words and names survived them, and there are people that are actually named like that here in Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic, although is a very uncommon name.

I always liked that name and it's one I started using for most forums and video games. Sadly, since there ARE people named like it, I can't always use it when I can't repeat names (like most MMOs), so I started using Aster (or Aster Guarionex for MMOs)

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PostPosted: July 5th, 2015, 1:02 am 
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I'm interested in Ancient Egyptian history, culture, language, and literature.

Thutmose translates as "son of Thoth;" Thoth being the Egyptian god of knowledge and the patron god of scribes.

My avatar is a statue of Thutmose III, who was actually a famed warrior king, so not quite in line with the spirit of his namesake.


Thutmose's Workshop: Making Things for RPG Maker
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PostPosted: July 5th, 2015, 5:25 pm 
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a.k.a. Gunman/Punarm Dyne
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Mine goes back to when I created my first website in the mid-90s. Final Fantasy VII was of course super popular and had a ton of sites dedicated to it. Since most sites were dedicated to Cid or Red XIII, I went with the underdog approach and focused on Barret and the original Avalanche. But since "Dyne" alone was too short of a name for most sites, I added the "Gunarm" in front to meet those requirements.

That site still exists, btw.


PostPosted: July 6th, 2015, 10:37 pm 
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Spotted Skunk/Dragon
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Mine is of less direct Final Fantasy origin. It was either 2001 or 2002. I was somewhat obsessed with dragons at the time, and so while going through another runthrough of Final Fantasy 9, I decided to rename the main character "Dragon". But in my head, I pronounced the name with a fancy accent: "dray-gone". It didn't take me long to use the name for myself. Realizing that people wouldn't know how to pronounce the name if I spelled it "Dragon", I decided to spell it as it sounded.

But wait! There's more! Though I don't use it here, my full online alias is Draygone Llewellyn Fuzzbottom, Jr.. "Llewellyn" was one of the available last names that Second Life provided me, back when SL required everyone chose a last name. I chose it because it was the family name of dragons in a webcomic I read (Ozy and Millie). "Fuzzbottom" is a reference to my furry tail (points to avatar). And before I was raccoonish, I had a dragon character, also named "Draygone". Now I'm a raccoon-dragon, having inherited traits from my original character. And so it's been decided in roleplay that my original character be my dad, making me "Jr.".

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: July 7th, 2015, 1:21 am 
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I can't remember.

PostPosted: July 21st, 2015, 3:45 pm 
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Call me Bon
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In 1999, I made a crappy comic strip with one of the central characters named "Mike Bonanza."

I just loved the word, and I kept using it since then.

I was aware there was a western called Bonanza, but I haven't seen a single full episode of it.


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